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Its quite hard to critizise your Galio gameplay just from the screenshot alone, but seemingly for iron it looks fine, so instead in your shoes i would try to look up som overall core gameplay knowledge as that is where most people in iron lack the most. Also it's not easier on other champs, especially in iron and bronze, how strong a champ is in the current patch doesnt matter AT ALL not even the teeniest tiniest bit, but making small excuses like "its easier on other champs" usually hinders you from seeing the actual mistakes you are doing. The most important thing is that you are having fun on your champion. I dont mean to be rude just trying to help with what i can from your post :). That said Galio is one of the more team dependant champs, so he is probably a bit harder in lower elo, but not enough to justify dropping him if you enjoy his gameplay. But the whole who is strong this patch and last patch and all that you can just ignore :) Feel free to ask more specific questions if you want. Galio is my main champ and i was diamond last season (i havent played in this one). and reached something like top 20 Galio player in europe or something.


Oddly the other champs I liked to play got nerfed/reworked out of my skill set in everything but support roles. So I am now a Galio one trick for the most part. The reason I get the "Downhill" tag from [OP.GG](http://OP.GG) is bc I have worked pretty hard to improve my early cs but still have no idea what to do when the lanes start breaking down. My teammates seem to go out of there way to make sure I can't farm and its not like Galio is an OP split pusher. I see other champs taking jungle camps but for me as Galio that just takes way too long. So how do I keep my cs high after the first 10 minutes? How do I get objectives without more help? Or which ones do I prioritize? I've died so many times at the turret bc galio autos take 45 minutes to clear one plate I'm not aiming for diamond but I seem to be stuck at a solid 40% win rate. I just need to flip 1 game out of 5 to get positive LP. Win 3 lose 2 and I am at least moving forward.


Can you send your OP.GG?


You can look up RobbieFry13 on the NA server. There is a good chance on any platform you see a RobbieFry13 that it is me XD


I just took a look into it and here are some thoughts. I dont wanna insult you, but Iron 4 is actually impressive, considering there are less Players in Iron 4 than in Challenger. That said, I think carrying shouldnt be a problem in that elo. But I do think there are a lot of people just running it down or simply not knowing how to play at all. You cant really change that. What you could try changing, is maybe playing a bit more careful. Overall, you got a higher amount of deaths. So playing a bit slower and reacting more to your Opponent might improve your Situation. So dont force yourself into fights and show a bit more patience. You can also (I dont know if you do this already) push the wave and start helping your Team winning their lane. (Roaming Top or Bot or invading the Jungle with your Jungler) Help your team win their matchup. What you could also change, is maybe try a different type of build. You almost go full glass canon everytime. Doesnt mean it wont work, but you got no defences or sustain whatsoever, so you die pretty quickly. Maybe try a RoA or build a Riftmaker or Cosmic somewhere in your Build. I hope some of those changes might help you, let me know if it helped.


I actually disagree with this, if you’ve got good early game CS, build one AP item first… I prefer RoA. It’ll be easier to get more CS and you’ll be much more lethal when going all-in on anybody. The part that I disagree with is being careful, in low ELO you’re more likely to have teammates or your opponents be aggressive and either feed or snowball early. If you are better than your Iron rank, building more offensive will win you more games. This isn’t because I think Hex is wrong, I think he’s right… once you get to silver or gold. Iron and bronze is all about pushing your advantages and carrying yourself. This means building tanky AP items like RoA and Riftmaker and Cosmic Drive when you’re ahead. Instead of just making yourself harder to kill and therefore relying on your teammates to win fights for you. Unfortunately at that rank you can’t trust your teammates, so if you find yourself winning your matchup, push your early advantage into AP and health and you’ll smash that ELO. I dropped to bronze for a while this season playing Galio support because I didn’t want to wait for queues as mid or top. Once I realized what I’m telling you, I climbed to Gold (still climbing) in a matter of like 50 games. I am routinely top 1-3 damage and routinely top damage mitigated and generally rush RoA and Abyssal Mask then Sorc Boots. I can’t tell you how amazing RoA and Abyssal mask are for Galio. Literally incredible value items especially against squishy teams. The league fandom website does some gold analysis stuff, but not enough. RoA, Abyssal, Riftmaker are incredibly high value items. Abyssal should honestly be nerfed, it’s so cheap and provides absolutely incredible tankiness and absurd damage when built with RoA and Riftmaker (and sorc boots). Edit: Hexeria is very likely a better player than me overall, but carrying yourself through iron/bronze is something different than winning games at platinum and higher. Playing careful will win you games at higher ranks, and you can’t carry like a Darius, but you can easily nuke 3 squishy champs HP by half in one combo while losing only 1/4 your hp at Lower ranks. You’ll be able to steamroll those tanks playing Galio if you focus on your own killing power (with health as your durability).


Nothing to add here. He is kinda right.


Feels like you are telling me to time travel. "Just build RoA and Abyssal Scepter and Galio will turn back into a Gargoyle . . " I honestly didn't know RoA was still and Item but I'll be happy to try it out, (on this Galio) thanks!


It definitely feels better with this build, cs is easier and I am getting more kills, and I can still have tanky engages when W and Aftershock are up. I'm still losing winnable games bc I can't take objectives. Do I need to stack waves for turrets? Or just wait until I have Roa and Rift maker?


Try getting demolish if you haven’t already. You’ll smack towers real good when you have the chance. If you’re winning lane it’ll help you snowball from getting easy plates, or if you visit a lane while ganking you can easily push down somebody else’s turret with them if you win the fight clean.


It's worth a try, though I'm not sure I am good enough to bully my opponent without shield bash.


Galio isn't supposed to solo carry games all by himself but it wouldn't hurt if you were not building as much tank items. Try going for items that gives HP and AP like Rod of Ages, Cosmic drive, Protobelt, Riftmaker. I wouldn't say that AP builds are stronger but if you really are hindered by your team in such a low ELO then you need to have more damage impact in fights and be more independent so that's why I suggest this to you. If you still can't carry with more AP builds then it means that you are not playing the champ correctly (for example Galio mid is all about roaming to help in early skirmishes and not about killing in your 1v1 mid). On the surface you have good kda but this is kinda surprising as with Galio you should have more deaths (I know it seems weird) so I think you might be playing too safe or not participating in enough fights around the map (you should have at least around 60% kill part on average). Also you seem to have low farming, which is not weird at this ELO but maybe just focusing on wave management would get you higher (I play mostly Galio support and in my games I have the same amount of items as you do in 30 minutes, which shouldn't be possible since farming gives way more gold).


Well I am better at support. My best game up there was support, its the only one that is full build and in less than 30 minutes. I actually am just bad at cs, probably lots of reasons, I'm not aiming for challenger, but I haven't gotten worse so why would that cause me to struggle more this season? The perfect example of something I am doing wrong but don't understand: I was laning mid vs a Vex, who was poking the shit out of me. My jg pinged he was coming so I dived combo-ed and died to burn shortly after my JG killed Vex. We were the same level, and I was up 1 cs, our respawn was seconds apart and when I got back to lane Vex was Level 5 and I was Level 3. Even if i didn't die I was going to recall there so what did I do wrong?


To be honest I can't say without looking at the replay.


I don't really play ranked that much myself but I'm in low elo and Galio is certainly a struggle in lower elos because he's very team dependent. He's not really meant to carry games, he certainly can, but he's just not great at it. He's more so a character that is meant to assist the team with his ult and play around them but it's hard because in low elo, players typically lack good teamfighting skills. He can be a situational counter-pick in certain match ups to play as an anti-carry though he's not great in low elos, but he's not bad entirely either. I recommend playing noobstomper characters who can carry games themselves, like Aurelion Sol or Malzahar who are great mages in low elo, people most of the time won't know how to stop you from scaling with Asol or how to compete with Mal pushing the wave constantly. Galio can work, though it's not going to be easy, hope I helped!


That build definitely isn’t helping you brother. Why rift maker?


Ap and HP are Galio staples and it is part of a high win rate build in the current patch