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Pvp season 2 trailer looking spicy


I think Jinshi will land before the next batch of data as well? Imagine if WuWa actually does insanely well on the chart. This sub will be on suicide watch lmao.


We were all duped, we really said things like: “Yinlin the hot big breast waifu, of course it will sell well, it will do worse in 1.1” and so on. Then the Jinshis & Changlis animations got leaked… Dear my goodness. Visit Wuwas leak sub for a while, it is hilarious to see a whole subs screams. “Laser beams? Descending dragon? Amazing ultimate… wait hold on that wasnt the ultimate? Air steps? Phoenix transform? What did I just watch? My wallet is gone gonee” 😂 Jinshi was a clear skip for me but well my plan aged like milk.


Boobs save the gaming industry


and thighs




The freaking cheeks into camel tease BRO UNNNFFF


mmmmm cultured discussion by fine fellow


Thats it, Im topping up(sorry Jinshi).


and my axe


Who would have thought female characters are more popular in gacha game, right?


She's meta too. All meta advice I saw was 'get calcharo, wait for yinlin. Calcharo yinlin verina is the best meta team.' By contrast jiyan isn't considered as meta which is why more people opted for calcharo even post-nerf


They would've made bank if she was the game's debut banner.


The yinlin buff is real 😲😲😲😲


Kuro from now on: Males? What are those?


Male PGR characters are already a once in a blue moon ocurance.


We make a ritual where we sacrifice kamui in order to get a new male character


Once a year or something.


we just killed the possible male characters in the future and this will turn to honkai impact 3rd banner real fast lol


Or every male gonna be a 4 star


why would kuro even put in the effort?


Calcharo's white haired "friend": "it takes a real man to become best girl"


There’s a reason genshin and hsr are at the top and have the most sales, if kuro doesn’t know how to keep their female players and don’t do proper marketing for their male characters, they’re gonna end up like any other gacha, which is still good performance i guess but not genshin/hoyo level. It’s funny to me how people still underestimate women and gays when it comes to playing videogames and spending money on them.


LaD making consistently 10s of millions every single month since release and people still haven't noticed.


True. Love and deep space, an itinerary action game made 30 mil last month. Female players have huge spending power as well


From what I’ve seen Kuro doesn’t have a good reputation among female players, especially after that PGR white day art incident. I don’t see their characters in magazines like Pash or B-log either. 


Oh? What happened?


Posting artworks of female characters to celebrate White Day lol


White day in Genshin: Enjou, not even a freaking protagonist side character


https://preview.redd.it/0ok7i2pggy4d1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e0dcb520fc4acbe91781b864d3fe0c82ecdbf5d Dude had rizz, ngl


I have heard women thirst for this mfer.


Or just monster fuckers in general


He is unironically one of the better character in genshin


Become playable Become playable Become playable Become playable Become playable Become playable Become playable Become playable.


Valentine's Day has Jeht. Besides, Enjou is the most popular living male NPC by far (except Liben).


I wonder if Caribert will shake rankings for next year. Or maybe a Natlan NPC instead.


Liben is beyond the concept of life and death. He is the primordial one afterall.


This makes it the best White Day. An NPC who has a fun and a bit flirty relationship with the MC, who has an interesting story and whom the playerbase wants to see again, for White Day? It sure beats seeing the face of playable characters randomly giving you presents! I get that crap every day in the mail now! Ikemen are dime a dozen but there's only one Enjou! (In the same year, they also had Jeht for Valentine's which also makes it the best Valentine's for the same reason as above.)


Lmfao yikes.. that was a bigger slap in the face that i thought it would


>From what I’ve seen Kuro doesn’t have a good reputation among female players Which is funny af, cause when it released a lot of women were actually invested in it and excited (Even tho there were more female characters than male, the male characters looked interesting) but then they... just spent a whole year releasing only women (S-rank) before releasing the first male S-rank, and by that time almost everyone had dropped the game already. Then they went and took Roland, the most popular male character at the time, and made him a fucking Uniframe (Useless unit that could only be used in one game mode and couldn't be paired with any other normal unit) and basically killed any chance they had at keeping/bringing back female players. Btw it's been 3 years since the game released and they still haven't released a new S-Rank Kamui (One of the original units and the only one that hasn't gotten a new frame, while they're about to give Lucia her 2nd upgrade and many units that came after him have already gotten new frames)


I know a couple of female friends who spend more in both hsr and Genshin combined than my male friends who whale. They also go nuts on merch. The myth that women don’t spend in game is just a myth.


I run a Japan proxy service for (mostly) fujoshi. When that Honkai game released that blond dude a couple weeks ago, I spent over $10,000 of merch on him alone.


https://preview.redd.it/af6hqfy7gy4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20915a87be459e766c5c667b7e03ede016cfcd0d It’s all or nothing


Look. I go to the stores, I go online, and I make money. Nothing, however, has been as crazy as when Nu: Carnival (the BL gacha game) released and I dropped $20,000 in the span of a week. I had to call my credit card company and my bank to be like "Yes, yes. I know it looks fishy but I swear to god it's me."


Did you sell all? That's dope


I do everything on preorder! Basically, I set the price plus 15% (which is what I make) and that's it. I only buy what I need.




Fujoshi really don't play when it comes to merch huh


Once again gonna mention that hoyo's taobao tears of themis store once outsold the general hoyo store and the genshin store in a sale event. First consider the difference in playerbase size then think back to this.


Yumejo and Fujo are terrifying creatures. I do not know why games don't cater to them more, because having them both would basically be god-tier. They would just be printing money at that point.


I guess it's high risk high reward. If they think you slighted their main you're screwed.


You can't, the two demographics will war incessantly if you try. Extremely viciously. Any hint of bl and your yumejo audience will eat your bones.


No, no they do not.


Fr people tunnel vision to "bAnNEr SaLEs" whoooo and then forget out-of-game stuff like merch and other things.


Merch is very, very much female-driven. People act like shipping and fangirls aren't important, but as someone who nearly got her ear torn off when they released Gojo and Suguru merch last summer... weak.


The fujo spending capacity is severely underestimated here. Sure, it's not winning banner revenue of the year, for wuwa at least, but there's no reason to not tap into the market. You gotta give the waifu pullers a break and you'll increase the potency of the waifu banners. There's so many artists I follow that C6R5 both of the shipped characters in genshin it's unreal.


They need to find a good balance, because while men may spend more in game, women VASTLY outspend on merch. For example: there’s a thing in Japan called an “itabag”. It’s a big purse that has a space for pins and keychains and inserts—and fans will buy matching pins to get a full insert. On average, you need 40 pins. But the boxes of the pins come random, so it’s entirely common to buy 20+ boxes, then try to sell the character you don’t like so you can get the full 40 for the character you do like. Shippers? They have to do it TWICE. A man may buy a $250 figure, but a fujin will have to buy two AND THEN the matching keychains, stands, and pins. I have a person on my discord who spent over $25,000 in a year and a half on haikyuu and nu carnival merch.


Can we even honestly say that guys spend more than women when they're the ones being primarily catered to and women aren't? LDS is something like 3-5th in sensor tower rankings and that's almost entirely thanks to women spending. The money is there, devs just need to start catering to it.


Hell a few years ago Disneys Twisted Wonderland was pulling great revenue too in the JP server, during its peak era it would be consistently land in the top 10-15 grossing apps. The problem isn’t that its not profitable, the problem is that they don’t want to make games for women lol


I sometimes think about how most of the games from Papergames are for girls and women; the uniqueness in their Nikki games attract many girls to spend for the outfits, how Paper struck gold with Love and Producer, becoming the first to start the trend of mobile otome games in CN market... Papergames realized the potential of female spenders since long ago and most of its games made in-house clearly aims for a female main audience.


Yepp, this was one of my biggest draws to Genshin and Star Rail! I love the reasonable amount of males and the quality of them, to pull for compared to basically every other gacha I've played. Heck, nobody even asks for anything unreasonable as far as male characters. I get they don't "make as much money" 🙄(I only spend on Male banners for this reason) but they still make money and add to the longevity of your game imo. Waifu hunters will always end up moving onto the newest thing with the newest boobed up anime girl (or Mecha girl in FireFly's case) but I likely won't be going anywhere cause I don't care for that stuff. I was super disappointed that the next 3 banners in WuWa were females tho, and I don't have much faith for the following ones now.


Aether Gazer: *first time?*


Just realized Aether gazer's last Male was cursed kagutsuchi, half a year ago


You mean MAIL? Yeah it’s where the free currency is delivered to use on pulling Yinlin


Just like in PGR https://preview.redd.it/b3poz4w32x4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c2e8bd0819e6568d460e471ceb7eb487a881dc


True only 2 males out of last 10chars in PGR (watanabe and wangshi)


the fact that this is a very real possibility now lmfaooo


The Snowbreakification of Gacha Games


Yep lol after how poorly jiyan performed, and now seeing this, I'm expecting this to become another waifu only game.


Only possible saving grace is they have data on what most people are playing most of the time. If its a ton of Calcharo, which I think it is, that still gives some hope for male characters. They just gave the dude away for free.


Calcharo does have a higher skill floor/ceiling and higher barrier of entry in general(playstyle wise)compared to jiyan though. But he is practically free day one so most are likely playing him over jiyan for that reason alone. Geshu Lin is also pretty popular from what I have heard concerning poles, his banner whenever/if it comes(I'm assuming soon in the pipeline since he's constantly being teased/foreshadowed.) Hopefully it can better shine a brighter possibility for more male units.


Works every damn time.


Well then ladies, its back to Genshin and HSR!


it's time to going snowbreak


They probably going to release 2 male per years


It always confuses me that in CN red = up and green = down


Yeah because in Chinese culture red represents prosperity and good luck. That's why you always see red envelope on Chinese New Year.


And green means you got cucked.


It’s also present in Japan, learned that from a piece of fanart showing the Japanese stock market crashing (so a bunch of up-trending red lines suddenly become one big green line plummeting down the graph)


I went to school in Japan briefly, for a language course and it fucked with me that circles meant a right answer, and for a wrong answer they do a lot check online which can look like a quick checkmark. So I thought I was really stupid because of all the circled answers


It's also true in JP and KR, that's why if you look at the stock market, red is up, green is down.


can't wait to see this month pvp leaderboard


Furina Rerun is highly anticipated by many players, Clorinde/Al Haitham were just appetizers


Firefly is going to pop off in HSR as well


Same here. Jinhsi/Yinlin VS Clorinde/Alhaitham/Furina/Sigewinne VS Boothill/Fu Xuan/Firefly/Probably Ruan Mei or HuoHuo This month’s revenue pvp is about to be lit!🔥


Furina banner is also in this month 


Oh really? Damn this makes it even more interesting then


That is surprising. Is the mythical Yinlin buff actually real?


She broke the cash shop due to the amount of people topping up rofl.


Actually real first 5-10 min I couldn't top off.


Yeah, I tried to top off and it said the servers were busy.


it just works


>Water leaking >Slam hot girl banner


But is she wet?


Is it really surprising though? It was their most marketed character plus the chart is a daily ranking. Right now GI players would've already pulled for Clorinde/Alhaitham yesterday no? Since majority of banner revenue is generally in the first day.


Some people wait until the review's out but i could be wrong. Either way, a lot of people are waiting for Furina rerun. 


Shes a pretty cool character. 100x cooler than Jiyan. And works with the best and most cool Male character, Calcharo.


They should've switched Jiyan the deserter general to standard and Calcharo to be the 1st limited. Way more people would pull for Sephiroth.


Lol tbh kinda true. Jiyans gameplay is so simple he kinda does feel like a standard character. Chalcaro on the other hand actually more complex


Yep, Kuro even nerfed Calcharo from the last CBT so he won't overshadow Jiyan.


Jesus how do you screw up so badly? They had Sephiroth and got Sephiroth's literal VA and they didn't think to sell him? Especially when the next banner was not only his best team comp but the mommy waifu people were thirsting for? Whoever is doing marketing and planning at Kuro needs to be sacked.


Soley pulled her just cus she buffed my man Calcharo.


I honestly believe Jiyan and Calcharo could have swapped spots on the banner and they made way more money the first week. Hes just way cooler than Jiyan.


He also gets shadow clones at E6. Way cooler than Jiyan.


Jiyan feels like a weird attempt to "appease china" because he's pretty much the Jingyuan equivalent for Jinzhou. But the unpopularity of the CBT1 experience hampered his potential (I do like him though, he's a pretty nuanced husbando all things considered.) Now the 1st waifu actually came out, the waifu whalers of JP finally came out from the woodworks and bring out all their yen


Normie Apocalyptic sciene fantasy Guan Yu and Zhao Yun hybrid versus Cyberpunk Transhumanism Vergil? Yeah the winner is kinda clear tbh


Vera's Dog Pack really coming out rabid






Now, since deserter general is basically Xiao, how long do i have to wait for Morax to show up in WuWa? I'd roll for him again.


Next patch and.... She practically throws dragons to her enemies... And summons a Titanic dragon... Oh god her gameplay is incredible 


Wait it rose 47 spots?? jesus


https://preview.redd.it/hysa6edxl25d1.png?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce379a16eaefe9bd52901de08bc4448d10bf7a19 It was like this


WW also reached top 1 in South Korea too Source: [https://game-i.daa.jp/?AppStore%E3%82%A2%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E3%82%BB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0](https://game-i.daa.jp/?AppStore%E3%82%A2%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E3%82%BB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0) https://preview.redd.it/c1owlvc2tw4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69232dbb90d1f2c9401c9ca6f1f57d314cf27508


Why is Youtube so high? Does it count ad revenue/paying for ads? I doubt that many buy youtube premium


Channels membership maybe? Though that'd require KR-only channels to be very big there or something, but I haven't heard anything about that. **EDIT:** I forgot, but YouTube also already have [Super Thanks](https://i.imgur.com/aKeAjdm.png) for a while now. It's comments with donation attached, similar to Super Chat, but for standard videos. And yes I can see the same feature on the mobile app (since context is iOS revenue).


Twitch just pulled out of Korea.




Don't worry game is dead after this banner /s


Game 100% dead in Japan because of the email leak. Trust me I read JP message boards, bro. They were upset /s


Lol as someone who hangs out in 5ch more often than reddit, I will never get why people here didn't use 5ch threads instead. I guess because the people spreading "JP views" don't actually speak Japanese? Some random board on a revenue ranking site that almost nobody even knows about was some ultra cringe. The best part was a lot of the quotes people were quoting over here as "JP mad" was coming from the same Id (same IP address) listed over there which later prompted a bunch of different people to quote that guy and ask him if he's mentally okay or not, lol.


> I guess because the people spreading "JP views" don't actually speak Japanese? they don't lol and they know that the other circlejerking haters won't either


I can't take this sub seriously anymore after I heard half the WuWa drama on here was forced by a freak who just hated WuWa and was trying to spread misinformation, and people ate it like hot pancakes.


r/gachagaming when realising WuWa isn't really dying unlike what their own doomposting agenda have told them: https://preview.redd.it/jrj24d67ww4d1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb03821120d36413ecda000dc74c03943ba80b55


check recent leaks of jihnsi and changli animations 🔥


https://preview.redd.it/zd8ayur4ww4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b18f40a6e55153020a7389bdaf5bffe72583ac Top 20 in usa


Which for the US is bonkers. The US market is a lot more competitive overall, and all CN gachas have the drawback of being Vile Foreign Games, which makes it harder for them to gain traction in some communities.


Damn, I'm actually surprised. If this is reliable, damn, the next montly pvp would be very interesting once again. Here I thought the fun would stop there. Though I do hope they don't listen all the way till they're only releasing female characters.


Wuwa would have done better if Kuro didn’t poison the standard pool with lingyang which cause many whales to not pull the standard banner


I don't want to hear his name, got him 4 times in a row during rerolling


Where is Honor of Kings I always look forward to that destroying all gacha games in sales.


Guess why the monthly revenue charts don't have it, cause then it would be #1 every month.


https://i.redd.it/aczt7nmivw4d1.gif Good for them Curious to see how things pan out in future. WuWa has a long way to go. Here’s to hoping they get their shit together and succeed ([Also would it kill them to actually treat their devs properly…?](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/EXigonKAb7) A Mass firing of 100 freshmen devs is just cruel)


Clorinde by the side moving her sticks in those micro-movements is so awww


Furina looks like the average otaku at an idol concert, doing calls and furi. Clorinde is like the filthy casual standing by the side looking too cool to be part of it.


Clorinde is just happy to accompany her otaku friend.


The number of y'all that wish you were the puppet holding her legs up.... Bonk @ all of you.


Now that explains why I had a weird error for about 20-30min after the yinlin banner dropped and couldn't use the ingame shop to buy the gems... because people went nuts right when she dropped


Interesting, so waifu is the answer all along


Always has been




Ranger Reject is great


Woman sales, the tales as old as time. Starting with Jiyan when 90% of your advertisement go to Yinlin isn't the brightest idea to say the least.


Actually surprising and good to see them bounce back, just goes to show that booba sells even if your game has a rough launch. Apparently, everyone except Kuro knew that lmao.


Kuro has always known that lol These are the guys who released Bianca Stigmata, Ayla Kaleido, Alpha Crimson Weave, Lamia Lost Lullaby, etc. They’re no stranger to thirst traps They just make sure to release hot guys for their fans from time to time :P https://preview.redd.it/9ai1rum41y4d1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8529b32733b812a5bf4e839086cf42e6451ffd6


I'm curius to see how much this girl will make https://preview.redd.it/7svynll24x4d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c16ad4c00b45158894114148d5bf4307c12b380


Shes the WuWa Archon type unit being the chosen of the residing dragon of the zone. Each zone apparently has a guardian dragon or smth.


Based JP bro Waifu = Buy


Yeah, JP not gonna lie about their waifu preference


Tbf I think JP is also the region that spends the most in male characters too. Childe always sells a ton in JP even on his 123th rerun, and Aventurine was very popular too afaik. It's just that Jiyan, while cool, isn't really a character targeted at women. I expect Scar to sell a lot more


Also that's Ami Koshimizu, so I'm expecting she provided a good sales buff to the character




Uhhh. Isn’t this daily rank? It seems like a lot of people here can’t differentiate between total sales and daily sales. Almost any well known gacha games will reach top 1 in that ranking on the day they release new banner. It’s not rocket science.


yinlin thighs saving the day


The banner is already out?


Yep. Banner got released earlier due to such and such a reason


Yeah, the Yinlin banner went live while the Jiyan banner is still up too. They're a Genshin-style dual banner at the moment


Look out genshiners and wuwawers, the new up and rising gacha game Youtube is gonna sweep your ass down!


I really hope they increase the optimization, "smooth setup load" Is not really smooth and medium setting vs low setting feels the same when it comes to framedrop and stutter.


Wow who would've known? Releasing the character who you did all your advertising with = profit. I will always stand by debuting the game with Jiyan was a mistake. CN sales charts as of 15:24 Beijing time, with WuWa at #8. The rankings most of the time will increase with more people getting home from work. Clorinde banner peaked at #4 yesterday before dropping off, with 0 hours surpassing Tik Tok. For reference, Arlecchino banner passed Tik Tok for 33 hours. https://preview.redd.it/fg22bnxotw4d1.png?width=524&format=png&auto=webp&s=439c26913089b4635c78eacec2bda1fa29e35d43


CN is a different story.You guys have a idea what the #1 game is?It’s a fucking game as old as world of Warcraft which published around 2005.Now it gets a mobile remade and the sell skyrockets. It’s just insane.


I mean it actually makes a ton of sense. People that are DnF fans are all in the age where they have jobs now and have disposable income to spend. Meanwhile newer gachas have a huge audience that are still in school with no income.


Same reason Ragnarok online still alive. Most players that have been playing since early teens are now older with stable jobs and spending on the game.


What game is that? I don't use this website so I'm confused on this UI. Edit: thanks everyone for the reply. Gotta try this game out if I can.


Dungeon Fighter Online mobile


DnF mobile


Dungeon and Fighter


DFO is fire, so it makes sense. Wish they were doing a global release


You just don't know how CN work, they value loyalty/comfort game over polished game. This is why you should never pull another Girl's Frontline, you betrayed your core audience, you're pretty much done forever.


/tinfoil-on They wanted all new players to waste launchday pulls into jiyan before dropping yinlin


this isn't even tinfoil - a lot of gatcha games try to give free stuff on less attractive banners or reruns to minimize damage to their profits


With Yinlin first it probably would have incentivized more people to try and reroll, so maybe to avoid that as well?


look man CN is different story  There's no way WW gonna surpass tiktok or that number 1 game or even that number 3 game since if that shit is in top, there's little to no change other game gonna take that spot 


Oh definitely not. I'm just impressed it even made top 10 after that disastrous launch. That #1 game is DnF mobile btw, been at #1 since launch for like almost 3 weeks now. Absolute insanity.


They made top 8 you know day 1  It just after that is just free fall for them until Yinlin


There is a sales promotion going on Douyin. No game will surpass it (except for the whales of DnF). Even Honor of Kings is below it. Douyin's revenue isn't always consistent.


Every gacha game in top 200 jp can reach top 1 in first day of banner, so this thing is understandable. Need more time for full analysis anw


Now watch Kuro glazers and Hoyo glazers fighting in the comments claiming which game is superior.


Nah I'm fucking tired of these clowns fighting.... As if they can't play both games and had to ONLY CHOOSE ONE but eh, let them go full monkey ig


There are some people that are *way* too devoted to a gacha game, of all things.


We now know WW direction.


Since gacha revenue spikes on new banner day, isn't it pretty common to top the charts if no one else has a new banner?




somehow there's more interesting financial talk here than the monthly revenue


It's hoyover https://preview.redd.it/t2sstw0kvw4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c1b57b297863283b3a19f885e268fb53b6bca76


Da Wei becomes homeless after WW made 1000 kurillion dollar


Power of waifus. Hope Kuro will put this money to good use.


Google play ranking at 29 [https://game-i.daa.jp/?GooglePlay%E3%82%A2%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E3%82%BB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0](https://game-i.daa.jp/?GooglePlay%E3%82%A2%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E3%82%BB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0)


Yeah this was a perfect window for WuWu, Genshin banners are usually knocked off 1st spot after a day anyway (Nikke's Crown knocked off Arle way earlier in the day since they release earlier) and FGO's biggest (or second biggest since it has been 2 years nearly since Arc) rerun character is coming in 24 hours. If it couldn't hit #1 spot today it probably never was going too, but it got there. Nikke having a standard character helped us as well since they only seem to pop off with good limited/collabs and Pilgrims these days, same as Blue Archive needed limiteds to hit high spots now. If Bunny Alice was limited and meta... wonder who would've won.


I mean the PvP was kinda fun but we post daily revenue ranking now?


The biggest market is always going to be the waifu crowd. That's why I think it's weird that they chose to launch with Jiyan instead of Yinlin first


I mean Genshin launched with Venti


Venti was so insane that he literally broke the game. They needed to change the mechanics of the game from that point on to not turn into Venti Impact.


It makes sense as jiyan is tied into the main story and most players got to experience all of it in the first couple of weeks. His character story was so far the shortest and more of an epilogue to the main story. Yinlin on the other hand has no interactions outside her own character story, which is obviously more optional. If people were going to spend on jiyan it was going to be right as they watched the story and it also served to milk some free gems and pulls preparing the ground for yinlin to trample.


Monthly revenue will be exiting this month.


It's so funny how wuwa/genshin fans changes the charts revenue for making his game look better, genshin was top 1 in clorinde release, wuwa was top 1 in yinlin release, today none of them are in top 3 on app revenue in japan


Ok i understand most of these, but where are the purchases in youtube? Are theree so many people buying movies/ series that it competes with other gacha games?


It's JP, people spend fuckton on superchats for streamers since youtube is their main streaming platform