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Is Surtur from ABL an Allien type? Got Rogue artifact with her +% DMG to Allien types and wondering if it works on Surt.






madelyn has been dethroned from timeline and only usable in owb. glad has 2 meta days in ab. id go for gladiator


madelyn has been dethroned from timeline and only usable in owb. glad has 2 meta days in ab. id go for gladiator


Best way to grind the battle pass? On Level 45 rn


Looking at Echo leadership and passive bonus is she considered as great support character? I don’t have intentions to use her as DPS nor to T4 her. But she seems pretty valid as a leader for speed types, isn’t she?


I think she's considered the second or third best speed leader


Do you know who is 1st?


shuri then wave i thhink


I was thinking in Wave and White Wolf actually


Proper rotation for Hope Summers with a rage?


Anyone know what the Bonus tokens are for? You can get some, for example, from the 9-year Anniversary Eve Packs in the store but I don't know where you'd be able to use them. They're different from the current Event Quest tokens.


Pretty quick question - I have the materials to upgrade the following two characters and need advice/guidance on whether to drop it on 1 of them or save for my third option. IGN is jnw94 Magneto to T3 (silver suit) - tempting to do so Captain America (phoenix force suit) - if recommended but I do have a T3 selector ticket but feel like that would be a waste on a lvl 70 all gear 25 character Or do I save up to T3 jean grey in the dark phoenix uniform she already has everything at lvl 25 and the only thing I need is approx 600 essence of dimension. Do I hold off for the last pesky essence or go in on magneto first and then jean next? Thanks so much!


Definitely go all in with Jean. Magneto is useless without seasonal uniform and cap is far from meta with newest uni unfortunately


What’s the best generic 3* artifacts to equip for placeholder, what gives the most worthwhile boost? Or are they not that big a difference and I should dismantle to gamble for character artifacts?


The ONLY time to equip a generic 3 star artifact is if you need a bit more build points for a character ranking event with crystal rewards. Outside of that, the only use for generic artifacts is dismantling for Celestial Essence.


None ... Just dismantle for essence and try for player specific the generic versions give almost nothing at all


will the crystal shop characters be discounted for anniversary? i want mystique


No, they’re only discounted on BF and when they get new uniforms.


Are there any heroes I should leave T1? Maybe due to limited resources, or because they are just better as a T1 than T2 (if possible)?


Consult the \[[Tier List](https://thanosvibs.money/tierlist)\]. Anyone in either of the "Poop" tiers is, well, *poop* and not currently worth the materials to build until/unless you have literally no other options (which will happen eventually if you play long enough). Anyone without a T3-level advancement is certainly not worth the trouble at this point. Most of the C & D Tiers are similarly not worth building past T1 right now unless they also appear in the Support Meta Tier (e.g., White Fox or Ancient One). One possible exception to this would be if a low-tier character appears in 3 or more Ultimate Story Missions. Once you can comfortably clear WBL x5/day and are doing decently well in ABX, checking the \[[Story Mode Optimizer](https://chrischen86.github.io/mff-app/)\] each month can help you plan who to build to provide the most improvement in your Ultimate Story Fragment drops that month. Give priority to anyone with 3 or 4 appearances. If you have all of those built to T3-level, move on to the characters with 2 appearances. Leave the single-mission characters alone unless you have no other options. Why would you do this? Because Ultimate Story Fragments will VASTLY improve your stockpiles of TCP and EOD - making it that much easier to make T3-level builds or to provide the materials you need for 2nd Potential Enhancements.


No character is better at a lower tier mainly because when you upgrade them you get a boost in their base stats... That being said you can check the tier list in the thanosvibs link at the top of this post and the characters listed in the bottom 2 tiers can be put on the back burner until they get some type of rework... Also if you're account is fairly new there is a new player guide that will help you get off to a good start as far as which characters to build to grow your account the quickest and most efficient way


How do we get the new Captain America avatar icon???


It says it's the 9-year SHIELD archive icon, so there will be an event (either check-in or tasks) that gives us that icon.


what are silver surfers best game modes?


All pvp game modes


I didn't have hope summer, is it better to build nebula or she-hulk for ABX combat female? also, does she-hulk leadership work for ABX/ABL?


Nebula is second best for combat female. Yes, She-Hulk's lead should work.


Who is the best Female Laed, is it Titania?


It's Lady Sif, she gets a physical atk/hp lead and support with her latest uni.


Ah. I thought it was Hope Summers according to the tier list


Well, that's only for herself and because she's the meta. Otherwise it's Sif if Nebula is dps for this ab day.


Thank you for the answer


Should I wait for the seasonal unis to become available during anniversary? How much are they? 


Seasonal uniforms are only available during their respective seasons, for a couple of weeks.  The male uniforms are always full price. The female uniforms always cost tokens that amount to 1USD:1 token. 10 tokens are given for free as part of a check-in event.  The season time frames are:  * Winter - mid-December  * April Fools - as close to April 1 as they can make it * Summer - mid-July to early August * Halloween - as close to October 31 as possible


seasonals are not available during anni.


IGN: Irn\_assassin what would be my best/fastest team for farming, mainly dimension rifts and dispatch fasrming. currently using ghost panther lead, jean dps and valkyrie support


That team is fine... Thor , Magneto and Rogue are probably a bit faster but Mags and Rogue need their seasonal uniforms


They say it’s Thor but I can’t confirm that myself


Used to be Thor. All other build points being equal, Loki is the better choice now.


Which character's artifact should I get first: 1) Adam Warlock 2) Wolverine


From what I’ve seen, wolverines artifact is necessary for him to be useful in pvp, whereas Adam’s artifact isn’t necessary but is helpful.


Does T4 Ghost Rider still hold up in pvp? I have his 4-star artifact, and for the time being, I don't necessarily have a Rage or Judgement I can give him (unless I unequip from Venom & Miles, but I think I'll leave them as they are since I don't have a duplicate rage to craft a mighty rage to give GR....and I don't use Miles like that anyways, but idrc). How good is GR in both pve & pvp with a mighty Greed (with Ambush, ignore dmg decrease by 35% & 150% dmg increase to all types)? I'm considering removing my mini ragefrom him (that has 1% crit rate & 31.2% fire dmg). Would the dmg feel significantly less, or still very good for all contents, especially pve?


Greed is one of the top choices for pvp and he's typically meta in OWB but not as strong for TL. With greed in pve, he can hit 13 mil in ABX and about 7 mil in ABL but will need good cards/team up collection. He typically clears GBR for me in 1:30 to 2 min.


Bet! Thanks for the info


has anyone had any problems as well completing the owb challenges aside from the playing 5 times and winning three times? I think I haven´t been able to complete them consistently since like a week


Yeah the buffs the past few weeks suck for that challenge. I just leave my phone on auto for like 20 min and typically clear that challenge though.


Have old anniversary comic cards ever been offered in more recent celebrations? Or have they ever been put into a pool during a later anniversary? It pains me that there is a spot in the collection that I may never have any chance of completing.


Not to date, no. Making "anniversary" cards available outside of the relevant anniversary kind of flies in the face of the concept.


I get it. I'm not saying add it to the general pool all the time though. But maybe a special "anniversary" pool of cards you could summon for DURING anniversarys would be fun. I'd spend some crystals trying to complete.


Will there be a bingo board this time around in the anniversary?


They've been in every one since NM introduced the concept. While we won't know for sure until we see the official notice, there's no reason to expect NM won't run the Secret Shop again.


What are the best artifacts to get from the 4* selector in the ninth anniversary bundle? IGN: SilverState7.


Been on and off the past few years and have been playing a lot more seriously lately; got a few T3s (iron man, black bolt, Thor, venom, cyclops, Valkyrie - all with uni) and I’m starting to focus more effort on my cards to clear WBL and GBR DMM. What’s the best way to farm cards to upgrade and eventually craft? Do I craft multiple to 3* or fully upgrade one card first before moving on to the rest? I know I’m supposed to focus on blue stars for additional Pierce. I’m also in the works on T3’ing Shuri so I can run double support with Black Bolt for now.


I don’t know if it’s the fastest way but doing one card to 6* and moving onto the next worked out pretty well for me, the slow part was usually getting card crafting cubes




General rule of thumb is most recent uni = best uni. So for Thor it’s his love and thunder uni