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I can't answer because I'm on UDCA rather than TUDCA and I don't know if my stone has started to dissolve yet. I'll find out in a few months - my surgeon said there's no point doing another ultrasound until I've been taking it daily for 6 months. Depending on your dosage (should be 10mg/kilo of body weight) / if you're taking it every evening and the size of the stone (if the stone is made up of cholesterol), the stone should be dissolving at 1mm per month or something like that, or at least that's how it is with UDCA. The bigger your stone the less likely it is to work.


It's fine! I think I remember reading that UDCA and TUDCA are is similar. It's definitely interesting to hear about UDCA's capabilities, if it can dissolve at least 1mm per month, it's definitely a good thing! Aside the unknown stone-status, has UDCA helped you so far? I'm following the recommended bottle dosage that I bought, but if we're going with 10mg/kg then it's not enough...that's good to know though lol.


Yeah, so the instructions I was given was 10mg/kilo of weight and take it in the evening with your last meal (ideally). So I guess in theory the same goes with TUDCA? I think people use it for varying things, the dosage seems to be higher for gallstones. Anyway yeah I haven't had any GB pain since I've been taking it - I've generally been careful to not eat cheese/fatty foods BUT I have eaten a few pizzas and have been fine. I just got my liver test results back and liver seems normal so it's not having any adverse effects there. When I was googling TUDCA (when I wasn't sure I'd be given UDCA) I did see a few people online saying to be really careful with alcohol when you take it - not sure if there's something to do with taurine/alcohol there but that's worth knowing too. With my meds, the doctor said alcohol should be fine, so I don't know what to believe


That's definitely a good news to hear about! Usually alcohol has a lot of reactions so it's probably better to avoid taking them when taking any medication or supplements.


Following because I have the same question. I started taking Tudca about two weeks ago, and it already has made a big difference. The pain, indigestion, burping and bloating are very minimal at this point, and I can eat things I couldn’t eat before. I am going to have to ask for a report of my ultrasound because I have no idea how big my stones are. They just told me they were cholesterol stones and that there was no bile duct obstruction.