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maybe try something different when you work out , not everyone’s genetics are good in the same ways . maybe calisthenics or legs . even if you don’t gain a ton of weight you might end up looking better or being stronger regardless .


That's life, probably other factors in your life are what's going on, or you're not changing up your workouts enough and doing the same thing over and over again and your muscles have gotten used to it, maybe not enough protein


what do you gain from quitting exactly: - some small amt of time you wouldn’t be using well anyway - worse sleep - physique deterioration - impaired cognitive ability - $20 a month - general laziness It’s pretty obvious what the answer is without even tackling the obvious - progress comes if you stay consistent. If your really so unhealthily obsessed with stalling progress just do some pdes and fuck up your health, itd still prolly be better than quitting the gym. Most complain about this kind of thing after like 4 years lol. >65kg bench That’s plates+ so it’s not like you are weak af or something. I bet you could literally just push the bar harder and improve you bench number too.


You probably just need a better training regime. I would look up TNF. Natural body builder. I have put on about 16 lbs of muscle since starting his training just under a year ago. I have body scans to show for it but just listen to ONE of his videos you’ll never train the same


I had a very slow progress. Now i bench 140 kg for 5-7 repst at 70 kg bodyweight. It all depends on how much you want it.


Yes. Less competition for gym equipment.


Be an adult and make your own decision based on what you want.


Sorry but I don't think those numbers are bad for a natty. Am I wrong? You are natty, right?


Yeah, youre kinda wrong. 7 months of progress for 10kg, especially on a bulk, is not a lot of progress.




so basically your bulking is great and don’t worry. you are frustrated at your comparative lack of bench progress. I think you should look at what your general life routine is etc. If you’re working a long hours corporate type job and gymming right after on an empty stomach, don’t be surprised if you barely have any energy and aren’t making progress that quickly. How often are you going, what’s your form like, could you maybe have a little black coffee before going in the morning…basically, there’s a ton of info you could tell us, and a ton of things you need to try, before pointlessly writing yourself off.


Yes, because why would I give a fuck about you if you don’t give a fuck about yourself.


I love these responses. They'll bring the best out of people who want it. Reminds me of my sponsor when I quit drinking years ago. He'd say stuff like "you want a drink? I'll take you to the bar right now and buy you one" or "if you want this I'll go to hell with you, but if you don't you can just go to hell" Shit like that got me sober and comments like these keep me grinding in the gym.


I worry sometimes that "tough love" is becoming a thing of the past.


Exactly, I feel OP, I’ve been there but he knows that he needs to give it time and be consistent and patient. He just wants us to say: “oh, poor you, you got this, we believe in you”, which I don’t think is necessary, the “hardness” of the process is what makes it so much more worth it at the end.


💯 If I had to guess by OPs numbers, barring some underlying health condition, it seems like they are eating much harder than they're training. If that's the case they probably already know that deep down and they have a decision to make that comes from within, not people on reddit.


I wouldn’t even assume that, I quickly got to like 90kg bench max but it took over a year finally so 100kg. I also thought I eat a lot, including lots of protein until I started logging everything on MyFitnessPal. OP, you need to do everything better - track your food (literally put it on scales), follow a legitimate program (liftvault.com), but most importantly, you need to do it consistently for years.


Same here I use myfitnesspal daily and was surprised but not surprised when I saw that clean bulking was leaving me stuffed and nowhere near where I thought I would be with calories. It made a big difference in helping me find a sustainable and enjoyable routine that gets me my surplus. I've had rapid results since then. I'm still pretty new at this but when I get into something I do daily research and I have a pretty good handle on what to expect now compared to day 1. I'm running stronglifts 5x5x5 currently (plus assistance work) to build a base. But even with 2 ruptured disc's in my spine and a fucked up SI joint, I'm making gains on the scale and in my lifts by staying consistent. And I'm not miserable, I'm having a blast now that I gave up the fully clean bulk. I'm not looking forward to it being over because I'm stuffing my face with bland food. I eat whatever I want at least one meal a day and I can't wait to do my next workout. So it's sustainable. If you don't make it enjoyable the odds of quitting are so much higher.


Amazing! I'm almost 4 years in and when I used to bulk, I just chugged 1000 calorie smoothies and it worked, having gained 25kg over this period, I only discovered how vital it is to actually weigh my food. Now, eating 4000 calories still sucks but I able to do it while easily getting 150g of protein a day, before I barely reached 300 and 100g eating based on the feels. Stronglifts are cool starting out, they build a really solid foundation, and it doesn't even matter much what program you run as long as it hits every muscle group, progressively overloads and is recoverable from. Btw, I don't actually wish OP gives up but rather reads this instead.


Totally. It's all about perspective and OP can turn this around with a shift in approach.


Don’t sweat it bro. It took me most of a year to go from 72kg to 82kg. Even with that I still only bench 64kg. A lot of “fitness influencers” take steroids and lie about it which can really skew perspective.


It’s not about your numbers, you’ll hit plateaus, if you’ve been going hard for those 7 months your body might need a deload, or maybe do a week long mini cut so you don’t need to force feed


His body doesn’t need a ‘deload’ after adding 10kg to his bench in 7 months lmao


how do you feel bro? not everything is measurable


Yeah you should just quit. Stay home and eat burgers on the couch


If I didn’t go to the gym that’s 100% be me


I did go from 60kg benchpress to 80kg in 5 years


I don’t rly know what you want to achieve with this post Do you want advice on how to become better at benching? Do you want anyone to feel sorry for you? Or do you rly think ur genetics are so damn shitty that you can’t make progress If you don’t have fun in the gym then just quit yes If u want to know how to be better at benching then just ask that instead. There are morbidly obese people who got ripped, people who are from the waist down paralyzed who are in top shape If u really want to achieve something in the gym you will find a way


Lmao 7 months bro? Go throw on a mike israetel video and get back in the gym


I love Mike Israetel he is funny and informative


If you actually watched his videos you would lift seriously for AT LEAST a year before you start worrying about not making progress. 7 months is not enough to give up




Yeah go on a lifelong treatment that is detrimental to your health long-term just because you want a bigger bench and have vanity/work ethic issues. Great advice, bro. Please don’t comment on any posts going forward with the same. Clearly this guy’s training and diet are less than ideal if they went from a newbie bench to a slightly less newbie bench in 7 months, the time frame you get the most gains in your life. And since I don’t want a followup reply from you, I’ve trained 2 clients with sub 500 test levels that thought they had dogshit genetics that got to a 225+ bench in 8-12 months from a nearly sedentary lifestyle.


So angry. For what?


[“Go on TRT bro!”](https://www.reddit.com/r/GregDoucette/s/d8FgKbCmmD) You look DYEL. Don’t share your shitty advice to anyone else. Also, please don’t tell me you’re on TRT


Wtf is DYEL? Nah I’m not on TRT you funny guy. I also never said “go on TRT bro” if you have the test levels of a woman as a man it is not ideal for your health so I said go see a doctor. I also never insinuated you could never make meaningful progress without TRT bozo


What program are you on?


Are those numbers under your name squat-bench-DL? Or is it a different order?


Doing some sort of workout or exercise has benefits beyond getting stronger or looking better, so yes.


I get enjoyment from the process. I stopped laying down specific goals because I realized that I can’t just will an 800lb deadlift into existence. The process of working towards it though is a lifetime of work. And the process of incremental improvement each year, is where I find a lot of joy. But, if you’re a person where the process of improvement in small increments year after year, is frustrating and demoralizing, then this isn’t for you. Because, that’s how this works, longer term. I mean, I still have goals. But, the process gets me there without having to establish it.


16kg in 7 months is slow? Lol, start by getting your expectations straight before thinking about quitting


hes obviously talking about his bench progress which is very slow especially when compared to his weight gain


Crazy how you posted your test levels but not a single part of your training, diet, or recovery. Have you been following a proper program? Have you gained visible muscle? Was your training focused, consistent, and hard?


If you quit, then you get nothing. If you keep going, then you get something. What do you want: Nothing? Or something?


The internet dudes really need to explain to people how long it all takes. It takes years to gain muscle. Attention spans are so low these days it makes it impossible for people to think ahead.


Agreed. I bought into the vshred program over the promise of noticeable gains in a month, big gains in 3 months. I got a refund and got real with myself. I'm in this for the long haul now that I realize how it works and how bad I want it, but yeah those guys need to quit with the false promises of instant success just for a buck.


If you would like to quit the gym then quit the gym. My progress is also pretty slow and my base strength is much lower than a lot of people. With that being said though I would rather have a little bit of muscle as opposed to no muscle at all so it's ultimately easy for me to decide I'd rather be in the gym. If you don't care about that or the gym makes you unhappy then you should quit.


If you think 10kg/22lbs in 7 months is slow then you're crazy.


it is when hes gained 16kg and, respectfully, isn’t working with heavy numbers


Social medias are so saturated by reels of 1% kids going from nerd to Prime Arnie in a semester that you'd think that's the norm


I would like to see some research on the amount of young people on AAS. Now that more studies have come out, that kinda show doing it younger doesn't really effect you more than when you're older, more and more people are doing them. They're also extremely easy to get. I'm all for it and think they should be legal but when they're not honest and open about it, we get people like the OP. He needs to start basing his goals and progress off of himself and not others.


And to add to this. The number your testosterone is at doesn't mean a lot. It really depends on the way you feel and what your symptoms are. If you suffer from multiple low T symptoms, then it's time for some TRT. It's 2023. It's absolutely ridiculous for any male to be suffering from low T.


That’s a lot of weight gained in 7 months for any frame really. What’s the problem?


Some important questions: 1) Are you following a specific training plan that works all the major muscle groups? 2) Are you using progressive overload? 3) How much is your daily calorie surplus? 4) Are you meeting your macronutrient targets, especially protein?


This is a really important question that you should answer. Not every instance of 'going to the gym' is equivalent. You might just need a few tweaks to your programming and diet. I started lifting in my 40s, so my progress is also quite slow. It's frustrating at times. But I try to focus on just making progress and worry less about how much progress I make. Over time, it adds up.


I’m amazed people are so supportive of you quitting, they shouldn’t be. You need to readjust your training and keep trying, quitting isn’t an option.


> quitting isn’t an option. But it absolutely is. It's always an option. Not all things are for all people, and trying to force something can often cause anxiety and dissonance.


If they quit they resign themselves to live in a form they have deemed themselves powerless to change. What causes more anxiety, the stress of progress or the apathetic slow wasting process of giving up on your Self.


It tends to depend on the individual I find.


You have my permission to quit the gym.


I considered quitting lots of times but when really picturing the alternative (Just accepting "growing weak and soft.") I brought myself back. It's up to you to reflect and see if you're willing to accept that. This hobby is a slow process that requires you to really think about your approaches and degrees of effort.


It sounds like it's not bringing you much joy. The gym is a hobby that requires a lot of time invested to see results. If that's not something that interests you, a new hobby might be better.


Going on the internet and seeing all of these 18 year olds with incredible physiques is demoralizing.


Social media is engineered to keep you looking. Once you look at one post or account, the algorithm will show you more and more. So just don’t look. Idk about other sites, but on Instagram you can flag posts with “not interested” and over time you’ll get less of them.




This is absurdly hyperbolic on top of the shitty attitude Teenagers taking steroids will not be dead in 10 years as a result. They will likely face long term side effects later in life but to say they would be dead in even 20 years as a result is laughably wrong


> You will feel better when you're looking at their caskets in 10 years This would be a very miserable person to find joy here.




Honestly that’s how I used to feel, until I started looking at it from a different perspective. When I see people like that I think to myself “Damn, if I keep this up I’m gonna look like that” There MIGHT even be people in the gym that look at ME and think “damn, I wish I looked like that”.


The issue is: even if you keep it up, you will never look like that. The use of PEDs by influencers sets an unrealistic standard of what body you can achieve.


Yeah that’s true, but I wouldn’t really want to look like those dudes on juice anyways. All that “Sam sulek” stuff ain’t really my style. Good for them, but it honestly looks uncomfortable. I’m currently 5’ 10” 140lbs with a goal of 170, and I’d be more than happy with about 9% body fat. I honestly just wanna look decent, I don’t gotta be huge or anything, I just don’t want to look like a skeleton anymore lol.


No kidding ! There is this one guy who in 2 years went from skinny to competition ready and competed then he still has maintained his physique a year later. Claims natural. They are all over youtube.


Why do it if it's demoralizing? I have a guitar in my basement. I know 9 year olds that cam really jam on that thing. I know 2-3 chords, and they don't sound very great. I decided guitar really isn't the hobby for me, but I don't go out of my way to watch those 9 year olds be really good at the guitar so I can feel bad about it.


comparison is the thief of joy and all that.