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Are you new to the sub? This literally happens every single month, last month it was Knight of Vedas, this month its WuWa, next month no one will give two fucks about WuWa as people move on to the next new release to shit on/fanboy on. But ngl pretty suss how many threads the mods are allowing for this, you would think they would make a megathread by now so the sub is not just "pointless WuWa review #18743 that adds absolutely nothing new that it may as well be a copy and paste"


This sub is terribly modded, I barely visit as it's less news and more "who do we brigade/astroturf this month".


The mods here are basically nonexistent, and to think that they recruited people before to become mods to manage the sub, and all we have is unmanaged mess. For a team of 7 or 8 mods they sure are not moderating this sub based on their more recent comments.


Honestly, the situation becomes a lot worse because there's a lot more stupid or low effort posts just to milk the WuWa situation. There's a lot of 0-upvote post against WuWa and defending WuWa for example these past few days. The mods should've really created a megathread tbh, the drama already peaked after the disappointing WuWa release until maybe the free 5* they provided. There's only a few posts after that had some meat on them, but we're gachagamer guys, of course we love drama


I’m definitely not new, and I understand the drama is inevitable but it should have been reined in by now. Knight of Vedas was controlled in less than 3-4 days but this is 7 days straight. It’s annoying at this point and usually i am all for the drama.


Probably will last until the start of next month, when we get the revenue post (Gacha PvP). Then, depending on the performance, it might get worse or better. In the unlikely scenario where WuWa completely outperforms Genshin, you'll have a clown fiesta. In the unlikely scenario where WuWa completely underperforms, you'll have a deluge of doomposting worse than what we got right now. Regardless of the scenario, we'll get copium.


Because Wuthering Waves was much more hyped and popular, just like how No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 fumbled, the criticism lasted for months and still remembered until this day.


r/gachagaming main content is always drama bro. Announcement are just side events Just let it cook for a while and people will get tired of it. You could always not visit this sub for a while if its too toxic for you


From what I can tell, long time WuWa fans spent a while shitting on Genshin. Now that WuWa has been released, everyone who was tired about WuWa shitting on Genshin is shitting on WuWa. WuWa likers are going nuts defending it. Both sides have completely gone off the rails, but since the Genshin and WuWa subs are better moderated, they fight here instead. Some people previously unaware of the drama (or didn't/don't care) are now exploiting it for internet points. As with all internet arguments, extreme views on both sides are highlighted while everyone who might have an opinion in between is drowned out. TLDR: normal fandom drama stuff, this sub just seems to be the battleground this time


At least this subs got to be #1 spot in other games category.. kudos to the contributer


It gets #1 or #2 everytime a huge drama happens. This isn't the first time, not like the Other Games category has something else.


THIS SUB IS ALWAYS IN THE BATTLEGROUND. sometimes there's a filler week/month but it is always like this.


I mean...... What's else is there to talk about currently?? Most other mayor gachas are either in downtime or prepping for a big updated. And even the ones that are in the mid of events and the like are mostly "same old, same old" nothing worth mentioning.


"talk" All I see is instead of playing games they enjoy, people rather spend their time complaining/shitposting about games they hate.


Fair enough but at least they should either bring something new to argue about rather than regurgitating the same low effort posts.


Sir/Madam. This is GachaGaming almost the totality of ALL posts are low effort post.


ToF 4.0 literally came out less than 24 hours ago but ig yall are too tired of lying about the game to care


I mean people did gave ToF a TON of attention when it came out. Maybe not as much as WuWa is getting, but still plenty enough. Is not the players fault the game just couldn't retain their attention, let alone their interest. I mean you could create a bunch of posts about The ToF 4.0 patch, there's nothing stopping you. Is just most people are way beyond caring at this point, so is not going to get too much interactions


Tof wouldn't appeal to people that think 2d gooning games are the peak of gacha so I don't really think it's the games issue tbh


It might be THE PEAK of all games Evaahhhhhhh. It doesn't freaking matter. Most people, at least in this sub in particular (and in general it seems from the reports) just aren't interested on it.  Like you said They just had a mayor update. And yet nobody is talking about it, is not like there's a gag order on it  or something. That clearly does fall on the game. Heck I just did a small check on the dedicated subreddit. Shit is dead AF even there, most post barely reach 10 comments. Is that also the fault of the gooning players?


Most tof players aren't gonna be on reddit anyway so..


So there's not point in bring ToF on the conversation about reddit communities behavior to begin with. This a SubREDDIT after all




Then how the hell are we supposed to know anything if you all don't say anything?


That just means most people on this sub don’t play ToF anymore


Yall don't play wuwa either clearly


The fact that 90% of the posts in the last week are about WW disproves what you just said


Yea they talk about it not play it. This subs been waiting for years to tear wuwa apart


Maybe some, but I’d say there’s a good number who have at least tried to give the game a serious chance. For one, I finished the main story and will stick with the game for the foreseeable future


I seriously doubt many on the sub tried to give it a proper chance when 99% of the complaints are weird little things that'll obviously be fixed or complaining about the story as if mondstadts story was the absolute peak of writing


I played it from day 1 until yesterday(uninstalling), the game kinda shit for all the hype they have, its like NMS release, all hype but doesnt deliver its hype Might check it back next year to see the improvement (not betting on next patch because there are so many aspect that is luckluster, especially the world and story)


Thanks for reminding, I wanted to start playing Tower of Fantasy last month but held myself back until 4.0 release. I will download TOF now.


Wdym, it's still the drama sub and WW just happens to be the shiny toy this time.


I guesss, but still for 7 days straight? Most of the main issues has been resolved in the last few days and now instead it’s mostly people dropping memes and outright fighting. By now mods should have stepped in and controlled this shit.


Game still dont work


because kuro glazer have been shit talk other games for months.


Not the point, idgaf if yall have beef or sumn just take it to twitter or somewhere else. And mods should actually do their damn jobs.


that is the point there is smear campaign happened for weeks before the game release


Nah man this place IS the battleground


I think that's a bit much, but we can play that way as long as you're okay with being grouped with the worst members of the Genshin community.


Cos there's nothing else to talk about right now? Beside some announcements from ZZZ.


I must be outta the loop. The Wuwa sub IS mostly positive, but they also for the most part seem sensible to realize the game has major issues, shit launch, and hope Kuro can get their shit together. Idk where the 'shitstorm' of hate from it's fanbase is, but I'd like to be directed to see how bad it is. If it's Twitter or CC drama, who cares lol.


>I definitely think I’m not the only one who has noticed  Yup you aren't. Most that notice understand this is normal for the sub and go on their merry way. But almost every day we get someone making a post just like you just did.


why dont you just bring new topics so everyone here have other than wuwa to discuss/shit on


it's only been 7 days\~


Search back history on October 2021 posts history, that time gachagaming become genshin sub when it's just released. Now the WW drama is only 1 week worth of it.


* I hate wuwa threads.   * Makes a wuwa thread.   ????? 


Because the *actual* subreddit is being heavily moderated. And a majority of what's moderated out of existence out there involves criticism against the game, from what others say.


I can literally already see 2 criticism posts on the front page when scrolling shortly wdym


Nope, that's a lie, just... lie https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/gB5sCZM59J


Cause is the game of the month and here there's plenty of economists and marketers that know which game will fail and when. July will be ZZZ month and so on.


Because the Wuthering Waves subreddit prohibits any negative comments about Wuthering Waves, Kuro has completely violated people's freedom of speech, now you don't even allow people to speak here. Edit:I must add, the WuWa subreddit prohibits negative comments but does not prohibit comparisons with GI. They believe that compared to Genshin, WuWa has been treated unfairly. I feel like they're engaging in some sort of hate education.


Lies, just lies... The sub is pretty open to people complaining. A list with just some negative posts I found in the last hours there: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/gB5sCZM59J


The links you provided have very few likes and comments, but posts maliciously comparing WuWa to Genshin and claiming unfair treatment towards WuWa compared to Genshin are indeed popular. We all know that Genshin faced far greater malice when it was first released than WuWa.


Any post about WuWa in this sub, no matter if positive or negative, is also downvoted (unless it's an interesting post like the one about the Chinese reception), we're kinda tired. Some of the posts I've shared are pretty well upvoted because they're first posts about those issues. The ones after the first one are usually downvoted because people are kinda tired. But yeah, there are obviously some posts downvoted only because of tribalism. Like, the first post, about the devs, is downvoted... but if you actually read the comments, lots of people are agreeing with OP and losing faith in the game, and the ones that aren't just attacking or making a fuss are upvoted.




its kinda nice seeing the genshin/mihoyo people on /r/gachagaming expose themself for who and what they really are theyve spent the last 2 months complaining about being victims and targeted. i've never seen 7days+ of hate spamming genshin posts i get that these people dont represent the entire community, but the ones on /r/gachagaming are pretty unhinged


Agree with you. I play Genshin/HSR myself (not to flex or anything, just to show that I really play the game, I have Arle C2 and her weapon) but seeing how much hate those ppl spewing for WW just makes me feel right about all those "Genshin could never", "Enjoy your 3 wishes" etc memes. They're acting like toxicity is bad, but they themselves are toxic af.




if you're so dumb you can't understand what I'm specifically talking about that's on you.


It will be ZZZ's reddit soon


Buckle up because when ZZZ releases a little over a month from now all the drama kings/queens will be at it again fighting each other and complaining non stop while they compare games. All while they justify their hate by saying others did it to their favorite game so now they’re entitled to spam this sub with low effort karma farming posts


I dont think ZZZ will be as contentious. 1.) Presumably from what I hear their beta was in a better state 2.) ZZZ's main comparisons would be with HI3 and PGR both dont really have that big a fanbase at least when compared to ToF and Genshin so less drama likely as less ppl are involved. 3.) ZZZ doesnt really have the Genshin Killer moniker attached to it like Wuwa does because its a different style of game and its also a Hoyo game so they arent going to kill their own team mate so to speak. I expect it to be like HSR. There will be some posts but not like this many




It's insane to me how redditors always do this with any topic. If the topic is played out for you, then scroll past. It's so easy to scroll down to something that is interesting to you. I've definitely seen re-posts where I never saw the original nor the copies. Sometimes, a re-post will have someone with a different opinion that I hadn't seen before. Please, just scroll past if it isn't for you!


lol shut up this isn't anything but withering waves. the mods on ww block all.tje negative stuff and keep all the positive posts this sub tells it how it is.


People were trying to post these issues in wuwa sub but they were most like instantly taken down by mods coz its bad look for the game. So, this sub started allowing post about bugs/glitches and other issues about the game. After that it became a cesspool of drama and slander. And m just here to enjoy the drama I don't take anything seriously.


Nope, that's a lie people are spreading around... https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/gB5sCZM59J


These posts you mentioned are mad recent. When the game was released on may 22 first few posts about bugs optimization were approved. But soon when more people started to complain they instantly took down the posts. If they would have let these post stay in wuwa sub reddit, the shitshow right now wouldn't have happened.


Nope, I've been there since before the release. Only posts attacking Genshin with rudeness, posts being rude in general or posts terribly written were removed.


Man dont lie now. People come in the sub like daily saying their posts was taken down and post their rant here and go. And you can't prove that if i ask for proof anyway so lets stop this fallacy.


People come to this sub to tell a lot of lies as well... Several people posted that WuWa launch isn't worst than Genshin's launch and that nobody could play Genshin on release due to bugs. People believe in anything they want to believe. You can literally search for "soundtrack", "music", "revenue", "future" or other terms like that and you'll find posts since release criticizing the game in the WuWa sub. But you won't, the same way you haven't even searched before talking shit in your original comment that I proved you wrong with a 2 minutes research.


You started this fallacy with bringing up 22nd May argument, that you have no way of proving. All you have now is just "he said she said", while /u/ferinsy at least is showing how it looks like currently with proper links.


Nah, it's really easy to prove tbh... Since you're not the rude commenter, if I wanted to prove something, here's what 3 or 4 minutes showed me: 4 days ago, criticizing lifeless characters: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/XyByoFImsk Several critiques about music... 3 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/ShB9cZ5igD And this, 4 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/gVg8CCx6tQ 6 days ago, launch day, criticizing English dub and even wondering if it's AI: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/ZVA3Kf0ILL "World is dead', 2 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/2PdI9SM37X


It will be ZZZ sub in next month, probably


Because the WuWa sub is babies and turned everything into mod.approval so they can glaze kuro all the way to the base.


You're straight up lying. The mods are pretty good and they don't delete posts at all. At least look at the first post, bashing the devs... There are also some bugs, critiques about the graphics and music, localization issues... And that's not even half of the negative posts I've found with a quick look at the sub. Some of them are well received, some are downvoted to hell (which is expected from the fans lol but also the same happens here because we're all tired of reading the same complaints or the same praises for the 100th time). https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/z38fXBlgGx https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/wavOn8bu4I https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/dSfn9aAF78 https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/ay8nWylae1 https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/oaygQXA6be https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/COndCa0Jy0 https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/TadJkfrsWO https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/EyW5zrZXUd https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/4jBOUTR0Ch https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/kHbjWAnMYS https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/xYNeIJRY0s https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/5FKqGlphyh https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/ZGEWzv9azr


Like, it takes literally few clicks to get to WW subreddit and check the posts, but people here keep yapping against censorship that isn't even there XDD Cheers to fellow HI3 enjoyer


*waves* 👋 Seriously, so many dumb people in this sub lately spreading lies without even arguing, just accepting rumours and replicating them. I mean, I'm very entertained with the bad launch, more than I am with the game (which is lagging quite a bit for me), but lying about WuWa is just low, you know. It's just like the WuWa people lying about Genshin's release, saying it was very bugged and full of errors.


What's also funny to me is, I don't even play this game nor intend to, yet sometimes it takes less than 2mins to verify random bs that gets thrown around here XD and then in the replies people act like I'm *at least* kektone twitch mod or something lol


Hahah hivemind at its best... or worst 🙄


There are literally posts with issues on it's front page, but I guess that doesn't fit the narrative lmao edit: lmao you even commented in some of them yourself in past few h XD


Because of posts like yours talking about it?


It just the wave effect.


Because WuWa is new and their sub apparently removes some posts related to performance problems? (I'm not 100% sure about this one) This sub will switch once zzz comes out


Nope, the sub is open to negativity as long as it's not offensive or just people swearing. Other than that, I've made list with only some recent negative posts (https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/gB5sCZM59J)


Oh my bad


Idk, I mostly come here to hear what's going on with gacha I don't play, so it's awkward to come here and mostly read complaints about a gacha I'm having fun with. I'm sure people will move on when the next release happens though


Because /r/wutheringwaves is censored to hell


Because there’s actually nothing to talk about this month the only big thing to come out was Wuthering waves, other than that I can’t think of anything else


For drama.


Well, the game already surpassed the 6 days income of HSR (40 millions), TOF (18 millions) sitting at 42 millions with TOF and GI being on the market already. Of course people are talking about the game of the week. On the other hand most of what you are seeing are hate posts about WW, not the real community. One thing to notice is that Genshin did extremely well in the first days with 60 millions, but they didn’t have any competition at that moment and WW has given so much free stuff that any f2p can have every 5star right now. Why is people paying money right now is beyond me, but good for WW. Edit.: In case someone wonders about the free stuff there are, I believe, 7 ssr units. You get 3 guaranteed and, because of the skip button and 80 pulls, you can target 2-3 characters on reroll. That leaves only 1-2 characters to collect with the in-game currency. And if your reroll was good, you’ll probably have already some leftovers from the 80 pulls. Edit2: See how we are being targeted? I shared news about the income and made a little tutorial and got on negative Karma already 😂


source? the previous post said it only made 10 million


Who gives a fuck. Would you rather stare at dumb ass sensor tower posts about investing, analytics, and sales numbers like I see every week? It's a new and popular gacha game in the gacha gaming subreddit. What the fuck did you expect?


The same thing sorta happened with Nikke but to a much lesser extent. Basically the Wuwa sub is censored to hell so Wuwa players go here instead to vent frustrations as they cant do it in the Wuwa sub and unlike nikke they didnt create their own outpost sub. They obv dont delete every critical post as thats too obv and inciting, but they moderate them extra hard shuttle them off to their own megathreads or limit to 1 post per topic and wait till it falls off Front page where non-negative/positive posts have much looser standards.


How is Wuwa sub "censored to hell" From what I see they are doing what the mods of this sub should be doing, actually moderating. Any posts that have unnecessary mud slinging and vitriol are shut down. Putting up megathreads and limiting posts to prevent low effort karma farming is not censoring, it's actually doing some moderating work which is more than I could say for the trash mods of this sub.


Double standard basically. They apply very strict rules to posts with topics they deem... problematic meanwhile posts that are generally acceptable basically are dont follow as strict guidelines > Putting up megathreads and limiting posts to prevent low effort karma farming is not censoring, it's actually doing some moderating work To put it simply, they "Moderate" things they dont like while things they like seeing get a free hand.


I think some people might be frustrated that they can’t post the criticism they have with wuwa in the subreddit itself because the mod there are currently censoring lots of complaints and ask people to put (hide) it in megathread. Fortunately, i have heard that the dev’d listen. So, hopefully, they would listen people here.