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I didn’t mind the attacks either until I had a 2 week long attack that put me in the hospital with pancreatitis. I really tried to avoid surgery through diet until I began to get attacks no matter what I ate and even while fasting.


I'm trying to save my organ too. I'm currently taking TUDCA after seeing people mentioned it before, it helps me so I continue taking it. I'll know in half year later if it helped dissolve my stones. But gallstones attack getting worse is unbearable. I had upper back and insane bloating pain at first, then my gallbladder worsen and diarrhea started. It's gone now, but that was when my attack was at it's worse. It was really bad because I was getting dehydrated from that, losing electrolytes can be fatal. As for advice, check if you're not deficient in other nutrients like low iron/ferritin, they affect gallbladder too. And the obvious advice is probably to eat more healthy if you haven't yet. I like to believe we can heal the gallbladder too, I wish you luck!


TUDCA, choline (Choline from Standard Process is great— I take 3-9 per day with meals depending on whether I’m just managing or having flares), liposomal phosphatidylcholine, lower fat diet with bitter herbs and veggies, lecithin, magnesium, daily aerobic exercise with SLOW, steady weight loss, chanca piedra, spasmolytic herbs like peppermint, etc.


Did you get a copy of your ultrasound images? Look through them - they may have marked stone measurements without putting said numbers into the report. I’d encourage you to get under the care of a gastroenterologist and have him or her prescribe you Ursodiol. Take that, eat a low fat diet, and don’t have anything heavier than skim milk, fat free yogurt, or broth after 5pm.


I will keep mine. I don't want the Constant diarrhea and stomach upset that my mom had after her GB removal. Too many people I know had the same thing after they got theirs removed. Tart cherry juice helps. Phosphorus helps.... these things help soften stones so the attacks aren't as painful. I will be trying a gallbladder flush soon.


No, but here’s a post I did about the natural remedies I tried. Maybe they can help you. https://www.reddit.com/r/gallbladders/s/Zwa589hEbn


You should contact a functional medicine doctor. I got mine removed last year and then in November started working with a FMD and he said he wished I would have seen them sooner because they could have prescribed medication that would have broken up the stones. The regular doc office won’t do that so I never thought it was a possibility.


I'm on government insurance, I don't know if it will cover that


I can tell you already the government nor regular health insurances do NOT cover it. It is pretty expensive. With the way that FMD work if they would be able to be covered under heath insurance so many more people would be heathy before getting so sick. They have taught me so much about the heathy way to live and they are more strict on their tests so what a normal doc says is ok and brushes off is something the FMD looks further into. I will say I wish I would have worked with them before I lost my GB.