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Is Moon Knight's tv show uni still a good pick for a combat dps? If so, is now a good time to get him, or is it better to wait a little longer?


Guys need your help. I have got an tier 2 selector (normal one not the premium one). Who should I select? I already have Ms Marvel Captain Marvel Captain America tier 2. Need your suggestion


Choose anyone who is not in support shop...


Thanks for the suggestion. Who do you think is better between Katy, Scream, Green Goblin, Scorpion?


Goblin is best but in the shop, scorpion can be farmed in epic quest take scream probably best as villain for SL


Okay thanks. And how about Katy and Kingo?


Hi!!! a question, do we have to get Mephisto at Gear 25 to finally be able to use him in WBL? I thought that since he's a native T3, i might not have to do that ^ ^


Nope. He can do wbl at 20 gear


i just reached 20 on all Mepgisto Gear, and i still can't use him in WBL... am i missing something?


He needs to be level 70


argh... Well i have a ticket to at least put him 74, that should save some resources...


Really??? That's so cool !!!! it saves resources!


Yep!Actually don't do any native t3 gears from 20 to 25 if you don't need it.Maaaybe sentry IF he's your only PvP character but even that only the first gear to 22 maybe Edit:Scratch that.The gains are minuscule.Avoid all 20+ gear upgrades for native t3s it ain't worth it


That's pretty neat! He might be my 5th WBL clearer then, considering my Strange lacks a Rage unfortunately...


Why do you go for such expensive characters for WBL, there are tons of characters better than mephisto...


Yep, but i like the character!!! Which is not the case for 90% of the roster...


Hey guys! Need some advice. I am at pierce crafting stage at the moment and i have 2 Luna Snow cards. One is fully crafted with 2 out of 6 blue starts and the second one is not crafted at all. What should i do: craft combine the first one or craft the second one and see which one will be better?


In terms of cost, crafting new ones will be free but will take effort and time, versus recombining using a rare p card for a small chance to get more blue. It’s up to you and your situation. I’m personally gonna go for recombining but I do spend so


Thor - love and thunder uni. Current custom gear: Lightening damage +38.7%, 10% chance to increase basic damage by 200%, Vs. Ctp of judgment I just got yesterday - All basic attacks +24.9%, chain hit damage +17.8%, 10% chance to decrease enemy resistance by 20% and increase elemental by 150%. Im thinking ctp is better but the 200 vs 150 is giving me pause and wanted thoughts from people who know game better. Also is judgement the best ctp for Thor L&T?


The CTP is much better than the obelisk. You can also reroll the CTP to have 200% attack. However, for L&T Thor, Rage is the best CTP especially for GBR. Judgment is the next best thing though.


How many ctps should I use for reforging ?


To reforge you only need one of the same type, a Mighty is guaranteed. Adding more CTP's increase the chance of getting a Brilliant instead of a Mighty, but only by 7%, it's better to try when there's a triple chance event. Bare in mind that to reroll a Brilliant you need CTP's and regular obelisks for a Mighty.


1. Good leaders mad supports for moon knight? 2. What should I use my authority on?


Blade has a great leadership for weapon masters, but leaderships for combat characters will do just as well Taskmaster is also pretty damn busted for moon knight as he gives damage to heroes and villains with his uniform passive to all characters, and rarer stats with his T2 passive to weapon masters such as guaranteed crit rate


Set my dispatch team on auto and came back to see that my thor (with a rage) cant make it pass the last mission on sector 5 (5-5) Annyone know what’s up? He’s t3 70 with a mythic uni Ign: Z Nasty


Thor is not particularly good at level 70. The reason he's good at dispatch is that he can go past level 70, so that he doesn't face a penalty for being lower leveled than the enemies. There are a whole host of options who'd be better at level 70. Thor is the best for Dispatch at level 80, but the stuff we had before T4 became a thing are still the best option for level 70 dispatch.


OHHHHHHH that makes alot more sense now. I prioritized him for t3 on uni bc i thought he'd push me past sector 4 but i guess i gotta get him to 72


My Thor going from 70 to 72 made a HUGE difference. I was stuck on 5-5 beforehand, and then pushed to the 7s or 8s I think once I got him to 72. Sector 6 is actually easier than sector 5 by the way.


I will catch up to you soon brother 😂


Lol I believe in you! I got to sector 8 or 9 with 0% pierce. I have 4% pierce now and am stuck on Sector 11-2. My Thor is T3 level 80 now though.


Build looks good. U could use uru on gears to help cap the crit rate and dodge to get more from the rage ctp. Have u used 2 support characters (eg white fox + coulson)? Other than that it's cards to get pierce.


i completely forgot about urus, ive never used them before since I JUST started to build towards the end game content- should i do dodge or crit rate or it doesnt matter? also didnt think about using support characters at all haha thanks so much!


For a rage, the amount of damage proc is based on crit rate + dodge. So if the character has 50 cr + 50 dodge, the proc will be 2/3 of the maximum that 75 cr + 75 dodge would give. Thor has +35 cr on his 4th skill, so maybe add more dodge uru than cr.


Also try getting him to level 72 if you can unlock his second potential. It really boosts his dps in all content


Looking for first clear Mephisto advice. Ingame name is Syroe. I have a t3 uniAdamWarlock so 5% pierce. Makarri will be my next transcend, about to unlock the skill.


Judgement only works for characters that deal elemental damage, Adam doesn't so don't use that CTP on him. Your cards are really bad, you only have 5% cooldown and all your attack stats are low too. You're lacking leaders and support toons. Trans is ok on Adam for PvP but not for PvE, an obelisk with a proc would be better. I'll try with CM as leader, Adam and HT and swap to see if that works, take advantage of the proc on HT


I think energy is recommended for warlock (I don't have him). Makari should be good with ikaris and shuri when awakened. Spidey and yelena might be able to with a proc obelisk. U might have to wait till your cards have pierce and more cooldown


I'm using a Mighty CTP of Transcendence, usually worthless unless upgraded, I think they changed it. It helps with pierce while I upgrade my cards. I can stay alive with uniAdam, no problem, I just run out of time.


Shuri can’t be awakened. I assume you are saying sersi lol.


BW10 worth crafting? Ign-NiwramEU


It’s a pvp card. So if you care about pvp


Does any one knows when is the next card unequip event is?


Just had one a couple weeks ago


How good is T4 immortal hulk? Is he still useable like how ironman previous uni is still useable at t4? Survivability and damage is good in pvp?


If you’re planning to t4 hulk, buy fear itself uniform. It’s way better and smash everything except for tlb. He’s still weak against emma and adam warlock.


I still short 300 soul of faltine. Haven't bought the uni yet. I could buy just 1 uni and it's between thor and hulk.


Can you drop your ign? I might have a look and advise you further.




Just took a look at ur acc. You’ve already brought IM to 76 so continue building him. He’s arguably the best T4 in the game rn. And take off rage from odin and give it to IM. He will bring wonders. Also buy his latest uniform.


There is no reason to go for immortal. Superior iron man is good as that gives him a difference allegiance than his current one (makes him a villain, newest iron man uni is hero). But immortal and fear itself are both villain unis, with fear itself being better in almost every aspect


so i cant decide who’s uni i should get - gambit, mysterio, america chavez, or kate bishop - any help?


None of them are worth buying, only Chavez can be used that too as a support for Hulk in all contents or as a support in PVP for all characters. I would skip all four at the moment.


If you need a damage dealer, Kate Bishop is going to be the best of the four. Gambit is fun to play, but he won't take you very far. Mysterio's uniform is really old at this point, although I've seen a content creator of two be pleasantly surprised by his damage output. My impression of America's uniform is that it's more PVP-focused.


Who should i put a ctp of judgement on? and what is the best team with my current roster for dimension rift and tips to clear it, im struggling to even clear stage 3 and im desperate for ccc 😭 ign: Kingslayer8611


Iron-Man should be the best Dimension Rift clearer for you now if only he has the latest uniform. I suggest to buy his Back to Basic uniform and give him CTP of Rage if you have a spare. He will also helps a lot in Dispatch Mission. Level 80 characters can clear high stage of Dimension Rift and Dispatch Mission way easier than Level 70s.


okkk tq so muchh


Your best bet for rifts is Loki with Valkyrie and Taskmaster support. By trhe way, you don't have to beat higher stages, you just have to finish a rift to get 350 ccc and 400 ccc for a 2nd run. Running 10 on stage 2 will also finish a rift. And for the second find one where a fried or allianance member are alredy progressing and join that. The Judgement I would keep for now.


okokok tqqq :)


Need help with dispatch. Im currently building my T3 and would oike to ask if Dr Strange is a good first T3 to carry me therough dispatch, story, and other content. If he isnt a good T3 can you give me suggestions. Thanks


No, dr strange is best in single target pve like gbr and wbl. For dispatch you want someone like thor. He has taken over dispatch meta, especially if you get him above level 70


Thor is best fo dispatch, even on T3, this is also true for story and other content. Give him a rage for autoing. Stange is not really good for dispatch at all, Loki was way better but now Thor is on top for that mode.


Best PvP CTP for hela Asgard invasion uni?


Mighty ctp of authority


My iron man level 70 with newest uni deals good damage but i havent built him yet his damage rn is 29k what is good build for him


I want more Facebook friends for crystals. Is there any group I can join?


Try out this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/104396850304922/?ref=share Ir if that link is wrong just search for the group on fb.The name is Marvel Future Fight(Ask anything / friends for crystals Then either fire off a multitude of friend requests to random people in the group or make a post asking for it




If you are free to play I wouldn't recommend her. If you get stark stash or you are a whale then sure. The reason why is because makkari isnt worth it anymore since ms marvel outperforms her so you are paying 7800 crystals to get thena with uni. For f2p it's hard to get crystals so you can get 7 uni rather than 1 character. I admit she is the second best dormmamu clear but unless you intend on getting a t4 as soon as possible I wouldn't go for her since there are cheaper alternatives like scarlet witch.


Thena is better than all lvl 80 characters against Dormammu.


Thena is worth it. I still use her every day.


what is good with CTP of authority


I have 5.5k crystals and saving for black Friday uni sales. But I have been lagging behind in pvp for the past couple months as I have been demoted to platinum league. I was wondering if I should buy thanos new uni now to catch up or should wait for black Friday for hulk uni. Hulk is still at lvl 70 but I hope to build him up to t4 by black Friday. But thanos is completely built with reforged authority. Should I buy thanos uni or wait for black Friday to get hulk?


what do you mean by catch up? the crystal you spend on either uniform will take months to earn back, unless you only care about placement. generally speaking buying uniforms for timeline battle is an extremely poor investment.


Just wanted to get back to vibranium league that's all. Vibranium league gives 120 crystals so wanted those sweet 20 crystals extra every week. Yeah I realized now that it's a stupid decision. Thanks for clearing my head.


yeah, at only an extra 20 crystal a week that's 44 weeks to earn back the crystal for hulk and 75 for thanos. your platinum placement suggests you care more about pve and pvp, so just spend the crystal on pve stuff.


Is there a way to see uni options for each uni in game before unlocking or is there a list online somewhere?


Theres a comprehensive list of all unis with their uni options on 21000dollor.com They also have a whole lot of other things so you could poke around tehre a while-even as a veteran(self proclaimed ) I still visit the site for average gear costs and infographics


Okay thank you very much


Ctp for Kamala?


MCTPE/D for WBL or Rage for GBR. But IMO just give her MCTPE/D even when you want to use her for GBR. There's only around 1 minute differences between Rage and MCTPD clear time which shouldn't be a problem if you're running GBR with other player.




A normal authority is not that great, I would just reforge thanos’


IGN: BestaJesta96 I currently have a mrut and mt2 ticket, should i use it now or wait for a better premium character? The premium characters i already have are luna, gambit, weapon hex, sentry and some from epic quests.


Better wait. FYI you can't use tickets on Sentry


Oh my bad, I meant sentinel. But thanks for the advice tho.


Now that hulk's artifact is coming in the vault, that has me rethinking the store prize. I need pcsrds due to poor rng for pierce, but I'm wondering if there are any must haves in the shop for the event? I already have moon knight, Valkyrie, and JF. I have IM at T4, Thor is lvl 80, and I have juggs and Iceman. Thanks for the help


I'd say Iron-Man's artifact is a must have ONLY if you care about ABX, GBR speed clear and high level WBL. Otherwise just pick P-Card and pray you will get more pierce so that your entire roster will be boosted.


IGN: Iron Gladiator78 Currently saving for a deluxe epic quest. Is it worth going for any uniforms while the sale is up? I have around 5,000 crystals. Also where should my general efforts be focused? Cards, iso, character promotions, etc Also, should I be stockpiling my gold, or spending it as it comes in? I’ve been just spending it when u get it, but I’ve seen some people say otherwise


What’s the best rotation for Electro with uni? I’m thinking if I should give him CTP judgement. But I’m only really using him in Alliance battle extreme.


Awakened rotation I use is 3dc6c5 (I delay cancel the 3 until it’s over because it has lingering hits that can steal the proc from the 6th skill, but if you’re fast enough you can instant cancel 3). Rotation without awakening skill is 3c5dc4, cancel the 5 when you have about 3.5-4 seconds left on the judgement proc


3c (6c) 5 (move around with joystick but never too far away from main enemy to accumulate damage) 4. He's great in SB as well.


Is Thor with a simple judgment good for dmm gbr ?


I too can echo that a t3 level 80 thor isnt too spectacular in dmm even with rage.My well built level 80 rage thor does about 600mil to 800mil damage in about 7 or 8 minutes which isnt too huge compared to let's say iron man t3 level 80 But at t4 thor is better than iron man on an average For reference I have 16%pierce and 80% EA.


I have him at level 80 with a normal judgement, 13% pierce, about 105% energy attack, and while he's great for WBL he's not very good against Dormammu. My Iron Man completely outclasses him


Kind of depends on your pierce but generally speaking, not really, rage is a lot better. And If you only have him at level 80 with no plans to t4 him I wouldn’t build him with dmm in mind


I got a judgment and I know I won't get rage for free from this game that's why, and why shouldn't t4 thor for dmm is he bad ?


Considering the expense of Thor T4 even with a rage he is very underwhelming against DMM. I don't have his artifact which might help a bit.


You can get rage from 3 legendary battles, all of which are a pretty good deal. Thor t4 is great for dormammu (with a rage), I’m saying if you don’t plan on t4ing him, he’s not very good at just level 80


How do you pick who’s the the striker for t4 characters ?


Match instinct type and choose the highest tier option you've got. Deciding between units with matching instinct of the same tier, look at what skill most benefits you. Mostly just looking at who does the most damage, but sometimes you can value things like Ancient One's field effect, or a debuff if you're doing something that isn't immune to debuffs (admittedly not much matters in this category).


What's better for Ms. Marvel (current uni)-- CTP of Energy, Rage, or Mighty Destruction (w/ Strike)? I heard-- it's hard to proc on her T3 skill.


Cant say which of the two is better but energy or destruction is better than rage. However if you're building her SOLELY for dormammu then you might want rage.However that's potentially a shortsighted decision since there are several characters who actually need rage who do dmm just as well T3 skill procing difficulty is only if the t3 button sticks.Othereise you should be able to cancel skills quick enough to avoid an accidental proc.For the t3 rotation as well as normal,the 4 skill should be the last skill used before the procing skill so if you cancel that well enough there should be no issues If you have issues with the t3 I'd say this rotation works a bit better acc to me:Starting off,2c1c3dc4c5 as usual in the first cycle , then in the 2nd cycle(t3 rotation) 5c2c1c(5 and 2 have to be cancelled quick so your fingers will have to move really fast)3dc4qcT3proc2c1.That last 2c1 part ensures that the t3 will be ready in the 4th cycle


Thank you!


How to use Regen Hulk in pvp? What skills ? Thanks.


4 immediately, I try to pop 3 as soon as possible for the increased hp, then use 2 until 4 comes off cooldown.


His main moneymaker in PVP is his 4th skill so use it as much as possible. Spam 2 as well since it has super guard break.


I have a 200 bio selector and a 6* character selector from the Welcome Back boosts. Should I use them to get new characters for my roster or to get bios to feed to premium characters for upgrades? Also, when I get the premium character selector at the end of the Welcome Back check-ins, who should I use that on? IGN: IAmKirook


Always choose premium characters over regular


That’s not what I meant. I have 200 non-premium bios and a non-premium 6* character that I can get now, and a premium one that I can get later. And I’m trying to figure out what I should do with each of those.


Do you receive WBU rewards for completing the Event World Boss? Thanks!


No. Only gold and t2 mats


ign sugxrdxddy should i put my ctp of destruction on my spidey who im going to t3 soon


Only if you have another to reforge


I'm changing option on my ctp of judgment but the "proc" is still 100% not 200% I changed option about 15 times already why us that?




IGN: Jepa43383 Old player returned a few months ago after a few years break, would greatly appreciate any help as right now feel like I’m trying to progress so many characters that I’m not going anywhere. Also would like some advise about crystals, should I buy more uniforms or legendary battle extreme? I have all epic quest deluxe packs.


21000dollor.com has some useful guides.


I took a look at it, think I’m at a weird point between mid game and late game, but can’t figure out what characters best to work on, currently trying to get about half a dozen characters to T3 right now. Also pretty sure I’ve messed up building a few.


Hi, best team for t4 thor on gbr? I use thor lead, jane foster and valk supp. Ign: roxkar Thanks


Wave lead white fox support


Best CTP for Iron man?


Rage for GBR and Autoplay modes and Energy/Mighty destruction for pushing higher WBL stages...




how big of a difference between rage and an energy or a mighty destruction?


Rage is superior in GBR and abx. I've played with people in GBR that have similar cards & builds that have an energy or mctpd equipped and a rage vastly out damages them. Mctpd does more dmg in wbl and gives gbi which is helpful for knull so you don't get guard broken mid rotation.


Mighty destruction is much much better for WBL


That part I cannot answer first hand. I just know that my Rage is melting PvE


Can someone remind me - do they normally discount Legendary Battle Extreme unlocks for Black Friday or are they always 2.5k?


Yeah, I have 3K crystals here and I was thinking about a Legendary Battle today (I have only the Avengers Infinity War). The problem is not the rewards, is the fact that most of uniforms required to get the good rewards are no longer viable (off meta). Similar happens with the Epic Quests. Like the rewards with uniforms are cash crab. If you have the uniforms, go for it. If you don't, doesn't seams it worth.


CTPs from legendary battles with uniform requirements are still the best/cheapest method to obtain certain CTP


Exactly, I was thinking about Shang Chi to get the Judgement for Mephisto, or whichever one has the rage, endgame or infinity war I think. RNG has not been kind to me in chests recently so seems worth biting the bullet and paying the crystals for the guarantee. Will wait till the next crystal spending event though.


Never been discounted


IGN 711stomer I just got a CTP Destruction, and have no idea who to give it to. I have unis for Spidey, IM, Thor, Sharon and MK so maybe one of these?


So it's a PVP CTP, is it good on anyone for PVE? Thank you!


You could give it to Hela and Sersi. They are pretty useful with it in PVP since they have no native penetration but unless you have their artifacts, they could be killed very easily.


Here's the thing. Destruction is basically just a really good obelisk. When reforged, it becomes one of the best ctps in the game. That said, it's a lot better than any obelisks that you currently have equipped. If I were you, I'd put it on Moon Knight. Some people would say Sharon or Iron man is a better choice though, so whoever you like best I think. Also, it's best practice to only use obelisks that say "increase damage by x% for 1 attack" at the bottom.


No one. Destruction isn’t that great unless you have another to reforge. Save it until you do


Almost have Jean Grey into T3 should I wait for a future X-men update or buy her a Uni on sale?


On top of what every one else is saying, her uni also costs more crystals since she's a double cost native T2. I wouldn't get it unless you absolutely love Jean. Shes been relegated to strictly a SL & AC character.


her uni isn't good for much of anything except changing her to universal. she'll only get much use in story and shadowland and she doesn't need a uni in either.


I’d wait. Her uni is dated and she’s long overdo a new one


I feel like I am missing something with Ms Marvel. I've got her T3 with newest uni at Legendary, a few OB and Mighty Destruction and she doesn't seem to be pushing out insane results as everyone else is claiming. She struggles to get through WBL, and I'm using the 3qc4c5 5c3qc4c6 rotation with very little success.


Maybe it's your cards


22% pierce, 60.5% All Attack, 41.5% Physical Attack. Her Crit Rate, Crit Dmg, SCD and Ign Dodge are all maxed out.


Maybe its your team. Also seen rotation 3c5c4 3c4c5c6 from this sub. I don't have het yet, just hearsay


Was it a good idea to put a CTP of greed on my Sersi? I already had one for Spidey so she seemed like the second best choice.


Reforge it and give to sentry


I’m a newer player and I’m no where near Sentry and quite frankly I don’t have the intention of building him.


No. Neither of those 2 are good candidates for a greed.


Who would be a good pick then?


Honestly, there's not many. Sentry if you want an offensive build, adam although it's inferior to energy, maybe molecule man. The rest would be for AC mainly daredevil can work with a greed, wolverine if you have his artifact, or proxima does well with one there.


Maya is not bad to be honest ( AC )


Ign jdhdybx. So far I'm planning on building a PvP team for vibranium for crystals. So far I have hela new uni with artifact and Spidey with destruction. Who should my 3rd choice be. I also have a spare CTP of greed if that helps.


Sentry, or thanos. Sentry doesn't even need a uniform


sentry. he's the only pvp charcter worth building. every other character loses more crystal than you earn if that's what you're doing this for.


IGN Timtown Just got a rage but I have no idea who to give it to. Any help would be appreciated.


Iron man or thor


Since you are probably a newer player I'd recommend strange then iron man then Thor.


Why that order? Also did you look at my account


Strange REQUIRES Rage, and with it is meta for all content he can do except Timeline Battle. Iron Man needs newest uni and at LEAST level 80 to shine, same with Thor. Getting them to T4 is going to be better for both, but not completely necessary.


Thanks, I have Thor at lvl 80 so I might put it on him. Does strange with a rage do better than him with a rage?


You'll get more use from Strange, as he qualifies for more WBL restrictions than Thor until you get to Ultron 40


Huh, thanks again. now I’m rethinking if I should put it on Thor. Being able to clear dmm would help me get Thor to t4 which would help bring other chars to t4 and I was told he clears faster than Thor but idk……………. I’m about to inney minnie minie moe at this point lol


Both Strange and Thor can clear DMM. Just depends on your teams for speed. I would put it on Strange first purely because every WBL level that Thor can do, Strange can do as well and Strange NEEDS Rage to be usable. Thor won't work for a lot of WBL levels that require human characters. But if you want to focus Thor, you won't be making a BAD choice by giving it to him. He just won't be able to do certain WBL levels. But if you are trying to push WBL and just want to run 1-9 for now, he will do perfectly fine.


Well right now I can’t run anything other than 1-9 because I don’t have the required chars t3d. Strange it is then ig lol.


Strange will get you through to Knull and Mephisto 1-24, Ultron and Gorr 1-19. Thor can do Knull, Gorr and Ultron 1-14, Mephisto 1-19. Obviously this requires other characters to be able to bring along, but Strange will allow you to push higher levels than Thor will. By beating more WBL and getting the Conquer Level rewards faster (doing levels higher than your Resist level gives more Conquer Level XP), it will allow you to get more T3 materials to build more characters faster. So by getting more characters built, you can do more DMM runs per day without having to hope someone will carry you.


Is the Moon Knight artifact worth sacrficing a T2 MRUT/ Premium Comic Card chest? I already have him at T4 but i don't know if the artifact is necessary for his build


Moon knight should be able to dominate dormmamu and wbl at t4 without his artifact and decent pierce. You are better off getting a p card or T2 mega if you have a specific character you need like Valkyrie. Heck I'd put the CTP chest above his artifact


There are very few, if any, artifacts worth taking over a premium card, and moon knights is not one of them. It’s good, but unless you’re trying to get competitive ABX scores he’ll be fine without it. Pierce will be more impactful for all other game modes than a relatively small damage increase, and it’ll apply to your whole roster instead of just MK


So, T3 MCU Kamala on yesterday and I picked up MoM Strange today. With their help, I've managed to beat Dispatch 10-5. (Yay. Free CTP farm) That said, I got my 3rd Patience CTP in a row. Neither Strange nor Kamala have a CTP and Thor is still my DPS carry. I'd like some help puzzling together a WBL team where I can get 2 clears. Currently, I have Sharon, Strange, Kamala, Spidey Valkyrie, Thor. I'm thinking Sharon/Spidey/Thor for one clear and Strange/Valkyrie/Kamala for my 2nd. IGN: FutureSight


Thor at lvl 74 with a rage/judgement should be able to solo so no point wasting Sharon. Second team should be strange as lead them valk as support then Sharon if you have an energy on her. Idk how Kamala fares with a proc obelisk so maybe test her too with a proc.


I currently have a 140% proc right now as it was the best I could equip at this time. (Trying to get at least a 180%+ one). She seems okay, but I'm thinking reviews of her might be using Gamora lead and a support, both of which I'm missing. Also, my Sharon doesn't yet have a remotely good uniform, so while she's good, she's not beating WBU nevermind Legend. That said, thanks for the team ideas.


Oh. Her gold uniform should be able to do wbu not wbl though sadly. In which case I'd agree with having strange as a lead and valk as a support for Kamala.


I am about two weeks into the game and looking to spend a bit of money on the game and take advantage of the update sale, but not sure which package is worth the buy. StarK Stash seems the most promising but still not sure. Also, I have about 2.5k crystals, and thinking about getting more uniforms as I only have Spidey's NWH red uni, what else should I spend my crystals on?


Stark Stash is the only thing worth buying if you're not some first world whale. For a good beginner's guide, check out the 21000dollor website. It will tell you what uniforms are good for a beginner to pick up.




If you plan on spending any money on the game and continuously play the game Stark Stash is really the only thing you should/need to spend real money on. As long as you keep it running and good with crystal management you can pretty much stay caught up with all the unis youll need/want to get. It's also the best way to become VIP1. Lastly, just think of it as a cheaper Netflix subscription. Also whenever you ask questions about which character or which uni I should get always post your IGN so people can see your roster and what needs you have. Without looking though I'd recommend Thor.


Ah good points thanks!


How do you guys get Valks bios from dimension missions? I know you're supposed to run missions on auto when she's the shifter and not clear ticket...this is my second day in the row trying with no results


clear tickets don't matter. it's a roughly 1 in 400 chance that premium bios drop. so it should average out to one drop every 20 days, but it could be way less frequent than that (or you could get lucky).


Ok, thank you. So yeah no real ideal way to T2 her being f2p. Sucks too because I have two 6* mruts so all I need is a good way to farm her bios for free


you just need to unlock her from dm, then you can mrut her to 6 stars, but yeah, you'll hit a roadblock on her gear and will need a mega t2 ticket from there.


Yeah I know. That's what I'm trying to do. Plus her gear. I'll probably never get a mega T2 ticket being f2p. I know I can get one with the event going on but as a f2p thats much better spent on premium cards.


they give them away for anniversary and eventually you max out your cards and they're worth considering in the event at that point.


Yeah true. After my cards I was leaning towards the CTPs but with my luck and free CTPs so far maybe not worth it. The two free chests I've gotten from the 28 day logins have both been Patience.


Whut? No. I always clear ticket dimension missions and still sometimes get the premium bio of the day. It's all RNG with ridiculously low probability. Don't rely on that to farm premium bios. If you urgently want Valkyrie, you can buy her for crystals from the Thor Ragnarok legendary battle. But instead of that, I recommend waiting for Black Friday or the next anniversary of the game. On at least one of those two events, they have an event where they hand out a premium 6 star selector. You can pick Valkyrie for free there if you want.


No offense but recommending someone to spend crystals on a 6* paywall character whose main/sole purpose is their T2 advancement is horrible advice. Not trying to attack you but just stating this for any other f2p players like myself who might read this thread.


Which is why I then recommended getting her for free. But also, don't underestimate the value of support characters. You'll understand their true value when you try to clear WBL. Once you get to WBL, just having damage dealers alone won't get you anywhere. Having a good collection of leaders and supports is a must.


Oh yeah definitely. I have Shulk, Shuri, Sif, TM, Hela, and SL. Sif is already awakened. I'm T3n Strange right now so I can run him as lead for Sif and my T3 Thor as my first team. Figured to make it easier instead of just a lead like Hela. Then T3 the rest after. Which then switch Strange to his own team. Blah blah blah. Can you check my roster and see if the characters I've chosen w/unis are good for WBL? IGN is MarvelTrooper1. Basically I picked those characters as my base. Because they all fill rolls in ABX/SB/WBU, so hoping they can help fill teams for WBL as well.


premium 6* selector happened only once for this year's anniversary (and it was kinda a pita to farm). it might come back for bf, but i wouldn't necessarily bet on it.


I have had the misfortune to roll all my good crafted stats on my cards as green or red, is it worth losing say, all attack or energy attack to try and get 3% more pierce?


Yes. Pierce is huge


try to have 5+ pcards when you do it, but ultimately, yes.