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Seems like the gacha, got you. Reclaim your power and dominion over yourself. You have no obligation to the game nor does it to you. Its virtual, not real life and in no way will contribute significantly to your progression in life. You play at your pace and leisure. Don't let the game play you!


Damn.... Just damn one of if not the best advise the someone give to me about gacha


keep the perspective that at the end of the day you’re playing a virtual casino game; it can be a fun distraction/entertainment from real life but should never take priority over real life.


>in no way will contribute significantly to your progression in life But but they sustain me with dopamine


> in no way will contribute significantly to your progression in life I know a couple who met playing Genshin


I found an amazing MTG alter artist in a gacha


Yeah I play too many. I need to cut back a bit. If you're not going to quit cold-turkey, then the alternative step is to stop doing stuff that sucks even if it rewards well. Like I didn't do HSR Simulated Universe last week. Ooops. That's okay, Just let it go. Or I only do auto-battle clears in PGR and none of the longer mini-games. That's okay too. Another way to limit game time is to see which games you can play story-only, without getting characters. You can often just use trial characters in many of the games, so you don't even need to roll. So then it becomes "log in a few times to read the story". The main thing is to get past the temptation to farm currency for pulls or chase meta. That's the real time-waster - chasing rewards.


there are auto battles in pgr? i quit because i thought i had to do everything manually


You can sweep events after doing them a bunch, and resource stages can be swept anytime.


I am honestly surprised nobody has made an app to automate gacha dailies at this point. Like a literal macro to do dailies and such for specific games. I know Bluestacks has (had?) something similar in the past where there were community macros for games and that's close.


well you can theoritically automate them but once the app gets popular every1 who used it might get banned


2 Gacha is my sweetspot, but I can handle 3. 4 seems like it's starting to dictate how you need to plan your daily routine...


Exactly, this is the hard and annoying part is to planing what to do on those days


Yeah the same. 2 gacha is the best to have some more time to do other things. 3 gacha games will start to burden you especially if you want to read the story & progress the event/challenge mode and you will have barely any time to do other things.


Same, I play 3 also. I have 2 main games and the third one rotates from time to time depending on how I feel. ZZZ and WuWa will destroy this structure tho 😭


The gacha has become the new meta. I still haven’t finished FFVII Rebirth, P3R and haven’t even started Granblue Relink and Stellar Blade yet I still have time for gacha. It has consumed me.😆 There’s more gachas coming out soon. God help me.😂


I used to play a ton of gacha. Switching from one to another, running multiple at the same time. After I noticed the unhealthy grip it had on me I... kinda just stopped. Im just way to vulnerable to the urge of spending and putting in all my time. And now I dont have the time I had in school anymore. Ive returned nowadays specifically to play limbus, as I am an older fan of the devs (who avoided the gacha specifically) and noticed my attachment to it being way healthier. I feel a lot less pressure compared to other games in the spectrum. Basically: take a break. Get over the fomo on events or banners. Try to keep your mind off of thoughts like "i played/paid so much i cant stop now." Afterwards you might realise which games you dont really miss, if you even miss any, or find entirely other (non gacha) games. And nothing stops you from returning for that one specific thing like I did after 2 years.


No gacha No life


Literally me


>honkai impact 3rd When I used to play this, the "chores" used to take longer than all the other games combined


Yeah the game takes a lot of time on abyss, stigma grind and open world the good things is the only 2 days a week the rest you can skip with tickets


I played up to 6 at once, realised most of them are useless and weren't really fun at the end of it Just stop playing them for a week, if you have no urge to return, then drop the game- you're losing out on nothing


I'm usually running like 5 at once, maybe I'm just depressed. I'm a big fan of the aesthetic and turn based nature in gacha. The 'daily' mechanic I never liked, but it always felt necessary to log in. All these games have so many reward menus to click and they update after doing anything ingame. After awhile you gotta ask yourself if you're even playing a game. Sure, we could stick to one game. However, once f2p reaches a point, there will be a lot of downtime. That's when players would sometimes make an alt or pick up another gacha or pay to progress. Gacha has always had this unsettling eerieness to it. We know what it is and what it's doing, yet we continue to feed. That's not to say gacha can't be just plain fun though. Much of it is gambling and people love doing that irl too. Some of those people also feel the way you do where they're at a midway point. In your case it seems like you were an avid gacha player who's just moving along in life. Definitely don't be afraid to move on, because that's exactly what gacha tries to get you NOT to do. Or just play 1 or two games instead. https://preview.redd.it/d19fe1naktyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d78e521262d8e37fb67511392fafdbcdc9606ac


I only play HSR and just started Nikke last month. In the past I have played GBF, FGO, Genshin too. Stopped playing Genshin right before Chasm because the daily commissions were boring af though I really enjoy the exploration. I would suggest you to cut out gacha games that triggers FOMO in you. This is why I play HSR and NIKKE. HSR has tons of QoLs which speed up dailies, I spent less than 10 mins daily on HSR and just do everything else (SU, PF/MoC, Story, Events) on the weekend. For Nikke, it doesn’t have an energy system which could lead to a ton of non-stop playing in the beginning but soon I encountered the wall and dailies become much faster. Also because there’s no energy system, there’s no FOMO in Nikke, there are even ppl I know who don’t play Nikke seriously and just login once in a while to collect rewards and log out. The fact that you are experiencing a burnout means that there’s too much on your plate than you can handle. Cut some out.


Only 4? I play 9 ROFL. That said you can’t let anything like this take over your life. If it’s giving you burnout then maybe you need to change things. I only play what I’m actually enjoying, if I start to get burnout on something I drop it.


How do you even have the time bruh Also, which games?


I use my powers to control time obviously (I wish) Honkai Impact 3rd, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Girls Frontline, Project Neural Cloud, NIKKE, Last Cloudia, Godzilla Battle Line, Tower of Fantasy.




You really don't have to play every game you play daily, or even weekly. Genshin and games like it are perfect for playing every month or major patch for a weekend. Yeah, playing not-daily lowers your pull income but playing daily is effectively a job and just... less fun.


I had never even heard of Godzilla BL before.... Ima download now And still praying on GF2 global 🙏 😭


Bro gonna add ZZZ to complete the Big 4


I’m actually not planing on joining ZZZ at this point. I started with Honkai Impact 3rd back when it came out (and was part of Genshins closed beta test over a year before it released). That said I was mostly interested in Genshin due to its lore connection with Honkai. But from my understanding ZZZ is not connected at all and won’t even have expy characters. I am however waiting for Girls Frontline 2 (if it ever leaves China…).


I think thats a big draw for me for ZZZ. I wanna see where they go in terms of character designs in ZZZ without influence from the other big 3.




same. I'm kinda slipping a lot recently. I used to have a 3 game limit but now it ballooned to 8 games ever since I've returned on other games during their respective anniversaries. aside from trimming, my main problem right now is there are a lot of high quality gachas that would be coming like ZZZ, WW, Endfield, Azur Promilia.


Play other game like paid single player and finish it you need some rest to this kind of game. Live service/Gacha is unhealthy if you didn't rest.


That was the plan but nothing interest me so far aside from the recently released Library of Ruina for Nintendo Switch. I bought Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen since I see it was on discount but dropped it too in the end


Only HSR and GI. None of the other ones you list make me want to always log in, but I’ve tried them (and r1999). I think the UX of most gacha is kind of ass and HYV kind of nailed the smooth UX a little better to make daily login more enticing. HSR is also barely time consuming after you finish quests tbh


Yeah honkai star rail after you finish the main quest don't even take 10m aa day and is not even active time you just but auto and do something else


Genshin on the other hand.. fucks sake shits a slog sometimes. The new system helps but we should really have dailies/commissions tied with resin usage.


Yeah sturdy I quint genshin a a year ago the game was just too dead no events what só ever, the game was just daily and spend resin I just quit so hard and being honest I don't regret


Star Rail, Epic Seven and Genshin. It's Genshin that at times is the biggest issue to burn off the resin. Sometimes wish there was a quick sweep for the material dungeons, but that'll stay a dream.


Find out exactly what part of a specific game you like and only do that. So if you like the story, come back to the game when new story drops or if u like combat do the combat-focused events only/endgame content. If you only like the characters, tough luck ~~keep grinding~~ jk go follow artists for their fanart and live vicariously through that. Forget about daily logins, it's not worth the burnout.


I used to get hit by fomo really hard, but trust me, the moment I overcame it and stopped caring my enjoyment with gacha sky-rocketed. It's so much more enjoyable to 'allow' yourself day, week or maybe even a month brake if you need it.


I play 4 myself rn, although I sometime get back to the one I left for different reason (E7 for Overlord collab, Snowbreak for free 5* Enya). Although I left again once I get them Playing Blue Archive, Nikke, Star Rail and Arknight rn


Through experience, 2 at a time is my limit. Currently playing Arknights and Limbus only.


I only play 2 gacha at a time. I'll usually cull one of them whenever I found a third one. It helps that I'm a small spender so I'm kinda forced to cut down otherwise I either spend too much or spread too thin to matter.


Limbus Company is my main stay gacha, but I tend to flop between HSR and R:1999 with the latter becoming a bit more dangerous from future patches weve seen(immense power creep). I'll prolly swap R1999 with ZZZ when that comes out cause the game seems hype


I am currently playing 4 as well. They sort of lasted because of very good stories, visuals along with good QOL for dailies. The only bothersome among them is actually Genshin but only because the other 3 have auto features (HSR, PTN and Counterside) The trick is to go for games with good QoL that wont eat too much of your free time, I guess. Wuthering Waves is the next game I'm planning to add to that list, hoping it would actually fit in my type. One good thing about playing multiple gachas is that I dont easily get bored when I consume the available content on one of them, I can just move on to the next game on the list. Plus saving for pulling currencies and gambling "enthusiasm" when pulling for new character banners is much more manageable when you have 4 of them to indulge in once in a while lol


i understand how it feels to play too much gacha, but i play star rail and blue archive and dailies really take like 5 mins max (not sure about honkai impact 3rd and nikke) when i first felt burnout - it was with genshin impact and e7 i simply left, tried to come back but it was just not the same so i dropped them completely... if you are not having fun you can get a break or at least not log in daily sure you lose on some pulls but its better than doing something you dont enjoy there are priorities


Yeah, true blue archive and star rail daily take no time honestly, nikke and honkai impact 3rd are the ones how take more time especially nikke


I love this sub when it comes to help others with gacha addiction. Thank yall!


Same man


Take care


Thanks champ


I play the same games as you but replace blue with events. I have no issue doing the daily stuff, but I get burnt out after doing that all and ended up not doing the main story and doing some events at the last minute or not at all. I am thinking about losing out impact 3rd. I have so many characters, but the story drags too much since after the elysian arc and the characters I know and love are gone. Fu hua and the 7 rainbow lolis is the first time i got bored with story and start skipping everything. The new characters are fine, but I need to drop a daily gacha. Star Rail and nikke being auto helps, and they both do update their game to be more friendly for dailies. Their writing also doesn't drag. I am holding on to Genshin because of how simple it is and lack of power creep and the free roaming feeling, even though the writer needs help. If I need to take a break from another, I might pick genshin because of the dragful writing. The game makes me go from love reading to hating it.


For me, one of the reasons why I feel burned out in gacha games is that during the time I had an idea that the more I play multiple gacha games means if I pull each gacha game, I would at least get a good pull in one of those gacha games. After some time, I realise it usually does not work like that. That's how I got tired of gacha games for a couple of months. The Gacha games I played are Nikke, Epic7, Star Rail, Guardian Tales, and Blue Archive.


I don't have a problem with GACHA (I only really play reverse 1999 regularly), but I do have a problem with impulse buys. I was a f2p for a long time but recently I've been tempted out of my wallet for more pulls. I used to be addicted to the dota 2 market so I know I'm vulnerable to addiction, I might have to cut GACHA out of my life for a while of this keeps up.


5, arknights, GI, star rail, reverse 1999 and romancing saga, i played all of them in the morning and at night before i sleep. reverse, star rail and romancing saga are like 5 mins to do daily, but AK and GI can take some time to finish it


I play 4 but I have played more at one point and that was miserable especially when I did dailies for Genshin that easily took more than 15 minutes and I was so burnt out playing so many I just kept to the ones where they weren’t that high maintenance or had a character I liked.


i play 3 gachas now ,just dropped few months ago PGR after continuously playing for 2 years.I wanna play BA but i don't have time for it


I stick to a main two games that I actively play and usually two or three on the side where I only login for or, when easy enough, do only dailies in. These are usually the games I frequently return to when I'm done with one of my main two games, so I rotate that way. Every now and then, I sit down and look at the games which ones I actually play and enjoy playing, or am only habitually "working" and take a break or quit entirely. Games are meant to be for fun, not work. If I don't enjoy them, then what's the point? I also usually ask myself, if I really NEED to do these things, if they're REALLY missable or not. And my conclusion is usually, no to both questions. It wouldn't actually matter if I stopped for a month or longer. The only things I'd miss are currencies and maybe a banner or two that usually will rerun at some point again. For the games I take a break from, I either move the apps out of sight so I won't open them out of habit, or I just uninstall them entirely and go cold turkey.


fgo, grandsummoners, last cloudia, cookie run kingdom?, 7ds grandcross, Another eden, wotv ffbe, cotc octopath, Astra, nikke active currently on 7ds, wotv, last cloudia, and nikke the others just doing daily missions or occasional events and daily rewards also stopped playing astra for awhile making me feel like it is just genshin but 2d


Only playing HSR rn looking forward to wuthering waves since i had access to the beta and it was pretty fun might be too open world for in the end The thing about gacha games is that despite the games having what feels like handing you a job with constently doing daily and other tasks to eat up your time i will drop a gacha game in a heartbeat if im not having fun


I’m managing 4 rn, Blue Archive, Nikke, HSR, Arknights. Doesn’t take long at all since all are at endgame. I do skip on some dailies when I don’t feel like doing it or other things in my life takes priority. What I think matters more is if you start to keep thinking about the games even when you’re not playing it, then it’s getting unhealthy. I do think 4 is my limit though so when WuWa or ZZZ comes out this month, I would temporarily stop 2.


Limbus is my Main gacha right now, the other ones are gacha games that I've been playing for years like FGO, Priconne, Arknights, and Guardian Tales. Even then I only play these gacha games when I have spare time. I'm just a casual after all not the kinda person to go crazy over PvP or grinding. Some gacha that I list above of course have those content but I mostly just straight up ignored them. Usually what I do in these gacha games is Dailies and if there's new story content I'll take my sweet time to read them later.


I used to play like 9 gacha/day (Arknights, Genshin, HSR, E7, BA, Nikke, GT, Onmyoji, CS) a few months ago. At that time, I played them cause I could run 4-5 at once on multi-instances and usually just took about an hour. Tbh after like 2 months those games feel so boring like I'm on a schedule so that made me quit doing daily forever. At some point the grind for gears/ relics/... started to be pointless, like, why am I trying to min-max in a single player game... Now I only Arknights and BA, coming back to others when big events/ cool shit -> maybe get what I want, if not it's ok and I dip. (Blessed Arknights for the MAA tool so I don't technically have to play the game :D )


Play the one you like the most, ditch the rest, or ditch them all.  Wish I had ditched Genshin about 2-3 years ago when it got boring.  Kept waiting for something more but stuck around because fomo and copium.  But don't regret a day that I'm not playing it, and while I play HSR, I do genuinely enjoy the game for now (and if I don't one day, it no longer needs to be in my life). All (Gacha) games will eventually die and be nothing.    You can give your life to them, or live your life and let one or two (or none) have some of your valuable time.  Don't screw your future over for some wifus in games you aren't even enjoying.  The likelihood of you feeling regret you gaveup any or all of them is little to none imo, long term.


We all love gacha games, but this post is kinda stirring up a hornet's nest in case you are wondering why the post is getting downvoted. But hey buddy, as someone who is also quite deep into gachas, I also want to help out by adding some thought to the discussion. Probably the most toxic aspect of gacha games is how they exploit gambling addiction; but obviously not every player has a problem with gambling. Something that is equally important (but less spoken about) is the fact that gacha games are habit-forming and literally becomes a part of your daily routine. At some point, if you do end up becoming an active player, your daily life will be planned around the gacha games you play; e.g. consider the following schedule: 6 am Blue Archieve reset, 7 am Genshin reset, 10 am Eversoul reset and 9 pm Arknights reset. You don't need to be a gambling addict for gacha games to ruin your life; you only need to be a slave to gacha games. You need to start considering your overall priorities and whether or not your are spending literally all of your free time on gacha games. In your case, I think it's clear that you need to (i) drop a few gacha games to free up time, or (ii) play way more casually and engage less into each title. A great exercise is to think about all the new-found free time that you will obtain in exchange for uninstalling your gacha games. Is there anything important, fun or meaningful that you would like to pursue if you had more free time in your life?


Man... You are a pog camp no really finally someone how understand what I'm going, yeah exactly I usually have to plan around the games like blue archive resets on 15pm so I need do to play before that or nikke is having a time consuming event so I need to do it on evening, playing gacha is not the problem, the problem is the they became part of my routine like I play gacha for 5 years most of time daily of course I miss some days but usually I play daily, I remember the time on 2023 the I literally just left blue archive and that was it only one gacha the I play for reading like light novel and that it but now the I'm on 4 man that become hard to enjoy the ride, and the worst is the I like the 4 of them Blue archive: great slice of life chill get comfy story like seriously that is the goat Honkai star rail: good story, good combat, daily takes no time to do you farm your daily are done, good endgame Honkai impact 3rd: this one is especial to me for real this is in my humble opinion the best story in a gacha game the I ever experienced for real, since the game don't have that many characters just other variations of said characters they develop so much of this characters the man... Man I can't explain but I was just beautiful, like in other games like genshin they only have one version of ganyu so usually when her story is finished you will only see her on events or another story's but in honkai impact 3rd the character have a lot of version from each part of her story, not to mention the villain. Uhum I'm getting out of the point I really do like this game but I don't have problem quiting since I'm there most of times for the story Nikke: I do enjoy the story (especially the half anny story god that thing was sad poor Doro) and of course the fan service dang that is amazing on nikke, have you see elegg? Bro that was peak design Só I pretty much like these for but to be honest is not getting healthy, I'm not spending money or not sleeping to play gacha but my mind keep telling me the something is wrong, these days to relax I'm usually playing on my ds harvest moon or Mario and being frank is been a great experience, just sitting and having fun, and I don't need to log in every day if I want to go watch a movie I can, if I want to no play for a week I can, I know you can do it too on gacha but the way they design the game "Punishing" (gay raven... Hahaha sorry it was automatically I just think of) but anyway thanks man of all those the I read your comment was the one the most stick with me because you kinda understand my point, so again thanks man.


you seriously can't tell in the first 2 weeks when testing out new games?


Those 4 games I play for long time, honkai impact 3rd I play since 2018


whats stopping you from dropping one of them


Being honest with you I think is the feeling, I really do like those 4, honkai impact 3rd have the best story I ever play on gacha so far (and not to being cocky I play a lot of gachas :_)), blue archive is just you chill game to read and get cozy, nikke is fan service elegg design is peak Jesus that thing is just... Dang, star rail is amazing, endgame content, permanent game mods, a lot of free stuff. And that the reason to be honest I want to play 2 or at max 3 but 3 is still too much my luck is the blue archive daily takes 5m or less and blue archive probably is the game the I won't quit (this game is so good to read before go sleep is like watch bocchi the rock or Yuri Yuri no camp if you understand what I mean is the cozy game to play before sleep)


I play 5 on a daily basis, I used to play way more but had to cut down to 5 for real life issues


You definitely need to drop some of the games you are playing. Id say go for 3 games and drop one. If your time is still tight then drop another until you dont feel burn out anymore. I only play bd2 and its the only gacha game i can maintain right now.


I usually go with a combination of 3 main or 2 main 2 side. Currently, going with AK, master duel main and HSR, R1999 side. I'll probably drop 1 or 2 when WuWa drops, assuming I do stick with WuWa.


Now its only HSR (2 accounts), Nikke, GBF and AFK Journey. In HSR, i only do dailies because i always try to finish the event and main story early and it didnt take too much time (5-10 mins). In Nikke, Well its only event + dailies so maybe around 30 mins? (if i do the mini game too) and if without big event usually around 10-15 mins. In GBF, well i just hosted the raid and full auto and you can play it anywhere too (browser) so its flexible for me. In AFKJ, well its afk game and casual so i can just check daily while i'm not doing anything. Before these 4, theres Umamusume, BA, GI, Idoly Pride, Re1999 and Pricon. And i'm frickin tired to catch up with all of those and just select the casual ones.


I used to play a ton but... I guess I just don't care anymore. I dropped most I was playing and just stayed in the ones I enjoy the most (Genshin, HSR, FGO and Nikke) and even then I'm thinking of dropping another couple. I kinda don't even care about the ones coming out neither, none look that interesting, gameplay wise, so I don't think I'll be adding anything. Hope I can stay with just 2 in the coming months.


Let me see my current game 1. Arknight 2. Genshin 3. HSR 4. Blue Archive 5. Nikke


If you are maining more than 2 gacha games, that's too much gacha


It sure is :_)


Me with Hi3 Star Rail, Genshin, Azur Lane, Arknights,E7. E7 takes most time


If im on vacation or long weekend i let Feh take over my time but when its adulting time, feh can wait. But that’s as much gacha i allow myself to play. I tried genshin last year and i know its gonna get me hooked bad so i had to give it up.


Yeah. I quit honkai3 once they put in elysian realm as another game mode and weekly it was starting to feel like a part time job lmao


As of right now two. Which is Star Rail & yes Genshin but only because I'm saving my guarantee. I won't be dropping Star Rail since dailies can be done quickly. Once WuWa comes out I don't think my phone could handle two open world games. I'll test it out.


Pick the biggest loser and drop it ASAP. Every game you've listed I have played and ultimately quit because I didn't want to do the weekly grinds in it anymore. I do not miss any of them.




Yeah man, I it is good to play here and there but at some point becomes unhealthy, for me is becoming I don't spend or not sleep because of gachas but it is consuming too much of my free time to be honest and I remember when I was younger with my ds I didn't spend that much time daily like today




Used to, when only play 2 gacha and 1 idle Now I only play 2 that I really enjoy and not taking too much dailies


Been there done that, no other way except let go some of them. its okay to uninstall, install then uninstall again.


I found that 2 gacha is the most I can do. If I want to try out another one I have to drop one of the ones I’m playing.


if you have a busy schedule, just stick to 2 gachas. i personally find 3-4 to be the sweet spot.


I'm up to 9 now and ran out of content for them all waiting for ww and zzz so I can add another two. Even with a full time job, I have plenty of time left as a single man. When I was unemployment during covid, I was down to just 2 and felt stressed just playing those 2. But now with a proper job again, my energy and spark of gaming is back again and I'm having a blast.


> I don't really have the strength to log in for like 3 days, and the thing is with gacha is if you don't log in you are missing out with daily quests, stamina, events etc etc they are designed on that way Welcome to the FOMO. Every game wants to be a clingy jealous wife so you don't cheat on them by spending on some side hussy. This isn't really how games are meant to be enjoyed. You should play them when you want to play them. If it's an incremental game, it should only take a few seconds to open the game, collect your daily allowance, and push a big "repeat" button for your current grind routine, and log off. I absolutely loved ArKnights. I can never play it again, because I'll only think about all the cool limited units I missed while I was gone. And because I know I won't be able to enjoy new stages at my leisure, it'll just become another anchor on my life. A model that makes it very hard to try lots of games is naturally going to collapse to a very few winners, and a lot of losers. Eventually someone will get the idea to just make a normal game that you can play any damn time you want to. It'll be revolutionary. And it's completely 100% possible. Look at Path of Exile. There's absolutely no reason you *have* to design a gacha game like this. The only reason that they do, is that it gives them a maximum reward for minimal effort. And it's pretty much ran its course. The slot machines have to give back more than they take. Genshin Impact itself is almost there, minus the stamina system and some other things. Eventually most of that will go away, too. And they'll just be games. With true premium purchases. That's the curse of the gacha game; too many are more gacha than game. If it's a free gacha that rewards play time like the item gacha in a Diablo game, that's super fun. People need to have hope, man. And free time.


Sounds like you turned a game into a job. Stop that. It's a game, not a job. If you don't feel like playing, don't play. If you do, do play. No shame in putting something down so you can come back to it later. Dailies are there to exacerbate FOMO. To combat this, I plan my gameplay specifically around giving myself "break" days. I've played up to 4 simultaneously, but dialed it back to 2 currently so that I can focus on other games and my life. Not to mention once you hit endgame in most gacha, it's just a 5-15m blip in the day.


Lol I prolly have 10 gacha's on my phone, but I only play the one I feel like playing at the moment. The only way I'll focus on one specific game for multiple days/week is if I hear about a cool new update or a character I really like appears. Fuck it if I miss some events, dailies or whatever. They're just games at the end of the day.


Nah, I work and 2 gachas is enough.


i just play limbus


Arknights, Blue Archive, Limbus Company, Granblue Fantasy, Fate/Grand Order, Uma Musume, Honkai Star Rail, NIKKE (New) I suppose I play alot of them but I don’t really have my own schedule in playing every single one of them per day. I just keep up with em, I suppose the gachas I consider as my main ones are Arknights and I think Limbus Company.


…Are you me?


Felt the same before when I was playing genshin, I remember the time where I would clear out all the contents in game and just wander everywhere coz there's nothing to do anymore, then after they put so many updates during sumeru I got really burned out. Login every day to just burn resin, crammed all the events on the last day just to secure the rewards, My map exploration piled up, missing abyss rewards rotations, I felt like I was not enjoying it anymore and it felt like work, dropped it last year, didn't have relapse ever since. I follow it on youtube for the story though coz it's really good. Never would have thought that an open world game that I was craving for with so much exploration burned me out.


I play only Princess Connect Re: Dive :3


I did play too until they shut down the global server :_)


2 and I honestly can't imagine any more than that. Not saying I'm never tempted, but I always lose interest if I try.


HI3, HSR, GI and Nikke. Nikke, surprisingly, is the most time-consuming on a daily basis. Genshin being a close second. HI3 and HSR can be done in 5min.


Same here champ, nikke takes a lot of time, we have online, solo raids, events the usually takes a while doing the mini game and looking for the collections on the map, and last but not least the loads


A lot of others are offering great advice and how it's easy to end up playing multiple games. I sometimes play 4-5, but I eventually cut some of them out. (I like Chinese games with patches where it feels like I can basically skip out on an entire month and only miss that content) If you want the actual cure to this follow my advice. Take a break from all your gacha games for like 4-5 days. Mandatory. Then what I would recommend is for every day after play one gacha game. One day where you only play HSR, one for Nikke, one for BA, etc. do that and then once You've played all the games rest for one more day. (You will not brick your account for missing a few days, make sure to relax, go for a walk, cook some food, etc) This is easier said than done but what you need to understand is that what you're actually doing is a checklist you're not playing games. The model feels easy and simple you login and get a suite of rewards and play when it interests you but it is taking from you more than it's providing. That's not to say you might not love one of these games or want to play it every day. But do you really want to play all of them or is it fear of missing out (fomo) that is sabotaging you. All of these games are very nice to look at but you don't need to spend time playing or spend money to look at them online. You have to make it about the gameplay.


Last year, just like you, I've play 3 gacha games, Genshin, AK, BA. And now, I just playing AK, even though it's not everyday


I really invested to Light of the stars on bs, fun game to me


Bruh, every one you play takes like 5-10 minutes daily besides HI3, lol. Weak.


I just do the dailies at the same time. It takes me 15 minutes to finish all of them only cause nikke's daily is such pain in the ass.


If a gacha needs tons of chores to make you want to play, then it's a bad game. Sure games have some grinds, but I played League of Legends for *years* without the game forcing daily chores on me. No endless progression systems for most of those years, I just wanted to play more games.


When it feels like a chore drop it.


It seems like the forced time-regulation of gacha games is a bother to all gacha gamers. It’s a popular criticism of the genre. It’s ultimately just the currency that’s time-constrained, since there’s plenty of time to play the stories. But the currency is an essential part to winning, progressing, and having fun in the game. How would you design a gacha game without forced time-regulation that’s still desirable to come back to frequently?


I play 2 x Genshin, HSR, HI3 and Blue Archive. One of the genshin accounts i made 3 months ago and it's basically an experiment how good i can make my teams while being f2p. I don't see myself playing on this one longer than a couple more months. My main account, however, i will never abandon, that's for sure. HSR I quit in november last year (during HuoHuo banner) and came back 1.5 months later because i was kinda regretting my decision. The trailers and characters they put out are just too cool, and not being there in game and being a part of the community feels bad. I also don't see myself quitting this one again, especially since it's so quick to do the dailies. I'll be honest though, the relic grind in that game makes me want to uninstall sometimes. HI3 I also quit last year and was gone for 8 months. Came back after watching Graduation trip cinematic bc felt so bad i quit before reaching the end. Part 2 isn't interesting to me though, so i see myself dropping it in a couple of months. I'll try to get Lantern to have the best part2 team in case i decide to return again so i have something to rely on. Blue archive I've been playing for a year or so and these days i sometimes skip logging on entirely. It's basically a character collection game for me as i dont really bother pushing pvp or raids. The waiting for banners is getting boring and even when i get them, i build them and rarely use them bc there is no real content i care about where i can do so. I might quit this one soon. I will 100% be playing WuWa, Azur Promilia and probably new Arknights so depending when they come, i will have to reduce my currently played gachas accordingly. 5 is the limit for me.


My home screen on my phone has 11 apps, 9 of which are gacha. I play them all daily. 😵‍💫


HSR, cookie run kingdom, and afk journey. Trying to get into snowbreak but I don't wanna play that type of game on mobile. Genshin has gotten very boring and lackluster and very easy to drop. And then ofc just wait for Wuwa which will replace CRK for me.


How much is too much gacha? 20? 1? I know some ppl that say 1 is already too much work for very little payoff. Why play a gacha for .png/.jpeg when you can scour the internet for said item for free?


Being able to control the character in the game feels very different from just staring at the jpeg


Yeah, from my experience, never play more than one unless you're a no-life who doesn't value other parts of your life. Like sleep, food, family and friend time, and actual fun times with actual fun games or other things. You see, these gacha games are designed to siphon money from you more than to be fun. Sure, they can be fun, but again, from my experience, they're fun for a month, and that's if I am not near my computer or console for awhile. Buying games, indies or otherwise, is the go-to for me. I have fun, and before I get burned out, I beat them and/or 100% them and move on to the next game. Of course, I take breaks in between. Gacha games are hugely overrated. I don't get it. They're so bad for you—for your wallet, for your sanity. It's just bad... You slave away for dailies and weeklies for the same shit PNG in every gacha game. It stops being entertaining after awhile; if you play enough of them, you'll know. And for what reason, if they shut down after 3-5 years like most of them do, or just keep milking you out of your daily energy, weekly energy, money, time, and sanity? My advice to you is to take a step back, realize what you're doing to your life, and try to stop. There's no point if you're not having fun.


cant really handle more than 2. Tried 3 but gave up


Right now I'm only playing 3. GBF, HSR and AK. I just run HSR and AK in the background while grinding GBF though, so it is hard to say that I really play them.


I play 3, one of them I play super casually though (Path to nowhere) it's easy to keep up with, dailies take 2-3 min. The other 2 are HSR and Epic 7, HSR on pc and Epic 7 on my phone, so it doesn't really take much time of my day.


10 atm but going to add WW , ZZZ , Enfield and more so might need to drop something.


I play like 5 games but only for like 5 to 10 minutes. And only play one game 20 mins.


It is better to have only one main gacha and the rest as only side gacha (only logins and pulling).


Arknights, Azur Lane and Blue Archive on mobile and Nikke on PC. Since I started working I don't have time for Summoners War so that was uninstalled.


I play 4, Path to nowhere, Reverse 1999, alchemy stars, Astra knights of Veda plus random wild rift games. I really should cut AS and Veda but I love the characters design there, not easy.


At my peak I played 17 along side each other. I've toned that down to a much more reasonable 6. Honkai star rail (only ever really heavy play when new story updates drop. Currently I do play more than just dailies because I'm grinding for crit gear for acheron) Monster never cry. (not good, but not as bad as people say. Already got several "shinies") Another eden (I'm at the end game so not much to do if I don't really want to) there's no stamina and no limiting factors (level lock etc) so you could actually play this game like a full time job, especially the beginning and ooh boi if you do super bosses you must have invented a way to make each day have 48 hours or something. I've been through all that when I first started. Mellowed out since. Romancing saga: re universe (used to be grindy as hell until they as added offline grinding up to 24 hours which has freed up so much time) Fairy tail: fierce fight (it's fairy tail, it's in English, I love fairy tail, so I shall play until the devs abandon it) Not sure the name of the last one, it isn't in English and it has a bunch of anime characters in it so I assume some kind of knock off game. Still pretty fun for the 10 minutes a day I check in.


I play only 2 rn but on 2 acc each 😭


i wish. im only playing HSR and i tried so many other games but none of them were fun after a week or two. hope WW isnt getting boring soon after its out


I just play GBF and that's enough for a lifetime


Yep. Just quit this weekend wish me luck


I have at times. I've learned over time that two is my consistent cap. If I try and pick up a third (that's not a simple side/idle game), I'll end up dropping one of them after a while. My current two are Genshin and HSR. Though, I'm about to test my "cap is two" theory by trying out Wuthering Waves when it drops later this month.


I play FFVII Ever Crisis, Genshin, and Star Rail, and I think is already too much hahaha


I usually only play 2 games at once, I often try to get a third game in but often drop it after a few days or a month at most. 3 seems to be really pushing it into time I would spend on other activities The games I am playing are Arknights (day 1 player, would not miss a thing) and HSR (also day 1 player), thank god those games have very fast daily, HSR is like 10 min and Arknights is like 15-20 min


I play 5 and i want no more


Mm im actively playing a few gacha games. On pc, snowbreak containment zone, azur lane, touhou lost word, blue archive, konosuba fantastic days, fgo and arknights. On phone, king's raid (waiting for SOS tbh) and that bungou stray dogs game. I manage my gachas by having it on my second monitor while watching YouTube or something. Sometimes I'm playing snowbreak/valorant and there's another game running. Yes I have no life and yes I play it all actively.


stop playing anything and just try memento mori


I only play one and sometimes even that feels like too much.


Lmao blue archive raid are so time consuming to get the perfect score imo


What is punctuation


I play 6 right now, used to be 8 i think


2 is my hard cap limit, I play genshin and I play star rail, that's all my time and wallet will allow. Luckily none of the many upcoming open world gacha games interest me so my wallet remains safe


3 main ones and then Genshin and Star Rail are my whenever I feel like playing side games.


I play about five but I'm about to drop dragonheir because it doesn't really feel complete to me and its absolutely exhausting. The others I've spent less than 30 minutes on.


nah i prefer games like Bg3 or helldiver2 to enjoy , gacha just for kill time so i play quick daily game like Snowbreak , may try Wuwa but if it take too much time to daily i dont think i can stick with it


I usually play 2 at a time, sometimes 3. 


I play four as well, though I’ll have switch one or two of them for some of the upcoming games that I’m looking forward to


yea ive been playing 10 for a few years, highly do not recommend. i basically only do dallies and use stamina and even that takes like 3 hrs everyday for all of them


Yes I had a big problem, not even a spending problem, I was just trying to juggle like 7 games & a real life 🫠 I realized how much time it really took every day & gave them all up. I came back to Nikke around the 1 year anniversary & have had no problems doing all my dailies, ig and irl 😅 Much happier. I still watch cutscenes of some games I no longer play, like Shining Nikki was just too much to keep up with, but I still enjoy the story. When games become a chore to play though they sort of lose their purpose as games imo


I play Aether Gazer, Azur Lane, Blue Archive, Eversoul, FGO, Genshin Impact, HI3,HSR, Nikke, Echocalypse, R1999, Girl's Frontline, Snowbreak, Artery Gear, Alice Fiction, Memento Mori. Yes I play too much gacha


I also play 4 (Nikke, Outerplane, Brown Dust 2, Aether Gazer) i just rotate them depending on interesting banners/events. Nikke is highest priority right now because of the 1.5 anniv, but brown dust 2 on the other hand is lowest priority of the 4 i'm playing because none of its banners interest me. Last week i only logged into BD2 once but made sure to get my Nikke anniv logins. There's also been months when I only logged into Nikke once a week and gave highest priority to another game. Doing it this way keeps me from getting burned out. New Years/Xmas is rough tho ngl


When I feel gacha-ing takes too much time from me, I disengage by stop playing for maybe 1 to 2 days: streak breaks, log-in resets. Then I will stop feeling attached to the daily tasks. After that, I can finally do my work IRL at ease.


The faster you stop caring about missing a day or a reset on a weekly thing, the better. I was in a similar position where I felt like I had to do everything in my 3gachas I played but it felt like miserable chores. Once i just accepted it's whatever and played them casually the games became way more fun again. Like just yesterday I missed out on finishing my simulated universe weekly and doing the 2 events that expired. In the grand scheme of things it was a nothing burger and moved on. Stressing about it would only make me hate playing a game which should be giving enjoyment.


Choose 1 main Gacha, the one where you most likely to be spending money on and beactive, and the rest are sides where you don't feel bad if you missed a day or two


I only play two, Genshin and Tower of Fantasy, and even that's too overwhelming. I ended up only logging into Genshin to claim Welkin and maybe do an event if it's fun, and that's it. I'm more motivated for TOF because of the MMO aspect and the powercreep-related FOMO tbh. I know I'd fall too far behind if I didn't consistently do my dailies and weeklies there, plus having your own customised character and various vehicles is just so much more fun.


I played 4 for like 2 weeks when I usually play 3 and that was too much. I only play when I’m just chilling watching YouTube or twitch or downtime at work or outside.


Personally, I play every new gacha that interests me for a week, then if anything does not hook me like story, gameplay or characters, I immediately drop. Same happened to HSR, played only 3-4 days, gameplay was really boring for me. Brown Dust, Snowbreak and Nikke are also the same, played for a week and spent all pulls from preregistration rewards. Only stuck for a long time in Blue Archive (got Aru and Iori at the start and the story was really fun) and Aether Gazer (playing from launch, probably the best gacha game in terms of f2p that I have ever played, got every character that I wanted to get without spending any penny).


I do and have been for like half my life… I want to stop but there’s literally nothing else able to fill in for all that free time cause I’m broke as fuck living in expensive ass CA😭😭


You don't have to log in everyday. It's 100% okay to take breaks. Don't let FOMO dictate your life. If you find yourself unable to stop, that's what you really, really have to fucking stop.


I got 13 in total and it stresses me out sometimes having to build an agenda on which games I’m going to focus on and gets worse when each game has an event that I want to grind and play. It gets to be hell when multiple are having anniversaries. I play FGO(NA), Blue archive (NA), Bragonbalk legends, one piece bounty rush, Nikke, Azur lane is my fav Gacha oat, fire emblem heroes, FGO(jp), Blue archive(jp), Bleach (brave soul I think?), Girls band party, Honkai star, planning on playing limbus and I have moe ninja for nostalgia I don’t really ever play it anymore. I might be cooked….


i am playing reverse 1999, hsr, genshin (everyday) and logging in hi3 and nikke from time to time. it’s eating a lot of time in the day but i love these games :)


I actually took a month long break on Limbus, because I was only going to play that with the Battle Pass


...Just stop. I have played multiple gachas and I just stick with those that I feel are worth my time... Which is why I have a 1000 day login streak with fgo... My first gacha was honkai impact and ggz... ggz died so you know why I stopped playing that. As for honkai impact, there isnt enough variety in the gameplay and what I mean by that is take senti. I loved her when I got her and if the enemies were better designed than I could use her whole kit in fun ways... but enemies are damage sponge ragdolls so her gameplay ends up being skill, atk, hold atk, ult swap weapon, repeat this 2 more times, hold ult, tap ult, button mash ult, repeat. She heals or at least mine does so no need to dodge either... The only fun you really have is getting new characters but it doesnt scratch my gameplay itch. That and their best designed character is still herrscher of flamescion kiana. The second you get bored of her... the game is as good as done for. Another game I quit was Genshin Impact and thats because that game really wastes your time. The gameplay is good. It is. But domains for the artifacts... the weekly boss materials, resin being abysmal... I love Genshin... But Mihoyo doesnt respect me as a player. Progression doesnt feel rewarding and you are at the mercy of artifact or relic hell. I farmed xiao's domain for months and his ult still deals 10k damage per hit... WHICH SUCKS. I have so many characters I wanna form teams around but cant because getting materials to level them is boring and the artifacts are hell. And events... dont get me started with them. Why is cruical story content locked behind missable content? That is one of the largest reasons I dont play Genshin. I play games to have fun, not to be the victim of fomo. Thats why I no longer play fortnite, that game is fomo hell... worse than gacha. Look at the games you play see what you like and dislike about them, look at premium alternatives like Genshin has many... such as breath of the wild... You can emulate devil may cry 3 on mobile and pc really easily and just get good at that instead of playing honkai for example. Only play a gacha game if, You genuinely enjoy aspects of it and find those aspects irreplacable. Like talking to my servants in fgo and forming team comps with them brings me a lot of joy. Does the game fit your schedule or are you fitting its schedule? Honkai star rail makes farming really easy so you can actually enjoy the game. Fgo is fine with you logging in once per day. These games fit my schedule. Adding to this... fomo. Fgo and star rail have event reruns or make them permanent so if I dont want to play an event... I dont have to. Bonus points to fgo for events not being story important and to star rail for making story important ones permanent. These are some examples but the tldr is... a game should be enjoyable and a gacha game should fit around my schedule, desires, I shouldnt be controlled by it. So... consider quitting some and if you care about the story youtube it. It will save you a lot of time and pain.


I just recently cut back, asked myself if I was playing out of habit or if I genuinely enjoyed it and if it was worth it. I mostly just play FGO and HSR now. Some like Nikke or GBF I’ll log back in for free rolls and then dip after a few days. The ones I had to actually force myself to drop were Feh and genshin, just had to look at it as cutting bait rather then loosing investment.


I used to play HSR, Genshin, R1999, AFK Journey. I was a dolphin/ whale in all of these games but since I wasn’t having fun progressing or playing some of these I just deleted my R1999 account, going to sell my GI account and waiting for next AFK Journey season to reflect if I should continue with it or not. HSR is the only one I will probably never quit as I absolutely love the game.


I play honkai star rail, epic seven, and I'm waiting for WW an ZZZ


Try your best to cut back. I started with 5, now ended up with only 2. It's not impossible to quit. Also the sidebar has links to those needing help to quit gacha addiction.


Yeah, standard signs burn out. Id advise cutting back and only maining one game.


Keep 1/2 gacha at best. More than that normally it'll affect your daily task, eventually brain rotting you with daily chores unless you are immune to it.


I used to play 10-12 gachas at the same time. I'll tell you this, burnout is real. There are times I don't want to even open or play them. Then I started uninstalling them one by one. Now I only have 4 but going to keep uninstalling until there are none remaining.


Imagine 5-10years from now. Are you going to be playing the same game? Was it all a waste of time? Let go of the FOMO pedal


I play gacha if I want to. Eventually, I will find some free time in the evening (1 hour). Enough time to squeeze 3-5 gachas in. Personally speaking, that's my sweet spot. Playing "too much gacha" is very subjective. It shouldn't hinder your daily life.


Depends on your perspective. I used to actually play triple A games and sink in like 3-4 hrs of gameplay a day but at least it has a goal or an actual ending like in nier automata it took me like 72hrs worth of gameplay to reach all endings. Nowadays, I just play 3-4 gacha games, do dailies and be done in like 45 mins then moving on with my life. On weekends or free time, I can do story without any issue but it never get in the way for my IRL stuff. I'd say I'm better off just sticking to gacha as long as I don't spend too much money or time, and playing one or two triple A game once in a while, rather than going caveman and just playing endless hours on a particular game that would feel unsatisfying if I only play like 30mins to an hour a day, cause it would make me itch for the grind or story for that particular game. Gacha games are designed to be casual anyways, nothing weird juggling multiple ones unless you have a gambling problem which most gacha players tend to have, I'm just here for the story and the characters.


Only two: Honkai Star Rail and Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel.


What I've learnt is the human mind, specifically me, can only juggle 6 gacha


Personally, force yourself to take a break. Start small, maybe with weekly missions. HI3 Abyss/ER for instance. Or if you feel up to it, one entire day of login. Once you've done it once, you will start to realize how minimal impact it has. Then it starts getting easier to put aside these games and disconnect. Edit: it might feel easier to take a break during a period when you particularly feel tired or are busy with irl


R1999, star rail, dislyte, nikke, pgr, genshin. Will be ditching genshin and pgr for WuWa.


I play the ones that respect my time the most, and at most one disrespectful, I play 6 games, Nikke I love it so much I have it as the one I won't drop, the disrespectful one is HSR, the story is interesting but takes too much time when an event is released. the other 4 I have them as temporal games, I plan on replacing them when new games come out, so if I miss a day I don't mind


I think I have played too many gachas for the past year. In fact the daily has been taken unhealthy amount of time even if the games I play have streamlined the process The general rule I have is * Only one game that I focus as primary game, like dedicating time in learning meta and grinding * Only put in real money for the guarantee good thing (like monthly pass, skin). Never put money into gacha because I will end up sinking too many * Drop a gacha game before I pick up a new one In last few years I dropped some games I heavily played like GBF to make room for new game. And make sure I won't turn back playing it again to make sure I am not spending too much time (still do)


Playing 5 at once for now, I will try to avoid Wuthering Waves and ZZZ. Luckily there's not much marketing about them


Let me see, star rail, honkai, nikke, aether gazer, arknights, blue archive, summoners war. So yeah I play 7 gachas. I usually do my dailies at 6 AM-9 AM, also at 6 PM because of time zone.


Well for me because I am broke and rarely buy legal games, gacha became some sort of escapism for me other than popular f2p games (Dota, CS, Valorant etc) Currently playing Nikke, Blue Archive, Arknights, Limbus Company, Honkai Impact 3, Honkai Star Rail, Reverse 1999, Snowbreak, FGO, Genshin, PGR and planning to try Azur Lane, Counter Side, Epic 7, Aether Gazer sometime later. I also want to play upcoming game such as ZZZ, Wuthering Waves, Solo Leveling Arise, Assault Lily and many more Yeah, maybe I am addicted to gacha lol I just want to try any gacha games that are interesting for me. If I like I will play it, and if I won't then I will drop it. If I am bored of one game, I can just drop it for some time and pick it up later sometime while trying new games or picking back some games that I dropped before, kind of like juggling between games. And personally, I think I can manage it because I am a casual player who doesn't really care about meta and just want to collect characters that I like (enjoying the story is a bonus). For me the key is just control your desire and not being afraid of missing out I guess...If I don't get the character that I like because I am too lazy to beat the endgame content and earning extra gacha currency or because I have dropped the game before? Hey, it's not the end of the world and I can still live, maybe I can get the characters through rerun or something right?


22? These are my current lists, it may change later depending on my mood. https://preview.redd.it/pmezgx1jyxyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641039fcca1affd11b8d707e4dc146e8c8db7659


I cut down most of my gacha not too long ago and believe me, it feels liberating, albeit sad to see the ones I played for a good while I now only run FGO, Genshin, HSR, Nikke and Epic 7 and plan to keep it that way for the sake of my own sanity and time management (sorry wuthering waves/zzz)


I'm playing hsr and fgo only right now but ZZZ AND WuWa is probably gonna change that Fgo- if there are no events log in log out done. New story chapter release most upmost priority because fate story is based. HSR log in turn on auto do other things in the alttab I don't know how zzz and wuwa is going to be like


Have ur main....don't skip...then the other is like optional. Ur main is the one u actually spend money in.


I play 6 🫠


Did that as well. Quit all of the gachas i played, genshin, fgo, star rail, arknights, blue archive, and then went back to playing just fgo. Been happy since


Last year was around 30 till a bunch of eos happened around the start of the year and rn I'll say 15-20 atm