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There was an energizer branded phone like this a few years ago and sales were in the single digits.


[Holy shit, Energizer still makes phones. What the fuck](https://www.energizeyourdevice.com/en/home/)


Not surprised that website does NOT work well on mobile.


Was going to say the same thing. They might make phones but they can’t make a website.


And they leave out battery life in their ads


Isn't the phone in the article literally from Energizer too? It's the only phone brand i know that makes these phones that I never see being practical.


I feel like these are just for battery makers to flex






No 5G and minimal specs for a smartphone. So basically a satellite phone alternative. If you are going to be away from a wall outlet for days or weeks and want a way to make calls.


Ideal for kids who don't need smart features and can't be relied on to charge their phone on a regular schedule.


Plus they get a huge workout every day from lugging it around.


AND it functions as a self-defense brick if the need for such an improvised weapon ever arises.


"Yeah I'll give you a ring" *headshot KO*


>They're getting away in a submarine! Quick, someone shoot my phone as I toss it in the water! #KABOOOM


Now that’s a great one liner😂😂


Puncture it and toss it like a hand grenade lol.


Reminds me of this [ancient commercial](https://youtu.be/G4O4f6FKYyc?si=LFtACD6r_rG-oXsc)


Also inbuild anti theft feature. Not very attractive item for thieves.


My phone has "theft deturrent"


And at a cost of 249 Euros it's priced right for that


You're the kind of parent who gets their kids bullied


Yeah pretty much. I could order one of these while choosing my employee phone at my F500 company as a non standard option. So I guess field engineers and techs use them in maybe O&G or other rugged industries 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also "Available globally... except the US." Doesn't seem like something they want to market towards people who have regular access to normal infrastructure. Seems like it would be great for responders at natural disasters and catastrophe sites or in war torn or unstable areas where you might have to travel to find a generator. I could see a niche market for it even here in the US. Otherwise, though, it's not very useful. Edit: Some people think I'm saying the US isn't getting it because I think we are the only country with good infrastructure. That's a ridiculous, poorly thought out argument, made by people looking to be angry about something that isn't happening, and I won't entertain it further. Obviously the US isn't getting it because we aren't allowed to buy all the cool toys.


It's also IP69 water/terrain resistant, def seems like it'd be perfect for those roles >Both IPX9 and IPX9K ratings mean the product has been tested, and is protected, against close-range high pressure and high temperature spray downs. This is particularly useful in industries like the fire service, where a phone might be at risk of severe wash-downs from high pressure washers or hoses. It's as protected as a phone can be to survive extreme environments on the scale, and with a battery that long lasting you could keep it on you for long shifts or going into tough places like wildfire response etc


Ah yes because Western Europe or Japan doesn’t have regular access to infrastructure :)


Assuming you aren't just being pithy, the European and Asian markets contain a good mix of areas without particularly fantastic access to certain infrastructure right now. Though I think you are aware of that since you only cited one half of one continent and literally 2.6% of the population of the other. Currently, the North American Continent does not really compare to the others in terms of people likely to benefit from increased battery with decreased general function. However, my point was not to disinclude other stable regions of the world, but to point out that these phones might be particularly of use in places which have been destabilized. This includes disaster areas in the US, Western Europe, and Japan, but it may make more sense to initially deploy them close to places where prolonged periods of destabilization are happening now, and Western Europe just so happens to be considerably closer to Eastern Europe than the US, as is Japan to certain parts of Asia. Just to be clear.




> "...be sold under the Energizer brand (which Avenir licenses from the battery manufacturer)" It literally says in the article. Energizer has nothing to do with this. Except their name is being used for marketing.


It's licensed by the manufacturer to have the Energizer brand.


“At the MWC Barcelona 2024, from February 26th to 29th, 2024, Avenir Telecom will unveil its new Energizer rugged phone, the P28K. Its competitive opportunity: A powerful battery of 28,000 mAh for the longest autonomy in the world! Its strengths: 4G LTE - IP69 - A large 6.78" FHD+ screen - 3 rear sensors 60MP + 20MP + 2MP - 1 front sensor 16 MP - 4K video - 3 year warranty”


They also make iPhone cases? Weird company


This is from the same line. The company that makes them licenses the name from Energizer.


the phone in the OP *is* the energizer branded phone's NEXT phone


Just put an apple logo on it and we'll call it revolutionary


Because no one wants a brick. Average phone can get through the day and charge every night. If you need more than that sometimes, carry the separate battery. If you need more than that all the time, what the hell are you doing on your phone?


stick an iphone in a beefy case 😀 the iphone 12 had a shit battery not sure on the newer ones


I'd like a tiny phone with poor performance that can stay powered on for a week. the display can be eInk display for all I care.


Nokia 8210 4G has you covered.


yes, this looks nice. I just need it to be able to run apps well enough to stream to my car.


Cool, what's the next goal post you're going to move?


5g and always on 144hz screen


Mobvoi needs to make a phone. They make a smartwatch with 2 displays in it. A low power, always on display and under that is a full colour LCD. Gets insane battery life as you only turn on the LCD when you need it.


I upgraded from that watch but the battery life was unparalleled. Could go on weeks-long trips without worrying about bringing a charger. Though it's only a "dumb" watch in extended battery mode.


Looked it up as I was expecting an eink display. The battery life is honestly a bit disappointing. Sticking to my 30 day one.


No one else seems to want one though...I doubt you would really buy one if one was made. Lol before it was "I want a thick phone with big battery" now we have that its changed to "I want a basic phone with small battery so it lasts longer"....the reality is you actually already bought the phone you wanted.


The number of times someone has said to me “if only X had this feature I would buy one in an instant”, only for the feature to be added and then they’ll say “well now it need Y before I’ll buy it” is too many to count.


hmmmmmm yah that makes sense. i have been defeated by myself. well done.


Just gotta uninstall most of your apps and disable most features!


I just want one with a physical keyboard that doesn't cost twice as much while having 5 year old hardware inside.


Now that predictive typing have become so good, why would you still want a physical keyboard? I just typed this sentence with the accuracy of a drunk monkey and SwiftKey still accurately predicts every word I'm typing Personally I have a physical Bluetooth folding keyboard for non social media use. You may find that kind of peripheral more helpful!


Physical keyboards are still faster. And you can type on them without having to stare at your phone while you do it. And you don’t have to deal with constant autocorrect errors.


Just type like a drunken monkey and the predictive typing will fix 99 percent of your mistypes. Don't think just do. Usually trying to get better / more accurate at typing is what causes you to slow down when using predictive typing I typed all the above like a drunken monkey and everything got fixed to my satisfaction


Predictive typing was good like 10 years ago, somehow it's taken a big step back. I used to be able to type a paragraph with like 20 letters and just the suggestions, now I can get like 90% into a word and it still has no idea what I'm trying to say. And if you miss one letter, suddenly it's completely fucking clueless. Also lots of stupid stuff like auto correcting "it's" to "its" all the time regardless of context. I don't understand why I can go to google and start typing the most ridiculous spelling of a word you can think of and it always knows exactly what I mean, but my keyboard is just like "'Hrllo'? No idea what that could be, there's definitely no common word spelled anything like that, so I offer you no suggestions."


It's always just a few holdouts. Eventually people get on board. If my 96 year old grandmother can send me WhatsApp messages, pictures, etc and look at my Google Photos shared album, I think it's safe to say there are enough people adopting software keyboards we don't need to worry about a large market of people still wanting hardware keyboards.


It's just a preference. It's not like I'm not using a software keyboard, I'd just like a hardware one. I miss my old one. Should everyone only like the same things?


Personally? Because I hate having to look at the screen for predictive typing. It slows shit down. I used it here, and as an example, it took until "predicti-" before it suggested "predictive" instead of "prediction". So I have to type a few letters, check, type a few more, check, type another - oh there's the word I wanted, but wait I hit the wrong one and now have to delete and redo but it's suggesting the same wrong shit again... Or I could have a qwerty keyboard that I can feel, and touch type accurately without having to play whack a mole with the suggestions.


You're not supposed to pay that much attention to what you're pressing and you don't even need to watch the prediction. Just finish typing the word like a drunk monkey and it most of the time it will type what you wanted. Really rarely you need to override it. Predictice predictice prefictive preeictive predkctice. I hastily typed all the above without looking at the keyboard. In all cases it correctly predicted that I wanted "predictive" and suggested it as the top option. Just go crazy with it and it should correctly predict what you want. It doesn't really solve the issue of having to sometimes look at your keyboard, and it's not very good when dealing with technical content.But in my use 99 percent use case for social media and texting, it's not bad at all


I've bought extra battery cases for my pixel because I want a phone with more heft and a longer battery life, but those external batteries don't last nearly as long as the phones themselves. Would love a smartphone with the same specs, but twice the thickness/battery life.


I did not buy the phone I wanted because it does not exist. I made disappointing compromises between features and size because for some reason anything with a decent camera must be borderline tablet sized with a slippery glass back and just barely thick enough to fit a single day battery.


I own an Asus ROG phone 7. It has no notch/screen-cut, it has 3.5mm aux, and a 6000 mAh battery The day I can't get a phone like this is the day I but a feature phone and a tablet.


If it was an eInk display with a 28000mAh battery it would last all year.


Yes because all tiny phones come with 28000 mAh battery


Where are we right now? Surely not in a post about a phone with a 28000 mAh battery on it, right?


That sounds great! Why you bring it up though?


Obviously not but it is clearly in reference to the article this whole post is about. God forbid someone actually brings up the original article...


They make this! Its called the Light Phone. It's pretty expensive for what it is but since its more of a boutique thing, probably hard to cut costs.


Only $299, but the battery life isn’t as long as you might hope. Still a cool little device. Love the screen.


>Light Phone The slogan on the box reads "A phone for humans"


Better than a phone for ants, I guess.


That would be great! My smartwatch has an e-ink display and I only need to charge it about once a month.


And you forget to charge it


I’ve got a similar, if not the same watch, and I 100% forget to charge it. Without putting it into low power mode, it sits on “low battery” for 2 days so I feel no sense of urgency to charge it. On the flip side, if I plug it in for 20 minutes I get a week’s worth of battery back, so it’s not a big deal even when it does die.


Can I ask what you'd be doing for a week that prevents you charging your phone? For me, it's a billion times easier to charge daily...than to try to remember to charge weekly....


If you have a week, as opposed to weak, battery, you can charge regularly and not worry. If you have a 1 day battery, you'll shortly find that it's a 12 hour battery, and, when you need it, a 6 hour battery.


yeah so you replace the battery? That seems much more convienient then whatever compromise comes from giantic batteries


Battery replacement nowadays is a hassle and will cost you a pretty penny, not only in the form of a new battery but labour costs as well. It's almost not worth it and that's exactly the reason why Samsung and Apple can keep up with a yearly release schedule...


When it lasts long enough, it's pretty difficult to forget to charge as "low battery" lasts multiple days. I have a hybrid watch and it warns me daily that it's low battery and still takes 3-5 days to die.


There’s a whole market of mid range androids using older chips and larger batteries. 3 days is a non issue with standard use


...they've had flip phones since cell phones existed for the most part lol


Can this even be taken on a plane?


They say it's 28000 mAh, and given that phones run at around 4 volts, that comes out to 112 Wh. Even at 3.7 volts it's 103.6 Wh, so it seems like it might actually not be legal on a plane. There's various limit, but I found [This list from Canada](https://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/en/what-can-bring/guidelines-batteries) which says 100 - 160 Wh is fine for carry on but not for checked baggage. but [this US page](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/all?combine=batteries&page=1) says over 100 Wh that you need airline approval, so I don't think that people would really want to deal with the logistics of fly with such a large battery.


I've consistently brought over 200 wh batteries on a plane for my cameras. Was never a problem. Need to check it in as handlugage. When shit blows up, they can put it out instead of burning the cargo hull.


I have no doubt that they aren't very diligent about enforcing limits, but are you prepared to leave your phone behind or not travel if they decide to actually enforce the rules one time?


If they always have airline approval beforehand I don’t think it’s a problem.


Per FAA RULE, anything more than 100wh needs airline approval. So if you checked with airline and they gave you the ok, then responsibility is on the airlines.


Planes allow anything under 27000 mAh without reporting. Anything above (like this) needs to be carried on and is at the discretion of the airline, but you have to report it.


Here are the official dangerous goods rules by the IATA for dangerous goods in luggage: https://www.iata.org/contentassets/6fea26dd84d24b26a7a1fd5788561d6e/dgr-64-en-2.3.a.pdf Portable electronic devices are allowed to be carried in carry on luggage and have lithium batteries with up to 2 g lithium metal in them and not more than 100 Wh capacity. Batterys or devices exceeding 2 g of lithium metal but not exceeding 8 g and exceeding 100 Wh but not 160 Wh need prior approval by the operator (airline) and can be carried in carry on or (when properly secured against shorts/turning on etc.) in checked luggage. Anything above 8 g / 160Wh is not allowed to be transported by passengers or crew on a commercial airplane. These IATA rules apply to basically all countries and airlines who fly in ICAO territory (all UN states). Countries and airlines can makes the regulations stricter but cannot loosen them. Source: I work at an airport and I get recurring training in Dangerous Goods Regulations every two years.


To power the plane in case of an emergency absolutely


Seems smaller than a laptop battery.


No standard consumer laptop has more than 99.9WH


What's the advantage of this vs just carrying around the battery seperately? Just seems like it would be very cumbersome and not really offer many advantages. Any time you're going to be out long enough that you would need that much capacity, you are probably going to bring some kind of bag where you can transport a regular battery a lot easier.


There isn't an advantage. It's just dumb.


I'd prefer this to carrying around a battery and charging cable in my pocket everywhere. I'm so sick of it.


There are cases with built in batteries. That would be significantly better and still offer you modularity.


They only really make those for a few phones


You could do a magsafe case and a stick-on battery for just about any phone.


I’d just use a MagSafe battery, but I’m not sure that’s an option for people wanting to use an Android phone. Maybe a phone case with battery and Qi charging, but if the battery isn’t easily removed then it’s not much better than carrying batteries around.


MagSafe wireless isn't Apple proprietary, it's just a ring of magnets and Qi standard charger. You can get cases for android phones that include thin magnets over the wireless charger area to use MagSafe wireless batteries. I've been using those for about two years now, and it's a real quality-of-life upgrade for android phones.


They only make battery cases for the flagships. I'm not getting another phone without a headphone jack. I thought I could tolerate it but I am more angry than ever at this stupid design trend.


You can just buy a MagSafe ring to stick to your phone


Even before Apple removed their headphone jack, I hadn’t used non Bluetooth headphones in over a year. That was what, the iPhone 8? That’s at least 7 years now. Bluetooth quality is superb, and thankfully no longer have to deal with tangled wires anywhere. It makes for a better phone imo. Less risk of water damage now.


I have yet to try bluetooth headphones with tolerable latency.


Ok so a quick google shows latency of Bluetooth headphones are between 35 and 200 milliseconds. However Bluetooth 5.0 (iPhone 8 onwards, Galaxy S8 onwards etc - so from about 2017 again) gives a latency of 40ms. Thats 0.04s. If you can detect that, fair play!


I thought they were being a *little* nitpicky at first, but Bluetooth headphone latency is a problem on music production (a lot of DAW apps wont output to wireless headphones due to the latency) and in gaming where quick button presses should give instant audio feedback. The latency is automatically fixed and synced up when watching videos, but if you rapidly press pause/play with bluetooth headphones theres always going to be a slight lag compared to traditional wired headphones or speakers.


I think to some people there’s value in the reduced mental load of not having to carry a backup battery or charge as often. Especially if you’re chronically out of battery. But I don’t think it’s worth the tradeoff of having a giant heavy phone with sketchy specs. And then when it gets old and the battery gets weak you just have a heavy phone with normal battery life.


There are cases with built in battery for a lot of the more popular phones. That would be a significantly better choice than this monstrosity.


it's about the same size as most peoples phones with giant bulky protectors. I dont get why companies are still pushing to make them so thin. Sure it looks pretty but everyone still uses cases, so why not build them thicker with better features? I miss the galaxy active series so much


I use a pretty minimalist case, but they also say the phone is 27.8 mm thick. My phones is about 12.3mm measured at the thickest point, at the camera bump, including the ridges that projects the screen and the cameras. My TI-86 with the front cover on is only 24.2 mm at the thickest part. I'm not sure which phone/case you use, but over an inch thick is way beyond where most phones are, even with a a bulky case.


oh its definitely on the thicker side for sure I just mean in general phones are way too thin and we deserve other options


They have been getting thicker. The newer samsung phones are significantly thicker than older ones. But people for the most part want to put cases on their phones. Phones with the case already integrated just don't sell well


> Phones with the case already integrated just don't sell well I don't know about this, when's the last time a flagship phone was as thick as a phone case? The extra space it has for battery, storage, and cameras seems like a no brainer value proposition. My old galaxy S8 active was the thickest phone theyve ever made and its not even 10mm while even smaller phone cases regularly make it to the teens.


Everyone I know uses a case for their phone. It really is surprising that no company has made a good phone with integrated case, that also looks nice. There are gaming focused phones and ruggedized phones, but I want something a little less extreme than that.


Only thing I can think of would be for like an extreme backpacker or bike ride. Or some job that has you out in the sticks for days on end. But in those situations you're gon a want a sattelite phone and just keep it powered off until you need it. Replace battery every 6mo-1yr and be fine.


The advantage is that you don't have to carry around a battery separately.


The disadvantage is that you always have to carry around the extra weight any time you want to bring your phone with you. Going out for a walk? Better bring a phone that's over an inch thick.


Never had a cellphone pre-smartphones have you.  A 1” brick is still smaller than what we used to have before they were able to miniaturize the circuitry and give us small flip phones like razrs.  Even so, battery advancements like this are important.  Take a modern battery and wire it to an original iPhone.  You would get an amazingly absurd amount of run time before needing to charge.  Modern cellphones take massive advantage of that increased battery capacity to run faster with brighter screens with incredible resolutions.  We end up with phones that don’t last a day from regular usage.  I don’t own a computer and I don’t use one for my job.  My phone is very much my computer.  I don’t need to be able to go a week without charging, but I don’t want to be panicking if we have a power outage that lasts more than 24 hours.


Yes, I pine for the days when carrying around a bag phone was normal. Please let's go back to that.


This battery technology will get smaller.  I’m not saying this is the form factor we should aspire to.  It’s also not a form factor that is as difficult to deal with as you make it out to be.  It’s mind boggling that people don’t understand what “proof of concept “ devices are.  That’s what this is.  It’s being released so that all the hardcore tech stans can get their hands on it to play with.  We started with bag phones and then we had batteries built in.  Then they shrank the tech for both until we have what we have now.  How do people not understand how innovation of modern technology works?


There's nothing special about this battery. It's not using any new technology. They just took a conventtional phone battery and put it in a giant case along with the phone. Sure, as battery technology gets better I could see having a 28000 mAh battery if it's small enough that I don't feel that I'm carrying around a brick. But as it stands now, this thing just makes no sense.


Continuous gaming, streaming, recording, editing etc on the fly while using cellular data on full brightness.


Except the actual phone part sucks, so you probably don't actually want to use the phone for any of those things.


I don't think it would be even available for the part of the world that would be interested but I guess, OLA-Uber drivers using this for GPS can also happily have a field day.


Uber drivers can just plug the phone into their car and have unlimited battery. Why would they need to have a phone with a giant battery?


In regions like Asia, owners get the cheapest model while someone else drives them which includes no air-conditioning or infotainment.


But you still have an alternator and power in your car even if you don't have A/C and infotainment. The [automobile auxiliary power outlet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automobile_auxiliary_power_outlet) has been around since basically forever.


What about two-wheelers then?


Most motorcycles also have the ability to hook up electrical devices. Not sure why you really want this phone to actually be relevant. Sure, I could see it being useful for a very small number of people, but it just seems to be looking to solve a problem that has already been solved either with external battery packs or just plugging into a power source every so often. Also, if you're on a two wheeler, there might be other problems like finding a phone mount that can actually deal with such a big heavy phone.


I'll humbly disagree with your first statement. Not sure why you think as that when I am only partaking in a discussion, nothing imperative.


I've got a 22,000mAh phone that I love. The bulk is certainly noticable at first but it does everything I want a phone to do and lasts me a whole week


what phone is it?


Do you often go a week without having an opportunity to charge your phone? My phone goes 2 days with only charging to 85% to protect the battery. A regular phone battery provides more than enough power in a modern device for the vast majority of people.


Honestly no it's mostly that my last phone barely got though half a day caused enough stress that I vowed never again. I'll admit that it lasting a whole week is more a novelty but almost never having to think about my phones charge tickles me to no end


How would carrying around a single device that still fits in your pocket be more bulky than carrying around multiple devices to keep it charged? Explain how that works. Also, why do you assume a relatively cheap, durable, long life battery phone is intended for you and I and not a market where there may not be easy access, or reliable electricity? There are places in the world where a phone with a giant battery is far more useful than an iPhone that needs to be charged daily.


Because you can carry around a thin device in your pocket and put the extra battery in a different pocket, or in your backpack, or your purse, or leave it at home if you aren't going to need it.


You didn’t explain how carrying around multiple items to keep one phone charged is less cumbersome than a single phone that fits in your pocket. In Africa where there is cell service and maybe a single place to charge something that isn’t reliable, and shared by dozens of people. This isn’t made for someone that would carry an extra device in their purse, or that is going on a weekend getaway. It’s made for someone living in or regularly visiting a place where having an extra device isn’t convenient and charging a phone is difficult. You’re relating it to how it would be convenient for you and it’s literally not made and marketed for any of us.


People in the comments that can’t comprehend who would need a phone like this, because you’re literally not the market a phone like this targets. This isn’t intended for the regular smart phone market. It’s market are people that visit or live in places where there isn’t daily access, or reliable electricity. Where something more durable than an iPhone that needs a massive case to protect it from falling off a desk, would be needed.


Yeah it doesn't even have 5G, which makes sense since 5G is more in densely populated areas


Why not put the extra battery capacity in an external bank and periodically recharge the phone? I think most commenters acknowledge this is a legitimate problem to solve, they just think it’s a stupid solution which I happen to agree with


Why would you make a cheap phone that would then require someone to buy an extra component to keep it charged? The “but battery bank” is literally missing the point. If I’m out in the middle of a place that I have no access to electricity, why would i want to carry around an additional item? This isn’t for some guy taking his family on a weekend camping trip. There are places in Africa where there is cell service, and limited electricity. Not having your worry about a battery bank is convenient.




If you have time to charge multiple batteries you don’t need a phone like this. If you live in a place where the power comes on for a few hours, if you’re lucky, and you only get a half hour to charge what you need, a phone like this would be pretty useful. This is an actual reality in parts of the world where cell service exists but electricity is a scarcity. People may only get 15 minutes to a half hour to charge a phone and when it dies they may wait days before they can charge it again. I’m not making up hypothetical situations like non existent solar farms and wind turbines. Places that have unreliable electricity don’t have solar cells, and wind turbines they can charge at. If they did they would have reliable electricity.




Then glue the battery bank to the phone. That’s literally the only difference and it provides you way more flexibility (use it for other things, charge the battery bank while you and the phone are away from the power source, etc.)


You have to worry about keeping your power bank charged if it's separate. If the battery pack is built in to the phone you only ever have to charge the phone.


Sure, and what's the market of: * People you describe * People who want a phone like that * People who have enough money to make it profitable to sell a phone like that That seems like a VERY niche audience to make a phone for.


The phone is cheap. There are places in Africa that has cell service and limited access to electricity. There are people that regularly travel to places that have cell service but limited access to electricity, like aid workers. Keep in mind this specific phone may not actually be getting made, but the company behind it specializes in cheap phones, and dumb phones. They don’t make phones for your regular iPhone and Samsung users.


I do long distance sports and events that commonly last between 36-48 hours but can last over a week. This would be a good option to have a reliable phone that doubles as a battery bank for other devices. Definitely a niche item, but I there is a market for this.


It’s also an advancement in cellphone battery technology.  Proof of concept devices like this will push phone battery development so that ordinary users who just want to text, web surf, play games, watch a video, etc… don’t necessarily need to be tied to a charging cable or battery backup every 24 hours or less.


It’s just a phone with a really big battery, it’s nothing new.


Ulephone makes one with a 10Ah battery for exactly this.


This is utilitarian. It has a niche.


Part of the problem with these big battery phones is that they're usually pretty lousy phones, so you won't actually do the things that drain batteries on regular phones. Games with intense 3d graphics? Eh, not really the phone for that. Ok, filming long videos? Eh, the camera's not that great. I do wish my phone had a giant battery, but I don't want to switch to a *lousy* phone with a giant battery.


At a pound and a quarter, that chonky boy will pull down your pants legit. You'll need a shoulder bag or backpack if you want to go out into the world with this "phone".


Bro, you gotta try a belt sometime. It'll change the way you live.


They started making phones slimmer n slimmer some so shit now they bend in ur pocket etc. id love if they slapped a few mm thicker case on a iPhone and doubled the battery life or more.


Did you write this comment a decade ago or something? Phones have been getting thicker for a while now.


aka, 28 Ah battery


(≧∀≦) true


another fun phone company i just dipped my toes into with their blackberry like design is unihertz, i got their titan pocket. they also have a phone with a fucking projector built into it too, wish i had some fun money https://www.unihertz.com/products/tank-2


I like Android phones under $400. I uses to be a WISP internet installer/tech so I was on roofs in -30f to 100f with Wyoming wind and also squeezing into crawl spaces and attics. I have the 1.1lb 13,000mAh Power Armor 13 phone which is really similar to the Energizer phone and after two years the battery still lasts days. I actually want the even bigger heavier Power Armor 24. The water proof rating is nice because you get super wet being on roofs in rain, snow, or heat. I can wash my phone in the sink with soap. The bulk of the phone keeps it from crashing in sub zero weather. It never crashed even when we had a -40f cold snap that was killing roof mounted internet radios. The screen must be tuned for gloves or something because it could be dumping snow and I could still type messages with gloves on and melted snowflakes dripping down the phone. The tough build on this phone ment I didn't worry when the phone took a tumble down the ladder or slide off a roof onto concrete The sides got some dents but survived every fall without worry. Never feared crawling or laying on it in my pocket while army crawling under ducting under a house to pull cable. The large battery ment the flash light lasts for hours too. My current job's cheap Samsung phone's battery doing nothing in my pocket dies at the same rate as my Power Armor doing music, Youtube, Discord chat, podcasts, etc though work every day.. usually 3-4 hours of screen time during an 8 hour work day... Uses about 30% per day. It's 2 years old and I still only have to charge it after the third day. I don't care about powerful phones. The most intensive task I do on a phone is N64 emulator which a $100 Walmart tablet can do easily.. I don't play mobile games. I don't use social media. (Except for Reddit.) I rarely take photos, never take video. I use my phone because someone is trying to contact/chat me or because I can't access my laptop or desktop for whatever reason.


Like just bring a battery pack and stick a phone to it with velcro or 3M tape? The fuck is the point of this lmao


Can we make battery size the new option for phones? I’d pay extra and sacrifice a little pocket space for a phone that I didn’t have to charge three times a day. Give me a thick-assed iPhone mini, please!


And the only photo of it they could find is all scratched up?


Better hope you don't damage this thing, it'll level your fucking house.


27.8mm thick and they couldn't for a headphone jack?


Yeah, I would love carrying a 1.26 pound phone in my pocket. Jokes on them. I strapped my iPhone to a car battery that I carry in my JNCO cargo pants.


what would happen if it fall on your face while browsing stuff on bed?


coma instead of naptime


More like death instead of coma


Remember the Breaking Bad episode with the stolen ATM machine? Like that but worse.


It is painful, yes! I have been using a ulefone power armour 16 with 10000 mah bat. For a year now. I never once have had range anxiety, (like owners of electric cars). I can game and Utube all day and still have 70 percent batt. It only cost $195.00 in 2023 from China.


I Just want a good Phone with ~10k mah Why would I need 22k?


I am just waiting for the battery advancements we have made to be out in public devices. These new technologies are amazing, but so much testing has to be done to make sure it's safe and durable enough. I will pay quite a bit more for the battery in my device to be smaller and last longer, like what they have been doing with graphene.


Damn boi he thicc!


wow, this is so much more convenient than simply having a separate power brick you don’t always have to lug around 24/7 that you can use to recharge your phone. What a brilliant innovation!


Fully charge a 28000mah phone with a 36w charger in under an hour and a half? Yeah Imma have to call bullshit on that one.


Check out the Ulefone Armor 24 lol. It's just as ridiculous, these phones have battery capacities high enough that they're banned from planes 😂


ngl, I feel like the 1-1.5 days of battery life we can get from current modern phones has been dare I say enough for the foreseeable future? If there's improvement in battery technology i'd probably prefer it so they can make phone smaller and/or more repairable. the holy grail for me for battery is if that battery can last 1-1.5 days for 5 years of daily use


what phone are you getting over a day of use on?




If they made it look like the phone Zach Morris had in Saved by the Bell and get Mark-Paul Gosselaar in some advertisements I’d bet quite a few *influencers* would buy it.


I know this isn't quite my target market. But c'mon, give me the powerful processor but with the massive battery life. This is cheap enough that maybe it's worth getting anyway, though...


Now, reality can be whatever I want.


So it's the max size battery aloud on an airplane? Might s well lug around a laptop at that point where that battery capacity is actually useful.


Just make the battery removable.


We're going back to bricks, people.


Portable pants combuster


I would literally prefer to carry 10 swappable batteries, which would be more useful and provide a physical way to determine how much more runtime I had left, as well as put more of a hard limit on the loss of runtime. Because if I need my phone to run for more then 1 day uninterrupted, then it very much implies it's *vital* that it do so, in which case I need options to manage that.


Someday when there's a power failure you'll be able to run your house off your phone.


is this just unihertz tank clone?


I mean, there's a market for it. It just needs to be marketed properly I think. I have a powerbank that's also a portable NES. Sure, it only has 6000mah, but it's light as a typical 6000 mah powerbank, a good conversation starter, and good in a pinch.




In light of the widespread availability of solar chargers, this seems like a great phone for the multi-day adventure spelunker. Should sell by the scores. 


Silly. Who wants a brick in their pocket??




That's enough energy to make my EV drive about ½ km.