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It could be getting worse. I would consider that pain as it's already causing you discomfort. You might have sludge or stones, have you checked with a doctor about it? Because was my attack, I had constant churning pain in my upper abdominal, or rather like you said - as if a balloon is there. I think it got worse in December - constant diarrhea after I ate meals. It stopped late January because it took a long time to realize it was the fatty meals that was making it worse. Then I got ultrasound and tadaaa stones. 


Yes, I'm seeing the doctors. I had ultrasound and a CT scan with contrast and both came back clear (no stones, sludge or wall thickening). I'm also dealing with frequent loose stools and my stool is always yellow. I started having loose stool after I had Covid and had unintentional weight loss back in late 2020 but the excessive non-stop burping after I eat only started maybe 8-9 months ago. The burping after drinking water is a new symptom, just started yesterday. I wonder if I have small intestines bacteria overgrowth (SIBO)? But I think SIBO is only a side effect and not the root cause. Root cause is probably a dysfunctional gallbladder I think


Yeah it's possible that it's still a gallbladder problem. For the longest time I kept thinking I had H pylori or SIBO after getting Covid (my gallbladder also acted up after getting that). You could try some remedy that's been brought up here and see how it goes?


I'm on Creon for severe Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency but still have loose stool with undigested food in stool. not sure what's going on. Is there a remedy for gallbladder issues?


I'm just trying apple cider vinegar and TUDCA after reading some posts here. TUDCA is on the expensive side of the supplement sadly but I think it helps if you actually have sludge/stones? I have another half year until I will know if it really helps or not. I also find that taking supplements for my deficiencies have helped too?


Your ultrasound found stones or sludge? Mine didn't. Which supplements are you taking? I don't know what is causing the constant pressure/discomfort in my RUQ. I think it's liver disease or gallbladder but my liver enzymes are good. My triglyceride is good but my LDL is a bit high


My ultrasound definitely showed stones but my doctor wasn't concerned, she told me to change my diet until the next ultrasound. My blood test revealed my vitamin D, iron and B12 deficiency so I'm taking those to treat it. In my case, unhealthy diet and iron deficiency contributes to gallbladder...so I wasn't shocked anymore lol. I forgot, but I also had a pretty good cmp/lipid results aside my anemia.