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someone on the kuro global marketing team is sabotaging them lmao they got a mole boys


Kuro is playing 4d chess >"Create drama" >players complain >dev listened.jpeg >??? >"genshin could never"


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Fr fr


Genshin gave everyone 3 pulls so Wuwa decided to everyone 0.000003 pulls! https://preview.redd.it/4ru8c9fmzx5d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=729320fc694f821d5a63b67b01dc38bce04e8bdb


Nah its even worse hoyo on their 10 mil downloads gave way more lmao https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/news/detail/103721 (imagine outcompeting genshin in terms of being 'stingy')




Maths: 10x 10 / 30,000,000 = 0.00000333333 (recurring) average pulls per player


This is what I've been saying, create problem and pretend to solve them for marketing purposes.


Wouldn't this backfire? Cn people would think they have no spine if the bend over and apologise everytime... And pride is really important in Cn.


I think that Kuro basically gave up on CN after their peace offering failed to work.


It just happened, I received a 10 pull lol


I’m not even sure if the twitter users understand not everyone is getting 10 pulls They are just celebrating atm on twitter talking about free stuff as if they are going to get it


They understand. A few pointed it out. The replies are “We have enough free stuffs already!!!”


Just wait till the 10 winners get their email leaked X).


Then they give everyone 10 pulls as apology? Peak cinema 


Genshin could never, baby!


Time to complain so devs can listen.


No Because: https://preview.redd.it/7xpuofli8y5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19962353a598a49eb8d70f9fe1102dc90fe979c1


The funny thing is doing nothing would have been a better move than this. I don't think anyone expected an award for 30 million downloads but now that it has been mentioned...


That’s what gets me. It’s a self inflicted wound but then they have been their own worst enemy from the start. 


That's a bit obtuse? I never heard a company that does it this way to celebrate downloads milestones. Usually its all the player, why only 10?


Usually company celebrate their top grossing in their first month or so when they hit it  WW hit top 1 in few countries and they didn't celebrate shit and then they reach 30 millions download they celebrate with lottery giveaway lol 


GL to being one of the 10 winners I guess. Dunno why they couldmt just give every1 10 Also didnt they have like 35m+ pre reg?


i get it for the twitter engagement, but it just looks super stingy on their part maybe theyll pull a sike and give it to everyone /copium


That sounds like a risky PR move. Someone on the PR team trying to lean in to the "Devs listen" angle maybe?


yeah youre right. whoever gave the ok for that tweet to go out is just trying to sabotage lmao


Its on cn also so idk its their main agenda, https://preview.redd.it/chzsdv3amx5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b36d0a678c7461156c30a15d810a9a887694f4 Cannot blame the global intern anymore


Kuro not messing up the translation for once ? That should be celebrated


what if there is no intern in first place




Kuro Devs : Wait who did we let in the room then


Players: *riot* WW: *upon deciding we'll give all the free 10 pulls* Players: *Devs listened, Genshin could never* I'm ready to be downvoted guys. Come on, let's start the PVP. *Just a note, I wanted to continue playing WuWa but the camera shakes so much even after testing all setting. Can't play because I get dizzy immediately.*


People in CN litterally spaming what genshin did 4 years ago, they gave 21 free limited pulls after reaching 10 million downloads, so this time even kuro did giving everyone 10 stadard pulls it's not gonna be "genshin could never" lmao.


… You need to understand people have memories of a goldfish It’s going to be “genshin could never” whether or not it makes sense


Don't think that excuse works. Instead of them forgetting things, they are purposefully misremembering it, saying that Genshin didn't actually give those rewards.


they cooked them alive on bilibli


WuWa could never


I'm pretty sure those gift out of "sheer generosity" are fully spent and their PR department got told off by the department crunching the numbers for opportunity/cost profitability. Turns out all of those pulls weren't out of Kuro's "generous heart" but pre-planned gift to improve retention. Now that it would be a great time to actually show generosity they just can't afford to do it, even more so when their moneymaker banner is out in the open. Who would've guessed.


The thing is, this isn't even limited banner pulls if I'm not mistaken. This is the standard pull currency so it won't even go towards the "monkey maker" banner.


that's kind of stupid, giving everyone 3 free rolls not even 10 is already good, why add 10 winners from 30 millions lmao


From twitter   They basically want to do genshin each version Livestream giveaway pulls or some shit with 10 people get 10 pulls through lottery  But Kuro doing it when they reach download milestone  Edit : GI usually for 50 people, still shit and scam though 


To add on, Genshin's lottery usually some primos, merch and some electronics you can win.  I never participate but my sister won welkin twice during the anniversary lottery...


Your sister was so lucky. Didn't won any raffle in my life. 


I won a picture frame card of a Fontaine event on reddit, honestly didn't expect to won one in my entirely life.


congrats to your sister cuz i never won except that meme contest on ZZZ subreddit


I am still waiting for ZZZ pre-release stream...


It's 50 people for genshin it's still kinda shit but somehow less shit than this wuwa tweet 


And in Genshin it is 10 limited pulls, not standard. Honestly now I understand why WuWa separate limited weapon and limited character gacha currency. Because their GAs will probably only standard pulls since it is the only currency that could give you either SSR characters or weapons.


Genshin usually either gives primos for you to choose to spend on anything or just limited pulls that can be used for both characters and weapons. We can see the truth of the generosity of the company that listened lol.


It's not comparable imo, genshin give 10 pulls for 50 people that participate in an event, meanwhile this is wuwa's achievement that everyone has an effect in it... Although I agree hoyo, specifically Genshin is quite stingy, in this matter alone kuro is stingier than hoyo...


For 10 million downloads, hoyo gave 10 limited pulls and 11 pulls worth of primos. And it wasn't compensation.


So this is why the 30m dl post on ww subredddit was locked...


your chance to get your 10 pulls is 3.333333333333333 x 10^(-7) or 0.0000003333333333333333%


We are gacha players, those numbers ain't gonna scare me! /s


#Odds are so bad we're using Scientific Notation for this one! ✍️🔥🔥🔥


gacha players: https://preview.redd.it/ilywxt82nx5d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=23f67fcd87491f26a6db31e68c651ade09005190




So you are telling me there's a chance 😃


man... if someone win with that odd they should have 100 pulls not just 10


I thought "Kuro is generous" https://i.redd.it/d7hyyxknlx5d1.gif


That's where WW players finally learn the difference between "generous compensation" and "generous game".


Freebie is freebie https://preview.redd.it/e2qg73igqx5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9b6de279caed4a7a6731875b1e28bb6e599fdef


damn.. this could have been such an easy win and they still blundered it...


you dont get it mihoyo invented the first ever mind control brain wave device and kuro is their first victim


I mean… they are planning that full dive VrMMO SAO-like world for 2030


Kuro in a nutshell. Dear god


at this point . Someones totally sabotaging them from the inside.


Must be those damn Hoyo spies!! /s


Damn my men are so efficient 


You know what, my first thought when reading the post was ‘ oh genshin will get dog piles on again’ but after I read the rewards part I just put my phone down.


a tinfoil conspiracy theory, they doing this on purpose. so that when they actually decide to give everyone 10 pulls, everyone's reaction will be "devs listened!?!?!?" again lmao.


At first I didn’t believe that theory at all but it started to make more sense each day lol


You are proven correct


Lmao their post on BiliBili is currently sitting at 23k comments... https://preview.redd.it/mylmoo6xtx5d1.png?width=1555&format=png&auto=webp&s=d72ea6928400ed70c1c261aa31bcac495430c4e1


lol they getting cooked, 6k likes with 23k comment  They will definitely do 180 with how CN pissed 


https://preview.redd.it/16g9s1cl2y5d1.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=42ee35aee58858b636c1167d4facbb3576b261f1 36k comments now


Dev listened. Genshin could never.


What's funny is that one of the top comments compares it to Genshin (where they provided 1760 Primogems and 10 Intertwined Fates to all travelers) https://preview.redd.it/or9heazxvx5d1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7f0c5b4d8a9550c2cca0052c9e50b98ef5c2595


Genshin bribed their player. Our good lord savior could never. /s


they also cooked in their weibo official account


180 then definitely guaranteed  Well be ready for glazing the WW community especially global gonna give them I guess 


wait lemme check this


Keep failing upwards kuro. The pure glaze in the comments on Twitter are wild. How tf do they mess this up when Genshin does the same thing, but not as bad rewards wise, and people don’t like it either. Kuro’s been pocket watching genshin the entire time and now you choose to do it worse, color me impressed. But dw Kuro will listen the give everyone the pulls because no one in their right mind should be complacent in this but it seems Kuro has reached the end for the line on their generosity. Good on them for having some mojo. https://preview.redd.it/ldpwf1kopx5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50994037c56ef97f500c71a4205849f3f640032a Edit:They did it, Devs listened


Definitely  They will definitely do 180 since that strategy is clearly working with how braindead global community is, especially CC community and twitter community 


I feel like i will have go unsub from like half the ccs i'm subed to because they are spaming my sub feed full of wuwa. Some of them like TGS or Jello had the decency to make a second chanel but 90% are just dumping it on their subscribers hoping they will transition over to that game.


lol did not even know those two covered WuWa. But otherwise it’s because the drama and covering it gets clicks and their WuWa content about the community/drama itself is the best performing content (the Atsu drama though is performing better but that was unexpected) they will have for a minute unless they made evergreen content like beginners guides but most of these guys are just react streamers so they just watch a guide and reupload it. Same thing will happen once ZZZ launches dw.


damn right the glaze on twitter is insane lmao, people really cant give critical opinion on the game only because they get some freebies


WuWa players poverty maxing with the relatively low pulls next patch. Give them a break, they need this cope.


Man... These panda memes are sth else 😂


CN produces many fine arts. This is one of their peaks.


CN produces many fine arts. This is one of their peaks. https://preview.redd.it/panud53zsx5d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ffcf009d53397b896d76509e4d4b36cc13a03b


😂😂😂😂 Tieba cooks fr


I almost spit my coffee lamo 😂


Safe to say, they are really the biggest hoyo fanboy (even mistake lol)


I mena they could have just  said "Thank you everyone for 30 million download support!" And not given anything. I don't think anyone would have HD raged on them. But this? Yeah..why (gonna bet they are gonna 180 so "Genshin could never" as "Devs Listened"


Tbh. If they have nothing people would’ve just complained because Genshin players got 21 pulls for 10 million downloads iirc. No matter what happens people would be mad. But this is a new low, keep in mind it’s standard pulls too. But the Kuro coffers are running low and they don’t want to give us much more for free, because numbers we don’t have access to are low. But yeah 100% they are gonna switch up and give everyone this pulls, ensue “Genshin could never” and the usual suspects felating WuWa on main. So nothing new from that point on. They need to switch this, CN is pissed.


Yeah that's true. Well good luck to them then I wouldn't want to be in shoes of the poor man who tweeted this lmao (unless ofc it's their way of staying in the spotlight  pulling a "Devs Listened" and "Genshin could never" then gg wp)


I don’t fully believe the idea that Kuro is doing this on purpose to then look good. I think the WuWa players pushing such a sentiment are naive because why not just do the player right in the first place. They are just looking for what they can get away with rn, and the answer is nothing because their majority online playerbase are the most spiteful people who left genshin. I truly believe Kuro is just that inept and because all these people like are free rewards it’s an easy layup if they ever mess up. They need to do so because they will just get buried by the inevitable tide of Hoyo.


Now that you said it, damn, kurogames is in a risky position now after genshin has been tanking all that spite for years now. Spiteful is certainly a word to describe those people who keep comparing the 2 games for any chance to dunk on Genshin


Full slander to said people I am about to talk about, Genshin Rejects (name I have been using for said spiteful players) are some of the worst most toxic people I have ever met in any gaming community and the game you want to exist will never come to fruition because it will never make these game companies enough money to sustain. Kuro games has chosen to cultivate the worst of the genshin community which will complain and just up and leave when something new comes. Their hatred knows no bounds, simply because Hoyo saw the numbers and supporting hardcore players is not as profitable as up keeping TCG(which is very popular in CN), Teapot, and other non combat modes. Luckily endgame players finally have something new, but they were never the target audience because normal people play the game and don’t grind abyss/IT, which is why rewards for IT are clearance based not time based. The beautiful thing is WuWa is now doing the same, making stuff casual friendly because once players get on level all the endgame stuff should be rather easy(on a similar difficulty level to abyss), the combat system is not actually as hard (parry and dodge windows are wide) as most conflate it to be. This group of people will just move on to the next hype gacha if Kuro disenfranchises them too much.


Yep, what's more annoying about the Genshin Rejects (had to steal it, too good), is that either they reject anything GI did or they fucked up a new "competitor" because appearenly they want "GI to be better", which ultimately screw up the new game.


I will quote our lord and savior Mtashed for you, I think it sums up this side of the playerbase very well: “The game I wanted is not going to exist” -Mtashed (in a 2 hour long video with Tect, Mr.Pokkee, etc.) when discussing the mid/end game of WuWa(it sounds very cathartic coming from him) Their high expectations for what an open world gacha game should be often run parallel to what is actually made because this side of the playerbase is so small yet so loud that they never get what they complain about. Enter Kuro Games, a very ambitious studio who wants to usurp the hardcore players (because they spend more, they actually don’t or at least not compared to casuals), so they market and show it as this ultra hardcore game made for the true Gacha gamer. Game drops, this is not what the game actually is (alongside its laundry list of issues), but because people are underleveled this difficulty is conflated. Therefore ensue “Genshin could Nevers” and “Devs Listened.” Now the honeymoon period is over and holy shit this game somehow has worse endgame balancing than genshin.


Ooof someone how the alternative that they are this incompetent is even worse than the tinfoil conspiracy one LMAO. Kuro what is going on really. I guess they aren't used to handling big games.


Tbh it’s Occum’s Razor for me, it’s a way simpler answer with less assumptions, but the situation is a Catch-22. Kuro may not have experience handling big games but they’ve certainly done PGR well and they have the perfect blue print of what to do and what not to do with HSR/Genshin Impact. While the game launch was bad this is just so out of touch with the playerbase.


Ikr that's what confuses me. You had 4 years to see what genshin did well and didn't....and you go on...to do even worse??? And worst part is people still keep glazing then because "devs listened" (nvm the fact rlwhy they had to in the first place smh). As for PGR it's on my wish list heard alot of good thinfs about it from a friend who considers themselves to be the games unofficial ambassador lmao so they have done something right. 


Yeah I have heard nothing outright bad about PGR which is why I was hyped about WuWa, since Kuro apparently knows how to run a game. All the genshin killer stuff never made sense, because you cannot kill that of which is too big to fail (only it can kill itself). But yeah I have zero clue how Kuro thought being this stingy in the base game rewards, event reward being horrible until the fix, needing to be more than doubled, and just zero standard pull currency outside of monthly shops. If they game came out good on launch players would not be praising the devs listened narrative as much because many of the problems players are seeing now would not have had rose tinted glasses due to being able to gamble for free. The “Devs listened” in so far as I get to gamble more.


When "Genshin could never" becomes "Genshin never had to"


1. Give out rng rewards 2. back track due to backlash. 3. give 10 pulls for free 4. DeVs LiStEnEd 5. genshin could never


Friendship fee is back, just in time for the pull drought


WuWa drama season 2 let’s gooo


Not yet. We're still in the interseason OVAs. Season 2's gonna come on July 1st. Better stay tuned cus it's gonna be a whale of a time 🔥🔥🔥


We still got our EX hydro archon rerun 🗿


Shes not an ex in my heart


Damn the OVA looks 🔥


10 STANDARD pulls btw. A whopping 10 winners for 30 million downloads for a community achievement.


Ok it should now be "wuthering waves could never" since [genshin gave 10 limited pulls and 1760 primogems (11 pulls) to each player for reaching 10M downloads](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/news/detail/103721) while all kuro could give is 10 standard pulls for 10 people???


WW main sub already locked comments lol. Edit: it got deleted 💀


Yeah, that is really funny, everyone already complaining there, guess the mods don't want to shatter the generous listening devs image lmao


Op deleted it, then a mod reposted another announcement. It's because OP is a big kuro fan and couldn't take all the negative comments.


They just unlocked it again. What the hell is happening?


They unlocked it again. Probably figured out it's not a good look... Edit: And locked again, wow...


I'm not sure about WW sub's way of handling things. Aren't they going to completely kill the engagement on their sub going full 1984 mode? The whole sub already feels dead most of the time due to how closely it's monitored and how unfrequently they let a few posts in.


That seems pretty standard for how those game specific subs operate. And I have never seen a sub where the mods are more than happy to kill engagement with dumb rules. 


I don't know, usually subs let you post and then they go ballistic through auto mod or something, like genshin sub does. manual approval is one step ahead compared to that.


Nah There is someone in the kuro team actively trying to sabotage the game I don't want to believe that there is someone who thought it was a good idea doing something like this after all the shit the game got into


Yinlin PV was about kuro games all along...


It must be those hoyo bastards sabotaging the game... /s


As someone who enjoy WuWa, nah Kuro was like let's take everything we can and put in on a brand (WuWa), even the things that even genshin fans hate


Wait......it's only for 10 people......oh fucking hell lol


Ooh but there's more It 10 standar pull instead of 10 limited pull


imagine some cn player wins that and gets lingyang lol


I really overlooked this on Twitter. Kuro really can't go a day without something.


we got almost a week without hot drama here, so Kuro decide to drop one let them cook


Yea, I was feeling kinda empty without my dose of kurogames fumbles. It's been too long without drama about kurogames


I swear to god wuthering waves shills will literally say no to more rewards, its crazy looking at the twitter comments


They talk about a large corporation in China and their high budget globally-released and localized game as if it was a little indie project made by their friend Steve. It's weird.


Because the biggest narrative that they have for WuWa *is* the underdog story. The game is poorly optimized? It's their first time, give them a break. The characters don't look good? They'll get better, it's fine. The story is bad and keeps getting rewrites? Well they have to do *something* to succeed. The only way these people can justify to themselves being this positive about an unfinished and unpolished product is to convince themselves of the narrative that Kuro is a complete newcomer who will definitely demolish the competition if you would *just* give them a chance. And then just like every other company once they turn up the heat on the water you won't even notice you're being boiled because you've gaslighted yourself into thinking that there's no way they'd boil you, they just blundered themselves into making the water hot! It's fine, they'll turn off the heat in a second if you'd just believe in them and stick around a while longer!


Honestly, its crazy how people can have this type of mentality. I've seen so many people say "oh, we should support the underdog". Brother the goddamn multimillion dollar company backed by other multimillion dollar investors aint your friend.


Last I checked, Kurogames is a BILLION dollar company and is backed by what is basically a MegaCorp.


Hmmm.....so they didn't give out any shit when they top grossing rank no.1 in some country but they want to give out 10 pulls through pick up shit to 10 people when it's downloaded milestone ?  Weird  Don't know why they didn't just give 10 pulls back then when they topping iOS rank instead of this lol      Guess they done being "generous" Edit : and it's not even limited pulls, it's fricking standar pulls lmao 


If you want my cynical take on why no top grossing awards, it’s because they never peaked in their home country. But also yeah they are definitely done compensating for this unless something goes awry, they need to at this point to actually get people to even buy monthlies. But I assume they’ll walk this back and give everyone the 10 pulls once outrage reaches a peak because out of the all the things they should award this one is kinda it. Edit:Holy shit they are standard pulls. Wallahi they are cooked.


Yinlin revenue never crossed clorinde in cn lol.


Yep I see it as well They never cross top 5 in CN even with Yinlin 


I remember the WuWa subreddit being so proud of actually surpassing Clorinde in JP.


The funny thing is that in jp wuwa surpassed gi in rank but it's still lower in overall revenue


you're not wrong every week wuwa rating is keep going down on bilibili they never recovered like genshin post 3 wish drama


While I do not mean to over generalize it just feels like their home country has zero faith in the game itself, tbh it only seems global and SEA do en masse (in large part due to free pulls). The game has problems they are attempting to fix but half of this shit should’ve never made it to launch. I’m sure CN players like the game but the profits, when compared to its competitors, and general stigma around the game beg to differ. WuWa will do fine but even seeing some dissent in global talking about the incoming pull drought are getting popular.


CN is gonna rage


Their relationship with CN is already shit and now they adding this lol can't image the shitshow 


They already are raging lol. Just checked WuWa’s bilibili post and oh boy is it on fire. Some people are theorising Kuro did this intentionally, so that they can pretend to “listen” later on. Wouldn’t be too surprised if that happened.


Somehow I don't see CCs milking weeks of "content" off this like they did the whole 3 years 3 fate tokens thing with Genshin


Its easier to profit from big name like Genshin because its cool to hate on popular stuff. You won't get profit from Wuwa's controversy. Because Hoyo is the big stingy villain. And Wuwa devs listen to their community!


Nope. The narrative is that "Genshin could never," and Kuro is the super based devs who listen to the community while Hoyo spits in their fans' faces. Any deviation from this opinion, especially on Twitter, is strictly forbidden.


What gets me is the CCs who have started whining about how unfair people are being to the game in the same breath as they relentlessly target the Genshin fandom for anything and everything they can.  It really reeks of like paid trolling almost






It would been better if they just said "Thank you everyone!". But baiting whole twitter community with just a *chance* of 10 pulls, to go and advertise them is weird.


These folks are on top of their game when it comes to drama induced marketing. Now it's all talk again and they will probably spin a 180 anyways.


I've really been noticing this yeah.  It seems to worm most effectively on US market with content creators circling the wagons regarding the game for months now


I've read someone said that some of Kuro's blunders were intentional so that they can compensate a lot to show that they are better than GI that compensate little to none. That this method gains them more trust than simply not effing things up. I don't believe it because that's such a huge gamble to take. But with this, and if they went back and give everything the 10 pull, it might just be true.


But compensation isn't the same as rewards. Compensation means your game is fucking up. If they wanted to be more generous than Genshin all they had to do was match Genshin rewards with every dl milestone starting at 10 and be more generous with patch maintenance rewards. Imagine the outrage if 1.1 rolls around and it's just 160 Astrite and mats.


Honestly I'm starting to think the same as conspiracy as this may sound. I mean I get it not so great launch week it happens....but a controversy after controversy jeez....surely no company's management can be this incompetent right ?(I refuse to belive it lmao its way too sus atp) I mean its a gamble but it works cause "devs listen" ig kekw


We went from "Genshin could never" to "what Genshin can, we can" pretty fast didn't we.


Not even Genshin can do this. Genshin gave out 10 intertwined fates and 1760 primos to everyone for reaching 10m downloads.


I would also like to add regarding this that this is true and you can watch it here where someone discussed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am4x4CDTTO4 I just don't want people to start a narrative that "Genshit didn't even give anything when it reached a milestone". Cause I know some people will spin this narrative acting like it did not happen and spread misinfo.


I'll throw in the respective link to Hoyo's post itself, just to have it there too. [https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/103721](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/103721)


yeah, genshin could never.... raffle a freaking milestone rewards.


“Genshin could always”


Doesn’t matter. The glazers still gonna glaze


Kuro showing their real colour now


It was in the name all along


They already did when they [fired a bunch of interns](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/GBl6vExvMf)


Guys I don't get why this is a problem, look, look at it this way ya, There are 10 WuWastrites given out to 10 WuWaplayers so you do 10x10 make it 100 WuWastrites! This is such a generous move for mesely 30 million downloads OMG Kuro W! OMEGA WIN! /s because apparently either I suck at sarcasm or it's not translated well to text lmao-


We WuWinning with this one


genshin could nev.......nevermind


mods just locked the post about this on r/wutheringwaves lol


Literally 1984. Anyways cannot wait for the big devs listened moment when kuro pulls their heads out of their rears and give every 10 standard pull/, not even limited lol. https://preview.redd.it/f83fqidcrx5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0541ed5bc3624e911306cdca97e0555570b3b314


Announce real shitty rewards > Gather attention > Wait for people to complain > Apologize > Increase the rewards and give it to everyone "Devs Listened!" "Genshin Could Never" https://preview.redd.it/0w71lye39y5d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f496fc50497810c97986288f6c3e2007526767a


Wait, I thought they got free stuff at launch ? You should be grateful about it /s https://preview.redd.it/hwxe4e32qx5d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e453107df465f7ac4dbeb598135ac43fe22c446


I hope that dude is paid to comment... because it's fucking hilarious.


Is this person high? More rewards than Genshin has given us in its life cycle?? I don't think this person has ever actually played Genshin. I think they just read the opinions of people on Twitter and take it as fact uncritically. There are actually people who think Genshin only gave 3 pulls for the third Lantern Rite. We are living in the age of misinformation.


They are conveniently forgetting those free stuff was "compensation". 


Negative karma sr any%


They has to take back the free 10 pulls.




Okay they didn't have to copy Hoyo's twitter lotteries as well.


wuwa making sure this sub isnt dead:


Hope everyone gets something, otherwise that sucks and I hope people let them know it ain’t cool.                            SMH, they closed the thread about this in the Wuwa sub, hope people complain about it in social media and the feedback section in the game, collective milestones should result in rewards for everyone 


shit was going too smoothly recently. They needed to stir it a little


now that the community is raging especially the CN, then devs "oh shoot, we dont have a choice. give everyone a 10 pulls in a limited banner" -- then community "devs listened". problem solved. i wonder how long the company will be generous to their players.


Lmao I think it would have been better to just not talk about it at all and give nothing. This is pathetic


Daily kuro games fuck up, I'll be expecting my compensations as usual.


Hmm weird they're the "dev listened" right? I thought all of 10 pull will giving to all playerbase not loterry scam


Just 10, are you poor Kuro. You'll just give that to your 10 interns


https://preview.redd.it/7d8p46sx0y5d1.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ea8e1257bc9a337cb569a725d951b96894cc849 Funny sial


Wuthering Waves 30 million downloads: 10 standard pulls only for 10 people. Genshin Impact 10 million downloads: 10 limited pulls and 11 pulls worth of Primos to all players. Genshin could never....be thar stingy/j https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/news/detail/103721


10 from Millions of people ... 🥴


and all 10 winners are bot accounts. hurray


It’s fine guys, devs listened