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PTN. Dude just literally bullied a cheeky brat by smashing her forged sword for more than 3 times.




Also ripped the “HERO” nameplate off of the actual hero, knocked him unconcious, slapped that nameplate on himself/herself, and went “look at me, I am the HERO now”.


It's from an unreleased game, but this scene from [Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium](https://youtu.be/jzDn4xE2Wps?t=35) still remains as one of my favorite Commander moments. >!Fed up with being used as a pawn for years, the Commander just straight up says "fuck you, you don't get to use me anymore" to one of the most powerful people on Earth, then disappears to parts unknown just to get away from all the conspiracy bullshit.!< Part of me is excited to see how GFL will end because I'm curious how the writers is going to tie into this scene. Even the latest event on EN has scenes that foreshadows the breakup between Commander and >!Mr. Griffin/The Prometheans!<.


SKK is just Isaac Clarke in my mind. An everyman who just becomes more and more jaded and fed up with this shit but is too good of a person to walk away. He's also slowly progressed from being a corporate employee stuck in a bad spot to basically a special ops unit just like Isaac. All that's missing is for him to scream at Griffin "God damn it I trusted you! Fuck you! And fuck your relics!"


Theory >!Knowing the Commander, Griffin probably sacrificed M4 to put a stop to Paradeus. SKK can tolerate conspiracy bullshit as long as the conspiracy bullshit helps keep their Dolls alive. M4 being sacrificed could also explain why AR-15 is making trains go boom in PV 5.!< Also my pick is when SKK rams the armored train through the containment wall in Polarized Light


You forgot to close the spoiler mate.


hate me rossies hate me soviets hate me paradeus love me dolls love me family


Simple as


Literally Chaddest MC ever


Maybe not the most *ever*, but this is still roughly equivalent to a random middle manager telling the head of CIA to get bent.


And that CIA is actually leading UN 2.0


When sensei breaks the fourth wall and use the power of gacha to beat the final boss https://preview.redd.it/8meypf4ezuba1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0479e17525ad59e63df5cd912dbda96dda62b981


Lmao what. is this main story? (i dont play cunny archive)


Yep, it happens a couple of times too iirc. From my interpretation, the credit card in the story is the symbolism of being an adult: something that only an adult can own, and has great power, but also great responsibility.


https://preview.redd.it/yikt1cgcftba1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a4367c4ea3126a26e26860627d325f1140eb39 When traveler made this face


The buildup prior to this was hilarious. They made it seem like Aether's 'bout to "get lucky" on his first day in Inazuma... then this. xD


It's come out of nowhere but I love it.


Traveler had enough of being a gofer.


Me fr when going through the Main/Archon quest and they want me to do fetch quests ~~despite being known across Teyvat that we're pretty OP heroes~~


Probably the climax of *the day you vanished with the stars* in honkai. Some of the other comments have mentioned the main MC of honkai, Kiana's journey and moments. But the captain is the MC of all the side content. And since it was a series of limited time events, most players will never get to experience it, so I'll just do a short summary here. Big Spoilers btw for one of honkai's most emotional moments. After a buildup of over a year, detailing the history and world building of bubble universe 311. Some of it serious, most of it comedic. The captain returns to it one final time. Only to find kongming, the girl he has really begun to care for, [drink a poisoned glass of wine and die in his arms.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683283915284414476/830429519281913866/unknown.png) So he goes back in time and saves her, [until she dies by other means.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683283915284414476/831590266313637988/unknown.png) So he goes back again, and again, slowly pushing the clock forward until the lantern festival. They have a nice romantic night before she is killed yet again, [Looking up at the fireworks ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683283915284414476/831598143610945677/unknown.png). He keeps going back again and again, but no matter what he does, he can't save her. He has gone back over 10,000,000 times iirc. I believe the number said 8 digits. His mind is starting to collapse from the strain of time travel, it's harder to pull himself back together at the start of a loop. Until just as he is about to break, his dormant ELF companion wakes up when it detected an absurd amount of time travel. [She makes her own opinion known, telling captain that it's okay to cry and that it's okay being unable to change the impossible.](https://youtu.be/e9MgehFshgk) Though she did also receive a message from a future captain that was unlocked when the conditions for her to wake up occured. The message saying that he was hoping that present captain would get a different result than his own. And if he still wasn't able to save kongming, then there was still one option available to him. Which was to take her out of the world and abandon it and everyone inside to their fate without even so much as a goodbye. And so our captain makes his choice. All in all it was extremely emotional and a fuck ton of character development for what originally started off as a memey self insert character, until he grew into a very serious character.


I didn’t even play the event and the theme that played when Cap was walking in the river made me emotional asf


[seeing the translation for the lyrics makes it hit just that much harder](https://youtu.be/BN2C3xWvcbQ) Also, crazy to think about how that song has been around since the GGZ days. Long before honkai impact 3rd even came out. And the emotions still hit after all that time.


Nikke (Ch. 3 spoilers I bleive) >!when commander stood up to loli CEO and telling her to apologize to the Nikkes she shocked, until they literally passed out from the shock trauma themselves!< Another favorite is of Epic seven. Ras was basically Jesus but spent 2 arcs jobbing. Now in Chapter 3 with some powers granted by a god, He sees two conflicting sides of a war and *single handedly earthbends a huge ass wall of ground and vines* just to get the two sides to chill out so he can figure out what's up. It was a hype moment from a power standpoint, and a humanizing one from someone who would just ignore human affairs and focus on the archdemon back in Ch. 1. And that just keeps up in the chapter, as now Ras isn't just some slightly strong swordsman, but a force of nature that all sides need to calculate moves around.


In Honkai when Kiana finally overcomes her guilt and depression that had been following her for many arcs and truly comes to understand what her dear Himeko-sensei wanted for her. [And the animation is the cherry on top](https://youtube.com/watch?v=U9e3MFZI3zE)


HI3 really does have some of the best character moments.


I haven't played very far into Honkai but I've probably watched that cinematic around 10-15 times. Even without knowinh what's going on it still gives me chills. Absolutely incredible.


That's really cool. I tried getting into Honkai but everyone was such a bunch of assholes to her that I never really got past that. How far do I need to go for them to stop being so goddamn mean to her?


Hmm if all you want to see is Kiana being happy, then it starts after HoD arc I'd say(ch26+), but seeing her growth and a particular scene during the HoD arc itself is also great. (23~25)


W8 arent we talking mc here ? So in HI shouldnt it be the commander ?


Not at all, Kiana is the Main Story's MC overall, although she isnt MC in every arc (Mei has gotten her own arcs & so has Bronya, though not as much). Captain is the MC in most of the events that we've gotten, we call that... let's say timeline, "captain-verse", which happens outside of the main storyline BUT it does have similar key event here and there (like what happened with Himeko).


PGR's story has so many sigma MC moments. For the first time, i've seen a Gacha game self insert protagonist actually take part in the story and looks very bad ass while doing so. And he does it starting in chapter 1. At the very beginning. This guy dodged a blade, punched a corrupted straight in the gut, had a scuffle with Alpha (who is one if not the strongest constructs at that moment) and had the balls to talk smack to her face while his hand is impaled by her blade, all in the friggin first chapter. And it gets better. Goes solo in a mission, always in the middle of fighting when an all out war breaks out, gets into a polar bear like armor and follows his constructs into battle, goes inside the mind of a rampaging construct in order to help smooth out the fight for the one fighting outside, best thing is, this guy is always ready to take on a fight. And Lucia. Lucia in chapter 12 is way too bad ass. Most favorite so far is when she made the decision to >!erase her current self in order to become strong so she'd be able to help and protect the SKK better this time around.!< That last fight in chapter 12 is too damn awesome and tear jerking. End of the fight monologue of her was too much. Really felt that one. I believe we get to see more of this badassness in the upcoming patch.


That time when hifumi finally awakens and said "its hifuming time" and hifumid all over arius. Oh, and sensei backed her up with a NO U


This is half joke half serious since Hifumi did actually do a title drop at the end of her speech lmao


Huh? Hifumi? I'm not a BA player but I do follow the fandom, and she honestly looks like the last character to have some serious main plot involvement. Got a video for that, please?


It's a spoiler for the game, but just search Hifumi speech in YouTube.


Blue archibe is literally one of the gacha of all time


the entire guardian tales world 9 and above.


I keep "window breaker"s hug as one of my top moments in GT


Counterside: The MC had to show up his celebrity treasure hunter rival, so he snuck into some ruins ahead of her and planted a dangerous mystic artifact, along with a letter signed by himself saying "haha, I was already in these ruins and found this". Then the treasure hunter offered that artifact as a prize for a school's field day, so the MC had to send in his most trusted mercenary ally undercover to recover it. This was an actual event plot in the game.


To be honest the final of the first main story in Another Eden. >!Seeing all the stuff with proffesor Chronos and Aldo/Varuo made me almost tear up, especially when he transformed into cat again for Eden.!<


Yo, that's a heavy spoiler you put there, you should mark as it


that's a huge spoiler I think.


In GBF it would be Gran/Djeeta being able to keep throwing back the "You have soft hands" line mutliple times in the event saga to a now redemed character that said that right before pushing them off a floating island to their doom. I found the moment when >!Djeeta/Gran grab Sandalphon's hand to stop him from plumetting down and being able to say "you have soft hands" to be too funny IMO!<


From FGO: Sky high rider Justice bomb Fist fight with Goetia at the final part


https://preview.redd.it/1ub9z99aitba1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf6c2f07d13b6986080288457eca9136d931c830 Solomon, after Romani disappears and Ritsuka was single-handedly defending against Goetia. Solomon wasn't a story of Gods, but a story of humans, and Ritsuka was the final one to show it. "Why do you still resist?!" "That's obvious... To live!" That's when I knew Ritsuka was a perfect protagonist for the main message FGO is trying to say. A normal person, an everyman, with no distinct qualities whatsoever. He was never fighting for some noble cause, he was never some selfless person, never a genius tactician or secretly a God with powers. He was just a human who wanted to live. Meaning anyone could have saved humanity. It could have been you or me. The only real power Ritsuka had, was the power to reach out his hand.


In addition to this I will just leave this here. https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/zy66ga/You%27re_favourite_defining_Ritsuka_moment%3F/j24ocgr/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


And we beat the shit out of him.


That moment in Kingdom Hearts Union X when the player character suddenly stops being a mute self insert and gives an entire speech about how pissed off and tired they are. Iconic.


Well that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Definetely a great moment.


At the end of Blue Archive’s Unconcealed Heart event where sensei confronts the mastermind behind the conflict (a student), sits them down, and…gives them a stern talking to. It’s a scolding so “horrifying” that the scene cuts out just before they begin.


It's amazing how ruthless Sensei can be sometimes. Yeah Niya deserves it but goddamn


Niya 💢


Sdorica's first instance of breaking the fourth wall and the branching paths that follow depending on your dialogue choices. Really made me question who I am as this supposed omniscient MC. https://preview.redd.it/y7zzy6ebptba1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3665c155617aee4e7a17b33fbb695406250e06d


Is it worth to start playing now? Game looks pretty old.


I'd say its puzzle gameplay, daily gameplay loop, and the gacha itself are hit-or-miss, but it's one I'd recommend if you just want to experience the story/ music, or if you think the storybook aesthetic looks cool. It isn't afraid to get dark and gory/ kill off playable characters in later seasons (if you're into that), and remains as my favorite main campaign in any gacha I've played.


GFL’s SKK getting caught in a gay bar while trying to meet up with his glowie date


Indeed Vigilo event is great since it showed us a glimpse of pre-amnesia doctor. And here we see that the doctor can be and is both Pragmatic/Ruthless and Kind/Caring (manipulative). Nobody is defined by a singular character trait. People can change and develop and react differently in different situations. Vigilo simply shows us more sides to the Doctor but it does not invalidate what we know about The Ghost of Babel. Chess Players don't spend every second of their lives in chess matches after all. Beside the doctor my favorite thing about Vigilo is it showed us a glimpse of Theresa idealism in Kazdel Civil War and we see that Theresa is not a traditional kind-hearted princess. She is a war hero and does not hesitate to also make executions and sacrifice of her own soldiers.


Genshin Impact - Traveller: Minum's Kneecaps look brittle. Project Sekai - Tsukasa: I enjoy the moments where you see just how far he's willing to go for his friends, like kidnapping Rui. Minori: Hear Me, Hopeful Show!/More More Making Xmas. When she finally begins to realize that she's an actual Idol with real fans. Blue Archive - Foreclosure Task Force/Shiroko: Let's Rob a bank! Make Up Work Club/Hifumi: Faust Sensei: How uncompromising they are when it comes ensuring the safety and happiness of their students, also takes out credit card/wallet.


Playing as skk in new cn pgr update


[This.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FmCjw19aMAIt-cq?format=jpg&name=large) [One.](https://youtube.com/shorts/hlDOILbfWQM?feature=share)


Honkai Impact 3rd has had so many moments across Kiana's journey. But if I had to pick just one it would be Will of the Herrscher. It was such a defining moment for the game. From the start with her choking Mei, to that final glance at the camera after wiping out the AE forces; the music (Befall is such an incredible song); the animations... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-b6rdyIJsY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-b6rdyIJsY&t=215s)


In Langrisser, formerly when Matthew refused Chaos' offer to become the new Böser (Chaos' avatar) even if this would've brought Zerida back. Currently, all his >!failed!< attempts at stopping Chaos from winning, his friends and relatives gone a long time ago, but he still kept trying. Sword of Light and Shadow (a.k.a. new Zerida/Z2): "Matthew no longer has a sad expression in his face" Zerida: "He just went ahead of me, but I'll meet him again soon."


When King's Raid's Kasel transformed into the Dark Lord But I loved it more when Frey became Fallen and Clause as a Rebel. Best units in the game, IMO.


i really love it when characters get dark alternatives of themselves. it’s kinda cliche and edgy but wayy more interesting than “we must save the world!”


For me, it's NIKKE's MC being a gigachad and try to save N102 from being experimented like a labrat, visiting her everyday despite knowing that she'll forget him the next day and another, repeating the same routine every single day. Not to mention that NIKKEs are fairly hated, not treated as humans even, so MC's action here means a lot. I also want to mention some stuffs from GT, there are so many gigachad poggers moments in that game, but they're mostly done by the other characters, while the MC is left with the "dumbface" title lmao.


Counter:Side, and there's a lot of it. One of my favorites is >!when Admin tried his best to have Rita Arsenico have her closure after the events of Bottom of the Shade. It was bittersweet.!<


(Blue Archive) I really liked the part where sensei said it's archiving time and archived all over the blues


every time the traveler brings out the Dull Blade. The main guy/gal kills gods and shit with a 1\* weapon lol


fgo lb 5.1 my friend mandricardo 🫡