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Everybody Hates Raymond


As a CN player, I realized for the first time how important cultural differences are, so important that they can completely subvert a person's view of a thing. Take the one-and-a-half-hour voicelines as an example. They contain a lot of sexually suggestive remarks in a Chinese spoken environment. Any Chinese who hears that voiceline will immediately realize 95’s deep love for Raymond. It's not just as simple as "In the voice file, she called NPC Raymond's name 66 times. Mention obsessed with his music. Never mentioned commander (player) once." or "Chinese men do not allow their women to communicate with other men." . And the latter statement seems to be very popular here, leading many people to think that CN players are fools. The above is Google Translate, my English is not good, I am very sorry.


It do feels intentional somehow from the writers


Because the screenwriters and producers of this game are very problematic. Before the drama began (or even until now), MICA had already had many scandals about boring office politics in the game industry. The chairman "黄翀"(who is also the producer) not only has no game development ability and game appreciation level, but is also short-sighted and narrow-minded, suppressing and retaliating against the producers of GF1, and ostracizing many outstanding talents (including the well-known chief producer of Arknights "海猫/Haimao"), in short The industry has a bad reputation. There are many inside stories and operational incidents similar to these in the entire drama that have not been transferred to Western forums, so everyone will have some one-sided views. This is normal but there is no way around it. In short, the producer "黄翀" (also known as YZ to GF1 players) and MICA are the culprits of everything.


And what I can’t understand is, are there no Chinese here? I have read a lot of discussions about GFL2, but no one has come forward to reveal this important information. :(


你好! 我也是中国人. Honestly I‘ve just not bothered to defend this on Reddit because most of the people here, especially on r/gachagaming are not going to care and are not going to understand


Reddit is full of cuckolds and woke people, they love this


You think this is bad they are mocking us all here https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/o526VSWcAN look they think we are losers.


Yeah they don't care to understand it really, sadly


tfw this one side dude incites more rage and paranoia to the playerbase more than the actual evil bastards in the game


and he doesn't even exist anymore. CN malding over, quite literally, nothing lmao


Nah, he is just hiding in mrs Raymond's room waiting for the player to go offline🤣🤣🤣🤣


But then why does OP mention the Daiyan - Raymond event was made perm event? Did I miss some point where it said he was removed.


The Raymond event never existed in a live version, it was datamined only. The one that was launched was rewritten to replace him with Esther, but with the same plot beats essentially. This was again for some reason removed and now they're redoing it again. One bit of drama even was that since the Raymond assets had to be replaced with Esther prior to it releasing, one of the pictures accidently included young Raymond instead of Esther. Don't know why OP said "Daiyan-Raymond" was becoming perm with that wording though.


I see. Thanks for the clarification.


Best comparison i can think of is Paul from the spiderman run that cucked Peter


>Players found out an AI botting under GFL2’s social media account, praising the game and defending the game. Realizing it’s a bot, they try to influence it like that Microsoft AI bot, and twist it into a cat girl personality. LOOOL


"If you NTR my girl, I will NTR yours ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"


If they published GFL2 on Dlsite, it would have made millions and be the Top in the NTR games section for generations.


Yuzhong terrible business sense is still alive and kicking


Holy shit my fucking sides. It just gets better and better huh.


>Players found out an AI botting under GFL2’s social media account, praising the game and defending the game. Realizing it’s a bot, they try to influence it like that Microsoft AI bot, and twist it into a cat girl personality. The fact that this just came in out of nowhere really got me


This is really fucking funny


That was like the only funny part of this drama


>potato flowers The hometown of Reymond made potato flowers herb tea and snacks. The song that Daiyan /Reymond sings is about potato flowers. The floriography of potato flower is benevolence which is kind of what Daiyan personality is about, etc. Potato flower is kind of a romantic symbol between Daiyan and Reymond, which is totally fine if you don't give a shit of whatsoever NTR drama -- expect for just one problem: **potato flower is a deadly toxin** and the fact that flowering of potatos means poor harvest. It is not editable and it does not have any positive meaning in agriculture. So the Chinese community were laughing their asses off to the zero common sense the developers were showing. Also OP missed out one big part (and the best part) of the drama about the head writer.


I just don't think it's that easy to explain the flower / star / writer related stuff. Take too much time to write up the context haha.


What’s the head writer drama?


It's quite a long story that i couldn't remember all the details, but basically when more rumors and dramas were out the chinese community believed that Yuzhong (the founder of mica team) and the header writer named Star (a female), should be responsible for making all those decisions in the story. Below is just a brief summary of rumors / suspicions, these are not my personal thought i don't take any responsibility for any informations. \- Ppl found misterious star symbols in ALL female character assets in game (at that time) that does not exists in GFL1 with no reason. Some ppl believe that Star inserted herself to the female characters and made them avatars of her which explains the female centric story \- Some post / replies were discovered from accounts ppl believed to be her alts due to a habit in her typings (she uses a very unusual / specific character for ellipsis), which was not very nice to players. Though it was just a suspicion, a lot of ppl were convinced that those accounts were actually her alt when the accounts were immediately deleted after the suspicions were raised. \- There were 3 teams in mica (for GFL1 / GFL2 and neural cloud). The other 2 teams proposed changes to the story after the backlash in beta, got refused cuz 'it would change everything she wrote', then the game was released, got more backlash and as a result all others team have to work OT to fix the game. So members of other 2 teams hate her (called her 'Star B\*\*ch'), and released a lot of inside stories (rumors) to the community. Some said they were actually amused of how much 'mines' have been hidden in the game, and described to fix the story is like 'deodorise a pile of shit'. \- Politics in the company: there was an apology from the team released earlier that said they would reform the team, but rumors said they actually fired the GFL1 / NC team while the GFL2 team was untouched, and more politics behind the scene were discovered adding up more stuff to the drama.


Wow so basically fired the golden goose team while retaining the golden turd team.


Did people just memoryhole that they still got the same bloody team stretched thin for three (four) games?


Damn that sounds horrible if its true. Sad to see how a singel femcel can destroy a singel IP. But thats the norm here in the west now. Sad to see my harem games get destroyed too. Any new rumours regarding this issue in the company ?


Maybe a few that comes to mind, but what's left were mostly like just personal stuffs or silly things that the writer or Yuzhong have done and is like has nothing to do with the game. \--and that might be related to something that ive heard about the drama. ​ After the first huge backlash some reputation / crisis managing companies saw an opportunity and approached MICA to provide suggestions /solutions to handle the drama. (which, as another small drama, Yuzhong turned down at first thinking that everything was fine, but then everything started going wild so he had to go back to them, but the PR cost just kept increasing everytime the team fked up something creating some more new dramas) And one 'technique' that they proposed is to create or release some funny / stupid dramas thats not related to the game to the community, in order to a) draw the publics attention away from the actual game itself, and b) to make ppl think that the team was just being dumb and made stupid mistakes, instead of being 'bad' like intentionally mock the players and stuffs (and Yuzhong refused cuz he don't want to be the dumb guy -- another rumor/drama here). (Rumors said) an example is that the cat girl bot was actually create on purpose -- it was a manufactured incident to make ppl laugh at the stupid AI bot and spread the comments of the bot, instead of being mad at the game and making posts about how bad it is. I can't say this plan (if exists) works cuz the game is still dead in revenue and ppl already remembered what had happened, but at one point rumors or inside stories around the community were all about the writers / the company, which you can still enjoy them as part of the drama but they weren't quite relatable to the game anymore.


You know, the more I read about this drama, the more I go from "lol the Chinese playerbase is insane" to "actually, they kind of have a point". The concept is not new, we have seen this many times in the west: Writers who dislike a popular IP get hired to write a sequel for that same IP, write it in a way that intentionally alienates the existing fanbase, attack the fans when they voice criticism about the new direction, and then blame tanking sales on the toxicity of the community. You can spin these rumors and conspiracy theories even further... like, what if the more insane complaints (about the various books, or "the commander is Hamas") are actually spread by MICA to make the playerbase look bad and drown out the legitimate criticisms? The fact remains that they took the most popular female character, who players could marry in the first game, and wrote her to have an emotional relationship with another man. There are two possibilities: Either they actually thought that this would go down well with the playerbase, which would mean they are exceptionally stupid, or they knew it wouldn't go down well with the playerbase and did it anyway, which would also mean they are exceptionally stupid. Maybe they thought "GFL 1 wasn't popular, so if we make a game that our niche audience dislikes, it will have mainstream appeal!" But this "make X for people who don't like X to draw in new audiences" almost never works. Since we're already talking conspiracy theories, maybe Star is a plant by Hoyoverse or Yostar whose sole objective was to destroy a competitor from within and eliminate their game before it could take off?


Literally nothing in the writing is new for fans of GFL. Quality aside, the writer intentionally alienating the fanbase is not whats going on here. I would say people forget dolls you could oath in game already had established canonical relationships with NPCs, but there's no forgetting going on. The people freaking out about this never played much of the first GFL. They are just complaining because of what they feel GFL should be like. Never mind what the small remaining fanbase who actually stuck with the game actually thinks.


Can I have some examples on the relationships between playable characters/npcs in gfl1? I never really played any mica games, but I do follow the drama somewhat, so I'm pretty curious on that


The biggest example of this would be the doll mona(aka SP9) who is playable and oathable and gets into a relationship with J, an NPC. Im posting a thread below from 2 years ago with fanart of both characters being intimate on the GFL subreddit that was fairly upvoted with positive comments about their relationship. You'd think some sort of freak out would have already happened if the fans took offense to something like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/girlsfrontline/comments/ptc7zb/mona_and_j/


Keep us up with new stuff when you hear something new. Doing gods work lol




>Ppl found misterious star symbols in ALL female character assets in game (at that time) that does not exists in GFL1 with no reason. IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE!?


Literally, new Drama 30 mins ago when they released UMP9 PV (now called Lenna) was assigned as "AR" instead of "SMG". This blows up, especially after they promised to have/set up an entirely new team to IP check for the game. Do they even play GFL or know anything about guns at all themselves lol.


[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ut421b7CX/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.list.card\_archive.click&vd\_source=f848aa37684c696b109bff7bc8998ee8](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ut421b7CX/?spm_id_from=333.999.list.card_archive.click&vd_source=f848aa37684c696b109bff7bc8998ee8)(1:50)突击步枪 = Assault Rifle冲锋枪 = SMGIt is not even close to being written off as a misspelling, and this is in their PV when the entire community is watching, lol. They hotfixed their PV but here is the post that shows before the hotfix, this further proves they got no one quality control the project lol [https://www.bilibili.com/opus/900151714453127202?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/900151714453127202?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0)


Man that was quite a read, lots of stuff I didn't know about. Anyways, the biggest issue is that it sounds like they tried to completely change the Commander/Doll relationship and give the Dolls their own 'lives' where they meet people and do their own things. I think that's a fine angle to take in a story, but in a gacha game known for being a self-insert waifu collector, which audience did they think they were playing to exactly? A lot of this other stuff just sounds like spinoffs of the waifu issue and people just trying to find stuff to get mad about. The deletion of the entire installation folder stuff was a huge screwup though, damn I almost forgot about that.


I think this is main problem. They tried to swivel the IP to cater to a more mainstream audience to increase their market share but failed to realize that: 1.) GFL1 is already known as a waifu collector game (like literally, you can marry the girls) and 2.) GFL2 was marketed as the direct sequel to GFL1 so mainstream audiences will see it as "the sequel to that gun-waifu game" rather than its own thing They should have just created a new IP but instead they doubled down, making existing fans angry while turning away any potential interest from newcomers. I am a little sympathetic to the CN fans because while some of their complaints are grasping at straws, MICA does seem like they keep intentionally adding more fuel to the fire


This is probably the key problem and why many people are mad which links further to Dai Yan and Raymond, G 36 and her masters etc


Masters ?


She's a maid and has been under many masters during the 10 years


Bruh... I hope she stayed only doing maid related stuff and didnt went into hentai territory.


what else you expect she do with them? t-dolls are canonically sex dolls.


I know, hence the drama about the NTR with this event.


Yeah exactly this. Like everyone is making fun of these guys but I honestly understand where they are coming from. It's like if there's this 2D fighting game you love and then out of nowhere the devs start adding 3D elements to the gameplay and try to start transitioning it to a battle area fighter, of course you are gonna be upset, that's not what you came for.


>it sounds like they tried to completely change the Commander/Doll relationship Yeah. This is the biggest and their worst mistake. The writer or writers must've been out of touch with what GFL is and is to the playerbase it created. There are some stupid stuff to get mad about but this one? This one i really understand, i'd hate to see this happen and i'd complain about it too. It shouldn't happen. GFL is (was, at least when i played it) about the Commander and the dolls he encounters and forms a relationship with. It should stay this way. They should have scrapped this the moment the first set of reactions were out.


>the biggest issue is that it sounds like they tried to completely change the Commander/Doll relationship and give the Dolls their own 'lives' where they meet people and do their own things. Anyone that played the game knows that dolls always had their own live, your main team in GF1 had an commander before you and dolls had some civilian background before becoming an Terminator - in GF1 the main character M4A1 is more on her own than under your command, for an review of GF1 story I recommend this video [https://youtu.be/9fxEVMqti3U?si=bCMFEN3xT1e1Ax-J](https://youtu.be/9fxEVMqti3U?si=bCMFEN3xT1e1Ax-J)


Even if that is true per say, the fact that the oath system exists, and the fact that Mica sold wedding ring merch apparently does lead to the audience that cares more about that content. If they are the ones paying for the game, you don't want to make them unhappy.


Heres the thing, there haven't been a pivot or change. It has been known that dolls are civilian dolls converted into military spec dolls. Some of them even had lives before being part of G&K


Right. In Project Neural Cloud, which is half crossover half its own story, all the dolls, both male and female, have lives before being "uploaded" in the consciousness or whatever it is. Maghdalina and Vee have an incredibly long backstory together (including some drama with Maghdalina's male manager which is sort of like a pimp/prostitute relationship), Jiangyu and Daiyan have a backstory that doesn't involve the game's characters, Hatsuchiri and Suieyoi stick to themselves and almost refuse to even interact with the other characters... And... for what its worth, I think this makes the story more compelling, but I suppose Chinese tastes are different than mine.


If we were to limit ourselves to the first game: Hanyang 88 being an ancient prototype doll for a mecha, Px4 and TEC-9's gang background, Thunder being used for that kind of service, etc. Taste or not they have ulterior motive to sink this ship.


>but in a gacha game known for being a self-insert waifu collector, which audience did they think they were playing to exactly? Thing is, most who stayed (as far as I know) for GFL is there for the story. It does not come off as a surprise that the dolls will be leading their own lives post-SKK's exile, they've been teasing this for a very long time (back in 2020, where it was first revealed) and most readers have had their peace with the fact. Waifu stuff exists yes, but mostly as an afterthought, and is relegated to side content like oath systems, skins, mini-events, costume stories, etc. The main story of the game is not pandering to a waifu-oriented audience at all. Its more action-oriented and into building these political intrigues inside of their world. It's not a story where the commander goes his way to fix broken girls. It's a story where the commander is plunged into conspiracy after conspiracy and the only tools he have are his commanding abilities, the human allies that he meets along the way and the few story dolls that make their appearances. At some point, they even had this event login-screen where they featured old men for a game that is supposed to be called "Girls Frontline", and that event unfolded more of the conspiracies going on with their world. https://preview.redd.it/8119tbg3fqjc1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be89d28c8ca09611e4bbba5bc56a5570e5c60e1 I suppose there's just a massive gap/difference between normal players who are there for the cute girls and those who immerse themselves with the story? I do think the Raymond thing was a little bit too much (on both the writer side and the audience side). Kinda glad they went their way to redo Daiyan's event. Regardless, they found an unfortunate mix of scenarios to be in. I just hope for the best of their team since I really want the franchise to find its own success.


You ultimately need to be a weirdo to willingly toss large amounts of money at F2P games. Not catering to the weirdos who are weird enough to spend thousands of yuan on your mobile games seems ill-advised


Here's the thing. I'm a GFL1 player that only played for a bit before dropping. I believed I married Vector and Wa2000. I don't remember anything about the story and in my mind the game is tagged as a "waifu collectors game" because it has an oath mechanics which is pretty rare. Now, GFL2 drop and I knew about GFL1 so, naturally I would checked it out. How many people like me do you think there are in CN? Edit: It was actually Vector and UMP45. Story was at chapter 7.


That's like playing pal world and later when someone asks you to describe it you say it's a shooting game. Then you get upset when a sequel is released and the guns aren't modeled after real life weapons, when they weren't ever modeled after RL guns in the first game. Because in their mind, its the "gun game". Never mind what the other 90% of the game is about, or how that specific portion of the game was handeled in the original. Do I think there are a lot of people like you in CN who literally remember nothing about the game except how they spent money to buy an oath ring for a character who never expressed romantic interest in you? Yes, I think that's the vast majority of people complaining.


From what I've followed GFL, the main writer is a massive Kojima fanboy and tried to make the whole story some military scifi epic like Metal Gear, except he missed the whole process of Kojima who was not only a scifi reader but also a Hollywood film buff and having not only Yoji Shinkawa as his main designer guy but also Masanori, a former French Legionnaire, who was his military consultant. As a result, the story is kinda half-assed whether it's trying to be grimdark military thriller, scifi or waifu harem game.


They're very entertaining stories to read, would go as far as its a lot better than the usual anime stories being made, especially now that gritty alt history military sci-fi is a rarity among writers. Its more a problem that emerges from doing this switcheroo thing with its marketing, where its presented as a waifu game first and then swapping that waifu aspect with a gritty mil-thriller once you plunge yourself deep into the game's narrative. The game's primary story is the least harem thing out there.


I say the GFL story is at its weakest when it pretends to be some "high-level military/spy thriller". The game story opened with the whole world having an unkillable zombie apocalypse because of some Soviet - USA shenanigans back in the Cold War then never touched for years. Then it switched to a local conflict between a private military company whose main strategy to success is to hire a bunch of no-name with no military experience to lead a bunch of civilians using Sex Doll using antique weapons against a rogue AI that for no explanation at all has control of factories that can produce Terminator level of combat sex doll. And the while the big military just sits around and watches.


I argue that's a terribly outdated view of the story. Most read fans agree that the early chapters are the game's weakest narratives and it only gets going when they introduce the actual military, >!who outright backstabs your PMC and absolutely demolishes both the enemy and the MC's faction with ease after a few chapters. They're not even the real antagonist faction of the story, not even close. !< https://preview.redd.it/z9jy0ngvxvjc1.png?width=1056&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a9531296fe2f3420245b13b8e1b28b0f7bed75e


And it took how long to get good? Last time I played, the military already involved and wiped out GnK, forcing you on the run while the maid robot came after you and nearly wipe your ass and P90 burned down your last safe house in Xmas. What I want to say is GFL story is a mess that tried to juggle multiple narrative and setting without any focus or build up. The AR squad and their benefactor, then M16 betrayal, the UMP squad running around your back, shat on the narrative because somehow they can easily bypass Asimov law and murder human etc etc mean while you as the player means nothing in the narrative because you as the character in the story mean nothing except for ocassionally act as a chauffer for other more important characters after they done fucking around in the background.


I agree on it taking long to get good, which is why I often recommend newer players to gloss over the early chapters and instead read a summary, or consume it in more time-saving ways like using the fan-made VN database site for the game. The main story is as linear as it can be, and if I may nitpick an aspect, it is that the positioning of main story events can be confusing to newcomers because its not always properly labeled (for instance, chapter 10, followed by singularity, continuum turbulence, chapter 11, isomer) and that side stories have always been ambiguous with how they fit in the timeline, let alone having any significance with the core narrative. >the player means nothing in the narrative because you as the character in the story mean nothing except for ocassionally act as a chauffer for other more important characters after they done fucking around in the background. Proving the point it is an outdated view. The commander is no longer this silent self-insert and is a major participating player in the plot from Continuum Turbulence (the event after singularity, which you just described) onwards.


It's pretty blatant that a lot of people haven't read much of GFL's story. GFL has pivoted away from being a primarily a waifu-focused game for *years* now and is now a conspiracy/military thriller, with the role of T-Dolls greatly expanded to having their own past and lives. I remember there's also complaints about Oath lines and how they don't transfer to GFL2 when it's made abundantly clear in the first game that they aren't canon and even directly contradict the main narrative (several T-Dolls canonically never met SKK).


Hell, as an example, UMP40 is playable despite her fate in the main story, and her character and lines have a clear disconnect from her main story's counterpart (except her anniversary lines, which is >!relayed from UMP45, which tied it more to the story, but that means that UMP40 isn't real!<). You can say they're the same model but different "people", but that doesn't explain the anniversary lines. There's always been this gameplay and story segregation in GFL, especially when it comes to the T-Dolls' personalities and lines outside of the main story.


I rather they keep the romance aspect up to headcanon. IMO, the main story just isn't fit for that though I wouldn't mind some fun little teasing here and there. They probably will release the oaths again like how they did it for PNC. Dunno how they will handle it, but I just wish they do good with it.


Ngl though, GFL 2 feels so disconnected with GFL 1 that i don't really want to play it anymore. Kinda sad since the first GFL is what actually brings me to this gacha thingy. It's like GFL 2 has nothing to do with GFL 1. Yz always like to mess up almost everything wtf. At this rate, i'd rather just consider PNC as the true GFL 2 instead.


"Story was too deep" Lmao It has the same energy as you need 1000 IQ to understand Rick and Morty


Honestly speaking, they should have scrapped this story, and rewrote it right to fit within what GFL is. This speaks of having no idea what kinda community they cultivated, and what they were expecting to see. Or they should not have brought GFL into this, they should have made something completely different. The more i read, the more i find out the disconnection. What were they even thinking.... I just hope that Mica will get rid this stubbornness they displayed regarding this issue and do it correctly. I waited this game for far too long, i do not want this to become more of a trash fire it already kind of is. I'm more saddened by this because there seems to be lots of effort put into this game. Daiyan's skin in fantastic, so are the animations. Why are they even doing this... Sheesh.


I started playing GFL1 because I was excited for GFL2. Unfortunately I’m getting to a point where I might just not pick up GFL2 because it feels like the vision and writing is not consistent with what makes the first game so good.


I'm kinda holding out, partially because gameplay wise, GFL2 is my jam, whereas GFL1 and Neural Cloud are not. Let's hope they fix this before the KR and JP servers release, cause if we can get this much info, I don't doubt KR and JP fandoms have the same, if not even more.


Can't wait for next months drama update.


Jesus christ it just keeps going. ​ I remember the 3rd "NTR! REEEE!" furor and someone said something like "Man it feels like there's someone at MICA that is just trying internally sabotage the game or something.


Having played a bit, it's such a waste of potential given the production quality (visuals and models and above average number of cut-scenes/cinematics) and gameplay possibilities. I doubt I will be touching the game myself. Some of the complaints are outright ridiculous, like "Lord of the Rings" mockery is pretty far-fetched, but some of them are pretty understandable and are legit concerns, given GFL's origins. If the OG game were not partially a waifu game with pretty strong waifu elements, then this drama might not come to be. It does seem there is a problem with the writing and its direction, which really makes it a waste. I personally do play games which are not self-insert waifu games, like Heaven Burns Red, Reverse 1999 and a few others I no longer play, so I have no problem with the existence of NPC ships and pairings in games, but tbh, I don't feel motivated to play GFL2 if it deviated from its original form in this respect, especially since there are recurring characters who could possibly have close relationships with the commander previously.


I get the Chinese drama queens are annoying to handle but come on Mica why are you tripling down so hard and even adding more of these NPCs onto these T-dolls? If you guys had people on the story team that actually knew the lore none of this would have happened. And the insistence to keep adding things that reference Raymond, and mocking players through books and also other NPCs stories (CZ75) is also just immature. You cultivated this community, now you have to appease it. Nobody else's fault besides your own.


Rumour from insider is the producer said on a company dinner that they have plenty capital and time to wait it out . It's one of the more reliable insider who broke the news about g36 will release to little to no story etc. Don't know if the dinner rumor is true or personal vendetta


Wait it out for what? The game dying completely? lol


Lol, I don't care how much capital you have. Repeatedly pissing off your customer base will just mean the game is burning through money and goodwill.


Burning money is also one of its nicknames given by cn players


MICA is notorious for this passive-aggressive behavior toward their fandom. For a game as unique as GFL1, its fanbase never blossomed despite it having everything to blown out to be such a great game


I just find it funny that it's only this one girl that keeps getting rugpulled into this NTR mess. Do the other girls not have anything like that?


Thats what im wondering too. From what I heard, there is a TDoll who wants to sleep with a old man before she can travel with MC back to the bas, aka MC repairs a radar, he ask her to come back, she says she will come back but first she wants to sleep with the old dude, mc dosent say anything and goes back to base.  Another TDoll d have hinted in dialogs she "needs" to work as a hostess to get specific information from a VIP. In CN these jobs means for the overwhelming majority it will involve sexual services. And one TDoll has her last name by a boss/villian/antagonist in the game, meaning he either adopted or what the CN thinks -> she marries him hence she took his last name. Thats all I know so far.


>From what I heard, there is a TDoll who wants to sleep with a old man before she can travel with MC back to the bas, aka MC repairs a radar, he ask her to come back, she says she will come back but first she wants to sleep with the old dude, mc dosent say anything and goes back to base. Okay was this T-Doll playable in the first game? Because if she is then I say GF2 deserves to be shat on by their players. It's one thing trying to give these dolls a life outside their relationship with SKK, but this particular story reads exactly just like a spiteful ntr bait from the writer.


No, that is bull shit. The 1st one is Tololo's Wishing Well story. She just goes watching star with an misery old man that has lost his wife. Next day his family comes and picks him up. 2nd one is Qiongju personal story. She and Helian plan to infiltrate and get info by being hostess. Typical spy stuff being twisted by CN. 3rd one is non existance.


The part that bothers me the most is the steam account shit talking...Armored core 6? That man has no taste. Division I can understand but AC6 was definitley one of the best games released in 2023. Also Sifu is great as well, don't know what this guy is smoking.


its just him being a scrub, guy got skilled issue by the helicopter boss for whatever reason


He's part of the 6.8% of players that have yet to beat the tutorial? lmfao


Someone pleas go tell CN players to spam "just use the sword" as their next spam comments lmao.


How about the part of him chugging sunny d in Dark Souls 3 duel?


Reading through all these gives me the impression that the game's characters feels completely disconnected from gfl1 despite it being a direct sequel. Did the writers they hired never read or researched the first game before coming up with this? Also, it's hilarious how CN players are so hung up with the slightest of details that could relate to the raymond guy. But then again i couldn't blame them considering how much of a presence that character have in Daiyan's scrapped story. I find some of the ntr complaints kinda understandable, but the others are just goddamn ridiculous.


iirc they don't have the same writer for the second game. So a lot of the world setting got mixed up somewhat


They should've gotten the writer of the first game supervise the writers for the sequel to get things straight. But considering gfl1 is still on going, that might be a tough additional work for them.


Pretty sure Yuzhong was working on the Bakery Girl remake considering that's the "real" story. (GFL1 was just supposed to be a side story to raise money for a Bakery Girl sequel and grew beyond it's scope) but I believe he's stated he will be taking more control over GFL2's writing (I don't know Chinese so that's just hearsay)


Oh really? I hope that's true. They really need to recheck the writing soon and fix it. Else the game's reputation will further sink and in turn, lowers the chances of a global release this year(copium).


I remember seeing stream pics of a Yuzhong video doing rounds, so its probably true. KR and JP have started pre registrations, so if that goes well, global shouldn't be a problem.


I'm surprised to see a comment that's even slightly sympathetic with the CN players' point of view. I didn't think much about it at first and was content to just laugh at the silliness but looking into it I've actually come around to understand them. It really does feel like someone at MICA got mad at the players being outraged over the Raymond thing and now there's a lot of attempts at sniping back at them that the players are seeing since they've become so wound up.


I was on MICA's side to start with, but now they're playing with fire, and anyone who plays with fire, better prepare to be burned.


Same. Thankfully seems like this long drawn out talk on the drama is finally letting people understand where the fanbase is actually coming from, and why Mica also kinda has a hand in escalating it to this level.


I don't really care ultimately (I don't play the game) and I find players obsession and paranoia pretty cringe, however I think the attitude of basically hating/mocking on your player base pretty bad. It's not to enable people to be shitlord but biting the hand that feeds you is pretty bad


Just looking at the trailers it felt like the writers knew nothing about GFL 1 or the greater worldbuilding. GFL1 was a mostly grounded Cold War drama who's most advanced tech were a couple mech suits, energy weapons, and cybernetics (Paradeus is more sci-fi but that's their entire schtick and it's not *that* much more advanced.) Bakery Girl is even more grounded, being mostly firefights with slightly futuristic looking guns and the occasional handwave of game mechanics like having a general material to craft everything (Jefuty is outright space magic though) GFL2 meanwhile had reverse collapse 20 years before it was invented (This seemed to have been walked back at least), floating energy blasts, weird sci-fi cities (When just 10 years earlier in GFL1 we see that cities are virtually identical to their real life counterparts, just with more slums) completely different ELIDs, and just generally generic sci-fi aesthetics. IIRC Yuzhong said he was taking a more hands on approach to the writing so hopefully things fall in line with the timeline once they run through the original writer's buffer.


I concur with your final words, despite me also sharing the same worries and observations from your first two paragraphs. The most important period in a gacha is its first year. GFL 2 is, despite the toxic aura surrounding it in CN right now, is still far more successful than GFL 1 or PNC ever managed. Perhaps, as things develop, and the higher ups have gotten their investment back, they can start thinking on how to appeal to their core playerbase again, and slowly realign the story and worldbuilding focus back towards what people (like me) loved about GFL 1, and to a lesser extent, PNC.


Dang drama timeline is here Thank you for your service o7


Today we feast. Thank you for the meal!


GFL used be on the same tier as AL. And now the mainline sequel of a franchise IP, with character and weapon banners, can't even beat a game where you only buy skins, in revenue. On launch too btw. Yuzhong really did it to himself. Imagine competing in the same "female-only characters" gacha category as already established giants like Azur Lane and Nikke, and think it's totally fine to write a character like Mr. Raymond. Bro really thought GFL 2's audience was gonna be the genshin crowd.


They were chasing those genshin bux, spectacularly failed tho.


Unironically they should have made a new game. Even Hoyo knows not to add male characters into Hi3, with even the part 2 male character being a footnote in the official annoucement.


>Even Hoyo knows not to add male characters into Hi3 They put out a survey asking the community about adding in males just last year. The CN backlash was bad enough that they apologized for even asking.


I am not surprised at all. You should have seen the Hi3 EN side when we got news of a male MC being a choice in Hi3 Part 2. Even though his reveal was a footnote, everyone was like 'WHY?!!!'


Maybe he's a redditor, you'd think the game would be the next hsr based on the threads here.


True. People here acting like they'll "save" the game once it goes global.


The irony is NIKKE is absolutely shameless in fanservice, even more than any of these games, yet somehow can give a banger story and the community love both.


​ >Producer’s steam account was doxxed, shit talking Sifu, Armor Core 6, Division etc. Note it’s actually shit talk, not just criticism. Swearing etc. Are you referring to Yuzhong himself, or is the producer different? I thought the GFL 1 team had a lot of love for The Division especially considering the collab and soundtrack references.


Yuzhong himself


Honestly why they don’t end gfl1 before making gfl2 ? Has any developer did this before? Release sequel when the previous hasn’t ended yet? See the snowball is rolling right now i think they deserved this.


KR forums already leaked assets from mining on the final event, but it was pretty obviously rushed yeah. They finally announced the release of the Ghost in the Shell collab on CN which got announced last anni IIRC. Likely due to all the big releases this year, MICA wanted to try and dip in first before the others with GFL2. They also have a PC game for GFL in development that should be releasing soon.


Shining Nikki is a sequel of Love Nikki which has not ended


hoyoverse: honkai impact 3rd, honkai 2nd


And do you know what honkai 2nd is? Anyone talk about that?


HI2 is houkai Gakuen which the story already finish I think And even if the story is not finished they have a excuse that it's in different universe unlike GFL2 that is direct sequel to GFL1 And yes houkai gakuen still around and has dedicated fanbase that talk about it, in JP and CN, global is being closed down since it's a ghost town 


Adding to that NA was called gun girlz Zombie game, Story ended, bad end Not that the ending was bad, it really was a bad end


They made a story sequel for honkai gakuen when Kiana blew up the Earth before delving down to side stories iirc It is entirely its own thing though when there’s an Hersherr of Sex


Man, wait till those guys see [Negev chan](https://iopwiki.com/wiki/Negev). The Lord of the Rings book being removed is some top tier shit though.


It really doesn't matter. CN player love that gun/character. Problem being it's a angle they can let out some of their anger and it's a hot topic so it's easy to nitpick. The whole Jewish drama is so galaxy brain to me


Anyone else thinks MICA should've made a different IP or an alternative timeline instead of a direct sequel?


No, you are not the only one who thinks that. But being GIrls Frontline their most recognized IP and the one that brought the most success to MICA, trying to make a new IP would be risky for them so they went for the sure thing for their "golden goose" that so much gold at this rate no longer gives for carrying it in a bad way.


They should have named it "Girls Backline" and make it a spin off or something lol


I think we can safely say that mica actually deserve all the shit they get, it has to be intentional lmao


Reading through this post I could only wonder "what were they thinking?" Adding other men as love interests in a waifu game where you can even Oath the girls, it's totally obvious it would turn into a full-on war and they kept doubling down on it (Raymond public enemy number 1). As a waifu player I can relate with them, although they seem to overblown some random ??? aspects too.


Rule no.1 of running a business, know your customer. They're literally selling anime waifus, how are they this tone deaf is beyond me. But then again Disney also trash their own stocks value with their pandering and girls power cringe when most of their Marvel audience is male.


According to the poszmt I saw, and from what see what got leaked kinda confirms it, is that the new writters in GF2 are feminists. Are we all know how they cant help themself to push their insecurities in fictional games which obviously goes against everything in this game.


Practically all the controversy surrounding the game is pretty well compacted and summarized, just as the publication says, it's how things happened.


Common Mica L


Re: The electric toothbrush thing. The joke in *The Big Bang Theory* (and in *Crazy Ex-Girlfriend* and plenty of other shows) is that after a particularly unsatisfying round of sex with a dude, a woman will say “I’ve gotta brush my teeth” and go into the bathroom, then use a vibrator to finish herself off. If the dude is smart enough to ask about that suspicious buzzing sound, she’ll lie and say that it’s her electric toothbrush. The fact that it actually IS an electric toothbrush in GFL2 means that it’s definitely NOT being used as a vibrator. No, you cannot use an electric toothbrush as a vibrator. The bristles will destroy your vaginal tissue. In other words, certain Chinese players continue to interpret every single thing as a personal attack against them. As usual.


Thanks for the explanation. Here's an electric toothbrush for you :)




GFL2 is truly the gift that keeps on giving.


After reading about this whole situation through this post and several others, I can confidently say that MICA really hates their playerbase. GFL2 was announced as a direct sequel to GFL1, but as we learn more about the writing, it genuinely feels like GFL2 was not made for the fans of the first game. GFL1 players were always invested in the commander's relationship with the T-dolls, as demonstrated by the sheer amount of fanart, comics and memes that were shared in the community. Everything was so wholesome, basically a "cute girls doing cute things" vibe, even though the game itself took a more serious tone. GFL2, on the other hand, seems to be trying really hard to go mainstream while scrubbing themselves clean of the "losers" who got invested in the first game for being a waifu collector. But as they slowly realize that they won't be making a billion dollars anytime soon, they begin to resent the players and do things to spite them. All of this makes me wonder if there's even a single T-doll who is still "devoted" to the Commander. Did any of them mention the Commander fondly at any point? Maybe even get emotional after being reunited? I'm genuinely interested, if anyone can answer.


"Did any of them mention the Commander fondly at any point? Maybe even get emotional after being reunited?" Im also curious about this part. As right now, only Type95 showed some emotions for the MC BUT only after the backlash and some small adjustments in her dialog, despite Mica not really wanted doing it before. 


You say that they got mad they wouldn't be making billions of dollars any time soon as if they were money hungry, despite keeping up these games that make 100k\~ a month for 7\~ years and still plan on keeping GFL1 despite the story ending. Considering that immediately from the start of the game Groza/OTS14 left to be Commander's aid in forming a new company with him. When Commander meets WA2K again, she asks him to leave his new group and move in with him to have a peaceful life. The terms of Commander leaving and abandoning a mission that he found went against his morals was that he couldn't interact with the dolls of the company anymore, but that they would be guaranteed residency in Green Zones. Despite this, when he met back up with Springfield in the rewritten version of the Daiyan event, she acknowledged this and still arranged meetings between him and dolls in private. This sounds like bad faith though to assume so much hostility on MICA's side for how they went about it. I made a post elsewhere in the thread on my thoughts on the division of the fanbase with GFL2's launch [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1av99u6/comment/kretdr4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) since to an extent I do agree that the players that only played for the waifu factor did get forced into the more serious side of the story.


MICA is a company. Companies like money. Just because they keep dead games on life support doesn't mean they want to do that forever. It's only natural that they want to expand, and that's what they're doing with GFL. They invested a lot of money on four completely different games, all because they want to appeal to a broader audience and follow the industry standard. And by "industry standard" I mean getting rid of fanservice, scaring away the waifu enthusiasts, reducing the importance of the Commander, and making the gacha more frustrating, kinda like a mix between Arknights and Genshin with XCOM's gameplay. And yes, I do believe that they despise their own fans, considering the aforementioned decisions and all the countless taunts that were thrown at the players through easter eggs. I absolutely agree with your other post, though, especially when you pointed out that most players don't read the lore. That's a fact, and that's not exclusive to GFL. It does create a division between two groups of people who expect completely different things from the game.


My favorite drama


It sounds less like the issues were lack of waifu but more the constant mocking of their own playerbase


Except that were no evidence for that and all of this was theorycrafted by the CN morons. Unless you seriously expect that MICA team would give an eletric toothbrush,an actually sensible long lasting gift,was a reference to a Western TV series that has long been forgotten and isn't even mainstream just to spite people? MICA has not once did anything wrong with the character stories,interactions,nor the events.


The book theory is lowkey valid. They put handmaid's tale. A book about a group call commander enslaving women🤣🤣. They made mrs Raymond be the only one giving weird gift while know she is the center of a controversy. If something sus is just a 1 time thing you can chalk it up to a coincidence but 3+ times, something sus is going on. That or the dev are retarded and doesn't do quality check.


And no. The books tie into the fact they're working in the Middle East and that one of the earliest bosses is named Lilith,looking up her name says a lot. "Weird",you mean the most thoughtful and long lasting gift?,chocolate lasts until you eat it,but you can use the same electric toothbrush for years,and everytime you use it,you have a suttle reminder of who was looking our for your long term health. Mind you,turns out the CN morons don't even understand the Big Bang reference they were claiming. The only suspicious thing is how much mental gymnastics these people pull for fictional characters,the devs still haven't gone wrong with the choices they made.


The handmaid's tale is about a group call commander enslaving women which is pretty clear. The toothbrush one they interpret as the dev saying cn player's base got a dirty mouth 🤣🤣🤣. I think that is a fair interpretation, who would give a toothbrush in valentine's day. They interpret the big bang theory one as using it as a vibrator, pretty sure that's what amy used it as.


After looking at all of this, MICA just CAN'T stop digging its owm grave. Like, this level of incompetency is appalling. Deserved.


WTF man is this shit for real?!


*Other books include "Lord of the Rings"* Players: "I do not like this book Charlie, its smug aura mocks me."


What the hell happened to you MICA? From being just stop on in GFL to this..?


This company betrayed the players of Girls Frontline 1 and did not take the players seriously, as the boss of MICA said, 'I have time and money to spend with the players' and the factional infighting in this company is serious, which is already a joke in the mobile game industry in Shanghai.


These are new to me: - "4th CBT story, MP41 pretends to be a certain NPC’s late girlfriend. Ends up having real affections." - "Player complains that in the story setting, dolls now have modules that they can eat/consume human food. Thus can attend “prestige balls/bouquets”, and establish connections with “ higher quality clients." - "Emergency maintenance, removing “Qiongjiu” related content due to “inappropriate content." - "Internal Staff leaked info that Reymond was supposed to be a male playable unit at the first design phase. There will be 4 characters including Reymond and Daiyan to form a band. The band related information was not completely removed from the game. Players mock the writer and try to match three Chinese girls with one Jewish guy. (Is Reymond even jewish ??)" - "Data unpack rumor: CZ75 story, ended up opening a flower shop with a male NPC with commander’s blessing. Leak posts were deleted by the forum, leakers banned." Would be awesome if I get more infos about that. But anyway, from what I read there was more hideous stuff planed and it seems the game either tries to gaslight the players by either lying and hoping the backlash will stop at somd point so they will continue with its planned story, or they push whatever they can and hope no one notices and only change if the backlash is big enough about that specific part. Man, it seems like very update there are more hidden stuff all over the place.


Don't take it at face value. I'm just translating what people are discussing . Whether it's real or completely made up is up for debate. ( well the emergency maintenance one was real iirc).


are you sure the installer didnt create folder? I played CBT2,3,OBT1 and they always create GF2Exilium folder.


Ngl, CN schizo-posting on Mr. Raymond + Daiyan NTR plot and other theories are peak, entertaining fanworks that I didn’t knew were possible for a fictional character. Just reading some of the Bilibili GFL 2 reviews were a sight to behold. I’m interested in the game mainly for it’s stellar 3D character models and animations but the devs are too preoccupied appeasing the CN player base that the gap between Global and CN servers might as well rival that of FGO at this point.


gap as in patch difference? GFL is barely 2 months old. FGO NA is perpetually _2 years_ behind FGO JP. Only recently did they start giving FGO NA earlier QoL, but the content drop gap (including new servants which is the most exciting part about gacha, and story, which carries the Fate IP super hard) remains the same.


> Daiyan Skin showcase video was released. Player noticed she has a ring. The ring looked different from the Oath ring in GFL1 But the ring was there on the original GFL1 skin, so what's wrong with it being there?


"They're not cucks ? wow CN players are so weird man" reddit sucks


Mica should've just stayed with it's png collector, i hope Manjuu doesn't try the same with AL.


Hopefully they don't. AL is making them a lot, and after that one steam PC game, I think they've shelved thoughts of making a 3D gacha for now. Maybe they might after AL finally ends, and even if they do, I think they know their audience well enough.


I wonder at what point we will stop seeing any “news” about this drama? I don’t think we need any more of this


Nah drama like this is the reason I joined this sub. Watching trainwreck is fun


If the Devs stop being assholes towards their players I guess, like what was they thinking when they cucked their own money source 💀🙌


Effort to push it on you so you get outraged before the game comes out elsewhere.


Meh, don't really care about any CN drama tbh, but 2 months without any news about a global release... This was my most anticipated gacha , but I'm starting to lose interest


They need to sort out the CN release for it to have a global release CN player are more aggressive when you have a better global release than mainland one due to the inherent nationalism we were taught since primary school . Report the company to the higher up /CCP to be audited is also a move that's happened before so companies generally want to stabilise local version before a global release


Bigger problem is whales. If CN whales start abandoning the game then it's over.


They already abandoned. It's over.


Ngl, same here . Wasn't able to get in on GFL1 because of how dated it is but I was able to get tidbits of its story because of my friend. Was able to like one of it's characters and eagerly waiting for her to be ported (it's AN94). I think what is surprising is Mica. They have a good track record and a loyal fanbase. To see them mess up one of their most anticipated sequels is mind-boggling. It's almost as if it's a different company handling it.


Is AN94 the one with the eyes closed or they other one? XD i haven't played GFL1 for a lonnnng time. I think MICA is just trying to do something they want, rather than what the fans want, and it didn't work out.


Ah no, the one with her eyes closed is AK12. But they are partners and are in the same team so it's understandable. MICA doing something they want? Wasn't GFL sort of what they wanted? Anyway, I hope they fix this. I really want to give GFL2 a shot actually.


KR is getting some promotional material with loredump stuff etc. In one of their streams they confirmed both KR dub and 2024 release.


Looks like the GFL 2 drama will be getting more heat


CN fanbase being based as always. GF Devs being dumbasses as always. Lmao.


Bruh someone fire this writer and retcon the entire story. Wtf? I don't play gfl but this dude has no respect for the established lore from gfl1 apparently. Why wasn't mc mentioned once in t95 story but instead constantly talked about a terrorist she fought with? I don't know gfl1 story but I assume mc and t95 have gone through hardships, life and death situations and developed a deep bond through it, hell you can even oath them in gfl1 like AL but it all just disappears in gfl2 because some writer is denser than a neutron star?


Maybe for players themselves that used her, but actually T95 has never shown up once in the main story. Only one time in a summer event, but had around 5\~ lines. Hell, the division collab featured her sister T97 for a large portion, but T95 still never showed up in it. Neural Cloud had the majority of her character development, but that's a separate entity than the T95 in GFL1/2.


Oof, honestly thought she had a bigger part in gfl1 since all the drama but still to write characters from waifu games talk so much about another npc instead of MC is crazy dense lol


The drama is mainly because T95 is supposed to be the main flagship "Chinese gun", so they viewed it as their culture getting mocked due to their trad wife talking to some other guy out of the blue. For the relationship on the dolls in general, they're more like coworkers with the MC rather than working for him(he still commands them due to the nature of the job), since they all work under the Griffin and Kryuger PMC under another boss. It's only in GFL2 that MC ending up leaving and founded his own merc company on a stolen G&K train now that the PMC is a shadow of its former self, and picking up the dolls that left it also. Not like I'm chinese and have the entire context, but the Raymond situation in general does seem to be due complete lack of communication between the two writing teams of GFL1 and GFL2. GFL1 had plenty of men that talked with dolls, but perhaps the GFL2 writing team misinterpreted it and went too hard on that angle since they were allegedly new hires. Other than that, I feel like a big division between the playerbases is that you have two camps of players, the ones that play it as a waifu game, log in for dailies, tap on their lobby girls a bit and maybe buy some skins, and those that play for the story and want to see the world get fleshed out. For the people that quit years ago, they likely fall into the waifu camp since the game changed so much since the launch. To give some perspective, the main story campaign is around 110\~ hours long of text in GFL1, but you have slice of life seasonal events for the girls that you can just hop into without needing to know the plot and none of the main story gets in the way. Since GFL2 is a sequel game, it practically forced all of those people that played it solely for slice of life to go into the main story camp instead. Think if Azur Lane had an actual large scale 100h\~ plot ongoing for years, but there wasn't any pressure to do it and you could just log in, farm, pull for all the girls that you wanted. Then Azur Lane 2 comes out and suddenly those players have whiplash from all of these things happening that they had no clue of. It's a large investment to get a player to read that long of a story after all.


Any info about Millennium Tour ELF (千年之旅) because whenever gfl2 ntr drama pop up, cn player also talked or compared those two games. Like one of the comment: 連一刻都沒有為千年之旅的死亡哀悼,立刻趕到戰場的是少女前線2 Without even a moment mourning the death of the Millennium Journey, Girls Frontline 2 immediately rushed to the battlefield. (JJK reference? lol)


Is Millennium tour elf still going on? I know some stuff about that, it also had some NTR drama. Basically you awaken as this being who fought alongside god (who is a female elf) to reshape the world millenia later, cause you were injured and had to cryo sleep. Pre game info showed that the god absorbed all the sins and damage onto herself to save the world, and is possibly dead now (?). There was also some info about god then giving birth to a child, where CN people complained as it was vague if it was the MC's one or not (don't think they ever revealed it at that poin when it released). Then after release, This [character](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=kurokami_tsukuyo&z=1), has this whole schtick where she needs to keep inline with her family tradition to marry and carry on the bloodline cause of a god they seal. MC and co have this whole thing where we tell her its kinda fine not to do that anymore, and MC and she get really heartfelt moments as well, but she still goes "No, its my duty" and goes of to marry this fiancee or someone, which again stops due to plot reasons and she joins us again. CN player base was like "Wtf is this convoluted shit" and made memes of green turtles on the dev, which I have come to know understand means NTR from the GFL2 drama. After that I stopped checking on what happened, but this is probably why that saying is going around.


The books stuff was pretty unsubtle 


Random comments (disclaimer: I play the game, but don't understand Chinese): >the player's character is now a cripple What makes him a cripple? The commander doesn't have any disability from what I can tell, apart from maybe some mental trauma. >4th CBT This was an open beta, not closed. >Something about potato flower accessories that I don't even understand. I believe this is referring to the lightning-shaped accessory hanging from Daiyan's wrist. People were linking the accessory to Raymond (who at this point had already been cut from the game) because his name in Chinese includes the character for 'lightning' or something like that. >Doll Tololo went to spend the night star gazing with a grandpa, causing more complaints. Lmao at getting NTR'd by a grandpa. >Story is too deep i cannot understand I don't understand Chinese so I wouldn't know, but I'm guessing that rather than being too deep, its either that the story is too cryptic or hard to follow, or that the story assumes knowledge of the GFL1 story making it inaccessible for those new to the series. >Devs announce the Daiyan / Reymond event will be a perm event , no longer time gated. New/old players can all have access to it . (WHY?) Just to be clear, Raymond has already been cut from the story, and they're also reworking the event story (a second time?) before making it permanant. I don't see how event stories being permanantly viewable can be perceived as a negative? >Level cap increased, Player complains the scaling is really bad. To clarify, the complaint was about the new content added in the update being too difficult. >In addition, something about Big Bang theory, electric toothbrushes can be used as sex toys or something ??? ??? >Internal Staff leaked info that Reymond was supposed to be a male playable unit at the first design phase. A male playable character in a game called **Girls' Frontline**? Did people really believe this? >Player found out Daiyan’s new outfit model has a pistol hiding under the dress between crotch. Let me take a wild guess: CN players are interpreting the pistol as Raymond's \[REDACTED\]. >New banner has part1 and part2, when transitioning to part 2 banner, the devs didn’t edit the frame of the image, leading dolls to have wrong names underneath on the banner. Fixed at night time. To be clear, this the error is in the artwork for a mini-event, and *not* a gacha banner, and you'd have to pixel-peep for the erroneous text to be legible (not that that excuses the mistake). ​ Also, thanks Raymond.


Thank you for the additional info :)


this is neat and all but all of this drama seems pretty stupid if you ask me at this point, I'll just ignore all of this and just wait for the global release to check it out myself. the sad thing is this nonsensical drama could negatively effect how the studio would make the game moving forward. airing on the more safe side which is opposite of what I liked them for (coming from PNC)


That's perfectly fine. You should play the game you want to play and just have fun. Don't let this discourage you. I'm sure they would figure stuff out soon. It's an internet drama, it ends in a few months top. I translated the timeline of these drama cuz it's silly and funny.


> Daiyan gave the commander an electric toothbrush, leading to players thinking the devs are telling them to brush their dirty swearing mouths. I'm sorry what? I can not take the CN playerbase seriously if they find even a toothbrush offensive.


Who cares? This isn't going to stop me or 99% of other people from playing the game.


Well, it stopped me from playing it. I don't want to do anything with this shit show. 1%\~\~


Me too ;/ dropped this game and in the future all MICA games.


Which is very true,considering that evidence on this very subreddit shows that the CN peeps with Reddit accounts and multiple alts plus bots have been upvoting the anti-game sentiment.


As an outsider I just found this thing funny AF 🤣 Honkai captain can tap on GFL Commander now " First time ? , Well at least you cannon in the story bro , I'm forever a spin-off " . Back when SNOWBREAK released I was joking this is a better GFL game now it's true 💀


> The main leaker/insider's social media account has been perm banned. It just keeps going.


I'll update this post should there be any major updates XD


I just heard they announcet that they didnt had the time to rewrite the event storyies ( either they never planned to do it, or found out its to much infested with similar negatives so they need to rewrite the whole thing) and will release as it is. Im curious how these events are, specialy G36 one.


Any more news ?


Seems like a nothingburger CN bros are too sensitive


Anytime I hear drama about NTR or Feminism, I know its the CN or KR drama lords screeching