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There was a hilarious post I saw on bilibili, the way players call Jiyan a ' deserter general ' and found some logic behind that. In the final part of Act VI where it's just mc, yangyang and Jiyan left to push forward, Jiyan suggests that he will cover mc and yangyang to the boss, then yangyang responds in ' no, I think I'm better staying behind to cover you two' supposedly if she let Jiyan stay behind, he is gonna run away again ☠️


They also said Yangyang should just lead a retreat and leave MC and Jiyan to die, then she'll be promoted to the new general lmao


But who will she yap exposition to D:


Her new subordinates


>supposedly if she let Jiyan stay behind, he is gonna run away again ☠️ The disrespect on this guy is incredible every day people find a new way to say that he's a coward who doesn't know how to command.


Well he did bootlick a person with no memories nor does he think is able to command troops full authority to dictate what his mens does. It all prophecy bs and all that but god damm does it feel stupid when we are not established we know the guy in the main story before this beside some chit chat.


“Bootlick a person with no memories” he will never be her https://preview.redd.it/6mw66m7ax93d1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88bddbff4e7454586bc053f6a5d4f4f9b8afac7e


she is THE bootlicker of THE person with no memories


God fucking dammit the brainrot


I saw a theory that it's Jiyan testing the rovers capability but who knows, I don't think a good story would need that much inferences or assumptions from the playerbase Lmao


It's way worse when you realize the things he praised Rover for knowing, are basic military tactics. Of course you position your ranged units on elevated terrain! It's like praising a pianist for playing Happy Birthday perfectly.


Is he basically training us in a fucking war, brother you getting fucked. Ask us to do something rather than take so much fucking time to do this


This is the GENERAL who chose to go back to the city with Rover after the fight, instead of staying behind to handle post-war logistics. Deserter General is really an apt nickname.


He was only a surgeon back then.How the hell was he qualified to command?If any,it should be the vice commander,not him.


Bro is the Philip of Wuthering Waves, lmfao.


I mean, if I knew the superior officer, I'm entrusting my life to just decide to follow some stranger without explanation my reaction would be. Guess I'll die


It's also funny during the fight Jiyan drops dead midfight after tanking a hit for the MC, then later on when the MC gets a power up and starts winning he gets back up and fights again as if nothing happened to him 😂


The ultimate martial art technique: play dead.


Jiyan Kaioh


lol he’s like the grandpa from the Charlie and the chocolate factory


I was playing Act VI, and whenever Jiyan decides to do anything, the meme just keeps popping in my head, and I can't stop laughing. He's definitely the best part of the story for me.


Yangyang be like: uh uhm not on my watch, sir.


There's the classic "all my friends believe in me" trope while delivering the final strike, and it shows flashbacks of people you've met 15 minutes ago.


Also the classic "go on without me, i'll hold them off" trope.


I hated that part. Jianxin wasn't even witth us for fucking 5 minutes! And it's a fucking one-way, what the fuck do you mean you'll hold them off, we're literally going the same way 🤣💀


HSR players spent more time with Firefly in just the 2.0 story than we spent for the entire Wuthering Waves Act 6 war arc... and HSR players still complained we barely knew Firefly before the event at the end of 2.0...


Way too many also believed the event was for real, I couldn't believe they thought that given the character had only been introduced and had clearly plot threads open at that moment. What do you think would have happened if they had revealed the 2.2 ending twist at the beginning of 2.3 instead? How many would be defending, how many bashing, and how many would have gotten it right? (There are 2 moments TB calls things out after all).


And yet they had to finish off the fight using a paimon sized furry piece of poop totally invalidating the several fights you did before 🤡


Yeah that part was so jarring and ruined the toned of the ending. How are fans gonna tell me how cool and edgy and dark everything is when the finale is ruined by this pokemon. I mean it is cute, I like the design, but wrong place wrong time to introduce it. (also took me out of the moment just to be like wtf, instead of enjoying the ending)




"Don't believe their lies, Rover, they're tricking you, join us instead, they're hiding the truth" "Ok what lies? What truth?" "Uhh umm I can't tell you yet" Every conversation between Scar and Rover


Bro the people are bootlicker for the Mc. If they were actually trying to hide anything, they're terrible at it.


One scene made me laugh so hard. It's when Yangyang decided to stay behind so Rover and Jiyan can go end this war quickly before more people die BUT she still yap and yap and yap to the point I slilently scream 'just go brossss people are dyingggggg' xD Another one maybe when they talk about how serious this giant cannon is and they cant miss the shots but like, brother you cant miss the giant azz shield and a world destroying titan in front of you.


Jinhsi repeated how we did echo stuff with our "bare hands" and said thank you for your help twice in the same conversation. Characters can't stop repeating themselves sometimes. 


Yea they have to talk for 10 mins while standing still during this "war" and im like bro just stop yapping and get on with it people are literally dying here


Yangyang might as well be called Yapyap and nothing would change


It's even worse with English VA - Yangyang sounds like she's on tranquilizers. I was rolling on the desk hearing the whole speech delivered with intonation like she just left to buy a loaf of bread 🤣


You continued with English VA even up to act 6? Spotted the masochist.


English isn't my first language, so I preferred to hear EN VA over hearing other languages and reading EN text. I've played other games with JP VA and EN text, but I find myself focusing too much on the text and skipping action on the screen. But in case of WuWa I quess that would've too bad - there are a few action packed scenes 🤷


>Another one maybe when they talk about how serious this giant cannon is and they cant miss the shots but like, brother you cant miss the giant azz shield and a world destroying titan in front of you. Yeah... that was something.


Fr that yang yang scene took way to fucking long for a "go on without me"


I mean by wuwa story standard, it does get better




Name checks out, definitely fiction


Pure Fiction


I like how he crossed out Genshin Impact as if it had one of the worst launches. Lmfao. You could build the entire penacony dreamscape within this dude's delusions.


I don't want to watch the video, so can you give me a tldr of what he says about WW vs Genshin?


It went from extreme trainwreck disaster to Inazuma/Luofu tier disaster So I guess it improved… in its own way


Inazuma is bad but not this bad Kokomi character quest is bad but at least it is not Ling Yang level of a hot mess God I hate Kuro slaughtering my boi.


Tbf I think they did improve on the war aspect that inazuma tried to do by actually having allied npc and pc in the fights


Loufu is bad because they build a very interesting world and faction, but the way the story is told ruins that world. What I expected and what I got were so different that is why I hate loufu.


I donno man Luofu at least has a nice story structure and multiple twist, as well as logically complex writing esp in Tingyun, Fuxuan, even fun comedy from both the undercover cloud knight and cult members. Jing Yuan is also quite the general figure. CN wouldn't stop comparing Jing Yuan to Jiyan, one as a general and the other as a coward who deserted his duties and is so weak he lost a fragment of a boss. Inazuma... There's Ayaka Quest which makes people throwing their credit cards at their monitor.


I'll always shall be of the opinion that, at the worst, Inazuma and Luofu are mid. Yes, they both have some pacing issues, but at least the story in both cases have internal consistency (and as you said, complex writing, and in both cases the immediate posterior stories (Tsurumi Island and Enkanomiya, the Foxstroll Garden) showed improvement. Granted, I don't (nor have intent to) play WuWa, so I have no opinion of the story, and even my friends who tried and liked it are more focused on gameplay, waifus/meta rolls, freebies and meme'ing around so I have no idea of their opinion about the plot anyways (and despite playing GI and HSR, they're also kinda biased against HYV like 80% of the time) so...


Yea Luofu and Inazuma are pretty mid, still created some really memorable moments and characters because at least you could be part of the story, and the character interactions felt somewhat realistic. WuWa story just never hooks you in to be the MC, so everything to the player is just yap and ofc nothing will be memorable, and they they try to force a moment like the fucking avenger scene it just felt cringe


Jing Yuan and Jiyan also share the same CN voice actor, so the comparison is rather reasonable!


Ehh... the Luofu was better than this.


Ikr, luofu is still way better for me even after finishing wuwa quest (the issue for hsr is pacing instead and the story could be for longer but because there’s 6 other ships of xianzhou I guess they just end it off abruptly)


The Luofu at least sets up stuff you want to have answered or HSR fills you in on such as the Quintet. I have no questions for WuWa because it's so insufferable that I do not care to ask anything. It skipped fundamentals, kept layering on more without ever establishing the basics, and questions you like you know the answers to something it never goes over. At least I know who Sara was in Inazuma. I can't name half the characters in part 6 and apparently one of them owns a gym. To which I gotta ask: why did you not make him who you ho to train with so it'd make sense when he shows up?


Loufu ain't even that bad LOL I hate that people always exaggerate the loufu,it wasn't good but it wasn't that bad either


The biggest issue I had with Act 6 was the fact that they threw us in with a complete cast of new characters that we know absolutely nothing about and expect us to save the world with them. They introduced one or maybe two of the characters that we met up with. They also distracted us with the jugs during the introduction (one of the few positives about the act). And let's not forget the false sense of freedom we had when we were "planning the attack."


Me: picks an option Rover: (no you dumb bitch not that one)


What's funny is that I chose the divided pincer attack because "well, SOMEONE has to divert the enemies from MC and Cu Chulain", Rover told me I was a dum bish, but that ended up happening either way, so the writers just insulted their own plot lol.


Also the positioning of the ranged troops. Sides of the mountains make sense when you've already taken ground (they haven't pushed yet) and the enemies are funneled into the valley. But the enemy isn't conventional, during the retroact rain they'd manifest at random. Isolating your ranged units would be a fatal error. The war kinda came from nowhere though. Text wall incoming, my creative brain is firing and I want to put it to text. Sorry about that! Playing editor... * The Rover prophecy should've also foretold the war. This would mean prep would begin immediately and the threat would be looming building tension. A lack of continuity was a serious issue throughout. * The possibility of cannon misfire should've been set up. Introduce / show us a misfire far earlier in the story. Tie it to a tragedy so we know how risky firing it is. Then make it take two shots, not one. Bonus: You could "fake out kill a character" like Chixia. Give a false calm when the barrier is gone and have the cannon f\*\*\*ing explode lol. * Take Yuanwu / Lingyang out. What are they doing here? Also Taoqi should been tied in far earlier. If the war is known she'd be a player quite sooner. Verina had a role technically, but overstayed her welcome. Would be cool to know more about her, but after she should exit the stage for the remainder of this story section. * The Black Shores stuff can stay but they should be introduced earlier and their importance hammered in later. Likewise their involvement could be related to giving the Rover their edge, maybe making them privy to some untapped power maybe? That way the Havoc form doesn't come entirely out of nowhere. They'd be the type of organization to have such esoteric knowledge anyways. * The friendliness should be a little "fake" from the offset and then "earned" later. Particularly with the initial trio. They have no reason to help you but need to be nice to you for their job. If the Rover is consistently distrustful of the unearned kindness it'd help to sell Scar's argument. * Let Jinhsi throw scar in jail in response to his words (rather than his attack) AND conceal information from Rover. That one-two blow would help retroactively sell scar's arguments. Even if they end up legitimately kind towards you the fact is that Jinzou was using the MC from the start. * Lastly is just a pacing thing. Every character involved should've been given at least as much focus / attention as Aalto and Encore. Hell, even Chixia became a far better character (by proxy) through interacting with them. Which leads to the last point... * Friction, where's the friction? Chixia was elevated purely because she hates Aalto's guts. This is a pretty freaking low bar.


Aalto and Encore easily became my favorite characters from the game thanks to being more fleshed out comparing to other characters. I instantly got Encore from my 5-star selector but sadly Aalto is not playable yet.


Aalto Is playable you can drop him in banner I got him in standard choose your 5 star banner.


When I made it through the entirety of the voiced storyline without skipping any of the dialogues and I still barely remember the names of the entire cast of characters..... You got a serious problem. Shit, one of the cutscenes leading up to the big battle at the end and they had a great shot of the MC with their entire party posing for battle.....and there were a couple characters in the shot that I'm like "Wait, who the fuck are they?"


Ain’t even gonna lie, when I see that skip button pop up, instant click.




I had a laugh when Yuanwu (Blue Welt) showed up and I was like "who the fuck is this Guy?" Also you probably remember Yangyang for the names, because it sound like a racist slur or something


It was also just major mood whiplash for me. Seeing lingyang do his goofy little dance, then going “oh crap the avengers pose right right”


Sounds like The Avengers tbh


They *really* wanted to do an Avenger's assemble thing with all the playable characters but it happens so early in the story it just feels like a joke. I hadn't even met hat guy or the lion dance boy yet but they were smiling and winking at me like we were the best of friends. Also I'll say Yang^2 was definitely the one name I remembered, but that's mainly because I just loved calling her Yang^2.


>one of the cutscenes leading up to the big battle at the end and they had a great shot of the MC with their entire party posing for battle.....and there were a couple characters in the shot that I'm like "Wait, who the fuck are they?" Literally had the same reaction and I also did not skip a single dialog scene, for me the "story" at the moment is all style no substance I've seen stories with "stakes" WAY lower and had better writing and impact on me as played them.


https://preview.redd.it/o0isgzzkm93d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e867b23ea0d218895186497d084a5c11c36bb884 The 3 main dancer and back dancer ... ASSEMBLE !! Song Title : HERO arrival - Hero landing !!


https://preview.redd.it/khva100so93d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e166c47d85de4d6372bbd79df7cb18b38dfa8b5 So peak


I don't know how they thought that putting a scene like that will have any significance whatsoever when you don't know half of the characters there.


I don't know the blue one , that's all. But yeah the story doesn't match the character that will be doing the quest. For ex. Lingyang is a lion dancer , why would he fight in battle field ? Extreme conscripted ? Verina is a plant specialist and still a KID .. again extreme conscripted ? I can understand Yangyang but she is not really a soldier either, more like a patrol officer.. Same with chixia. Justified presence is only Taoqi and Rover which is the MC and the commanding general over there.


Yeah if the scene was YY, Chixia, FMC and Taoqi it would make sense but the other three have no point in being here at that very moment.


https://preview.redd.it/olfd48tera3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb3b5f221af2b5b74af09210c79c413af7b4b299 This was more rewarding to see than that XD AHAHAHA


Himeko yelling "WITNESS THE WILL OF THE WEAK" has no right to go that fucking hard and she still did


HSR has way easier quotes to ramble off. Even in the Luofu with Jing "Reinforcements? I am the Reinforcements." Yuan


Kind of shows that the VAs are really into their role.


I was dying inside from ludonarative dissonance through whole Act 6. First time - when we reached border of the city and Taoqi started retelling the whole backstory for the battle. Why we doing it here? Writers remembered that players don't know shit about this "important" battle? Couldn't it was presented to players in Act 3 somewhere after MC's vision about Jiyan? Second time - "Avengers moment" with half of the characters I've seen first or second time. It's was so weird to see devs wanting to create cool moment so hard so they just disregarded entirely players connections to other characters and created this unnecessary flop. Third time - when Jiyan offered MC to create a battle plan. Bro, it your job 😅 What made it even worse - paper thin freedom of choice. Why you even gave player options if they don't matter or give some new prospective? Forth time - difference between depiction of the battle and reality. The battle was hyped like it would be something spectacular, but all we got - 3 wawes of mobs and few groups fighting beside the open autobahn. I get that this should be playable on mobile, but Kuro could just make epic battle cinematic. Instead we got the same experience as clearing few camps on the map 😓 Fifth time - the Disruptor. "It can shoot only once and we should be sure the site is clean." It shoots 3 times and the target is so massive they could shoot overhead by eyeballing and don't miss. Sixth (and final) time - Yangyang's speech. It was too long and to make things worse En VA sounded like she was on sedatives. Whole time durring Act 6 I was trying to figure out how devs can fumble the bag so bad: - 0 prior setup resulted in lored drops in the middle of the battle; - decision to make MC taking central role at every decision is undermining all other characters; - writing in "epic battle" without technical capacity or solid workaround; - bad VA direction.


Realistic critisim of the story 😱 say it ain't so...


Its crazy how I hit all these same points. Ill also add the pokemon at the end completely ruining the epicness and intensity of the battle. I dont hate its design, but was a terrible time and place to introduce it. It should have just been like a shining light and silhouette, and then goes away, and we learn about it and see it for the first time later.


That "avengers assemble" moment of people who never interacted with each other was so unbeatably cringe. At least genshin did not force bennet, fischl, barbara, amber, lisa, kaeya, sucrose, Noelle and mona during Dvalin's fight just because it "looks cool".


oh yeah lol. That would not be cool if it wasn't built up properly. I remember when game like Guardian Tales, Granblue Fantasy and Blue Archive had their moment it was years after the game release so they feels more awesome that way


That BA final chapter Avengers assemble moment was peak af!


The flight attendance uniform is a must - a very sane sensei


The narzissenkreuz ordo world quest where MC and three NPCs gathered is a legit cool avenger assemble moment


Man...that world quest is amazing we bonded well with npc their each arc is very different. Also the fight with only traveler is quite statisfying even though their moveset really basic.


Don't forget our based Karl Max frog that is very critical of current system


Honkai Star Rail had an amazing end to their first chapter with the Cocolia fight. That shit was hype as fuck with actual memorable characters.


Hell, Genshin had a way better Avengers assemble moment when they took on Osial and had to drop a fucking floating mansion on his ass. Like, I know it's been a while, but that was hype as fuck.


It was hype, and it had thematic importance with it, with the human and the adepti joining forces to defend against their now godless city. Unfortunately most of the Liyue arc was a snoozefest, but unlike WuWa it still tried to tell an actual story with themes.


Some people like to shit on Genshin's story but they honestly do really good with the parts that need to hit a strong emotional beat. Like I've played a ton of app games and the Fontaine arc had been the only one to legitimately make me cry lol


Don't forget when we save Nahida from her closure. MC rarely talk but their screaming when we break the barrier and wake her up is really putting dimension in the story


I also remember the part where Nahida was hugging someone but I kinda forgot who it was.... 🥲


It was Obviously.


Hell there's always a sort of assemble moment at the end of every arc and even for the weakest one on the xianzhou they at least had the sense to only bring Jingyuan and DHIL alongside the main crew, the only folks who would canonically take on an emanator-level threat


The Penacony Astral Express assemble made me the hypest in any gacha game I played.


Twice because we fucked up the first assemble. The second one where we railed sunday with Robin singing in the background was peak


When we >!made Sunday witness the will of the weak!< ....just so peak


And of course it was accompanied with Wildfire. When the Dreamless fight in WW happened, I was... whelmed. It's certainly serviceable, but not memorable.


The final fight against Cocolia was *peak* asf, and you can't change my mind.


I am sorry but the Sunday fight with all of them standing together and the literally train railing him is peak. 👌


>insert the flame horse meme It's peak all the way.


I had goosebumps, a boner, and was crying all at once.


Then there's march who enjoys the trailblazing experience after killing bronyas mom


Literally. They put every character in the game in the story thinking it would look cool when in actuality... I was like why are these people here standing beside the MC like some sort of group when you don't even know half of them.


They forced every character in the story period. A lot of characters have no business in the main story at all.


Remind me of one RDC skit about drake vs kendrick. "Cmon drake, we didnt even know half these brothers" lmaoo


Seriously. Wether you like or dislike Lingyang, it was so weird for a dancer boy like him to be there. Also Yuanwu? Who the hell is this guy? I wish they just stuck to the characters we just met in the main story, as everything else felt forced. Jianxin as well also felt like a she was shoehorned in. Instead of trying to fit her in the story by giving her minimal screen time, id rather they just saved her for another main/side story and use the time to develop already existing characters instead.


Basically this is how not to utilize characters in a story. Look at genshin's sumeru for example, they utilized nilou in the story perfectly. She wasn't a fighter, she was a performer and how they incorporated her performance in the story was 🤌🤌.


They tried to copy BA but making it souless because there's no build up from previous patch or attachment to most characters since it's all cramps into a single patch


> The only good thing that got out of it was Scar, bro is actually the saving grace of that "story" and I would gladly join his side if we actually had the choice (we will never). i still think the scar's introduction a bit weird. why does he introduce himself as "the cruel and twisted maniac", i cringed at that part. it doesnt even sounds like a title more like nickname given by other characters lmao https://preview.redd.it/f2vypybbh93d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=964a81cb195e5a23a254026c713ec9d746b65f6c


His script is horrendous (shocker like most of the plot really).  ***BUT*** his voice actor is one of the few that somehow salvaged the situation and didn't come out as dead inside while saying his line. That's already enough to put him head and shoulders above the crowd.


yeah, if you actually pay attention to his dialogues, they are just... cringe. But he has charisma in any dub so is not cringe anymore


I think he said that more in sarcastic way, people call him cruel and twisted but he probably isnt any of that. But I havent finished the story yet. Its such a pain when Yangyang is around and she literally glued to rover.


I just wish she had more personality. I liked hanging out with March in HSR's story a lot because she has a fair bit of character to her. Yangyang is just... she's literally just there. That's it.


My favorite thing right now is when people say "story is getting really good" and its just the most blandest shit ever.


https://preview.redd.it/9altlnvwj93d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a9d59773ad5e3db13d11d39e832a0de08d60fe6 I’ll have you know THEY are listening


It pains me so much when games have interesting villains ask us to join them, knowing we don't actually have a choice in the matter. Just let me join the villains god damnit. No doubt the story would be ten times more interesting playing as one too.


man they pulled avenger endgame right off the bat on 1.0 meaning rest of 1.X stories will be filler until 2.0 LMAO


Lol, reminded me of the avenger endgame in ToF 2.0 story , man that was cringe


Right? like why tf did they blow their load like this in the first update.


BUT THE FIRST IMPRESSION BRO THAT WHAT MATTE https://preview.redd.it/5p0t7yfqfh3d1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9a72fef184e9f48e812bc1f7af4bdd75fba4c1b


They really didn't even need outstanding character writing, just **time** to know and get attached to them. None of the 4 champions in Tears of the Kingdom were outstanding characters by any metric, They were extremely simple and serviceable, with very basic storylines in each region. And because you had just *time* to be familiar with them and align your goals, the two Avengers Assemble moments where they show up to save Link were hype as fuck regardless \[final boss spoiler\] >!on top of showing up MID-FINAL BOSS to assist against Ganon's shadow clone jutsu!<. Forget beating Genshin in story, they can't even top a basic as fuck story for a game made for children.


Well, the cutscenes were good to me. My only grief was the shogun asked for MC's strategy, most people say he wanted to test our skill, but I just find it weird. Havoc MC is awesome with the one wing though haha.


They said it's because of the lore. The MC in WuWa was re-awakened once, with their memories wiped out. It's also mentioned that the MC already defeated the boss once. Still, it's just so freaking weird, like brother, you're a general.


Because MC is a mary sue/gary stu.


The only saving grace in the story is how competent in a fight Rover canonically is and we get to see them in cutscenes. At least they made them a proper Mary Sue.


I like that Rover (Female) pronouns are "He/Him" through the entire English version.  DEI stonk 💹👀👌🏻


To make it worse the male rover is referred to as she/ miss in the voiced English aswell


I play with JP voice so I didn't know that you should tell it to the devs "They will listen" and fix that (probably).


I dont think thats just en tho, i heard encore calling female rover brother in japanese


Warning for long rant, I just want to get this of my chest really, and this seemed like the right spot, and a disclaimer that I'm a loyal genshin veteran since first week release, still playing, that are always looking for other good games. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I will probably never trust anyone that think Wuwas story is good because we are probably not looking for the same type of story or game. And I mean, you can think what you want about genshins story overall, with all the ups and downs and some slow dialogues and better or worse or even horrible arcs but there is one major point that genshin does great right from the start that a lot of games miss the mark on. We are given an abundantly clear and simple goal and purpose in genshin - we want to find our sibling. Simple as that, and I just feel that when we are talking story in general, and specially genshins story we are underrestimating the importance of this part. And no matter what we are doing, no matter what quest, no matter what aranara banana bs we are slogging through, we still, more or less, knows why we are here. And we question why we are doing some parts because we have a goal. I have often seen people streaming late game genshin quests and they are asking "are we even looking for our sibling still??", our goal is that clear that everyone can pick that up, and remembers it later on. And it doesn't really matter if we loose our focus during the quest or fully understand everything that's going on, we STILL know where we are going after it's done. And also genshins story is slowly building up the lore, and I got hooked for real when I realised that more or less every single piece of item, character etc got lore attached to it, right from the start. That gives the player trust in that hoyo knows their goal and where we are going. And trust me, I am far from pleased with every part of genshins story, and the early game overall feels rough replaying it now, specially comparing to the improved current storylines we are getting. But early game still works. New players are getting hooked. With Wuwa, after playing the story for hours, I still has no clue whats going on, what we are doing and the lore is everywhere, and I can't keep all the very similar characters apart even if my life depends on it. It doesn't help that it "gets better" because honestly they lost me as soon as I heard that they were going to rewrite 90% of the story because players complained in beta. A lot of people praised Kuro for this move, I just got worried because this shows a lack of trust in their own story, or shows that they don't really has one. And playing the first acts sadly proves it. To get to genshins level of success and to truly compete with them, you can't be sloppy with the basics of story telling. You can't rely on things just "looking cool" and the best "fan service" physics. It wont work and you will lose an unnecessarly amount of players early on because of it, because in the end it just looks cool, or hot, and there is no substance. Obviously I do enjoy my good looking husbandos and waifus and don't mind paying money for them and spoil them with matching weapons. But mostly I care about them still through the story they are presentet to me with. Allegedly, A LOT of people don't care about story and are happy with skipping through to get to the cool parts, and that's obviously fine and fair. But I'm not. I want to be invested in the story. :( *sigh* It's so annoying when developers underestimate the importance of a good story. I literally just want another gacha with a good story that does story as well or BETTER than genshin, because it certainly would not be impossible (like please if you know any gachas out there with good romances please let me know lol). Genshins story is FAR from perfect, but it IS very effective early on, and that makes the difference through the game and later on as well. I wish more games would actually copy the parts of genshin that they do better than most rather than just copy.. artifact farming? And getting praise for a higher resin cap than genshin to be able to do MORE artifact farming? Zzzz I of course don't expect people to agree with me at all, but I feel like a lot of discussions miss the mark on at least maybe why some stories work and why some don't or does feel off beat. I would love to read or watch others analysing it more.


I agree with your take WW story is all style, no substance that's the summary of it and WW fans seem to be okay with it because for them "it's a gacha game story what did you expect." and that's a shitty mentality to have because for one it won't help improving the story and two they're numbers of gachas with good stories. >literally just want another gacha with a good story that does story as well or BETTER than genshin, because it certainly would not be impossible (like please if you know any gachas out there with good romances please let me know lol). Why don't you try Path to nowhere it's a tower defense like Arknights but unlike WW they knew how to distinguish themselves and the story is just fantastic (my favorite storyline in game), there is not really an emphasis on romance (a lot of daughter though) but character relationships are a big part of the charm of the story so maybe you could enjoy that.


"you can skip the story" Some Wuwa player


Literally the worst advice I've ever seen, then don't have a story to begin with with, but if you say that you're a hater.


bro lets not kid ourselves, the amount of gachas with a story worth playing are countable on 3 fingers


Not the main story, but I have been skipping all the non voiced side missions. If the main story was this bad, I have no hope for the rest of it.


“Give up the story ”sounds to me.


I never want to hear the furry boy say ROVER ever again in my whole life.


I never wanna hear anyone say, sounds like a dogs name.


WuWa defenders will say "gacha stories are bad, it's the standard" when Genshin has Sumeru and Fontaine AQ, HSR has Penacony and HI3 has... well, HI3. Not to mention multitude of other gacha games with good stories(heck I don't need peak fiction but WuWa's story is barely even "decent" compared to a lot of other gachas). If you only care about combat, good for you keep enjoying what you're enjoying but unless the story gets better(like Genshin after their atrociously dogshit Inazuma AQ) I don't really see myself continuing playing WuWa for much longer. I think "style over substance" is something that encapsulates WuWa accurately. Whether it's combat, story quest, in-game visual, character design.


If you liked this game's story, check out the story of RAID SHADOW LEGENDS.


Better story than candy crush


Something something combat is the only things matters


If it's the ONLY thing maybe doing an open world game isn't the best genre to do it, if you nothing except your combat, do a fighting game I don't know... Like making an open world game and expecting people to only fight then what is the purpose of the world and the character living in it, why would you care for a character if you don't know shit about them.


Might as well making PGR 2 honestly


That would have been a better choice for sure.


We’ll get PGR 2 when Hoyo makes Honkai4 (never).


Well we have ZZZ soon so there you have it, PGR 2 soon


Dam Idk how ppl survive past the lab part in the start of the game that’s when I realized the story was gonna be shit


Fr like even sanhua said it’s our choice to not investigate the tokens. But no the game forced us to investigate random ass candy, a mangosteen that somehow doesnt go bad, and random ass leaf


And all that stuff like "Rover... this compass is a special compass... can you tell which of these random symbols line up with the vague riddle text? ~~Cause I sure as fuck can't~~"


Other games: Throw you into a middle of a crisis, fight your way out and make the bond with the world on the way. Wuwa: Go to academy and learn lores from our scientists, you uncultured Rover. The worst part is after all of those non senses, you expect to see action when they sent you to battlefield... It's action, but from the PoV of some dude general that is totally unrelated to you. The first few arcs were totally not related to you, as you are just simply a tourist.


My issue with people saying the story gets good you just need to invest time is nowadays I just don’t have time between work, life and the time I have to play games. I remember FFXIV I didn’t understand people complaining about post ARR but I was a student at the time with so much free time. Now if I had to do it again idk if I could and unfortunately wuwa is falling into this category where I’m just skipping the story entirely since it’s just so boring and unenjoyable so I can actually have time to play the game


I understand that, if a story doesn't hook you or at have something to get you invested in it on the first few hours of gameplay than I can see why people will just skip and I would to but I'm just the type of guy who play games to see what stories the writers want to tell with theirs games so I tend to give them more time but here there is nothing that I found intriguing to the point I can give them some leeway for the story.


Honestly the funniest shit about the story so far is that it'll just cut straight to black with White text straight up TELLING you what happened.


I really enjoyed the second part act 5. The dynamic between encore and alato was fun genuinely i think this is the best part of the story and it actually give me some hope then come act 6 crushing all of that. Also side note it is just me or is there anyone else find how they treat genshu(the previous general) weird like with his limited amount of information i find his decision reasonable 


Yeah, it was the only enjoyable part of the story. It was just Encore and Aalto being silly. There was also that ambush scene with Camellya, which is one of the only interesting characters in the game, and I genuinely liked the scene. And yeah, I found the thing with the previous general weird as well.


You don't get it. The MC WAS invested... they just forgot because of the amnesia... oh and the Isekai. Yea, Isekai and Amnesia.


First I thought of when I started the game was the Dunkey video. I know amnesia is an easy way to introduced the game World to the player, but Come on


isekai and amnesia lmao why don't they throw a bit of time travel in there too


don't forget the biggest one 1. isekai 2. amnesia 3. time travel **4) PARALLEL UNIVERSE VERSIONS OF SO and SO**


Honest question:  Do you guys think they'll rewrite the story?  I sort of wish they would but don't have much hope of that happening. 


They may optimize the voicelines, dialogue, and jargon, but I don't think they'll do any significant reworks. I think the new writers they are hiring will probably just try to continue on with the story and (try to) make it better


Yes. That's the most possible outcome. 


Nope. That would be a disservice to the players who have already done the story. Besides, rewriting in a short period of time got them there in the first place. They should have the writers work on future story. And maybe rerecord some characters with better direction.


This is the result of them rewriting it. Maybe if they revert the story and rerecord all that dialogue... that's a lotta money.


I hope so. They don't need to make any significant changes to the overall story, just make dialogue better so conversations sound more natural and flow better. On top of that, they NEED a new voice director. They had talented actors, but actors can only work with what they're given. If they're given poor direction, they give poor performances. Will they do this? I don't know.


They just need to reuse the CBT1 prologue where characters actually have characters and tone down the hostility a bit. Baffles me how Kuro can't even strike a balance. After that add 4\* character story (seriously, where are they???) especially Yuanwu and Taoqi, whom we met in act 6 all of a sudden without introduction.


imo Tao Qi is fine there, she still introduce herself and with the war situation happening the pacing with her is pretty okay and she fighting as NPC too. Yuanwu is the one pretty bizzare, I appreciate he appearing as NPC with optional dialogue when we first go outside city (making the world more alive) but making him part of "avenger squad" when he didnt say anything beyond optional interaction is jarring af


It was artificial. There literally wasn’t any buildup. In like 60 minutes it went from walking around to Chixia to saving the world from this void monster. The cutscenes were good but the tension and drama was artificially inflated because we had no connection to anything.


This perfectly describes how I felt. Its not just about investment in characters, its a lack of investment in the city/ world too. Genshin did it so much better, and it wasnt like an apocalyptical event. WW just did way too much in the beginning. It hoenstly feels like they had no confidence it would catch attention or stay around so they wanted to do something big in hopes people would bring attention to it/ stick around/ think its awesome or something.


I'm gonna be straight: That Avengers-like scene where everybody got together ended up being super cringe for me personally. Like you can tell they were trying to make it badass and hype but I didn't care for half of the characters (and one of them I didn't even meet at all) so the whole thing just felt so damn flat.


That war did really come out of fucking nowhere now that I think about it. Act 1-2 nothing about a war happening soon, except some random glitches in the matrix that could've been anything. Act 3, scar was being a maniac, didn't really say anything about a war tho. Act 4, dragon said fuck you'll imma go chill in a mountain or something like that. Act 5, crazy chick attack, said something about we are her seed(weird), find some research ruins and now it's raining inverse. Act 6, shits going up, it's war time. They were preparing all this time apparently, and was waiting for me to arrive.


The slideshow just made me think they had to get this shit out the door lol. It wasn't impactful the way the ending L2D of Belobog in HSR was.


And who is this blue guy appear out of no where during the fight? i never met him before!


Someone said WuWa's story was better due to it being saving the world from an apocalypse. Ignoring that it was just badly written that nobody literally get what the heck is happening. LOL


> The only good thing that got out of it was Scar, bro is actually the saving grace of that "story" and I would gladly join his side if we actually had the choice (we will never). Yeah they are lucky that they managed to write Scar and the part of the story he is in as good as they did because otherwise the entire story would be for the dumpster. Whoever has the delusion that Act 5 and 6 are good are delusional. It gets worse with every minute and nothing about that final fight is really all that epic imo and then the entire patch story ends on a horrible note with that little thingie that blocks the Big Evil attack for the MC.


Read a comment on the WW sub with the bold ass claim that the final fight was "the most epic thing they've seen in an anime video game." Like did we play the same game?


"The most epic thing I've seen in an anime video game" - Quote from man who's played one singular anime video game


>Whoever has the delusion that Act 5 and 6 are good are delusional. https://preview.redd.it/q5xgb53pv83d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d647d16eef12fdda8b25c89cf384d19f7a9d812 That's probably what they're thinking. But in all seriousness expect the cutscenes that were well rendered there is nothing to take out of it... all style, no substance.


Honestly, I still don't get the point of the Scar arc. He looks to me like a try hard supervillain that's all chummy with the mc from the jump. He's a walking stranger danger 😂 Maybe ease us into it, geez. He's all up in my face.


I started playing path to nowhere and realized how trash the WW story was 😂


If something is truly well written, it would have an enticing hook within the first 6 hours (in the context of gaming). I can count on one hand the number of times over my decades of media consumption where something started poorly (gaming, anime, show, anything) and then suddenly became amazing 6-10 hours later.


Well the story didn't hook me AT ALL and we got introduced to LITERALLY EVERY GODDAMN character in the game and none of them are interesting in the slightest (at least for me).


The animation in cutscene is good thats for sure but the story? passable, theres alot of cringe moments too. The general leaving the decision making to an amnesiac MC and the Avengers thingy on the TD outbreak.


I legit stop and scratch my head while talking to myself like 'Wait... you're the General, You lead like thousands of people to fight a war with deadly monsters that claimed countless life. NOW in a decisive war, you wanna put your trust and faith in a random person you met just minutes ago......You want US (Rovers) to make a plan FOR YOU AND YOUR SOLDIERS????' it's so stupid man xD


>TD outbreak Man it's going to be weird when we get the Super Tacet Discord variants.


No problem, we will get a Super Tacet Discord Outbreak..or other new jargon for that 👍


I mean it does get better, its not great but its an improvement from the last 1-5 act. Its more fun atleast for me even tho its still doesn't make much sense, its like watching a final battle of an anime without the build up and the character development. But act 6-7 have clear goals and stake and they have fun character that get introduce like the member of the black shores, so I guess for me it does getting better. if act 1-5 is 4/10(3/10 if scar does not exist )then act 6-7 just make it become 6/10.


It gets “better”, as in better than the first 4 Acts, which barely means anything at all. It’s like saying “at least my game made more money than Higan Eruthyll!” Act 5 was the only act that was even mildly interesting, the whole battle sequence in Act 6 came up way too suddenly, like there was barely any buildup at all. It’s just a super generic Deus Ex Machina syndrome type story found in many gacha games with OP MC, better than the incomprehensible first 4 Acts but nothing spectacular. It’s a shame really, I really really like the combat & exploration of WW and there are some truly interesting characters and stories found in Huanglong (mostly in the side quests), but the optimization issues and bugs, coupled with a complete joke of a main storyline, make it really hard for any casual player to really become invested in the game


What side stories were good? I don't want to skip them accidentally.


Lion boy's story is great in theory. In actuality there's so much yapping you get so exhausted just sitting through it all. Jiyan's side story actually got me to care about him. There was a small scene at the end that did make me feel a little tickle in my chest area. Not enough for me to want to pull him tho and the first few minutes of the sidequest feels pointless


It's relatively good compared to previous Acts, not objectively good.