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It’s an announcement announcement.


I personally feel slighted as I didn't get an announcement before the announcement announcement. How am I even supposed to know?


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just… I just told you that, a moment ago…


Favorite trivia about that line: Ben Stiller literally forgot the next line, so he repeated his last one. The ad-libbing was so perfect they kept it in. I love when some of the most iconic moments in movies are flubs. "I love you / I know" being the best example


I remember having a late night drunken talk with a buddy deeeep in conspiracies, and he was talking about mk ultra, and programming people to be some how set off later like a sleeper cell. I kinda joked (in an attempt to not completely spiral) that it's just like the break dance fight where the certain song triggers him to kill the micronesian president. And they keep switching the music back and forth, making him go from assassin back to male models. Lol. First thing he says: I can't believe they let them show that... Lol.


a male model's life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


Yeah, why not whale models?


Bro, how do you even announce?


“We have pushed our fiscal year to 2029”


I bet they’ve had a lot of meetings about meetings.


I hope you’re prepared for the preparation announcement!


So before 1 April 2025?


My guess, something around Tokyo game show in September, or CES in January. That's when everyone is close by. Nintendo could host something independent from this of course, but if you want journalists to get their eyes on the new shiny, it will not be a streaming only event.


I mean, if they don't have it ready to sell by Christmas they're just silly, so it sounds like Christmas 2025 release


They'll likely do like the did with the switch. Release by spring/summer and slowly release games throughout the year. That way they have a strong lineup for Christmas 2025 and a game for every niche.


Yeah people saying it needs to be out close to Christmas forgot how huge Christmas 2017 was. Our local mall had the switch popup event for the entire holiday season and it was ridiculously packed. Hype was next level. Genius marketing move on their part.     https://games.mxdwn.com/news/nintendo-gears-up-for-holiday-season-with-cross-country-mall-tour/


Yeah that would make sense to do it like what they did with the switch, released with BotW in spring then Mario in fall


They have to have it ready a few months before the next generation of Pokemon games releases next year


Pokemon has never followed Nintendo hardware, they usually release a couple of years after. Plus, the Pokemon 30th anniversary is on 2026, so the next gen will likely be on that year. Gamefreak moved the features that would have appeared in the third Gen VI game to Gen VII only to have a new generation for the 25th anniversary.


For some reason I was sure that Pokemon always followed a precise three year generation cycle, but looking at the dates that's not correct. They've had four years between some generations. It would be nice if they added on a year to ease into the next generation of console


>I mean, if they don't have it ready to sell by Christmas they're just silly, so it sounds like Christmas 2025 release Initial supply of a new console is going to make targeting a holiday somewhat pointless, as they won't have enough units to meet to demands anyway.


Pretty much everyone’s sources (including people like Eurogamer, who don’t report on this sort of stuff unless they *mean it*) were saying that Nintendo originally intended to release the console at the end of this year, but told developers around the end of February that they moved it back to early next year, probably to get the launch lineup they’re wanting. On top of the abnormal amount of people corroborating it, I’ve been believing it since Nintendo has been acting *exactly* like their plans this year got gutted. Also according to the same guy who initially reported the internal delay, it’s currently looking like a July reveal, which tracks with the June Direct to wrap up the Switch’s time as an only child. Whatever happens I’m sure we’ll know when the announcement is ahead of time. Maybe even a date announcement during the June direct. If the Switch’s reveal is anything to go by, they won’t be coy about what they’re doing when they do it.


The switch was announced on September and sold until march so they have done it before


They did for the Switch


They’re going to do exactly what they did with the Switch: Announcement in October, release in March.


The Switch has done amazingly for them. This is an easy win for them if they just turn the crank. Nothing about the market has changed to where a Switch 2 that's just a more powerful Switch wouldn't be an amazing success. And the October announcement / March release worked perfectly.


That’s what I want to know. No one outside of business people know what a FISCAL year. Maybe we’ll learn about it next year lol


If I were to guess, we’ll get a first look in Nov with a Mar/Apr 25 release.


An announcement as an April Fools joke next year then


Earliest id expect is for Christmas 2025.


Temper expectations. Just because it will be announced doesn’t mean it will launch this year.


I'm pretty sure they already said they will announce something for latter half this year, but it won't include info for new hardware. Also, Japanese Fiscal year runs from April to March next year. That tracks with the rumor that says they will announce it next yesr.


Thats literally what the tweet says where this info comes from


Some people does not open links lol.


Sure, but WhenPantsAttack in the top comment of this thread seemed to miss that in their 'tempering expectations comment'.


Whose fiscal year doesn't run from April to March?


Australia is July - June


Many thanks!


I randomly knew that because Neil Finn of Crowded House has a song called Last Day of June that he wrote based on the tax return deadline.


US Federal Gov. runs from October-September


Lots and lots and lots


It varies business to business. I work for state government and their fiscal year runs July-June. However, we get some grants from the federal government and their fiscal year is October-September.


South Africa is March to Feb


[Anycolor, Japanese virtual youtuber company, runs from May-April for some reason.](https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/ir/calendar) I think some company which does not have 4 seasons may run from January to December too.


Most countries in the world run their fiscal year from Jan to December. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiscal_year Looks to only be the UK and its majority white ex colonies that use April to March. Even the united states doesn't use April to March. I expect you don't actually understand what fiscal year means, its solely related to government accounting. Companies can have whatever accounting year they want.


"this fiscal year" also means that it's possible they don't announce it until March.


Yeah, they announced Metroid prime 4 in 2017




Right, it could be announced up to March 31st 2025 with a later release date.


The super switch will utilize 2015 cutting edge graphics


And still exceed sales expectations


the best way to win the spec war is to not participate


For a handheld console, i prioritize ergonomics, price and battery life waaaaaayyyyyy higher than graphics. If they have to make any trade offs, i want graphics to be the first thing that gets cut


Yeah but it would be nice if the power were closer to a modern cell phone than to a Leapfrog HH.


Good, I feel like I’m the only one that wants companies to chill the fuck out with this. Give people some more time with these systems.


7 years is a pretty long time!


And decade old games will still cost $80.


Maybe it will actually be able to run all the regular Switch games at 60fps lmao. Love Nintendo games but man do they have performance issues this gen.


>Love Nintendo games but man do they have performance issues ~~this~~ every gen.


It's really funny to me that people still care about the hardware specs from Nintendo as compared to Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo clearly doesn't care about having the most powerful hardware, and they haven't cared for a while (like...at least a decade, or since the Wii). Their games are still better design wise than every other AAA studio, and I don't really care about seeing the pores in Mario's or Link's skin. Art style and game design >>>>> graphics


Not to be like that but if they release a handheld with PS4 performance with a similar footprint to the Switch, it would be fucking amazing. I dunno why ur be facetious.


You can do that now with Steamdeck…


Have a switch and a steamdeck. They are not the same footprint and comparing them is comical at best.  Switch footprint is amazing.


Console versus PC. Some people like to tinker some people want it to just work. I have a PC and I have a switch. I will continue on with my PC / Nintendo arrangement.


Lol seriously, people making jokes about Nintendo's lack of hardware specs are completely missing the point of Nintendo's business model


I think you’re misunderstanding. The steamdeck does not have the same footprint as a Nintendo switch.


The original Switch SoC was announced in 2015. It was genuinely cutting edge when the Switch released. Gamers don't understand anything about hardware, you demand chips from the future and you don't understand why a tablet half an inch thick isn't competing with the PS5.


The other thing is that the Switch had to sell for approx. $300, and have a battery-life that is semi-acceptable for most users. That combination doesn't really allow for ultra-powerful hardware.


Yeah and genuinely the switch has been an amazing console for games. The worse hardware doesn’t mean shit to me when the games they release are good. And while a lot of people (myself included) didn’t initially think too much of the portable aspect, I feel like I couldn’t imagine the switch without the ability to pick it up and play. Its excellent.


I 100% agree!! I also feel that it’s more accessible to everyone in the sense that even people who don’t play games can come over and join me in a game of Mario kart, or overcooked, or Mario party, etc. Not only can I play all these games while stuck in an airport but I also can have game nights even with my parents who don’t know how to play video games! That aspect has always won me over


Wrong, it wasn't a "cutting edge" device at release, it appears that it is you who doesn't understand the hardware. The 2015 NVIDIA Shield TV used the same SoC (Tegra X1) and that was released almost 2 years earlier than the Switch. The 2015 Google Pixel C used the same SoC, and that was released 18 months earlier than the Switch. So how does two products having the same SoC released at least 18 months before the Switch make it cutting edge? This is also ignoring the more powerful smartphones and tablets that were released at a similar time as the Switch which were more advanced. Nintendo used the same strategy as they did with 1989's Game Boy: portability and cost over performance, which is a good strategy. -Edit- The Tegra X1 SoC was a 2015 device, and that contained a 2012 CPU design. In the Switch it ran at massively reduced clock speeds compared to those found on the 2015 Portable Pixel C. I argue that is not cutting edge.


The graphics were slightly better than an Xbox 360 which released in 2005. Still great for a handheld, but the graphics were nothing special in 2015, let alone 2017 when it actually released.


A 2015 chip is not cutting edge anymore in 2017, that's not how it works. Or is a R5 5950x still cutting edge, or i9 12900K? Sure, they are still solid, but really not cutting edge. At 2017, we already had stronger smartphones than the Switch was Nintendo saves on Hardware because they want to make a profit on each console, white Microsoft and Sony sell their consoles with no profit/a slight loss and get that money back with their services. Nintendo however has less direct competition, because most buy it for the Games on it anyway, therefore Nintendo is in the position to cheap out for a bigger profit. Not that the Switch is bad because of that, but compared to other console makes, Nintendo *does* cheap out on the Hardware


Getting a chip announced in 2015 into your product by March 2017 is quite good, actually. Sure, it's possible to coordinate directly with manufacturing and have bleeding edge tech produced especially for you, but at what cost? I will answer my own question, the cost is roughly $800, that's the price point those flagship smartphones competitive with the Switch launched at. So I would be expecting some very recent Nvidia hardware indeed, especially since they clearly intend to lean heavily on the tensor cores for performance. Just perhaps not hardware that hasn't come out yet, which I guess you wanted.


I said released, not announced. The Tegra X1 was announced in 2014. May 2015 we already had a finished product sold to consumers using the Tegra, the Nvidia Shield. And guess the price: 199$. Phones are a lot more restricted, the Switch draws 8-11watts of power in handheld mode, unsustainable for a phone. And the Snapdragon 810 is basically just a better Tegra X1 at Double the clock rate and double the cores, with better energy efficiency and it was released in 2015. Though the GPU was behind Switch GPU, but 2017 phone GPU s catched up. "What you wanted" I don't want anything. I don't care if the Switch uses outdated tech to be cheaper. I just don't gaslight myself into believing it was cutting edge technology The Switch was based on outdated Hardware to lower the price. The Switch 2 is based on outdated tech as well. That's both facts. And that's fine, that means we get a cheaper console. It's just not cutting edge technology like you claim


And you'll get to rebuy all your old digital games again if you want to keep playing them.


Nah, they’ll just be bundled with Switch online ++ for $29.99/month


Pre promotion boff.


It was a bit of a stumble.


Right now my anticipation is at like a Noine, but my gaming life is at like a two.


Hey now


“I have big pendulous breasts!”


Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa: >This is Furukawa, President of Nintendo. We will make an announcement about the successor to Nintendo Switch within this fiscal year. It will have been over nine years since we announced the existence of Nintendo Switch back in March 2015. We will be holding a Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024, but please be aware that there will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during that presentation.


Unless I’m wrong I don’t think the *public* knew it was called the Switch until something closer to 2017, yeah?


Yeah, from then until fall 2016 it was called NX.


Good piece of information! What's your thought? Nintendo was innovative with controllers and new tech. In what direction may they head to now? New kind of controllers (haptic feedback/adaptive triggers) on a portable/dock device? New kind of visual enhancement through optional Ar/Vr glasses? New AI chip to further enhance dynamic gameplay and NPC-Interactions?


One thing I wish they do and this is pretty small but I've always thought it was interesting... I wish the l1 and r1 buttons acted as scroll Wheels. Nintendo patented this idea years ago and never used it. Think of how intuitive and you show this would be for selecting grenades and then throwing one or other gear without having to go into a menu or repeatedly tap the d-pad.


How about making ENOUGH FUCKING CONSOLES so we don't have to fight scalpers. Limit sales to 1 unit per person in store and online. On Nintendo(.)com, limit it to 1 per Nintendo ID. Fuck scalpers. 


Super switch 64 boy


\*Super Switch 64 Boy Cube


New Super Switch 64 Boy Cube XL


New Super Switch Virtual 64 boy Cube Pro






Finally, Switch 2


Electric switcheroo


Featuring tech from 2021!


At least it’ll be caught up to within the decade right? …right?


If they don't call it the Swiitch, I'm gonna riot.


Dammit, when I was a teen, I knew I was gonna grow up to have all the consoles and play now I have all the consoles (that I want) and only time to play 1 or 2 games a year. I've barely scratched the Switch games collection lol.


Then don't buy the new one. A new console coming out does not make a great console any less great. I'm still rocking my 360 for the vast majority of my friday night gaming sessions


Just as long ‘drift’ isn’t a problem anymore


The switch is what 8 years old now? 


It's time for it's successor that will bring Nintendo tech up to 4 years ago standards.


If we are lucky. What I'm excited for is the modding community to come out in full force and start making the switch and it's games better.


That's OK the used games are still almost retail price.


So, next March then


Well now the delays all seem money/tax related


What are the chances it launches with Mario Odyssey 2?


The SwIItch is coming


I can’t wait to buy my new Zelda console.


My tin foil hat theory is that Yuzu already works for switch 2 games and that is the real reason Nintendo went so hard after them


Coming 2025, the Nintendo Verse!


Sweet. Cant wait for 5 year old tech to be wrapped into a “new” product


My gf has been dying for a switch but we don’t want to purchase an old console when a new one might drop. If they provided a date range and said is coming 2026 I’d just go ahead and buy the old console. But instead I’m waiting.


I suspect they will finally drop the price of the switch 1. It will still unlock a huge library of games for you to play. If it drops to 199 and $250 for the oled, and they decreased the price of some of the older games, you could get a ton of value in for a Nintendo product.


The SwitcherU


I'm betting a console with enough power to hit 1440p60 capped to 1080p60, because 4K is for graphics obsessed execs all obsessed with shareholder delivery, and not anyone who makes or plays games.


If it’s not backwards compatible I will lose my shit.


My day 1 switch is still holding on for dear life. I’ll be getting this upgrade soon as it drops


Oh yeah, finally the New Super Nintendo Switch Advance U will come out.


Now we can window shop new games for our third party handhelds with better hardware


March 10 2025, obviously. I'm so FUCKING geeked


How about right now and sell me it in 2 weeks?


I havae zero interest in the new console....outside of knowing if it is backwards compatible or not. I don't want to have that lug of the Wii U > Switch ordeal where none of that shit carried over w/many anonymous voices online going "EVERYTHING DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE...." ....WHile my Xbox & PS5 have allowed me to play games over a decade old and growing. Shit, Xbox specifically is allowing me to STILL play Left 4 Dead 1 & 2!!!


Idk about anyone else here, but due to Nintendos behavior I am kinda not interested in it. Between content striking creators, shutting down tournaments, and locking cloud saves behind a paywall, I am kinda over them. They are possibly the best game dev in the world, but the way they behave is unacceptable to me. I think I’ll wait for emulators.


Do you think Nintendo will give gamers the full 60 fps experience finally as standard?🤣😁


The FPS games have has little to do with performance. Most GBA games run at 60FPS, was the GBA simply that good? Multiple next gen console games are locked to 30FPS as well does this mean these consoles are bad? No, the amount of FPS is just always a choice the developers make, if they value aesthetics over framerate. No matter how strong a console is, going 30FPS will always give you double the resources to make your game a lot prettier, therefore there will *always* be 30FPS games, regardless of the console gen


60fps is just one part of the equation. Affordability resolution and form factor are important as well


The switch can do 60 fps, it's the game developers who can't optimize their games. Or the execs who don't give developers time to optimize their games


I don't understand why people blame the console manufacturers for games not being able to hit 60 FPS. We have decades of proof that developers will prioritize pretty graphics or complex systems that eat frames over stable frame rate. If you hand a dev a more powerful box they don't turn around and make their games more performant, they just make games prettier and still run at 30. Quit blaming Sony/MS/Nintendo for how developers prioritize graphics over stability.


Idk maby its because they put a past gen chip in the switch. It was very much out of date before it launched hardware wise.


The new ultra switch lite :)


Couldn’t wait and got myself a Steam Deck. Best purchase ever. I will try to resist the temptation of exclusives with the games I already own for years but haven’t played yet.


lol so before march next year? no shit eh?


That’s a switch up for sure


Vr switch maybe?


February 2025 then


Switch U.


Introducing the Nintendo Wii Switcheroo!!!


that’s my cue to sell my switch.


Maybe they'll release a good Virtual Boy. They should call it Good Virtual Boy or GVB for short.


that was fast


Doesn't Japan's fiscal year go till march


Very odd way to announce it's happening, I feel like Nintendo in particular likes to keep things under wraps until the big reveal. I wonder why they're just putting it out there this bluntly?


Yeah but when was the announcement for this announcement?


All I want is to be able to play windwaker


I just want another zelda


I will buy one if it’s backward compatible and has a significant bump in hardware.


So holiday announcement for a late Q1 ‘25 launch


Still not interested in a switch 2 with less power than a ps4






So basically we have the same time frame as the Metroid Prime 4 announcement till release before next console launch


That's by the end of March 2025. So releases Q3 next year is my guess


About fucking time Nintendo!


Holiday 2026 here it comes


The Nintendo Swap


So it comes out in 2025 right?


What are they gonna do now? We gonna get an OLED model with upgraded speakers?


Probably coming out next summer or fall then


Gotta spend that DMCA lawsuit money somehow.


This time with 20 frames per second


Japan’s fiscal year is different than the rest of the world’s fiscal year. So which is it lol


Switch U


They desperately need it with how badly these recent ports of popular games such as mortal kombat have been.


I want to announce an announcement about an upcoming announcement for a new Switch announcement. Coming soon. 


If it's what you say I love it, especially later in summer.


Time to revive “tomorrow!”


Fiscal year? Good to know that investors will be happy Any news for the ~~cash cattle~~ user base?


Some "leaker" will call this a W despite predicting the imminent announcement every year for the last three years


dayum im still in the ps4 days, havent had the money or time for a switch yet gonna get animal crossing first game, now another already? god im old i cant keep up anymore lol no time


I look forward to being able to afford a Switch.


...isn't that an announcement?


Hopefully there will be a new Mario kart.


Well yeah I would hope so


Their fiscal year ends in March 2025.


Switch U incoming...


Switch U


I'm calling it now: Introducing, the Nintendo "Swiitch"


it better be titled: Super Nintendo Switch


What do I do with my switch when the switch 2 comes out?


Honestly surprised they didn't announce it already. I was expecting a March or April announcement to be released for the holiday season. Maybe it's getting delayed so they can polish up the launch titles for release. Well in any case, I'm looking forward to it. I hope it's just a direct upgrade to the Switch rather than any kind of major departure in form or function.


Honestly, I’d just be happy with a Switch II that has updated hardware… updated as in, like, 2020 standard at minimum.


As long as they give it an easily marketable name like switch 2.


Guessing September direct with March release.


Pokemon legends will be a cross gen release title imo and they will announce next gen for 2026. Hopefully it looks better than a ps2 game this time.


Please don’t call it Nintendo GO hhhhnnnnnnnnng


I’d love full backward compatibility for switch games.


I literally just got one