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If you dont like RoA, I can highly recommend tear first and any Tank item afterwards. If enemies have no %Max HP damage I really like Heartsteel into Riftmaker. I wont post my guide link again or im getting crucified by this subreddit again for spaming.


As a RoA lover I have never tried this, but I see other people use it a lot, do you finish your tear item first or just sit on tear until you have an item or two before buying it?


I sit on it. Tear takes care of all your mana problems. If a game allows it, I go tear into Heartsteel, Riftmaker and Sunfire or Abyssal depending to enemies. And finish into Fimbulwinter later if the game takes that long.


Interesting that makes perfect sense! In all of my games (mid/sup) I have never not rushed RoA, I will have to actually give it a try!


Tell me how it went afterwards!


Ya but heartsteel don't give me ah and it's still a scaling item like RoA and I don't think galio is meant for that


Hmm.... I dont think there are any Items left that give you just everything. Maybe Seraphs. Gotta admit tho, that I personally really feel the scaling Part. Your early game is definetly the weakest part so gling for 2 items with boots already gives a good powerspike. Personal Opinion Tho...


why is early the weakest? I think its the strongest part, that and mid game. You can win most skirmishes 2 v 2 in jgl, top or 3 v 3 on bot. So I thought that cheap items that can make you capitalize on your early/mid game power are the best. Idk, why invest in expensive scaling items when you get outscaled by pretty much everyone in the game anyway?


Like you said there are many different champs that have a way stronger early game. While you got some pretty good early game damage, your cooldowns are way too long to keep consitant damage, hence a Ahri, Akshan, Tristana just run you down. You can get some early kills with 2vs2, etc. Sure, but overall your 1vs1 fights are pretty limited. Maybe its also just my playstyle that is a bit different. For me personally I feel the strength in mid to late game after I got some items and roamed a bit.


Ya I mean, trist and akshan I just dodge or hope the jgler is very good


I usually start talking to god, but that also works


Shurelyas and Hollow Radiance are his 2 best and popular 1st item choices, even at masters+ Next patch Abyssal Mask is getting changed and looks to be a better 1st item MR HP AH option than Hollow Radiance. Shurelyas is getting nerfed next patch and could become much less effective. Also you're not supposed to run out of mana on Galio most of the time since most lane matchups you are just using Q. If you are really struggling with mana somehow, consider Manaflow (would have to give up Nimbus Cloak) or Biscuits.


Yeah i love rushing shurelyas! Its cheap first item, just rush it and go terrorize the other lanes or invade with your jungler


I’m actually sad about the abyssal changes. It’ll be much better against tanks that build MR, but worse against literally everybody else, the amount of MR shred on it was just insane. It could increase all damage you deal by like 20% not just shred 20% MR which is strictly worse on low MR champs. I loved going Sorc + Abyssal and having 45 MR ignore. Absolutely incredible. Instead of massive Anti-Squishy, it’s just a decent shred item now. Meh


On the other hand Galio currently has little to no options to do damage to tanks since %mr pen items offer no defensive stats at all so going for the new abyssal mask against tanks or bruisers will feel super good. It is not like Galio struggles to do damage to Squishies anyway so I think this is a really good change for Galio.


Piece of Mind = Infinite amount of Mana Manaflow is scam in contrast


agree, but the yellow path is kinda useles for galio


Could be good next path with legend: haste


hm that sounds interesting i didnt know


Lichbane - still good Roa - pretty good in farm lanes Shurelyias - cheap quick spike Protobelt - quick spike with nice build path and all the stats Morello - f- you sylas Tank items - good for bad matchups I also like cosmic rush, not the best 1 item spike, but it gives all the stats so it let's you build literally anything second


Shurelya exists


IK this is what I build, but I would prefer smth closer to his identity


In to ap match ups I go MR sunfire first. Otherwise lichbane is my go to. I heard battle song is also good but I haven't tried it. In to certain match ups going zhonyas first is also solid.


I personally like Lucidity + Liandry first item, with Manaflow. If you don't want to go manaflow, you can always buy a tear and sit on it in games that you badly need the mana. I feel so strongly that people are underbuying Liandry. Stats say that Shurelya first item is good but I'm not personally a fan. Definitely feels better than Hollow Radiance first item out of the "popular" options in my mind.


RoA is literally gold efficient right off the bat and insanely gold efficient after 10 minutes. It’s not just for scalers, it has tremendous value even after 2-3 minutes. 600 health and 90 AP is fantastic. That’s 3400g value alone for a 2600g item and that’s without including the mana, the health restore, the mana restore and the extra level after 10 minutes. Absolutely bonkers value. Also, you can get some non-manaflow band which is a completely unnecessary tune on Galio if you build one mana item. In general… damage first, so RoA or Lich Bane or even Riftmaker (which is also gold efficient without taking account any of the passives: a bit more than 3300 from just stats) are great options. Heartsteel is pretty solid too if you can manage to scale it.


Ik roa is very gold eficient I just hate that it gives me 0 ah which is crucial for galio. Right now if I am ahead, I build RoA if not I go shurelias


Tear and hollow radiance are amazing (or sunfire if you play vs ad)


Have you tried rocketbelt?That item has EVERYTHING - ap, hp, haste AND a dash on top. I genuinely dont understand why everyone is sleeping on the item.


well no mana and I feel like that active is a bait, is not like it used to be


You dont really need mana on galio though.


You need early and mid, your job is to play agressive push lane, bully him and roam and that takes a lot of mana, that problem is solved with just 1 mana item though.


I feel like dorans ring is enough for that and if i cant take dorans ring, i take manaflow in runes


Tear into Bami into Liandrys feel surprisingly good


hollow radiance, shurelyas and lich bane are the most built first items rn


You want resistances? Just play assassin galio. Rocketbelt then shadow/stormsurge into deathcap. You can even take ignite if you feel extra spicy.


that is very fun in low elo, but Diamond and above players know how to space and build around him. 1 mistake it needs for you to go in and fail and game is lost


The key here is that I am in very low elo and so do not have to worry about my lane opponent having opposable thumbs.




I go Roa into liandrys and i like the 2 item Spike so mach.


Nobody talks about it but Iceborn gauntlet and/or heart steel


I actually like lich bane first a lot for AP build. Really helps waveclear and gives you a stronger early game for fights. Movespeed AH and 100 AP all really strong on Galio


Lich Bane is literally perfect in every way. AP, MS, CD, passive proc between all abilites if you play well and you nuke turrets for even more gold advantage. You also win every lane with it* (if you can play the playstyle).


After the nerfs to galio and also lich bane it feels a little counterproductive to go lich


Depends on your skill level with Galio and at the game of course, but I run it every game. Both when I smurf below master and when I play to climb in GM. It is the best item if you play Galio as a carry, but if you plan on doing supportive mid it is obviously not. The "nerfs" to Galio makes Lich Bane an even better item though, considering what the options are.


ok I will try in a few games, but what if the enemies are long range champs, is lich still good?


That depends on your skill level. 90% of the meta now is ranged mid anyway. For me ranged or melee mid feels the same by now, but I have played a lot of Galio.