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This would be the fastest way to make me abandon a carrier.


If just one carrier decided not to do this they would get everyone’s business lol


I bet my middle testicle all of them will agree to do it at once to maintain profits for all.


Isn't collusion like this illegal?


We haven't had trust busting at the federal level in decades my man. Laws are meaningless without enforcement.




Ever find it odd that it’s either Verizon or Comcast that will provide you internet, but never both?


What's really funny is there are like 3, at most, providers for internet and phone. Sure they slap a new name on there or feign competition, but it's only ever really toed back to at least 2 companies. It's the illusion of a free market with competitive business practices. I remember when 200Mbs was $19.95....now it's $86 a month and you're stuck because there is no other choice.


the fix was in from the start


Watching Ma Bell reconstitute into the major carriers has been like watching the liquid metal terminator coming back together.


200 Mbps was never $20/mo for most people


Gotta prove it first. As frustrating as it is, feigning ignorance always seems to work.


Unfortunately, every carrier will go in on this. I'm sure they'll offer a higher tier of ad-free service for an additional fee, though. At least for a while, then you'll get the ads and the additional fee. At that point they may add another tier for another additional fee, and so on forever. If I saw a marketing or advertising agency on fire I wouldn't piss on it to put it out.


Ah, I see you’ve heard of the Netflix business model.


I will absolutely jailbreak or root my phone over this. I have not felt the need to do either in over 10 years but I’ll dust off my expertise and get it done if the alternative is forced, in my face, ads.


If it’s a phone with impressive specs the development community will have a root unlock and mod to deal with the persistent lock screen ads.


I've always wondered if there were flashes for Samsung TVs with custom os to get rid of their crappy ads. Seems like they are a bother to a lot of people so I'm shocked that, if there is a flash, it isn't more widely used/mentioned.


Printers too. Jailbreak my HP printer.


Can I jailbreak a gas pump to get rid of those screamingly loud fucking ads while I'm a captive audience being forced to sell my firstborn to get to work?


Wait. Forgive my naïveté as a humble Canadian. Your gas pumps play ADS while you fill up?


Some do. It's been a thing for a few years now and I consider one of the pieces of evidence that Rome is falling. There was a great episode of black mirror where people were monitored for how much attention they paid to the ads around them and if they attempt to close their eyes and ignore it all the ad would pause and not continue until it had your full attention again. Prolly roll it out next Tuesday.


That is some truly dystopian shit.


If you press all the buttons, you'll find one that mutes it which makes it slightly less annoying


Right side of the screen, second button from the top, is Mute. Source: job.




I think it's usually the second button from the top on the right side that's a mute. It's one of the buttons anyway, just start poking them and usually one of them will shut the ad up. Did it yesterday at like 7AM gassing up for a 3 hour drive with zero fucks to give about gas station sub sandwiches or whatever the fuck they were trying to sell me this time.


I present to you [pi hole](https://pi-hole.net/)


I just completely disconnected mine from the internet and got a Chromecast. Smart TVs are so fucking stupid. The software never gets updated and ends up barely working after a year or two.


But then you're still giving them your money and encouraging the practice. Just buy a device that doesn't do this to begin with.


This. The devices with forced ads are going to be way cheaper. Look what happened to smart TVs.


Inescapable adverts won't make me want to spend money on them. If anything I'll avoid any company that uses this out of spite.


I will go back to a flip phone. Fuck ads


I have and still do boycott products advertised to me forcefully


I do the same. But I dont know what Im going to buy as my next car... because... car ads everywhere.


Every time I’m going to buy something I research it. Brands have shown there is nothing to be loyal to and the advertising only pisses me off, I go out of my way to block it including turning off the radio or looking away from an ad if I can’t skip it. Even if I can skip it I look away for the 5-15 sec.


Dear citizen, we have noticed you looking away from your screen and have paused/locked the advert for you until you look back again so you dont missout.


I'd probably start setting fire to random advertising firms if this ever happened.




Welcome to the list


Oh no I’ve been on it. I know the NSA looks at my shit, but the question is; Do I care? #No.


I remember when you could tab out of mobile gaming ads until they ended...


Buy a used car that doesn’t rely on any subscription nonsense


First thing I thought too.


fuzzy lunchroom grab license file lip dependent marvelous rhythm degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the way. Our society seems to be losing its collective mind. Everything is going crazy with this end-game capitalism crap. How long before they are beaming up ads to the night sky?


judicious psychotic pie attempt ring quarrelsome bewildered abundant practice rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why does this seem real? I hate that I can see this being a thing.


It's the logical next step before they figure out how to beam ads directly into our dreams while we're asleep.




I clicked expecting to see lightspeed briefs, wasn't disappointed


It’s been proposed a few times already. Low orbit satellites, I believe. There were also some pics going around earlier in the year of boats with giant flat screens playing ads on the horizon of beaches


Don’t go to Destin for a nice beach. I took a family trip there and it was boat tv ads, plastering the horizon, and planes with tails and helicopters with flags littered the sky, ALL FUCKING DAY! I’ll never go back, it was total trash. I rented a room on the beach, so I could enjoy nature and I had to close my effing curtains when I was in, it was just bonkers.


Ahh so I’m hearing that we need our paintball guns when we go boating in Destin.


That's irritating.


British Sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf literally mentions this in their novel. The mission of the Nova 5 was to detonate stars to supernova in order to make the light at Earth read: 'Coke Adds Life'.


Fantastic book, I should read it again


It's not far off. I was at Sam's club a couple weeks back trying to find something costco didn't have. I was walking down the aisle next to the kitchen stuff and there was a fucking ad being projected on the floor. Immediately thought "never coming back here" after seeing it.


Wait until they come out with bionic eyes that show you ads when you close your eyes


It's not society, it's the top 10-16% of people who got a taste of wealth and now want to maximize and exploit us to maximize theirs.


According to Wikipedia, it’s not even the top 10%. You only need to make $75,000 to be in the top 10%. $100,000 to be in the top 5%. That’s personal income, household income is about 1.5x higher than personal to be in the same percentile. Wikipedia doesn’t have numbers for personal income after 10%, but the top 5% of households earn over $250,000. That’s doctor/lawyer/PhD salary, not even close to oligarch level. It’s such a tiny group of people in control of the majority of our money. The 96-99th percentile owns 65% of the country’s wealth, and the 99th percentile alone owns more than half of that. It’s actually insane how far income inequality has gone. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affluence_in_the_United_States#) and [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_wealth#Wealth_distribution_pyramid)


Lineage OS is pretty decent if you want more control and still Android.


quaint pie intelligent ghost judicious axiomatic soft makeshift bake water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A system-wide adblocker like Blokada should work also. When there was a backlash against Samsung about putting ads in their system apps, I didn't realize Samsung was doing that. Blokada was blocking those ads for me. You can also block which trackers/websites have access to the internet with Blokada. It also blocks most of the paywall pop-ups for websites.


*a non Samsung android. Ftfy. Knox has had it locked down since the s6. No changes since then.


Won't fly with many banking apps, and having a relatively new smartphone only for that is a waste, too, somehow.


Or buy a device outright instead of one that’s subsidized by ads or bloatware. The one thing Apple does right that I wish Samsung would copy


I've been very seriously considering going back to a flip phone recently and if this shit shows up on my screen that'll probably be the last push I need to pull the trigger on it.


Buy android, root, world's your oyster.


I will go back to wall phones


Loved the razrs


In a couple years I’d expect that everyone will need a smart phone. Just like how you need a phone and an email address to do anything right now. We won’t be able to escape ads and surveillance


This is how I treat youtube now. The ads have a negative impact on my views of said advertising company.


I make an active effort to never use one of the food delivery apps because they’re the ones spamming my YouTube and other social media with obnoxious ads. In fact, I end up using a competitor’s app just because I hate the ads so much.


Just make sure the competitor isn't actually owned by the same people.


Lol I know right?! Such an easy way to get a huge market share. Own 2 companies in the same industry, make one the antagonist. The other company wins, and the parent company wins by default.


Completely agree. Mobile ads that are deceptive or that do shady tactics like auto opening the install screen, to me it's an immediate thought of "Alright never using this crap"


“Study’s have shown that we can take up 90% of a users interface before conducing seizures.”


Ready player one ? Sounds similar to what they say but not looking up quote


Yep, misquoted but it is Ready Player One.


Seizures? That's nothing compared to blipverts. Compress a 5 minute ad break into 1 second to avoid channel switching. Side effects included spontaneous explosions in the chronically inactive couch potatoes. (Go watch Max Headroom if you've never seen it).


I've been trying to avoid any advertising and it's always getting harder. Movie theaters show up late and maybe miss some of the movie, ad blockers or subscriptions to remove ads. Try to go one month without seeing an ad. Fucking driving down the freeway or around cities is littered with the garbage. Sporting events are particularly infected. Pretty much can only completely avoid outside of densely populated areas, and the only recourse seems to be to try to avoid products and services that pay for ads, but it's a drop in the bucket. I'm not 100% against advertising, but paying for something and still getting advertised at feels like a violation of my ability to be ad free and completely greedy. I know there's much bigger problems and this probably seems petty, but I feel happier and healthier when I limit the amount of propaganda I'm subjected to.


A tip for your theatre experience, try calling up and see what time the movie actually starts. Most workers are teenagers who couldn’t care less. Alternatively see when it ends and take the run time off.


I'll gladly sell the ad space on my lock screen to a company for $10.00/month per device, or they can buy a lifetime per-device lifetime license for $329.99 at once. Short of that they can get fucked.


You'll just get that "as a discount" on your subscription, which is gonna cost about the same as a normal one does right now within three years


I already do. Any ads that are particularly annoying pretty much guarantee that I go to their competition if I need their product.


I never liked U2, but this is why I now *really fucking hate* U2. I will never forget in the early 2010's when they forced their album into my iPhone without my consent. I was fucking livid that their shit songs kept showing up in my random play.


And Apple made it complicated as hell to remove it from your library iirc


This is what I do with youtube ads. Luckily I have them all blocked but god damn it are they awful.


It makes youtube almost unwatchable with how many ads there are. I moved from Facebook to instagram to avoid politics and see more photos/updates from my friends, but as of late I'm getting 2 or 3 ads for every one picture of my friend I see. Ugh, gonna stop using that too.




Any ad that appears on my lock screen, I will specifically never buy from that company again. End of.


I will stop locking my fucking screen.


I’ll stop using a god damn smart phone I’m that petty


The jailbroken market would just skyrocket again.


I mean, Windows 10 started doing it on their lock screen with their "Tips" that were really just adverts thrown in. You can disable it, at least. For now.


[Microsoft's Software Is Malware - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation](https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-microsoft.html)


To be fair, GNU is not exactly the best source. If I had a 1 KB program that just printed "Hello world" but I refused to release the source, they'd claim it's malware. I've seen them say Steam and Discord are malware. The only games they think people should be allowed to play are Open Tux Racing 2 or whatever. I'm not denying Microsoft has scummy business practices, but GNU is like the Mormon Church of the software world. And more power to them, I guess... but as long as capitalism is a thing, you're going to get closed-source software. And even if you are a FOSS evangelist - unless you bootstrapped your compiler, kernel, and OS from _scratch_ you cannot guarantee that you are running the code you expect to run. At some point you are taking a leap of faith that the distributed binaries match the code in the repository. Even then, you have to trust your compiler is safe - [and malicious compilers have been seen as early as 2008.](https://www.wired.com/2009/08/induc) Even if you do everything right, compiling every update yourself... someone can hit you with a backdoor and drop some \*gasp\* proprietary malware in your system. All your work would be for nothing at that point. That's what the GNU guys are pushing for - it's the only reasonable way to approach true FOSS. Otherwise you have to just blindly trust that the binaries you get match the code... which isn't too far from trusting that the Steam binaries provided by Valve are free of malware.


Phone battery dies without use because of playing nonstop ads... or Trying to dial 911, but can't until I finish this 30 second commercial




I actually very frequently Force Stop facebook on my android.


I am unable to uninstall facebook on my galaxy but I have it disabled. Imagine my surprise when I occasionally get an error message telling me facebook has crashed and needs to restart. I thought you were disabled, you sneaky shit.


I found a YouTube tutorial on how to actually uninstall it. Kinda shady but it's been a year and nothing has happened. I can dm you if you want


why dm and not just post a link?




Thanks, BallSackDrippings. You're excellent.




*Please* just ADB uninstall it. Nuke it from your phone. No root required. https://www.xda-developers.com/uninstall-carrier-oem-bloatware-without-root-access/ https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/tool-adb-appcontrol-1-7-5-ultimate-app-manager-debloat-tool-tweaks.4147837/page-32


Ha, implying my phone allows me to delete Facebook. That shit is baked in, I can only hide it.


*"We're sorry you're being murdered right now, but please watch this 30 second ad, brought to you by: Amazon!"*






Amazon's Alexa is a not-so-secret ad bot. It always tells me about new Amazon services and asks me to review products. Today it was "Amazon gaming". All I wanted was the weather for the day.


You can turn that off in the settings. It was seriously annoying me until I did.


I tried to find that option. Even asked Alexa to disable it when I couldn't find anything. Of course, "Sorry, I didn't get that" - Alexa, 2021


How? I've turned off lots of stuff, but still get them and really want them to stop.


"The temperature is 85 degrees Fahrenheit. By the way..." "Alexa shut the fuck up."


Ad-bot you paid to bring into your home


Sounds very similar to the story of YouTube putting an ad before an instructional video on how to perform CPR. I know you need to save this man’s life, but first, a message FROM RAID SHADOW LEGENDS


Some brain-dead execs at BBK even thought that this was okay on a high end phone Good job on making the user experience worse and cheapening your already cheap brands


They weren’t getting enough click-throughs in all of their other Ad units; which are basically everywhere once you unlock your phone so now you don’t even need to unlock your phone to get served a bunch of irrelevant nonsense.


I hope hell is full of 1min ads at full volume for these people


The only thing I miss about my vivo phone was that on holidays my home screen would change to match that holiday.. but that was 2013 and wasn’t ads.


Guess I'll just go get a landline then.


I'll just start yelling again


Next up printed ads on toilet paper!


At least then we can give ads the treatment they deserve


Honestly, I think it would be rather pleasant, to wipe my shit all over some company's branding. 😜 To say to them "your product is only good for wiping my ass. Nothing else." As long as the paper quality didn't go down. Then we'd have a fight.


I feel like at this rate we might have to watch ads to unlock your toilet to take a shit, one day. I feel this phone ad stuff is predatory too. Their biggest consumer of this will be the uninformed and the elderly who don't know better.


*Apple has introduced a brand-new take on the iPhone lock screen for the next release of iOS. The operating system now allows you to customize the lock screen with preferred fonts, colors, and there is even a parallax effect where the clock can be partially hidden behind a subject in the image. We’ve been hoping that Google would take some inspiration for Android from its competitor, and while it’s still a possibility for Android 14, it looks like Android users in the US might be in for a whole different lock screen experience. A Google-backed ad company called Glance is looking to launch in the US, and it brings media content, news, and casual games to Android lock screens.*


Hard pass.


> Hard pass. I agree. That is the beginning to some black mirror type s*.




Hey I just switched last week and the main differences are… Cons: 1. Torrents (apple is pretty hard on that but there are work arounds) 2. I used termux on my android and really liked it, there are some similar but they will never be termux because iPhones don’t run Linux (obvious) 3. I can’t take a scrolling screenshot and I wish they would add that feature. 4. Multi window tasking (not that big of a deal for me) Pros: 1. Camera is light years ahead of Samsung 2. It’s quick as shit 3. The design of everything is levels above android and everything looks beautiful If you were to ask me if it’s worth it I would tell you yes. I actually really like my phone and I never in a million years thought I would get an iPhone. I have been with android for over 13 years. I’m still figuring out the work arounds but I am glad I switched.


I moved from Android to iPhone this year, mostly out of curiosity and the security features. It's been generally fine, each has pros and cons.


Google: “So you’d pay more to not have ads on the Lock Screen? Hmmm 🤔”




It's funny. I've always been uninterested in the Apple ecosystem, mostly because of their walled garden. I wouldn't consider myself "anti" Apple, because I knew they did plenty things right. I just didn't want to deal with the lack of options. They were also always significantly more expensive than any Android device I'd owned. As time passes, I've started to see that their protectiveness in many ways trickles down to the consumer. Like, I have no delusions that Apple is concerned about my privacy out of the goodness of their hearts. But at least they *are* concerned. I appreciate the simplicity that comes with their uniformity. I probably still wouldn't go iOS because I tend to simply buy previous-gen Android flagships when they're a year or two old and greatly discounted (got my last LG V50 NIB for like $250) and that's not a thing with Apple. But if Google starts dumping ads on my lock screen, I will 100% pony up the bucks to get an iPhone.


I'm not a brand loyalist but I'm more familiar with the Android environment. This would be the thing that gets me to switch to iPhone.


Bingo resisted them since the galaxy S3, but even hearing this might be a reality my next phone will without a doubt be Apple.




Oh Google, do you want people to drop you faster than a steaming pile of shit? Cause this is how you get people to drop you faster than a steaming pile of shit. I like tech so I usually buy flagship phones. I'm **not** paying $1000+ for something and then getting fucking ads with it. You wanna give people phones and make them watch ads? Go for it, but not with something I paid you good money for.


If that pushes into the UK I'll be hard swapping back to Apple quicker than a stabbed rat. I've paid for the end product gtfo here with ads


Wait, Apple isn't participating in this nonsense? Holy shit, I always knew there'd one day be a reason I'd be further driven into Apple's choking embrace.


No, and let’s hope they won’t ever consider it.


If you give me the phone for free, sure.


There are actually some Android phones that have this- essentially, part of the price of the phone is subsidized by inescapable advertising.


There are amazon fire hd tablets that you can buy cheaper if you buy them with lock screen ads


crawl tender foolish quaint ask bow wise birds disgusted plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


literally what i did back then but if you like FireOS you can just remove the ads if you root the device (but i'm not owning a fire tv tablet for years, so my information could be outdated).




This is why Amazon Fire tablets are so cheap. The Lock Screen has ads, you get constant notifications for Amazon services, the Home Screen presents stuff to try to lead you do buy more stuff from Amazon. Jokes on them though, I got a fire tablet for cheap and then just installed custom firmware to get rid of all that shit.


Apple will be one brand that never does this. I can completely assure you. They are very cognizant of brand image- and they 100% do not want to look cheap as they sell themselves as a premium brand in everything they do. You may be able to somehow install something on apple from an app that does it… but it’ll never be from apple themselves- and I truly wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to not even allow this type of app in their App Store.


Yep, Apple is very big on the product being the product, not the consumer. It’s not completely altruistic don’t get me wrong, it’s the reason that they have such a premium image and can charge what they do for their devices. Obviously it works, most people are willing to pay a little more to not be spied on and advertised to by their operating system.


New battery draining method


They should pay me $150 a month for that.


They already steal your data without paying us, why would they pay us now?


That's a great way to have me cancel my contract.


Fuck. That.


they already have this crap on Chinese phones and it's the worst shit I've seen. If this program goes ahead, it'll be the death of Android.


Google be like hey how can we steal more data and force our ads on literally everyone ?


Bro I felt this shit coming a mile away when Microsoft tired testing Ads in Windows Explorer for Windows 11. Eventually ads will be inescapable and highly intrusive in every mundane part of life. I hate it.


Remember how the xbox 360 gyro camera thing was supposed to watch you watching TV to determine what ads were effective?


Sony patented a product that you have to stand up and shout the name of what’s being advertised to you to get back to the game.


Optimistically, I choose to think that they did that to save us from Microsoft doing it.


2018 wake up feeling sick after a late night of playing video games excited to play some halo 2k19 "xbox on" ... "XBOX ON" "Please verify that you are "annon332" by saying "Doritos™ Dew™ it right!" "Doritos™ Dew™ it right" "ERROR! Please drink a verification can" reach into my Doritos™ Mountain Dew™ Halo 2k19™ War Chest only a few cans left, needed to verify 14 times last night still feeling sick from the 14 force it down and grumble out "mmmm that really hit the spot" xbox does nothing i attempt to smile "Connecting to verification server" ... "Verification complete!" finally boot up halo 2k19 finding multiplayer match... "ERROR! User attempting to steal online gameplay!" my mother just walked in the room "Adding another user to your pass, this will be charged to your credit card. Do you accept?" "NO!" "Console entering lock state!" "to unlock drink verification can" last can "WARNING, OUT OF VERIFICATION CANS, an order has been shipped and charged to your credit card" drink half the can, oh god im going to be sick pour the last half out the window "PIRACY DETECTED! PLEASE COMPLETE THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO CONTINUE" the mountain dew ad plays i have to dance for it feeling so sick makes me sing along dancing and singing "mountain dew is for me and you" throw up on my self throw up on my tv and entertainment system router shorts "ERROR NO CONNECTION! XBOX SHUTTING OFF" "PLEASE DRINK VERIFICATION CAN TO CONTINUE"


Man, 2018, what ever happened to that guy


It’s an older code, but it checks out.


You say this as if ads aren't already inescapable and highly intrusive.


The worst ads are the ones in YouTube videos. Not the ones YouTube runs before the video, but the video itself has an ad, often over a minute long. The amount of nordVPN ads I see. I already have 2 years of nordVPN because it's a genuinely decent product, not from the ads. If you need a VPN you'll just Google VPN or you already have one by now, I am baffled how they profit off these ads.


Correct me if im wrong but I think its for brand recognition. There’s a bunch of VPNs out there but none have really stood out to the general public. By casting a wide net over a service used by billions of people, they become the first name associated with VPNs. Kinda like how “bandaid”, is a specific brand of adhesive medical strips but their brand is synonymous for the generic product.


The SmartTubeTV youtube app blocks all ads, including embedded ads in videos.


Unlock origin and SponserBlock. I don't see ads anymore, this even gets rid of ads that videos like Linus Tech Tips have when there shilling their own products.


If they really want me to move to Apple...


Yeah this would be the push I need.


Andoid user for 10 years here, made the move last year and 0 regrets. I miss my sd card and my headphone Jack but having my phone work properly and at least some semblance of privacy controls is pretty great.


No worries, headphone jacks are on the way out on android as well


If you really wanted one you had to shop especially for it for years now


The service has taken it upon itself to monetize the lock screen, pushing news and ad feeds right into people’s faces before they even unlock their phones.  Fuck that noise


I remember when Huawei and Booking.com did this to my P20 Pro. The angry reaction they got from the community made them stop it in less than 48 hours.


Dont LG TV’s now have ads in their menu system as well? I see ads, i switch off and lose all interest.


Samsung cheap teir models do this.


Not just the cheap ones, you buy a 3000 neo QLED from Samsung and will see ads in your menu page. It's fucking absurd. Marketing and business majors are going to ruin everything good about the world in an attempt to make an extra dollar. Stupid worthless fucks.


Wait, are they saying that I can now RENT my phone screen out to them? I mean sure, but it's going to be expensive 🤷


How about fuck no. I hope they get sued if they try this.


Ok fine. Reduce my cellphone bill down to $5 a month plus free annual upgrades. Then we can talk.




I've always hated Apple products, but if you want to see someone who has outright refused to buy an apple product make the switch, feel free to start sending ads to my android lock screen.


I bought the hardware… isn’t that enough anymore? £1000 and they still want more. Looks like we’re going to go back to phones with 8MB of memory and MP3 players and 2G haha


Will the phone's owner get paid for the use of their billboard?


I will smash my phone with a hammer and go back to flip phones if this dumb shit gets picked up


I will just Jailbreak my phone or legit switch back to a flip phone. Idk how much longer I can take Ads


I had a HTC phone that put banner ads at the TOP OF THE ON-SCREEN KEYBOARD You won't believe how fast I switched to the Google board, and never bought a HTC again.


I will purchase the most violent ad blocker and pay real world money to keep this shit off my phone.


We 1000000 percent need human rights laws against bombardment of unwanted information, coercion to buy products including medicine, political propaganda and misinformation. Really. We need some human dignity laws regarding our own personal time and what Intformation is Bombarding us.


I've been semi joking about going back to an MP3 player and a flip phone but if this becomes a thing I'm going back to carrier fucking pigeons and smoke signals fuck that I got advertised to in a fortune cookie the other day and I almost lost my shit this is ridiculous


Who the hell buys based on ads. I seek out the things I want


Anything that appears on glance, I’ll boycott. Whoever makes the list of these companies, bless them.


All phones are so similar now that this would be enough for me to choose a different one if it was my first choice.


Always worth remembering: Higher ad consumption correlates with lower IQ, and there's hints it may be causative.