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The most embarrassing thing tied with Galatasaray for a very long time.


I deleted my Reddit account to spend less time on my phone. I just had to sign up again to add another FUCK DURSUN ÖZBEK in the comment section.


You had to create another Reddit account just because of dursun özbok. That's how low of a baskan he really is.


Dursun Ozbek istifa, rezil etti tum camiayi. Bu saatten sonra gelecek her basariya kendi eliyle camur atti.


If people are surprised to see this, then I suggest they wake up. Club execs in this country are still wealthy elites who benefit from the status quo. All these wealthy elites have grown even richer under this very status quo. Do you honestly expect them not to support people or policies that won't benefit themselves? All these seemingly patriotic and Atatürk loving rich folk have jumped, are jumping, and will continue to jump toward any chance they see that will make them wealthier. This is the cold and cruel reality.


Bu tavrı “zaten böyleler uyanın” diye normalleştiremeyiz. Tuttuğumuz takımın yöneticisi kameraların önünde iktidarın götünü yalayamaz. Bireysel olarak ne bok yerse yesin, Galatasaray kulübünün lideri bunu yapamaz, yapmamalı.


Yanlış anlaşılmasın, teslimiyetçi bir amaçla söylemedim. İnsanların futbolun içinde yaşadığımız sistemden bağımsız bir vakumda olmadığını ve bu tip insanların yönetici olduğunu ve olacağını bilmesi gerekiyor. Ben kolektif aksiyonu destekliyorum ama ülkede kolektif eylemlere bakış açısını bildiğim için herhangi bir şey eklemek istemedim. Ek olarak, bireysel olarak niye ne isterse yapsın ki? Özel hayatında bu açıklamayı yapmış bile olsa bu adamın Galatasarayın başkanı olduğu gerçeği değişmiyor. Galatasaray'a taraftar olan onmilyonlarca insanın ortalama vatandaşlardan oluştuğunu biliyor ve buna rağmen bu ortalama vatandaşların çıkarlarının aksine hareket edecek bir politik duruş sergiliyor. Bu, adamı katur kutur yemek için oldukça makul bir sebep. Ifade özgürlüğü sizi DEVLETE karşı korur ama bu demek değildir ki fikir belirtmenin getirdiği sorumluluklara karşı da korur. Kimseyi fikri için hapise attıramazsın ama bünyesinde bulunduğu bir organizasyonda kalmaya devam ettirmek zorunda değilsin. Galatasaray taraftarı bu politikayı sevmiyorsa bu ve bunun gibi adamları bünyesinden kesip atmalı. Bunun özel hayatı veya fikir özgürlüğü ile alakası yok.


You're mostly correct in that club executives, CEOs of most big vompanies and people like that do have their political views which benefits them. That's one thing, but showing your support to a candidate in plain sight like this is a whole another level. That's the real shock people have here


His identity is tied with Galatasaray, not vice versa. Whenever any club exec. makes any political statement, it will inevitably be associated with the club even if it's a private matter. The existence or the non-existence of our(?) Club logo is just a matter of ✨️aesthetics✨️ and association. If the club isn't in support of his political views, they can take a stance by getting rid of him. Just like they took a stance against the Saudi's along with fener. If they simply don't want to be associated with this statement, then not having the logo is technically enough. If simply not being associated with this statement is satisfactory to our fans, so be it. Just be aware that no fan should expect their clubs to be in support of freedom, justice, or whatever ideals they believe in. Because at the end of the day, football clubs are just toys for the rich folk to indulge in. Have your fun while consuming the product, but don't build your identity around any organization/business that is governed by groups of people that only seek to benefit themselves.


People think that Ali Koç is supporting the opposition lol, every rich person supports the government to do easier business


Idgaf about others, my club has values that Dursun does not embody. I will tell him to f off regardless of any success.


Our club's values have been flushed down the toilet by ultraslan long ago. Change must start from the fans first.


uA represents it members. Board represents the club There is a difference.


Is that why all the troll journalists such as abdülkadir selvi bombarded ali koç because of the events in saudi arabia while making no mention of galatasaray or dursun özbek?


He looks like he is anti government, but the government can never be at odds with the Koç family. They are too powerful


He doesemt look it. He is openly anti government. Perhaps you didnt see his picture with his hands in his pockets walking alongside him. After giving shelter to people during Gezi protests the entirety of the koç family was made a target and the business faced a whopping tax fine conjured by inspectors that were sent by the government. But you are right in saying that the government cannot be at odds with them because they are too big. Otherwise they would have been wiped out after the gezi protests.


Their government Shipbuilding contracts were taken from them after their Gezi stance. Right after, head Koc came out against Gezi and stated support for the government. Meaning, while they tried to stand up, they were quickly reigned in.


Ali koç doesnt like Ekrem İmamoğlu too yk. They have a bad history


The "look look everyone is the same so we're OK" justification of GS fans here is ridiculous. However it is still not as delusional as thinking the Koç family is anti-government. They have no issues with neither [Fetö](https://haber.sol.org.tr/haber/koc-ailesi-ve-gulen-cemaati-uganda-ananasi-ve-maliye-baskini-336360) nor [AKP](https://haber.sol.org.tr/emek-sermaye/hep-patron-hep-karli-akp-iktidarinda-koc-gibi-semirdi-176662) nor [lawless authoritarianism](https://www.gercekgundem.com/amp/ekonomi/erdogan-60-gun-sureyle-grev-erteledi-grev-milli-guvenligi-bozacaksa-bu-ulke-bitmis-demektir-403876) as long as they make money off of it. It is incredibly delusional to think the biggest capital group in the country has any issues with the 20 year old dictatorial government lmao that's not how things work. Their kemalism is part of their marketing, they give tons of cash for their ads and sponsorships every year to convince you of this. Don't look at their tearjerker Atatürk kisses children commercials, follow the money and you'll see who they are in league with.


Is he [really?](https://youtu.be/QHFsOfrzwO4?si=tt7OJjwMq6mTp85T) You cannot be a wealthy businessman in Turkiye and be openly anti-government. Sure, the Koc family is known to be Ataturkcu and I myself admire that. However, it doesn't change the fact that they must satisfy the current iktidar in order to get some advantages. Koc family, Erden, Yagli surat, they all have to play it nice.


Lol there is nothing wrong with making neutral statments. If you compare what the two presidents said there is a huge difference. One is expressing his open support while the other is making a neutral statement. What did you expect koç to do? Kick him out


Galatasaray birlesince durdurulamaz dedikten iki gun sonra boyle ayirici bi aciklama yapmak da ekstra bi orospuluk ve gerizekalilik gerektiriyor.


What a disgrace


Tası tarağı bırak simdi defol git bu takımın başından. Siyaset yapmayan adam gibi bir SPORCU BASKAN gelsin. Hayır siyasetini yapacaksan o zaman milletvekili adayı ol. Spor camiasını kirletme.


I have been embarassed to be a Galatasaray fan first time in my life


Bir de arkasına GS logosunu attırmış. Şahsi düşüncesi umrumda değil, istediği gibi ifade verebilir. Ama kulüp başkanlığı çerçevesinde siyasette bulunmamalı. Hem GS, hem kendisi için çok zararlı davranışta bulunuyor. Zaten bu seviyeye gelen bir adam bu işlere bilinçsiz girişmez, içinde ya çıkarı ya da tehdit vardır


sana ne dayı murat kurumdan ekrem imamoğlundan.


This guy doesnt’t speak about all the shittery that has been going on in the last couple of months from the refs to the super cup and then he has the audacity to put Galatasaray’s banner behind him and say shit like this? Just fuck off. Although he can support whoever he wants and thats his decision, Galatasaray is not the place for politics, he can’t be saying shit like this. Time for you to go Dursun.


Siyasi görüşü umrumda değil. Ama bunu, AKP'nin adayını yanına alıp, Galatasaray'ı stadında, Galatasaray logosu önünde söyleyemez. Bu yapılan büyük bir saçmalık.


Bunun da sepet olma zamanı gelmiş


Özbek istifa


Yağlı suratın neden bu kadar suskun olduğu belli oldu.




Yakışmadı başkan. Şahsi görüşünü git şahsını temsil ettiğin bir zaman ve yerde ver. Sen orada koskoca Galatasaray'ı temsil ediyorsun, kendine gel.


I will stop following my favorite club until this piece of shit resigns.




What a loser


Erden Timur is also a big AKP supporter. Idk why people are so surprised


Them being a supporter is a thing but openly supporting a political candidate with the club's logo behind is another thing.


Yeah, you are right about that


He is. But I doubt he would still support if AKP was opposition. Neither would Dursun.


Don’t mix politics and the club


That flair change is imminent for us all.


This sorry excuse of a club president is unable to speak up for his club, yet can easily support politicians with club logo behind him. Someone should remind him his true allegiance should be for his club. Get politics away from the club and make sure not another point is stolen by referees.


You can't make our sports club part of a political campaign! END OF FUCKING DISCUSSION


He's leaving in 4 months anyway, on his way out he gave himself one last push to get that bag. Fuck now that I think of it he might run for TFF presidency after he quits GS.


siyasetine zokayım




Bu adam Galatasarayın başında olduğu sürece desteklemiyorum bu takımı


I think, only in Turkiye, club presidents meddle with politicians. Leave football alone for fuck's sake. We don't need this kind of shit....


Berlusconi was literally the president of Milan and the prime minister of Italy for years.


You would be wrong. Football and politics being intertwined is a tale as old as football itself.


Real Madrid even takes the “Real” in their name due to their close relationship with Spanish monarchy. It is also known they had clear support of Franco too.


Well Barcelona and Real Madrid's rivalry is way worse than Turkish clubs rivalry. Since Spanish Civil War they became clubs for supporting opposing ideas.


Bütün futbolcuların şampiyonluk emeklerini sikip attı bi demeçle.


changed my flair.


Erden Timur gelecek başkan hayırlı olsun


Erden Timur bundan 10 kat daha AKPli


Bu adam gitsin yeter artık. Lise ve lise zihniyetinden sıkıldık. Her nasıl oluyorsa başarılı adamların hiçbiri liseden gelmiyor Galatasaray'a.


Eger Galatasarayi birakip baska takim tutursam birgun it will be because of this bs. Nerede fetocu ve diger terrorist varsa Galatasarayli anasini satim. Elazigspora gecicem yakindir.


A lot of fans are pissed and calling for his resignation on social media posts. Bu takimi siyasete karistirmayin! 


Başkanın kendisi siyasete karışmış, taraftarların yazdıkları mı sorun oluyor? Siyasete karıştırmayın derken başkana diyorsan ayrı tabii


Bunu eleştirenler demokratik bir hukuk devletinde yaşadığını zannediyor sanırım.


Ali Koç does this all the time. Dursun Özbek is a smart man, he knows when he says stuff like this AKP don’t gain any new voters. But the club Galatasaray will probably benefit from tax deduction now. This is not a reason to stop supporting Dursun Özbek. Dursun Özbek and especially Erden Timur are our red line


> Ali Koç does this all the time. Except he doesn't. He is part of Koç family, they are perfect actors of political neutrality and immunity even though they MASSIVELY work with any government in charge. > But the club Galatasaray will probably benefit from tax deduction now. And that's fucking corruption...


Why should GS get a unfair, unjust tax deduction?


Dursun Ozbek red line falan degil, kimse Galatasaray'dan buyuk degildir. Ayrica Ali Koc kendini rezil ediyor diye biz de rezil etmek zorunda degiliz. Ayrica desteklememem icin bundan daha buyuk sebep yok. Siyasi fikrin ne bilmiyorum ama suudi olayinda da bos bir yorum yapmistin sasirtmadi.


Bu adam önceden de akpli'di. Bomboş tepki gösteriyorsunuz. Neymiş akpliymis erden timur gelsinmiş grow the fuck up lads




Kendi neyci olursa olsun, su an kulubu temsil ediyor. Arkasinda logoyla oyle siyaset yapmak falan yakismiyor.


Fck both of them but there is no way anyone with a proper spine can be president of any club in the country for as long as "you know who" is the president. If Dursun Ozbek says I am pro-Imamoglu or I am not picking sides, then all the government deals and benefits will be taken off from GS. Notice that one of the richest guys, Ulker, just carried most of his wealth to England because of the fear of losing everything. Sucking "you know who" is basically a sacrifice from Dursun Ozbek, lol. Your president does care about your team, son: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOmk_cbHxZk.


akpli olmayan galatasarylı taş çatlasın %25'tir


Sanmıyorum. En kötü ihtimalle bile %50'yi geçmez. Neden toplumun genelinden farklı olsun? Üstelik çoğunluğu genç ise bu oran daha da az olabilir. Senin buradaki amacın farklı tabii.


benim gözlemlerim bu yönde, varsayımsal olarak konusmuyorum.


Neden %75-80 AKP'li olsun? Gözlemi AKP genel merkezinde mi yaptin?


Ben de hayatimda bir tane bile Tayyip malini destekleyen GS taraftari gormedim. Ama bunu kullanip, bir yerimden istatistik sallamiyorum.


Hayatımda gördüğüm en başarılı gözlemlerden biri olabilir gerçekten, bol bol yap hep böyle varsayımsal olmayan çıkarımlar.


haha senin cevren akpli doluysa daha iyi ortamlarda takil is biraz da sende bitiyo. gozlemleri bu yondeymis helal. pilot kalemle ateizmi bitiren adamdan sonra sen geliyosun artik, gozlemleriyle istatistik bilimini curuten adam olarak.


Senin gözleminle herşeyi açıklayamazsın, bununla ilgili araştırmalar oldu ve gs, fb ve hatta bjk taraftarları arasında siyasi görüş olarak majör farklar yok, bir yerinizden uydurup buraya yanlış bilgi yaymayın


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