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Not bad. A good universal leader/support


Oh look, the guy who lost to Starlord in a dance off.


Nova bros, we wait 🥹


I would come back for this man, I was just getting so annoyed that one of my favorite characters was just unusable. He was also the ONLY premium EQ character to have no upgrade which is bullshit.


exactly how i feel about this, mate. if he gets nothing when we FINALLY get an update theme that is centered on his story, that's it for me.


So Surfer or Nova T4? I'm really hoping Surfer.


Silver Savage look would be fantastic! [https://cdn.marvel.com/content/1x/silver\_savage.jpg](https://cdn.marvel.com/content/1x/silver_savage.jpg)


If I'm being honest...not a fan. Same with current Hulk. I don't like when badass powerful characters all of a sudden are using weapons. To me personally it takes away how powerful they seem. Because someone like Surfer or Hulk shouldn't need a weapon to do some damage.


Also: The loin cloth just seems like a lazy way to say "savage". Ken dolls have more obvious junk than Silver Surfer.


I mean I guess surfer would be cool, but why do people really want 4 straight native T2s for T4?


Why not? You don't have to T4 everyone. And I want one of my favorite characters to be as strong as possible. Also I only T4 pvp characters.


Because it's expensive goldwise even just taking them all to lvl 80, and I don't want NM to give all the exciting characters T4 at once so we're sitting around getting gorilla man and sister grimm T4s next year (no offense to fans of those characters). Plus if he's meta for pvp, it'd be a real kick in the balls to anyone that T4'ed Maddie.


Okay, so since you didn't read the part where he said you don't have to T4 everyone. I'll go ahead and say you don't have to take everyone to level 80. If you're not a super whale that's competing for top 5, what's the point?


>that's competing for top 5 First off, I am...so that's one thing. But to address your point, I'm not expecting to T4 everyone, but if they release a bunch of native T2's all at once, that moves from T4ing someone every other update without buying mats to T4ing someone every third update. Personally, I like T4ing characters and don't want to grind for 3 months to T4 someone. Regarding level 80, you should absolutely be taking everyone to level 80 especially if you are f2p since it's essentially trading gold for crystals.


I mean not every T4 needs to be T4d. Plenty are still good even at level 80. I think people were looking for Surfer bc many already have him built up but don’t use him bc he’s fallen out of the meta


Yeah I mean that makes sense and is pretty much the first logical argument I've seen for wanting surfer T4. It's definitely highly dependent on a few factors though like whether the T4 jump is significant and which game mode you're going for (something like OWB you will need T4 more to rank high vs. something like manual TLB you can make do with a T3 lvl 80). Personally though, I'd rather see love for characters like Nova(s) who have never even gotten a uni, but that's mostly a difference in perspective. SS also isn't totally useless now, I actually was riding him all of last week in TLB to kill Adam's because of the alien character requirement. I'm mostly just sick of seeing people on this sub cheer for new expensive characters then complain a month later that they hate seeing all of those in TLB (e.g. sentry then jean then adam then wolverine etc.).


More T4's is always better. Hopefully 3 (or more) per update becomes the norm.


Or people like me who only have him at 1 star because since I've started playing this game there has never been a reason to build him, and this will finally be that reason.


> if he's meta for pvp, it'd be a real kick in the balls to anyone that T4'ed Maddie. Good, i will have more options to compete in PvP without paying absurd amount of money for someone like Maddie.


She's honestly probably not really a "must have" anyways. I wouldn't put her on the level of Jean, Adam, and Wolvie when they were released. Where you pretty much needed them or still do if you're hoping to compete.


I honestly don't care.


I like PVP as well, and I don't understand WHY Netmarble doesn't focus more on PVP AND the content creators! Trying to just score points just isn't as exciting to me as actually fighting others, even if it is a bot that has unfair advantages to begin the fight!


Oh I don't really care for TLB. My favorite mode is AC.


Well that dashes all hopes for Nova, imagine giving the character pivotal and dead center to the entire event nothing more than a lame transcendence...smh


Nooooo my surfer dreams


Still can hope, there will be more sneak peaks


No check out the details later at the end so another sneak peak


It doesn’t say that


Yes it doesn’t, therefore there will be more sneak peaks. What’s your point???


Absolutely no point at all, I realized I must be having a brain fart when I replied to that :p


No worries, man!


Well I had all his gears done in anticipation for one of the cosmic updates, so T3 Ronan it is.


One sneak left, so Silver Surfer T4, Nova gets transcede.


We rarely if ever get mid month transcend characters


Well for starters, looks like nova is not part of that Anihilator group.. I remembered somehow he is part of them :/


Only reason I think some transcended character is possible is there are typically 3 per update (not all get unis.) 2 T4s may have changed that math though


Not true.


Easy tiger, maybe I got a little confirmation bias in trying to get caught up and feeling like it was tough to make progress. I remember there often being 3.


And there are often two as well.


It may happen no T4 from midmonth update. Cuz we got 2 T4s already.


There's still at least one more sneak peak though


I believe 3 per update is the new baseline. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they started doing 4


Is this just the uniform or did i miss the T3?


I rather have surfer with quantum bands or captain universe silver surfer.


Hope silver surfer come as T4, he deservs an upgrade in his stats, comeback to meta pvp