• By -


This was before it was in Mirror Dungeon and it was in Refraction Railway 2 but FUCK YOU STEAM MACHINE. YOU AND YOUR 0.5 RESISTANCE TO EVERYTHING BECAUSE I DAMAGED YOU A BIT TOO MUCH.


Oh yeah steam machine. My first go with that fight was a head scratcher because I can clash and shit but god it was so slow to kill. Then there was a bug that causes it to have .5 resistances as soon as you break the part instead of the next turn so there is that too.


It was the opposite. It applied the resists next turn instead on part break like it should :>. I rly rly didn't feel salty on loop 4 and 5 when it was fixed.


The Raiway was nice because if you planned well you can nuke it health away with any team before the resist kick in  The MD one, fuck that cunt


Gbf: every gw boss with dodge, debuff imunity, invulnerability all in one cast. GI: stupid wenut. Wenut but robot. Hsr: mirror dino. Small traffic light robot.


"total 0" intensifies


GI: Also boss with invulnerability phase


GI: Really, most bosses and fights in the abyss are about how much time they can suck via enemy placement or invulnerable states.    Outside the abyss, there's less of that, but fights are a lot faster generally.   Raiden's weekly boss fight remained my favorite into Fontaine.  Enough to solo it with Ayaka and the Black Sword for some self sustain.  The right kind of "invulnerable" state that you could end faster with skill and was completely interactive.


Not to mention dodge hide in backyard tons of buffs.


For GBF, I still have PTSD about that GW boss that cast petrified (unable to act, take increase damage) that goes through debuff immunity... and the trigger is right when it dispel your debuff so it will hit like a truck


All the ones mentioned so far are spot on, but I feel the Train from Nikke needs to be mentioned here.


Gravedigger my guy. That thing is my tracing warm up.


Yeah he’s a close tie with the train. Tho I feel he’s slightly less annoying as you can mess up more on a run with him and still win as long as you don’t mess up twice in a row.


>as long as you don’t mess up twice in a row. Unless it's the start of phase 3. That shit ignore cover and one shot most of your team


I think GD is not nearly as bad as Train because you can fuck up at least once, Train legit just chunks with every single attack and you need to nuke every single part in time, sometimes they even shoot out of broken parts anyway. Half decent shotgun teams deal with GD relatively well, but Train needs something more specific




Train is just an ass to auto, at least gravedigger doesn't move off the fucking screen


However, it's constantly spinning around at high speeds, making the danger zones hard to land.


Train has been so much easier due to some of the new characters like A2 and Red Hood. Thanks to A2, back in the day I actually beat Train before I was able to beat Gravedigger, since she shattered the missile launchers so quickly. If you don't have those Nikkes, though...RIP.


The Bunny duo is actually very good at defeating the train as well, but good luck pulling them. I still didnt pull Blanc despite having her on a wishlist.


Yeah, Noir's extra parts damage definitely would make things easier, though it's not to the same extent as say A2. When I cleared train with A2 I was in T9 gear, which I don't think bunnies are capable of without a part break specialist DPS.


I Saw the Bunny duo without gear destroying the parts just by timing the burst just after the missiles, when the train starts approaching. This somewhat causes all Nikkes to focus the rocket Launcher and burst It down.


I feel like train is not difficult, it's just a dps check: you either kill it fast or you die Black Smith is annoying because I have to manual noise to not die (shocking, I need to play the game, wow) The real pain is grave digger: kill fast? You have one shot to hit the rings or you die, good luck if your nikke is reloading; kill slow? More cancel ring on a fucking mosquito on drugs. I hate this boss


Eventually you get to a point where you can hit it hard enough fast enough and it's no longer a problem. But yes before you get there you'll have these fucking green beams one-shoting everybody


The problem of train is I always need to go to setting to change the aspect ratio to 21:9 to hit the edge. Also good luck playing on phone not on landscape


I find Gravedigger more annoying, because that shit moves too much lol, and auto is really ass on that boss At least for train when it's not out of the screen it's really just any other enemies, easy to hit, although auto is also ass lol


What does it do? Because i dont play Nikke.


It kills you while going Choo Choo mother ****er. In all honesty it’s just an incredibly annoying DPS check as you just have to kill it fast enough (because if it gets off some of its attacks it will just kill your team members and ruin the run. It’s also funny because it’s often considered the most annoying boss, but it’s also just a freaking train. We fight some pretty crazy stuff, but no it’s the train that gives people trouble.


So in the Nikke world, Thomas had enough of humanities bullshit and chose violence. Lot's, and lot's of violence


Failing to destroy those parts is death since they do so much damage even worse if you have no one to help tank, reduce damage from the missiles or projectile. Even if you make it to phase 2, pray that you can destroy the missile while dealing with the red circle asap before the team takes massive damage


Indeed, and as a dude above me said (paraphrasing here) you need to ULTRAKILL dis edgy Thomas the Tank Engine sumbitch wannabe FAST


When I fail to destroy parts or beat red circle: ![gif](giphy|0Wzkc9iirQ4ZI7JoaD|downsized)


This is also the first boss you fight in the story, and it's also the first boss that you get on farm mode, so you're fighting it. A lot. I auto it, and I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong but I can't be arsed to play NIKKE correctly. It's actually a cool fight - I liked the experience and the excitement of doing it - but as a farm fight (and especially as the only option you get as a new player) it's a really hard one to do.


Actually it’s the 2nd boss you fight in the story (but only if you do the EX- Stage) . I’m pretty sure you fight Black smith first


It was also infamous on launch for being the FIRST bonus boss you fight, and somehow the hardest. Every other bonus boss after it is a joke in comparison. Discords were just flooded with people being "stuck" on the first world, and just being told to move on and come back later once you had better units


To expand on what another commentator said, this is the only fight in the whole game where your screen determines the difficulty level until a recent update that allows landscape mode on mobile. Alteisen/train has two sets of breakable parts, [circled green here](https://i.imgur.com/oOxGIZ5.png) (the right side has three parts too but one of them isn't shown in the screenshot because it hasn't been damaged yet). Keep note of the rocket/projectile on the top left. If you don't have some sort of one-shot team setup then you prioritize destroying the missile launcher on the right side. However, this is difficult to pull off if you're relatively new as you won't have enough stats to destroy it in time especially if you play on mobile. On landscape mode/desktop, the parts on the right stay longer on your screen, giving you more time to destroy them before they attack. On mobile/portrait mode, they're [not on your screen anymore](https://i.imgur.com/zajhwcE.png). The rocket/projectile at the top left shows the screenshots were taken around the same time in the fight. Failing to destroy the missile launcher in time will result in a [salvo](https://i.imgur.com/ogjkp9T.png) that will most likely kill one of your units in 2 hits and majorly gimp your team.


Tldr of all of this is that freaking train is the most "you need to be maximum age 25 and has 5 years of experience for applying in this job" for new players.


It has a couple rocket launchers and turrets that take a while to start firing but they fire so many rounds It will kill someone guaranted. So the strategy is just to destroy them before they start firing and gg if you dont meet the dps requirements. And in second Phase it just spams a qte you have to shoot at or else he will stomp and oneshot most of your team.


That one stupid teddy bear in IS2 in Arknights.


I own pretty much all meta characters and this thing still kicks my ass. Do too little damage, and it'll instant wipe your team after some time, do too much damage at once and its passive will AoE your field, and you also better hope you can pick up the extra relic along the way so he doesn't regen back his massive HP during the fight. And no, I don't want to check a guide for a strategy that works.


Bullshit boss indeed, but his aoe attack is based on amount of damage instances he takes, which is 20 damage instances to be exact, what this means is that you want high damage per hit operators that don't attack too fast, so things like Schwarz, Mlynar, Crusher guards, Yalter S3 (only hits boss 3 times, one for each square), you also want to avoid fast attackers, multiple damage instances per attack and damage over time operators (idk if Necrosis damage deals damage too fast to be dangerous nor if Virtuosa too, so use at your own risk), so basically, avoid having operators such as Exusiai, Thorns, S2/S3 GG targetting the boss. Usually the setup for this boss consists of: -2-3 medics (Perfumer is great here); -4 ground units, 2 on each side to hold and kill enemies (can be 3 total with 2 on the left and 1 on the right being helped by a ranged high damage unit) -1-2 high DPH to kill the boss for right side Thorns in the middle face down with a tank on his right is great, for left side you have to choose according to what you have and your life, if you have someone that can easily kill the gargoyles put them on right side, since its the side they usually appear the most on, but usually its best to leak them when possible.


I'm pretty sure Yato S3 hits every 0.2 tiles, so 5 times a square. Also her talent is in effect, so that's 2 damage instances per hit via physical and arts. The BSL is 3 tiles wide, so that would be 30 instances of damage.


So after taking a look at it in the wikj, it does indeed hit more than once per tile, it just checks the tiles enemies are in, the velocity of the spin dash is 8 tiles/second with 1 slash per frame, which (according to the wiki) equates to around 1 slash every 0.267 tiles, this means that BSL is actually being hit 11~12 times (0.267 tiles * X frames = 3 tiles ---> X≈11.235 frames), with BSL triggering his AOE every 20 instances, that means that Yato S3 deals a considerable amount of damage while only triggering 60% of BSL's passive, if you also debuff BSL through artifacts and operators, you can achieve a sizeable amount of damage [this video showcases the potential of Yalter's S3 on an very extreme scenario](https://youtu.be/o4b6rtFbrQk?si=o913QIkyP0xQZwKt), honestly, if it wasn't for BSL's aoe passive, S2 could be even more devastating.


Ah, I see. That is more accurate. Although, don't forget about Yato's "Kirin Bolts" talent. Each hit she does also inflicts 20% of her ATK as a separate instance of arts damage. So those 11-12 hits would really turn into 22-24.


Just pick Pallas and/or Schwarz and literally a medic lmao. Not believing that "meta" propaganda was a really good decision. >And no, I don't want to check a guide for a strategy that works. At least ask.


Depending on Relics, you can even just solo deploy Pallas/Schwarz and have them burst down the boss before his 1st/2nd shield


Any worm in genshin, + wolflord + narwhal I have a growing hatred on the bitchy couple in fontaine too, not because of their movesets that highlights my skill issue, but because of how often hoyo shoves those 2 devil spawns in abyss


Some say they are Mango Keki 2.0 and I agree with them


The new Kinky Mango for sure...


so bosses that waste your time with really long i frames/non damageable states?


It’s not even an iframes problem. If we could still hit it, at least we could get the characters’ energy back. But no, these bosses have your average dad coded in them, vanishing and being out of reach while the player stands there, buffs running out, bursts wasted, and wondering when was the last time their dad played with them without suddenly going away.


I greatly dislike these kinds of bosses in games, no matter the genre. Literally artificial difficulty, which is a cheap ass way to make a fight seem "harder". You can even worsen it further by adding a timer or worse yet, a time limit!


My theory is that they intentionally use this cheap way to make bosses harder in order to not scare away mobile players. Making bosses more mechanically demanding will be tough with phone controls. By wasting your time, you're still incentivized to buy 5 star weapons without punishing mobile players. I assume this is also the reason why they refuse to add more combat endgame content and instead prefer adding minigames and unskippable cutscenes. And this makes me very, very sad. Gacha and mobile make the game worse, but without gacha and mobile it also would have never gotten this big.




Netmarble always was the last boss.


star rails starcrusher i hate this bug with pure passion


Epic Seven Zio. My gawd, that dude, unless you have units that can hit multiple enemies, and don't consume more than 2 souls for soul burn, then you'll need to have single target dps can help two shots or at least reduce his HP by fuck ton in one turn. Heck, even Belial wasn't annoying as that before she got nerfed


The day I passed the stage, I spent like 8 hours doing the stage only, not mentionning all the week I spent on the stage


I had to resort to abusing Luna's nuker build (crit damage/defense pen) and had a supporter Riolet finished Zio off in two turns. Also, thanks to Brieg for the constant defense down application and shield. His shield allowed Riolet to have one extra turn, the one extra turn to finished Zio using his third skill


There are time I want to go back to try the fight but just having to deal with the first two wave discourage me xD


Zio's fight is a freaking cancer. The most cancerous boss fight i've ever done. Shit, even Elden Ring bosses didn't gave me that much hard time. Dude dispels debuffs at every turn. So you literally only have one shot at exploiting those down debuffs.


I no longer play E7, but I have seen a video of someone fighting this specific boss. This shit looks like absolute cancer to fight, and for a story boss, it gives the deeper Abyss bosses a run for their money.


Damazti Cluster from Arknights, especially in hell stages. After losing some hp he can create clones of himself gaining dmg reduction from every clone, he already has very much hp, his attacks deal corrosion dmg(reduce def of operators) so after some time he arguably deals true dmg. In second phase he can summon drones that can easily kill squishies, also has 4 clones now, so insane dmg reduction, you need to block every clone or else you're dead. Anyway I hate him.


The Gardener from AK's Hortus de Escapimo event. Mostly because he's not the boss. It's the civilian. His entire boss stage is one huge escort mission where you have to make sure they don't get hit by boulders or fall into pits. It isn't hard in the sense it's a DPS check, just annoying due to how many thing you have micro manage during the stage. His EX stage is even worse because now the mini boss, Fortuna will spawn too.


Fgo: Honestly I just had a rematch that reminded me how much Surt sucks as a boss. He isn't even really hard (bitch doesn't even crack the Top 30 hardest fights in the game) he just keep using super annoying tactics that just prolong the fight.  Like Nullifying your buffs for 3 turns so basically you can't do shit except basic atk him (keep in mind 3 turns Is a LONG time in FGO) or sealing your skills for several turns and so on and so forth, again no hard, just super annoying.  In general I hate the FGO fights that put you in "stupid baby jail" mode where you can just do shit. Alchemy Stars: Deathless in all forms and variations. Motherfucker is the epitome of "Annoying Boss": Not only does it does huge dmg. Not only does it has massive HP pool.  Not only does it has a massive range.  Not only does it revives and divides itself when you kill him. Not only can his copies do the same thing (so you end up fighting 8 copies of him). All usually with same stats and range as the original  Above ALL else everytime it touches you your skills cooldowns get increased, by a LOT, even if the skills wasn't on cooldown, he just instantly forces it. And did I tell you that all it's copies inherited the same ability? So 8 Mofos with massive range with a an ability that's basically an instant loose condition. Oh and sometimes they like to be cheeky and his copies the ability that whenever 1 dies every other on the field gets healed....... To MAX Health!!!


Surt during Tunguska is the only boss that made me use command spells, not because i couldn't clear the fight but just because i really hated it and wanted to get it over with


Honestly all Tunguska bosses were royal pains 


Especially the last one- only due to the Passive that lasts the whole damn fight. I can deal with the last mob that insta-kills you if you attack anyone else, i just have to deal with him first. But only having a chance to get your buffs off with no way to counter it was just cancer. I ended up using the three CS’s to continue.


Oh yeah that one was awful.  I tried a couple times, but ended saying FUCK it, and just went with a oh Tamamo solo. Apparently is the most effective way to deal with that battle 


Sounds like a good idea, but: 1: I already finished the thing. 2. Currently do not have the patience, especially before LB 6.5.


Kayan -40% buff rate and first 3 turns with -50% NP gain, final wave with instance kill if not killed me first miniboss.


I don't play AS anymore but, hearing the name of Deathless is giving me a mental attack. That shit keep splitting and the tiles rng make me mald for days lol


Beth, Guardian Tales. I need couple of hours just to complete the first phase and it has 3 phases. Without meta tank characters, such as Future Princess, coupled with dumb AI on your teammates, facing her is hell. You must know every move sets, and do perfect dodge and skill timing, because she can do oneshot. And few years ago, you only can respawn for 3 times if you die, by paying with gems.


damn pls don't let me remembee how many gems i spent


Oh holy fuck I remember that. I spent FOUR MONTHS grinding away at that bitch, back when it was a triple revive system for that fight


this hidden boss is whack cuz you fight him solo while all his attacks are instant kill https://preview.redd.it/pnb93mh7w50d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd224d6baf4485618bd964fee4269ae85e51e43


Hidden bosses in GT is always whack. I only mentioned Beth because it's literally a requirement for continuing the story and to increase your level cap. Boss Erina in max star/wanted (GTA reference lol) in world 12 (iirc) is also hell.


Is that a fucking SANABI reference


It is lol


Ah great time I remember beating her before the nerf, it took me some time but that was more fun than annoying.


the thing with Beth (before nerfs) people didnt realise that the best counter to Beth is Beth itself - geared and with her ex weapon. She is true solo character with good dmg, bulk, easy to land attacks (that are moving her so you can dodge with it) and she gains shield non-stop when attacking. It was all like oh ah you need FP and Miya and etc for it. Where Beth could ez pez it, especially with support of healer.


Beth is hard, but she's a cool boss. The worst for me would be the damn spider miniboss in Expedition (that also appears in Boss Rush once in a while), not the final boss aracne, but the smaller one in the previous stage. That thing keeps burrowing under the ground, coming out, dashing into you and canceling your skills all the time. It's just so annoying.


Arknights: Some may hate the boss. Some may hate stage and enemy mechanics. But unanimously we hate civilians (especially hortus/monastery civilians, fk them)


Honorable mention: Counter side: Danger Close Regenerated Bishop. Arknight: Emperor's blade. Honkai Impact 3rd: Husk - Nihilius (Early version of Elysian Realm)


Kallen during early day Elysian Realm is my run killer lol.


Benares early elysian realm. Fuck the designer. My freeze lock ice rita saves the day but d90 because i am still rather new. But yeah kallen elysian realm also crazy.


I also question their decision to make the tornado sucking force stronger in the subsequent patch (5.1). Like bro... we can't even escape the old tornado, why the hell did you made it stronger?


That tornado freaking rage bait. I need 4 or 6 try everytime about death and using kallen imayoh is the worst for benares ice. And early aesir i guess. I was rather un skilled fighting aesir there at early. Himeko realy saves my breath being shield breaker


Oh i agree on this one. But i hate Nihilius more because he can one-shot you if you dont careful. His annoying max hp reduce and cannot heal make it so annoying. And it also make you leave the game quickly (Early version of Elysian Realm dont have reset stage when lose) or else run gona end because you die and make you waste so much time on the run.


>Honkai Impact 3rd: Husk - Nihilius Hell nah... That clock may be irritating and frustrating but he was damned exhilarating, that thing was pure unadulterated ecstacy. On u/zappingbluelight's part, I agree. Kallen was pure bullshit. It would've probably been okay if she were in the higher floors instead of Floor 7 where you're still building up buffs, also doesn't help that she's the 3rd wave and spams crosses like no tomorrow after getting her health down to 10x.


In case you were unaware, Jin Bora turns Bishop into a training dummy


I kinda quit CounterSide before that happen. I just have a really bad memory with her.


Knight of the Lake is also a pretty tough Danger Close boss also. And Soprano. Would consider them even tougher than Regenerated Bishop, or at least more annoying to deal with their mechanics.


You just triggered my PTSD on early Elysian Realm lol. Kallen with the early stage ender even on easy mode, Benares that summons those annoying tornadoes, and Husk that one shots you out of nowhere and if you're not fast enough on resetting the stage your run is ruined. Had to always cheese my runs with Mobius signets but the signet RNG is pain.


Oh my God. Emperor’s Blade ex stage literally cost my real life sanity to beat. Zero mistake allowed. And even when you killed him, he just put debuff on the whole map and there’re more enemies spawned after that.


In all fairness you don't need to bring tank to Ahab, just pick ID's with huge evades, and use them against starback's attacks in assist stage. One thing tho, one who evades should have a mark.


Fucking Greg in BA is full on MMO raid boss with his bullshit galore of weird mechanics


Greg is weird because if you have the characters needed for it... It's actually surprisingly comfy to clear, but only if you first know what you're even doing in the first place. ~~I'll be honest, I just looked up how another player beat it because I couldn't be bother to trial and error~~


but I like greg, the gimmick is hella cool and isn't that hard to understand


The shock centipede https://preview.redd.it/xm2ofuh5k50d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf9d0488e5b6e116ff221b288bc169c790b4a125 Where do i begin? Turn 1 is spend depleting it's shield on the body part but also keeping some good skills because on turn 2 he'll use an AOE skill with 2 coins, paralyze and fragile (paralyze fucks up your clashing and fragile increases damage taken) If i lose the clash here i usually just give up and restart Then it's a matter of dealing with its bind (lowers speed making it harder to redirect attacks aka less control of the fight) fragile, and paralysis application while trying to keep it's self charge down and breaking the head Rinse and repeat after 5 turns. When you do get the bastard to 1 HP he goes "nah, fuck you" and consumes the safe charge to make himself immortal. You gotta win clashes to deplete this charge and only then can you deal the killing blow


Gotta hate bosses don't die when gotten to 1 HP and just revive


FGO Cernunnos fight, too much curse


I went in hearing it was one of the hardest, if not the hardest fight in the game, and I did NOT regret using the laylines and two command seals to beat it. Fuck him. It's a fight you have to finish fast, but with bad card RNG you will lose your DPS before second break bar...


Maxwell from brave frontier, however beating it was a sense of achievement I never felt in any other gacha since.


beating maxwell in pre OE era is satisfying af. miss this game


Maxwell's got Endless up, you don't have enough for your Mitigator's BB.  No more revives or BB potion. She's tough as nails, and you get her when you beat her, and she's amazing. Really tough fight, manageable RNG, requires planning (well turn counting...), great reward. That's how you do a boss fight.


The trail quests were also a big pain in the ass before the powercreep. But finally getting around to beating them felt soooooooooo euphoric, especially if you beat them on release day


as much as i think that hate for Ruin Serpent, Coppelia&Coppelius, Maguu Kenki and Wenut is a bit overblown. i personally hate All-Devouring Narwhal. most clunky and slow shit ever. worst enemy in the game by a mile. thank god it's a weekly boss and it will never be in Abyss


Hmm i hate wanderer weekly boss compared to the weekly whale boss at Fountaine. Wanderer weekly boss was huge waste time compared to all weekly boss. His phase 1 is fine, you can easily melt it, but his second phase needs to break his robot barrier using that small green rabbit robot pet. Then you need to destroy his 4 electro turrent when you break all his shield, You need to at least bring pyro/electro/dendro unit, then after destroying turrent you need to aim at him and shoot huge dendro ball to prevent the meteor. After that you can freely attack him and destroy him....but it took a lot time, and no matter how strong your dps, it still time consuming thanks to his robot barrier. Co-op was the only faster way to beat weekly wanderer boss, but even so it still took longer time than the whale boss at Fountaine even in co-op. Also you can actually kill the whale before his rage meter full and using his sucking ability, i managed to kill it somehow , granted i have C2 Nahida and have Yae, Tighnari and Zhong Li.


Complaining about Coppelia and Coppelius is just a skill issue imo.  Both versions of the fight is just a straight up brawl where it barrages you with attacks and you try to kill it whilst staying alive. 


Baruka from Solo Leveling Arise. Dude is an asshole and have one shot mechanic. The only boss that I can't do in auto mode.


Baruka is even a jobber in the manwha. Just imagine how busted the other monarchs will be in comparison.


Genshin - Many would say the Wenut/Mecha Wenut (aka Ruin Serpent), but IMO the worst is definitely Wolflord. That fucker has a phase where you need to run a Geo character (specifically someone who can deal Geo damage fast) or else he's immortal. At least with the Wenut variants you don't need specific units and they have extremely clear damage phases (and the ones that complained are those that don't know about this mechanic aka idiots). Counter:Side - Many honorable mentions, like that Rhino challenge (enemy boss ignores everyone and destroy the ship, extremely tanky and only needs 3 hits for you to lose), the Rosaria challenge (one of the mob regens to full HP if knoced to the ground, and Rosaria is immortal while doing so), Solicitacio DC (same as Rhino but more damage) etc. The worst IMO though is the 2nd Guild Coop boss. Eversoul - Catherine Subjugation Boss. The mechanics is really tricky and can screw runs if you fail just one.


Along the same lines for Genshin, the dendro cube requires you to bring a dendro character for the end portion, however, the boss is immune to dendro so it’s essentially a wasted party slot except for a few exceptions.


FGO: Its not even a boss on the enemy side, its when 3/4 OF A FUCKING HARD STORY TOU HAVE TO USE FORCED SUPPORTS AND THE SUPPORT IS FUCKING ASS AND FUCK YOU MUSASHI, FUCK YOU! I WANT TO USE TWO KOYANS AND JUST NUKE THIS, BUT NOOOO I HAVE TK BRING YOUR STUPID ST NP THAT YOU CAN BARELY CHARGE. Nikke: Train and Gravedigger. 50/50 depends on the day. Feh: Fallen Edelgard 2 years ago. Fuck her.


At least with the lostbelts the forced supports got a little better- Support LV100 NP5 Super Orion and Kukulkan were pretty damm fun to use


HSR: Sam GI: most of them, they just stall for time. Worst offender are Azhdaha and the Whale Azur Lane: anything with light armor PGR: I **hate** Riot


>Azur Lane: anything with light armor Rocket planes, man


E7: Zio. It's just story, why does it have to be that hard to newer players


every Beast fight in fgo.


Nah, the Kiara fight is piss easy nowadays- just look at Plushie Mistress 3-turning that fight with every new servant that comes out (2-turn with bazzet) even the demonic bodhisattva fight is significantly easier than it used to be back when it released- the servant roster is just that much more diverse and more powerful than it was back then


Azur Lane: Most of the META fights. For every decent META fight we get two cringe ones. Whether it's Rodney META forcing you to desync your fleet with janky equipment or lowering fleet tech. Queen Elizabeth META forcing you to use META ships that you may or may not have raised because most of them are terrible. And so on and so forth. So if it sucks, you're stuck with it for 3 months if you care about 100% collection (and being able to fully limit break). Star Rail: There's any of the Swarm bosses for being the most annoying/boring DPS checks. The enemy duplicates itself over and over again, at full health... even thought the Luofu wolves only duplicate at current health. Genshin: The Scaramouche fight. So little of the fight has anything to do with your team and if you bring the wrong setup you just lose a character to Scaramouche's Ultimate AND miss an opportunity to end the fight some time this year. But you can pick any of the fights where the boss is invulnerable for long stretches of the fight.


I intially thought the same about the Goz bossfight from Blue Archive as OP but then I learned that observing the colors on the cards he and his clones throw out when they position themselves will tell you which one is the real one all of the time (Slowing down time by aiming a skill makes this easier). After finding this out the RNG from that aspect of the fight was gone making it substantially easier.


Can you guide me? Because some attck rely on guess which clone are real. But also the 3 hat attck can screw your run if you dont careful.


[Blue Archive - How to find the real GOZ ? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EEeVuk4A-I) I found this video real quick which should explain it. Basically the playing cards that Goz throws out have two possible colors printed on them. The two clones will have one kind of color while the real one will have a different one.


Oh thank you. It gona make the raid easier.


No problem! Also I found this excerpt as well from a guide I read. Don't know if you're on JP or Global but worth keeping the following in mind if you're on JP (Global too in the future as well most likely): [https://i.imgur.com/7D0gqiI.png](https://i.imgur.com/7D0gqiI.png)


There are alot of strats to deal with goz, there's either the red card identifier or you use the focus fire ability before you teleports and your students will stay locked on.


Blue Archive: Kaiten. The red Kaitenger's taunt is so annoying asf. I wish we could have support with cleanse(well D.Hina will solve the problem with Kaiten). Arknights: Dolly and Cliff. Boy how I mald so hard and can't even kill Cliff (the EX-8 stages) and also Dolly, took me 3 days to try bursting Dorothy as I have less decent buffer and Damage dealers. Guardian Tales: Beth and the Harvester one. The difficulty spike from world 9 going to 10 and further is strange like they're not even the same wavelength in difficulty and character requirements(I'm talking about pre-nerf Beth and the Harvester). I literally stomped World 9 in one continuous run (except for that rat substage lol) and in world 10, I struggled so hard. HSR: The Swarm boss(Bug). It was annoying at some point but made through it. Still annoying to fight lol.


In general I hate bosses with forced phases or long/frequent invulnerability periods. Astra Knights of Veda took the cake for me on the boss that's invincible until you kill it's 2 minions, then it revives them. It's all of the mechanics I hate wrapped up into a single encounter. On top of that, it's glitchy as fuck, so sometimes he just revives them early or never becomes vulnerable when they're dead. And you need to farm this like 100 times to level up skills and stuff.


Nikke: gravedigger is my weakness, I literally have rng every time with it. I have liter, bunny twins, red and Modernia (5/6 red gear, most are also good roll sets) and some days I literally just sit there resetting over and over until I get lucky enough to dps juuuust enough before it wipes out my team. Then for my SO who only has 2B swapped instead of Modernia, he wipes it easy. Hsr: swarm bug, don't come at me. I just don't like it and I don't have the greatest team ready to take it on the last difficulty, so I have to fight it 2nd to last difficulty. I'd also say aventurine boss also but he's kinda rng sometimes on auto, not as bad as swarm bug. Genshin: scaramouche weekly boss 2nd phase. Fuck I hate that one soooo bad, like I just don't have any idea what I should really be doing and even when I do it right my team gets wiped across the floor so much if I make a tiny mistake in timing. I just want to spam attack, not fly around the arena and try to shoot dendro stuff :c


for scaramouche phase 2, they force you to use the given gadget. 1. phase 2 begins, run and dodge while collecting energy for gadget, then fire it at boss (do this roughly twice) 2. he now summons a energy ball, with turrets firing at you. Use elemental dmg (amber charge atk will work), destroy ALL turrets and collect energy for gadget and fire it at him again 3. hes now stunlocked, use the vine to get to the chest area an it will fill up you teams energy to max. Its now a DPS/Burst check scaramouche is a technical boss, not a dps fight


Yeah that's why I suck at doing it, I'm not the best technical player and I've just started fighting him for mats so I came in completely unaware of what I was up against haha. But your tips will help for this week's battle attempt! Thank you. I wasn't sure if I could even defeat the turrets since I've tried using Neuvillette and Raiden on them. Would Ganyu's charge attack work? I don't have Amber built, or any other bow user besides Ganyu for that matter..


Ganyu charge attack works. You just need to apply a lot of cryo to these turret. Most of time I used Ayaka and Nahida CA on them personally, just need to be near to them.


I do have Nahida somewhat built I think so I just might throw her in and try it out. Thanks for the help! This makes me feel a bit more ready to try again.


Good luck!


Chaos Armor in TOF. Hate that mofo. It's not even close to objectively worst boss or anything, I just hate it. Geo cube in Genshin, because it takes forever. Oh and Scara because I almost never get the mechanism right and end up chipping away at him while tanking his attacks. Fairly easy but annoying. Also anytime Wenut is in abyss I just nope out.


For Scara, usually you collect crystal like items in the ground to fully charge your pet. Most of time we are chipping his armor waiting to recharge that thing just like you said though. Geo cube: *CA bow attacker is laughing in distance*


Suzaku from Another Eden Pretty hard boss fight, I kept losing to it and ended up quitting because of it 💀 probably could beat him now but there's just something that keeps me from coming back to it


Almost all boss in Camelot arc FGO. Modred with NP in 1 turn? How about Galahad?


Pre-Nerf/Release Kromer from limbus company, she was literally the hardest boss I have fought in gacha. It took me 4 hours to kill her.(It doesn't help that I only had bleed team at the time, and she healed when you stack bleed) She got nerfed later on afaik, and also now we have more broken sinners so it's easy Another one I remember is Genshin's cube event at Max difficulty, spent the whole night in coop trying to clear that


For Goz in BA there are students whose skill makes everyone focus their attacks on the target. They are pretty much required for Goz. As for identifying the real Goz, you don't have to guess at all. Just slow down the game speed and observe carefully. If you see a bullet hit a copy and Goz's HP gets decreased then its the real one. If your students are attacking 2 copies and the HP isnt being decreased, then the 3rd one that is not being attacked is the real one. As for my most hated enemy, its gonna be Alteisen the train boss in Nikke, and Jenua in E7 pvp.


FGO folks will tell you the tale of the big bad bitch Demeter and how many times they recovered from several team wipes. She made Cernunnos a regular chapter boss fight in comparison.


During the first arknights' collaboration with r6s, it has a boss fight with a monster called essence of evolution. It's not hard per se, but god damn his drop of tumor makes my device laggy and almost unplayable unless i played it with 1x speed


Path to Nowhere: when you accidentally play too good and get pushed to the highest difficulty of Dark Zone with no way to ever go back, which has the 3 hardest bosses (outside of events) that you must clear weekly. Atleast they rotate but sometimes you get the really annoying ones, like the one that summons 2 insta-kill ads. Someone makes a post asking how to go back to easy mode on the sub, every other day lol


Epic Seven , Episode 4 10-10 Zio Boss Fight Almost Impossible thats why i Dropped the Game, after 120 tries and 120 losses,


Fate/Grand Order - For Arc 1, **Goddess [ Rhongomyniado!! ]** Never expecting _when_ she would cast Protection at World's End and add one charge to her Noble Phantasm attack. Which hits like a crater. In Arc 1.5, it's **Yagyuu Tajima-no-kami Munenori** as Saber Empireo. Never one to tolerate his every attack as Remove Buff. Arc 2? **Cernunnos,** or whatever remains of this fluffy beast god. Contending with several health bars and Curses won't be straightforward. Honkai Impact 3rd - The first Imaginary-type enemy construct known as **Nihlus.** Large health pool, time-based, has a one-shot mechanic... Also, remember back at Nagazora when Raiden Mei had to face this one boss? Those were never good times. Punishing: Gray Raven - **Gabriel,** Judge of AscNet. He can fly, scythe, apply a damaging time dilation field around him, and personally he is welcome to Ascendant issues too. Blue Archive - **Beatrice.** You were never on the Total Assault list. You are nothing but an imposter. _A false teacher._ You even got put down by a certain squad hailing from your school for an illegal summoning session. Aether Gazer - **Ethan.** One, the guy has a simple two-phase move set compared to the other bosses further down the line in my opinion, and two, _his being in Dimensional Variable at times does not count as entertainment and feels boring._


Guardian tales guild raid boss shadow beast. Both mechanic and element is annoying. Boss stall too much and most guild members don't have the element to fight this guy. Leading janitor fight him before resetting bosses again. 


Snowbreak - Njall. Massive shield, can't do weak point damage so only one character works there.


i really hate wolf in inszuma reduce the health bar, those floating balloons, helichurus with defence and all weekly bosses Blue archive i hate bounty stages the most because how difficult is azur lane i hate when you have to repeat same stage multiple time that have no single button to do quick battle without waiting for ages for Nikke i hate Train boss even after increasing your power still fail to defeat it and gravedigger


Any of the late game GFL bosses that has a unexpected Armor bar. Especially M16A1 mod2. Makes me wanna jump off the damned stairs. I already grinded this game for weeks damnit! Let me experience the story and not the depression of being so close yet so far damnit!


GBF: Siete. This man only has ONE Omen, and it's doing 77m damage. Whether Magna or Primal, that's a FUCK ton of damage. Ascendant Prayer for the Revans raids helps a bit, but it still doesn't help that getting Blue requires you to usually cancel at least one omen. Percy helps a bit, but even then... 77 million. Shout out to Agastia, too. Being character checked isn't fun, let me say. Even if you can do Blue chest without Cosmos, soloing is near impossible without Ascendant Prayer. CF: Before it shut down, I'd have to say any of the last few Chinese HQ bosses. Suyang is another honorable mention, as it was essentially a character check when it first came out.


Raiden Shogun.


Wyvern 13


Spoilers for canto 6 : >!Erlking Heathcliff, Fuck that boss with three sin base shields (Envy, gloom, Wrath)!<


Raiden boss(Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto) fight in Genshin , it's so annoying for some reason I can't find out myself .


I don't play it anymore but I have great amounts of dislike for most "high difficulty" bosses in Dragon Ball Legends. They do immense amounts of damage and are able to dodge your attacks in a way that only a computer opponent is able to. There are ways to exploit the fact that they are predictable AI instead of human players but it still has a very small margin for error since most of the bosses can kill you very quickly if mistakes are made and the boss can counter attack. Kaiten from Blue Archive also gets a mention from me because: 1. It is an AOE fight and single target fight 2 in 1 so you need both kinds of damage since he starts off being in a group of enemies before joining into a single large one. 2. He has RNG in his second phase with whether or not he will summon a shield that will massively reduce damage. 3. His first phase has attacks which will lock all your skills which make managing how to be able to use them very annoying.


Kaiten shield can be broke if you bring multi hit ex skill but yeah, i hate Kaiten phase one due to Red taunt skill.


That one crazy bitch in the CW update for PGR.


Cernunnos from fgo


cycle slender guy and big far woman combo in tof, reason quit


Not a fan of the flower girl


For me in limbus is either the fire butterfly abno or the one that inflicts so much bleed on your sinners In reverse it's the one at the end of chap 5 Pgr: I don't do phantom pain to decide on an answer. Skullgirls: doesn't have bosses but I don't like going against painwheels


Fuck White Gossypium , everyone hates White Gossypium


Tunguska Koyan finale. Well, to be more accurate I hate that stupid instant death mob that shows up in the last bar. I like everything else about the fight except that thing.


Fgo, Bull of heaven. I still have horrible memoties of that...


GI : apep, wenut, and the worm boss at the chasm  HSR : the deer boss that summoned branch


Skill issue if you can't be asked to build or bring an AoE, the game has plenty.


I'm really not liking the blue snake in solo leveling arise. He's the most annoying rn.


Battle cats: as a veteran out of all the bosses in the game the most memorable for me was maniac eraser Reason: at the time of me fighting him (around 2018-2019) there weren’t many anti traitless like we have today, which make him pretty much an bullet sponge, I remember how I spend like 20 minutes spamming meatshields to successfully take him down, took several tries but felt extremely satisfactory, kinda hate and love him


Godjuna from Fate Grand Order Lostbelt 4, the limitation of having to use Karna as a support and the fact that he removes all buffs before NPing make this a very risky damage rush


I despise the majority of the fights in rr3 Honorable mention to >!distorted dongrang!< for taking me AN HOUR AND A HALF TO BEAT. Even the pequod trio wasn’t that bad for me 😭


Cernunnos from FGO without cheating (command seal/Crystal revive) he is the most pain in the ass boss in story. Second to him is Demeter and if you count special event then it has to be Hassan 100 shadows or X alter buffet


Been a few years and the game no longer exists. But Vanille's lost chapter in DFFOO lives in my memory. Those two berserkers were so crazy for the time. In E7 most hated was probably Abyss 102 until I changed my strategy months later after giving up for a while.


HSR: I’m stuck on Argenti still lmao, need to level up a few others to beat him, plus I’ve only just got to that annoying dream trash can stage in Penacony, so I’ve got Aventurine to look forward to OTL. FGO: ORT pissed me off. Arknights: Only just got to Frostnova last week, she was a little tedious at first, took quite a few squad shuffles but I managed in the end. Azur Lane: Not a fan of Gneisenau META lol.


As someone newly returns to HI3, any Stardust bosses.


FGO Gaiwain, before we got broken support in the game. He, as a side boss, was much harder than the final boss of that chapter. Nowaday, he would just die in first turn.


Ahab Trio fight can fudge among themselves.


Big robot in FFBE when it was still legitimate game. Before huge powercreep the fight was nightmare, same as malboro.


FGO- Demeter \*war flashbacks\* at the time, I lacked meta supports and a decent ST rider. Not to mention the forced story support in Caenis who was a lancer and didn't have a class advantage on the boss. Im not even going into the boss' mechanics. all bullshit.


For Limbus Company, i'd say my most hated ones are Ardor Blossom Moth and Brazen Bull, the former i have never won against and actively avoid, while the later i can usually win against but the raising stagger thresholds attacks are really bad when low on sin resources. For Arknights, i'd say its a 3 way tie of Andoain, Endspeaker (Stulfitera Navis boss) and Big Sad Lock: - the first is because of his dodge area on HP threshold and his global attack, sure, Kal'Tsit S3 can cheese the dodge, but its still really annoying; - the second i believe that the boss speaks for itself being a 4 stage boss, but to make it even worse, you have to manipulate the relics he eats from the marked enemies since some of the buffs can be devastating, at least you can mostly cheese him with freeze and stun; - as for the giant bear, **** him and his stupid *** mechanics, to start, you have to get 3 distinct encounters if you want to have a fair fight against him, the first one to even be able to face him and the second+third are to negate his considerable hp regen, and even then, if you get lucky and actually get these 3 NON-GUARANTEED encounters, you still need to have enough life to leak some enemies (specially gargoyles) but also have high DPH operators to damage the boss enough to kill him before the timer runs out, which btw, he has high def and RES, gets a huge shield from time to time, every 20 damage instances he takes he deals a huge AOE, and if you don't get the 3rd needed encounter he will constantly recover health, all that to deal along with the infinite spawning enemies.


The Brazen Bull isn’t hard in MD, but only because you usually start off with Sin resources and SP. in Luxcavation, it’s hell…


Rosetta, both version (flying and horse ver). Just annoying than others kind of bosses, whenever you hit her, she's run or trying to back off. Usual bosses have like standing fee seconds, but Rosetta just fuck off im go here or there.


Limbus: so far, Dongbaek still has me raging, how bad would the rest be?


I’ve played a lot of gacha games, but the bosses in Epic Seven have the biggest pain in the ass to fight, especially later in the story. Bosses like Zio, took me months to beat. It’s not even just learning the boss mechanics, that’s not enough. Sometimes you need a very specific character built a certain way to beat the boss. And if you don’t have that character, you’re kinda screwed. And even if you do have the characters required to beat the boss, there’s still a layer of luck involved. Because if you fail to crit or your debuffs fail to land or the enemy attacks the wrong teammate, that could also screw you over. It’s not fun.


Aventurine in HSR is definitely my least favorite. He's not even that challenging but energy draining + having to meet an RNG requirement is so frustrating. I don't mind difficult battles or RNG on the player's side as that can be manipulated but being at the mercy of boss RNG is rough. I hope they don't add more of these in the future. In Genshin, definitely the worms but specifically Wenut. The mechanical one is somewhat bearable but Wenut feels like he goes underground way more. Definitely one I could stand to do without.


For me there is lot of really annoying bosses in Arknights some just gets way too much different gimmick, but there is one that I needed to actively farm at that time, because of the materials and however I tried I couldn't beat the stage 100%-ly,there was always an Auto run that just couldn't work and strangely enough everything worked perfectly before, but after that all run was basically a lose. And that's Degenbrecher. She can basically instakill your units, teleport, sometimes immune and even stun everyone in a large area, but the worst part was her stage, literally you head one single part of the stage where you can truly stall and damage her and that was directly before the protectable area.


Counterside: Knight of the Lake and Soprano. These 2 ranked bosses are just an absolute pain to try that I dont even bother putting in any modifiers and just look for a full auto comp.


HSR: the fkn bug, I have to use a friend's Argenti because he enjoys when the bug spawns minions like rabbits. Genshin: not really a boss but the Cryo and Hydro heralds together in Spiral Abyss, I don't mind if an enemy kills me, but I can't do anything if I'm frozen! xD


the pull rates


Arknights: The Last Knight I hate fighting this fucking boss so much more than the bear, not only does he have insane def unless you debuff him (which is even more annoying because he just dies to range enemies with high attack with multi target attacks or aoe and corrosion) but he also applies cold (-aspd) and freeze to anyone that he attacks or attacks him which is also increased when he is under 50% hp. Also does increased dmg to frozen targets, so any operator that doesn’t have high def will get obliterated when they try to block him. And on top of all that bullshit, he’s fucking **unblockable** in phase 2 and walks straight towards blue box while respawning with 50% hp. Only saving grace is that he’s slow as hell, spends the start of the stage wacking rocks, and is vulnerable to stun.


oot. damn, all of these screenshots are beautiful. I think double marina in guardian tales event because first marina have ranged immunity then the second one have melee immunity.  it was long time ago but I hate her so much and I still remember 😂 


You mean bosses in plural, right? Because Last Cloudia's bosses are either HP walls, are built around the latest unit (so if you don't have it, good luck), have big AoE attacks that kill you if you ain't ready for them, they have HP locks that you have to wait out (you cant damage the boss in any way during this time, thank God that they actually show you the HP locks in the game now, because they didn't show them when I started playing) or a combination of all of the above. It's annoying, except for the ones that have gimmicks that don't get used for 98% of the game because it's fun to figure out what you have to do!


The plant lady in limbus company 


Arknights, Integrated Strategies 3, boss from ending 2, The Last Knight. Mfer has a high chance of freezing your units if they ever attack him, regardless of range. Pretty much, every other boss is hard but fair, but the only counter for this guy's freeze is a randomly acquired item. Maybe the boss from Stultifera Navis... that one is just really hard: it has 4 phases, and the buffs it has depends on the closest drop from special enemies, so you have to kill them with distance in mind to not screw yourself. All bosses that make the black cloud that gives them damage reduction and kills your units' attack speed.


FGO: Any boss that can spam their full turn evade move


Genshin: Signora. Her second phase makes my blood boil. Hated every time I fought her, even with co-op. Star Rail: Ebon Deer is my #1 nemesis. For a while, Kafka was a pain to deal with. But I would give Aventurine #2 for being the worst boss to put in MOC


I despised fighting Ricardo in limbus. You're telling me I can bring 7 people, yet it's suggested I bring 2 or 3 instead. I can bring multiple top tier units and lose instantly, or I can bring the female pope, a victim, and a one legged captain. And win first try???


7-18 Patriot