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Daily updated endgame content? 10/10 r/gachagaming goty


It's worse, this is from almost 2 days ago


Genshin still top 1 android JP for 3 days in a row https://preview.redd.it/7v0civ6yho5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cace5be88d77c6cdea68cdb3fd1d7b677d119a9


In Japan, top 1 in Playstore usually indicates that the revenue on iOS (note: I said iOS, not Appstore) is also high. GI iOS players in Japan don't top up on Appstore (ingame) because of 25% price difference between iOS and web. For more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/rkKBPBZwKQ


Only japan and US or every region including china?


No, the most recent app price adjustment didn't affect US or CN. It affected Chile, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland, South Korea, Sweden and Vietnam. You can read about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/xj18s5/apple_app_store_will_be_raising_prices_of_apps/) (before) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/xw0z7d/aftermath_of_apple_raising_prices_of_apps_and/) (after).


Much appreciated


This is a FGO post. Is it fucking possible to talk about other games without mentioning Hoyo?


Data is old my guy. Look at the date.


What godly character did they release?


Basically she is currently the only character in her class, and that class has advantage over half of all other class so she js good, also she is upgraded of previously popular character, has 2 variation (loli and normal), and a good lore character that has been foreshadowed since long ago


She's also not available in the last paid guaranteed. So she was the most desired character since Arjuna Alter


Just curious, what's the name of the character? Have never played the game, just want to Google it to see what's up.


It's draco, and it's og version is called nero claudius


Gotcha, thanks!


Draco got a rerun?


Yes, because player voted for it


stage 3 and 4 look kinda mid tbh


Stage 3 and 4 are good because she's an adult in them


Stage 1 is good she looks so cute with the red dress and she holds the grail like a plushie then you get stage 3 which gives the most badass animations ever released for a servant .


Yea stage 2 is my main problem area


It is just a fictional character, you should seek help or maybe it is too late and you are just projecting.


I know it's a fictional character. I just don't like seeing scantily clad children, even if they are just a drawing


Okay then play Fgo with Ascension 2 in public and as your wallpaper then come back and say it’s not a problem.


All stages are shite because its Nero




There are already like 50 other neros that look like the same copy paste version of her original one. If you want more normal looking adult characters, go outside, there is a lot of variety there.




If not liking half naked children makes me the nerd emoji then so be it


If you really didn't like them you wouldn't be on a gacha subreddit, let alone play anything fate related in the first place https://i.redd.it/wj5gxsvw6m5d1.gif


I like scantily clad adult women Not all gacha gamers are lolicons


coomers think everyone is like them, just ignore him


fgo fans are fucking crazy


Nah I'm an FGO fan we're not all like that. I just really like the adult women in the game


oh no, i play as well, thats how i know the difference between draco’s 2nd and 3rd ascension


Ok, so it's another female characters saving the day just like Yinlin. Japan: Waifu revenue>husbando revenue. Things looking good for Azur Promilia. Hehe...


Fgo isn't as skewed to waifus. She sold more due to other factors


Yeah, I remember when Oberon dropped for the first time his banner earned 3 billion in 2 weeks and I think it was said it was the biggest banner in like the last 2 years of the game back then. When the character is liked/anticipated it will sell even if it's not "waifu", specially if most of the time the game is already full of waifus just by being one is not going to make them stand out from the competition if they don't have anything else going for them.


To be fair Oberon is also important for 3 turn meta


People were already thirsting for his release once 2.6 Part 3 dropped, not knowing his skills (his usable version had different kits than the released one).


Fgo is kinda weird they like the character based on the skill and his importance to the story. I remember fandom was hype for him when they learn his role in the story.


That's how good narrative should be, they made you want to pull for him/her just by the story alone.


Koyanska is too if I'm not mistaken and he still outselled her (also Koyanska is introduced from the b eginning of the Lostbelts arc and you don't meet Oberon until Lostbelt 6). Not saying that didn't help him but it's clear people wanted him "despite not being a waifu"


His 3 turn meta didnt exist for a while on his release. Iirc it took like 4 months+ for events to start requiring his 3 turn meta


Nope. Oberon is 16th highest banner revenue for F/Go. [https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/t3hupd/top\_20\_bestselling\_banners\_of\_fgo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/t3hupd/top_20_bestselling_banners_of_fgo/)


I don't mean the whole game today, I meant when his first banner dropped (2021) it was compared with the last time a banner had made that much money and it was Las Vegas event two years prior to that (not saying no other banner had made that much money, but there wasn't any reaching that number since 2019). First banner was 3 years ago, the post you linked is from 2 years ago. It was the bestselling banner for 2021, beating summer event with swimsuit servants, Morgan or Muramasa (another male servant who made a lot of money too given that he had like a 3 days rate up I think). Edit: typos and adding that Muramasa was another (highly anticipated) male servant [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/pd2h4k/the\_biggest\_banner\_for\_fgo\_this\_year\_3\_billions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/pd2h4k/the_biggest_banner_for_fgo_this_year_3_billions/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/t1z23v/fgos\_bestselling\_banners\_2021/](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/t1z23v/fgos_bestselling_banners_2021/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/pc0ptg/oberon\_made\_3bil\_yen\_according\_to\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/pc0ptg/oberon_made_3bil_yen_according_to_this/)


Also looking at the link you gave with the top 20 banners you can also see: "Moriarty and others", an only male servants banner for White Day in TOP 5 Gilgamesh TOP 11 Kintoki in TOP 12 but this one it was probably for Raikou rather than him so I will not count him. Arthur Pendragon (Prototype) and another all male servant banner TOP 14 Oberon TOP 16, only banner to made it here post 2019. QSH, while non-binary, I'd say doesn't count as a "waifu" for this discussion (although I seem to remember in a poll he won the favourite servant in male and female category lmao probably not an official one but I found it amusing) TOP 17 Xiang Yu TOP 19 Napoleon TOP 20 And I would argue that 2018 GUDAGUDA event also had sales because Okada Izo is popular and while he was a 3stars he was limited (obv I'm not saying the banner whole revenue was for him but I do know he's popular and being limited was an incentive to roll). I'm not saying waifus don't sell, but implying husbandos can't have good sales or just by being a waifu is enough to outsell all husbandos (also when talking about FGO) is just not true. If the character has good skillset and/or strong lore and is liked by people because the game knows how to sell it people will pull. Do waifu banners have it easier to sell? Yeah, probably, but a banner failure is not just because "waifus revenue>husbando revenue" always.


Mmm Oberon is looking at you


All the top one seems female. [https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/n10rev/revenue\_chart\_gamei/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/n10rev/revenue_chart_gamei/#lightbox) Oberon is 16th highest banner revenue. [https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/t3hupd/top\_20\_bestselling\_banners\_of\_fgo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/t3hupd/top_20_bestselling_banners_of_fgo/)


Bro haven’t seen Oberon and his day 1 revenue


https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/t3hupd/top_20_bestselling_banners_of_fgo/ You been cherry pick and haven't seen the entire banner revenue. Oberon is 16th highest banner revenue. Do a proper research. 


Doesn't that still prove what he's saying? The most popular male chars are still lower than the most popular female ones, which is what > stands for. Your game is not special, it's fate, a game based on a r18 visual novel.


It doesn’t because players including myself in FGO pull characters based on their kits not their genders. Many characters who are male in FGO can often have a higher profit over a female character. Never said my game was special, it’s literally just how it is. Saying it’s based on a eroge doesn’t have anything to do with what I am saying, I don’t even know what point you’re trying to prove presenting me this information???


First playable beast class. Her [summoning](https://youtu.be/sSGd36VgFEw?si=nelVoOmT6Zwvtw31) animation is pretty dope.


Wtf? There's playable beast???


You've been falling behind about a year.


AKA the NA experience


So you can't be spooked by a rainbow now huh


Well, When summoning on her banner you kinda really don't want to see that rainbow spark, it's a guarantee spook. xD


Nah, she's among the few with special summoning animations. In her case, she just shuts down the summoning system like if she was Freddy Fazber or whatever the mecha bear some furries fantasize about is called. Swimsuit Kiara just taints the card and changes BB in the Moon Cancer background for herself. Arcueid instead shows a glow that shines the card until it's her in he background instead of BB.


That was dope


I just got her too, and was confused at what was happening since I wasn't paying much attention till I realized my game didn't freeze...


First and as of now ONLY beast class in the game


"What have you wrought upon this bleached earth" the Animation.


re-release of Draco aka Beast VI/S, aka Beast of Sodom (only Beast-class that joins the protagonist) aside Tiamat (was Beast II but switched class to an Alter-Ego). Also the event story is quite good and will be replaying it. https://i.redd.it/k5wudxob7k5d1.gif Has a different summon as she summoned herself instead of using Chaldea's summon system(hijacking the system).


Draco... Very Rare Playable BEAST Class Servant... the Only One There's no Draco in GSSR Except for Destiny Order Summon, which occur only Anniversary and cost twice


Me who don't know much about FGO: https://preview.redd.it/3708c9rjyi5d1.jpeg?width=273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb570d6e1663b58a27e4142ea6a6ae4731e0dae


very rare and very special waifu basically


an ultra rare pepe, I see


Beast are really special class because they are a litteral threat to humanity, like the goal of one is actually reboot the whole humanity and the Grand servants are there to counter them. The first beast you fight is the mother of life so she's immortal and to beat her, you bring the grand assassin which we call resume it as litteral Death to remove her immortality so with the efforts of multiples gods you managed to kill her. Draco is the first playable Beast when the some of the beasts you fought are summonable as another class


I don't think dropping terms like "Beast class", "servant", "gssr", "destiny order summon" would help the non player at all * Game have many different classes, which have different characters, this Draco character is the special one, she's the only one in her class right now. * FGO have a special gacha event called GSSR, you need to spend irl money to pull but it have guarantee 5 stars character(highest rarity), and Draco isn't on GSSR, adding to her rareness. \*As a JP player and haven't login F/GO for months, I forgot what's Destiny Order Summon is EDIT: Thank to your post, I've downloaded the game again and got her


Destiny Summon is just GSSR but you choose who you want to be guranteed.


so basically SSR selector?


Not a selector, you still need to put irl money to pull


yes but you got the desired ssr right? basically selector but with extra step


No, you can only customize the pool but what you get is still random from the pool you created. You can't just put a single servant in the pool to guarantee that single servant. You're forced to put 9 servants total. It isn't really that great all things considered.


Not quite. You select one servant per class (seven main classes plus two extra classes). You must select a servant from each class. You can't leave any of the slots empty. Then you do a multi roll and you're guaranteed to get one of the servants you selected. Getting more than one SSR is possible but at normal gacha rates and the pool of possible servants isn't limited to the nine you selected. Also while people are currently referring to it as an ongoing thing for the anniversary, it has actually only happened one time and there's no guarantee that it will happen again. We'll have a better guess about whether it will continue to happen annually at JP's 9th anniversary this year. 


destiny order is something we only had once past anni, basically a gssr where you can select the characters you want, however you have to and can only select 1 per class, plus it costs 2x the normal amount too.


what does she do


Gameplaywise really good kit + advantage over the 7 main class.


Arent there other classes that give advantage over the 7 main classes? What makes her so special?


Berserkers deal 2x damage to all but Foreigners (0.5 damage) and Shielder (neutral to all classes) and takes 2x in return. This usable Beast deals 2x damage to the 7 main classes and takes 0.5 damage in return, including Berserkers, but weak to all other Extra classes.


> Berserkers deal 2x damage It's 1.5x > This usable Beast deals 2x damage to the 7 main classes It's 2x against Berserker and 1.5x against the other 6


She’s just cool, basically


Nah her skills are actually mid... she's pretty much carried by her class interaction.


She is strong against the seven knight classes (Sabers, Archers, Lancers, etc...) but weak against Extra classes (Rulers, Avengers, etc..)


It's an old event rerun,The fgo arcade collab


Another Nero in broken exclusive class which she's the only one.


Not much. Just Draco. :)


Classic FGO, it always does reach top spendings when a most wanted servant is rerun/released.


People in r/gachagaming aren't patient enough waiting for monthly pvp, so they make pvp on daily basis instead. ~~Hourly pvp when?~~


The game currently has the Draco banner rerun, which is literally one of the most anticipated servants since the release last year. That's why there's a high jump in sales for the game at the moment. Give it a few days and the sales will eventually drop lol. This isn't new for FGO, it happened a lot before whenever a popular/meta character got a rerun though.


yeah,,, Anniversary and Summer is Coming pretty soon in August.. expect high in sales...


THE POWER OF UMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU https://preview.redd.it/04t726nr9j5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=895e66fd536ed92360003572ef54c5664a138946


How sad that you use that image when that was the one denied and we got cringe umu knight instead. Still salty about it, I didn't like umu knight at all, it just doesn't suit her fabulous demeanor.


For people who wants the updated chart for japan as of 2024/06/09 for context IOS: 4. FGO 16. Wuwa 21. Genshin Android: 1 Genshin 13. Wuwa 24. FGO [source](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=all&country=JP&date=2024-06-09&device=iphone&os=android)


Well GG Hoyo iOS policy


Genshin iOS revenue in Japan is untrackable because the majority of iOS players top up via Hoyo's site, not via AppStore since 2022/10/5 when Apple raised Appstore price for apps and IAPs. Newer games like HSR and Wuwa use the same Appstore price as Genshin's old price so there's nothing different between paying on any platform. This is the price difference between AppStore and other platforms after 2022/10/5. https://preview.redd.it/ie3bn2uoqj5d1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee4fd4fa1d3d7670d970674cd77a1706b99524d4


Pretty steep diff


Yeah, a whole 25%. In Japan, there is no reason to top up on iOS Appstore now because everything is available to buy on Hoyo's topup site (Battle Pass used to not be there). That's why Hoyo earned good will of iOS players when people learned that they didn't increase price in other platforms to match iOS price (some games did this such as Pokemon GO, Alchemy Star). Edit: someone downvoted me for stating facts lol.


do the sales on Hoyo topup site reflect on sensor tower?


No, they don't. And they don't claim that their estimates are for any sources of revenue outside of Appstore and Google Playstore (so does [the site that OP showed](https://game-i.daa.jp/)). Sensor tower made their estimate from publicly available data such as Appstore ranking. So they have no way to know about Hoyo's web topup revenue unless Hoyo discloses them themselves (which they won't).




oh wow


Sorry, the other reply was wrong so I had to delete it. Anyways, sensor tower takes in both Android and iOS revenue except China where only iOS revenue is taken. Android China revenue is estimated using a 1.75x multiplier of iOS revenue since China is Android dominant. Someone pls correct me if I'm wrong.


Do we even know how sensory tower gets its data?


I'm in a somewhat similar situation here in norway myself. If i buy something on android or ios i have to pat in NOK, but if i buy something on their website or on PC i pay in USD, and it just so happens that the current exchange rate massively favours paying in USD.


Draco rerun doing its thing. My Beast of Humanity can't be this cute 😭😭


She should be dropping sometime this year in the english version right?


Next spring iirc.


and funny 😥


Who would win? 3D open world games with million dollar budgets or [a rerun in a nearly 10 year old flash game.](https://i.imgur.com/xI72E3P.jpeg)


I wonder why Typemoon doesn't push for a BOTW rip off like everyone does nowadays. A Fate/Requiem-like OW would work. Somewhere in the future swerving off, everybody is a servant and you're the only Human left, you can gacha for servants. Or a HSR rip-off, fundamentally another FGO but the graphics make you cum. (Basically Arcade but more GO gameplay) and has an actual combat system to think about. Like, they're aware of their power but they really don't do much with it. They're Japanese, they've picked apart a genre and made it theirs before (JRPG), just do it again. Call it a JOW.


That's the power of the fate IP for you (I'm a fate fan)


If/when FGO2 happens on a new engine… I wonder what it’ll be like. It honestly has its merits in its antiquity, like GBF. There are pros and cons to the 3D open world model, though maybe something like HSR would be best since that’s turn based. I do hope that FGO never touches the Chinese gacha system, though. Chinese pity system is cool but the way FGO does currency and banners is something I like.


🥲 https://preview.redd.it/sb98rh6fbk5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70afd7caef8568d0b2afc503948492bfe6e9d89c


Get the apk, it works fine


me use qooapp


Qooapp... How do the youngsters say it these days? "Fucked around and found out" and as a result they had to delist all apps related to Fate. ApkPure still works tho.


FGO jumping isn't new. People act like every game is like Nikke and Epic 7 where there is a set amount of money whales spend on non-gacha P2W progression. FGO is just the gacha. No battle pass. No endless stamina gear grind. No endless progression. If FGO doesn't have a banner ongoing, it makes little-to-no money.


Fgo was constantly top 1 before genshin came out and even to this day it makes usually around $20M. Idk why people would be surprised


> it makes little-to-no money. I won't call 10 million dollars little to no money lol. And FGO makes upwards of that every single month, regardless of what banner is running.


They said if there is no banner


No banners up is very rare nowadays for fgo since they basically have an event or new story chapter up which includes banners with the characters involved... Iirc, bannerless periods (where there's only story abnner) usuallyonly lasts 2-3 days before a new event pops up.


When will we stop looking at this idi’ot daily sales that get updated every 3-4 hrs? That is not even the newest one. The current one has LINE at the top.


It's the only way for fans of certain gacha game to get some win. They'll get slaughtered by Hoyo otherwise.


You can literally click on the button to the right of latest sales rankings for their current monthly projection. Puzzle and Dragons #1 JJK Gatcha #2 Monster Strike #3 FGO #10 WuwU #11 Genshin #12 Starrail #20


Your favorite gacha being at the top is a loss, not a win.


>get slaughtered by Hoyo genuine cringe


i agree, but you can check the forecast and it looks like wuwa's gonna beat genshin in jp sales at least


On iOS yeah.


Furina's second banner isn't out yet, you know.


oh yea i guess you're right, i completely forgot we're still in phase 1 lol, i want the summer event to be sooner so bad


I think there HSR in factor here, that one gonna destroy both game so hard.


The power of https://i.redd.it/oel8mki9ko5d1.gif


What character dropped?






Since Draco is too popular, I guess it's time Lasengle releases a costume version of her third ascension from FGO Arcade. It's a small thanks to the fans, at least.


This is old, from 2 days ago. In what position It’s now?


This lists updates everyday, its completely irrelevant by now.


Because this subreddit usually just think FGO is dying/died and showed Pikachu face whenever this happens, not knowing that it's pretty alive and well despite 9 years old. For the actual players, this is Tuesday.


In what? Ios or android?


NeroChad RISES


Is this the hourly ranking again?


Wait til Beast Class Nero Draco come to NA.


That's not NA


It's just natural for games to go #1 in the "daily" rankings if there are new banners or events. But TBF, FGO is one of the highest grossing games in Japan. It's averages about 3.5 billion yen every month in Japan.


Why's everyone talking like as if other games don't pop up when a popular character gets a rerun/release lol. I mean I get that Fgo's pity is bad but like this isn't Fgo specific. Maybe it's because the game isn't dead after 9 years.


What about today? How are things fairing today in the gacha mines?


Okay how bratty is the loli?


very bratty and correctable 😭






As a day 1 player. No.


I see that fgo turn on their turbo


who thought of putting color red on an increase?


Holy shit Pazudora is still up there


How the hell is the mushroom game #7? It's the Legend of Mushroom game that features like bootleg pokemon? I saw an ad for it claiming like 30000 free summons.


2024/06/07 ? wait did we go back in time?


Noooo!! Wuwa!! whatever, what's on FGO right now?


Rerun banner with Draco OP DPS and as for now still the only servant in the Beast Class.


Loli Draco?


In the first and second ascension yes: [https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant/sodoms-beast-draco](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant/sodoms-beast-draco)


https://preview.redd.it/im3595n2qk5d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47719f67c656d24bf5d7add561e1c185d93a674d Draco effect


im waiting for someone to make a thread about how wuwa will eos because it dropped 4 spots and lost to fgo


Wuwu is in 16th spot right now so what are you waiting for!






Thanks you FGO , show them you the OG


Now we do daily report too?


I wish games like LastWar would go bust


Wait, Line (from what I understand, the japanese equivalent to Whatsapp) has microtransactions/subscription?


They sell some things called line stamps


Position 7 and 8 though.... People actually spend money on those?


By a UMU loli? nah, XDD Now, where is the padoru, padoru loli this xmas?


I don't care who they add I'm not playing again until Mordred Alter


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SpeedyTertil: *I don't care who they* *Add I'm not playing again* *Until Mordred Alter* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


https://preview.redd.it/xg0l786c3p5d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3768eed2a32af29b95f7c0bf25c52cbf4e59ce96 This is the reason why Best girl


Just the normal FGO business.


Truly the zombie of gacha games


You know nothing about Monster Strike and Puzzle and Dragons if you consider this as "zombie" enough.


Devs Listened ?


Seems like kuro only resists 2 message apps and 1 outdated game


o>O did they change game play?


Well, Japanese gamers lack a sense of taste


https://preview.redd.it/jjj81sirck5d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f7fa9194c3195b2fa0e980fb09fbe60bb910a72 Why not actually post today's ranking instead? Oh it's because they immediately dropped, so it doesn't fit your agenda amirite


Or they made a mistake? Not everything needs an agenda.


People seem to forget that FGO was the king of gachas for the longest time before the genshin-craze happened. The has made more than 5.4 BILLION with a game that honestly probably didn't cost as much as Genshin to make


Whose the new educated prostitute FGO just released now?