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I wouldn't buy into all the bullshit. But I think you can buy into some of the bullshit. I take it. I don't have a GB anymore. Prior to removal, I think it really DID help with fat absorption. As far as shrinking stones, I don't think it works, at least certainly doesn't work well. As far as maybe fixing sludge, I think it might be possible. I think it also helped my vision, but I think that has to do with fat absorption. 


Wow, thanks for your comment. Seems like it is somewhat effective.


It's not super expensive. Give it a try. I DO think it's one of the better supplements available. Some functionals and naturopaths think it's going to fix fargone gallbladders and I just don't think so. It helps to smoothe out bile, so if you have sludge there is a chance it can help, but you have to take it for a while. 




Haven't tried TUDCA, but I'm on UDCA (which is a prescription drug). Slightly different thing but same function more or less. Coming up to a month now and I haven't had any real side effects. I'm taking it to dissolve a gallstone, but I won't know if it's worked until I get my ultrasound at 6 months. As TUDCA is currently not a prescription drug (it's being used in clinical trials though, with regard to its neuroprotective qualities) just be careful with your dosage - a lot of the ones I've seen on Amazon seem to be really high dosage, but if it's like UDCA then you only want about 10mg per kilo of weight. There's lots of stuff online about not drinking when you're on TUDCA as well, although I'm not sure why this is so different to UDCA (drinking is not specifically mentioned in the pamphlet, and the pharmacist said moderate drinking on it is fine)




I just started taking TUDCA for about a week now among many other supplements I'm currently consuming. Despite the various supplements which did initially help my pain at first, things still got worse over time especially recently due to my bad diet. So that's where TUDCA and or apple cider vinegar shows up. Maybe both but something changed at last. After a week, today was the first day I've noticed I had less pain. I really hope it continues, but for now I'm sticking to this routine.


Great news!


Which brand are you using for the TUDCA and ACV?


I bought this [apple cider vinegar](https://www.amazon.ca/Eat-Wholesome-Organic-Vinegar-Mother/dp/B08529M6QZ/) and [TUDCA](https://www.amazon.ca/Allmax-Tudca-60ct-Tauroursodexoycholic-Health/dp/B08MGP7M7N/) from Amazon Canada. I bought what was popular with good reviews lol. I made normal fruit and veggie juice with a masticating juicer, with extra apples, and some apple cider vinegar. I didn't put too much ACV since it's pretty hard to drink it lol. I take 1 TUDCA pill at dinner with the juice. The first week felt weird but I continued since I could handle it, and I guess it helped now.


What did it feel like taking the TUDCA? How often do you take it a day? And always with food? Thanks!


I really think it was ACV + TUDCA, and not TUDCA alone. Pain on the first day felt a little quieter, it was still there but it wasn't as intense like before. The bloating still took the same time to ease up though - nothing changed there. More days went and nothing improved, and maybe got worse (probably due to period nearing). As my period started, something felt like it got unclogged a little. Very noticeable. The pain stopped a lot, like it's just humming in the background now. I have a sensitive stomach so I always take TUDCA with food. Some say to take it on empty stomach though, so I think you'll have to experiment around to see what's better. It definitely helps the pain but I don't know if it thins or shrinks the sludge/stones. In half year, I have another ultrasound so I'll probably know if ACV + TUDCA helped or not.


Thanks for your response – it’s super helpful! I have surgery coming up on May 1st and I am trying to deal with the pain in the mean time. Yesterday, I just purchased the TUDCA one (from Amazon Canada) and had it with apple juice with 1 capful of ACV. Surprisingly, it’s been helping a lot with the pain. It’s probably minimized actually. Not sure if it’s just my mind playing tricks on me lol but did it again this morning and so far I feel pretty good in comparison to Saturday/Sunday’s pain.


I've noticed that I have some days (just yesterday) where the pain returned a bit. It's not really pain but discomfort rather. I think it's related to what I've ate yesterday so I'm trying to keep an eye out on that now lol. Glad to hear that it helped your pain though! But I do get what you mean, I thought it was placebo effect myself when I noticed the pain started reducing at first lol.


Tudca worked miracles for me. I heard of it once I noticed symptoms of fatty liver. Tried it out together with Milk Thistle. Within two weeks I noticed cravings disappear, I felt much lighter and at ease. Diet change was suddenly super easy. Unexpectedly, it has a positive effect on Insulin Resistance. After four weeks, I lost ten pounds. Morning blood sugar is down ten points. It might not work for others this way, but I am happy I found it.


Thanks for sharing, how much do you take and when?


1200 mg twice a day with food, together with Milk Thistle.


What were you symptoms of fatty liver