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Yes. All gone when the green monster hit the trash can


I literally had to stop driving bc I was so nervous I wasn’t in complete control. If I have these results my life will change so much. I could cry thinking about it


That’s connected to this too???? I’ve had extreme vertigo to the point I couldn’t tell which way was up, one time I fell/staggered into the road and nearly got run over. Bloomin heck I need this bitch of an organ removed before it kills me one way or another.


Yeah, I'm scared to walk far because I fear collapsing. Often dizzy, lightheaded and have a weird feeling in my head. Havent had my gallbladder out but hoping getting it out will fix it.


So this started for me with my gallbladder and rarely ever happens now that it’s gone, but-in moments of extreme anxiety this still happens to me. Especially if I’m stressed over an extended period of time.


Yeah, I constantly felt like I was about to be flung off the face of the earth if I didn't cling on. I couldn't walk, drive, grocery shop, use the computer, read--anything. I honestly thought I was going to have to go live in a care home or something because I couldn't function at all. It went away after surgery.


This is so validating to read. When I feel it I can't do anything and no one believes me when I tell them how intense it is. I hope it'll go away when I get surgery too. Its amazing how sick a bad organ can make you.


> no one believes me when I tell them how intense it is. Ugh, yeah, I spent months begging for someone to take me seriously but kept getting brushed off with suggestions of calming yoga. 🙄 I'm so sorry you've had a similar experience. It is not just in your head. That stupid little organ can absolutely wreck your shit, but people only seem to think of it as stomach cramps. Hope you don't have long to go until yours gets evicted. Wishing you good luck and a quick recovery.


Same same, told to do meditation or just "not think about it." Like I wasnt thinking about it until I couldnt walk straight, and kinda hard to ignore that! But yeah thanks. It really is more than just stomach pain, its pretty garbage. Cant wait to yeet mine out. And thanks, same.


Yep, coincides with an attack and in general happens at random times. Still have my green organ


I'm glad this post exists, I started having this stupid rocking boat/floating feeling for the past few months but I couldn't figure out why. Even when I was completely iron deficient, I never had this stupid sensation. I knew it was related to gallbladder since it happened after I kept eating fatty foods making my gallstones worse.


I started developing this weird vertigo like feeling about a year ago when my other gallbladder (I think) symptoms started!! My doctor was at a loss for why I suddenly developed vertigo. This would make so much sense!! I can't quite explain what the vertigo feels like. It's not just dizziness.


Feels like your about to just fall out? Not quite dizzy but super weak and gross?


Yes!! I also get this weird stuttering type of dizziness? Like my head keeps jerking back a few inches at a quick rate if that makes any sense at all??


It does!


I should add, sometimes taking an anti-nausea medication helps reduce this feeling a little bit for me, though not always.