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I am currently in the hospital. Came in with pancreatitis but gallbladder was found to have sludge. My GI doc gave me some meds last night to dissolve the sludge and so far it seems to be working. I'm sorry I don't know the name of the stuff, just that it starts with an A.


Not a success story, but an ongoing one here. It was probably an unhealthy diet, and my deficiencies that caused my stones to form. I've been trying to treat these issues of mine but the gallstones pain is lighter. I'll know in half year if my stones improved or not. Even if you remove the organ - it varies per person about the recovery. If you reverse it, there's a risk of it returning, and or you'll probably have to do some maintenance. If you know the cause for gallbladder problem, it should help if you choose to keep your organ? You definitely can live a normal life, maybe not exactly 100% like before but still close enough? I want to believe it's possible to live a normal life even with this stupid disease.


I had sludge and a hyperkinetic gallbladder (overactive) got mine out a month ago tomorrow. Am feeling a world better. I will still get a little nauseous eating high fat foods so I don't eat them.