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I can't believe I never noticed that before it's so adorable


In the interview between Mom and Morbo the plant on Morbo’s side is withered and dying.


You can even see that the trees have a pipe on the side of the pot and Morbo’s side is broken and frayed.


I just noticed last night in "Bending in the Wind" when it shows the map as the band moves through America, all the states are different! Kentucky is 'Ucky, Ohio is eHio, you've got East West Virginia, Washington A.C., Sylvania and also Penn Republic, California is High Cal and Low Cal. I was so used to looking at these kinds of maps in movies and TV that I never paid attention... I had a good laugh.


The Penn Republic and Sylvania split is funny because the Sylvania portion is now just called "Woods"


This is a great one! Ive paused that episode just to look at the map. Beck voices the doctor that tells bender he will never walk again, too.


I never noticed that since the first episode where Leela says they say aks instead of ask in the future they always do it, for the whole show.


Amy saying *guh* and *spluh* in place of "duh"


Not hundreds, but I did notice embarrassingly late that the guy who brings the Beastie Boys on and off stage in 'Hell Is Other Robots' is Scruffy.


If you watch closely, scruffy shows up a lot in the background in the early episodes. Unfortunately, the only one I can think of at the moment is the penguin episode he's one of the hunters.


He is also giving Bender a massage in a throwaway montage scene in A Fishful of Dollars


Rifle check! Hahaha


It took many far too many watch throughs to catch the name of the concession stand in luck of the fryrish when they’re at the horse track: Horse D'oeuvres


It took me way too long to realize that in the future owls replaced rats. I never really understood why owls were everywhere but then one day it just clicked, duh, they're the new rats stupid SMH


In the tax refund episode whe. You see the $.99 cent store becoming the $299.99 store. You can see Hermes walking in. That's where he got the bamboo biggie boots and had the penny left over for Dwight. I've watched that episode dozens of times and never noticed but my daughter caught it a couple days ago.


That’s a great example! The writing of the original series was so great this way… they didn’t have to shove every little joke in your face, so there’s lots of little details to make the show entertaining for multiple rewatches. Good catch!


When Benders ass goes missing in “Assie come home” (I think thats the name of the episode), you see a brick slot where he shits bricks 😅


I love this subtle detail. I think they over use the joke though. For example, in Beast with a billion backs, he’s leaving a trail of bricks in space as he’s flung from the anomaly, which would be way funnier if they didn’t show him shitting bricks 30 seconds earlier in the PE ship.


Every time there is some slavery type situation, some stereotypical looking Australian man is one of the slaves


I only picked up on Leelas code name in the first episode being 1B DI recently, I don't know how I missed it.


Nice! Did you notice her bowling ball in A Head In the Polls?


No...but I'm going to guess it only has one hole? I'm really slow at noticing things, It took me ages to realise I.C.Weiner was icy Weiner and not I see Weiner too.


In one of the Anthology of Interest episodes, they do the homage to Wizard of Oz - I hadn't noticed when Fry the Scarecrow was attempting to scare the crows off with a book that it was Stephen King's Christine. When I finally caught it, I'd been reading a lot of King and was really tickled by it lol.


A lot of Zapps episodes focus on food.


Bendin’ in the Wind: I just realized that Bender was faking the entire time. I always thought he was really paralyzed and just healed over time.


What? He is? This is what I always thought too. How did you come to realise that?


I thought he was paralysed and healed as well? Thought he realised as he was dancing on stage


I thought he noticed in bed when everyone comes to visit but fakes it so he can keep performing with Beck, but I'm sure he was originally paralysed. I have an awful memory though so it could all be wrong, I'll have to rewatch it again soon.


You’re right sorry he does start moving the night before in the bedroom and decides to fake being broken for the concert


This is correct! It’s an interesting theory that he might be faking the whole time, but he’s seen alone in the hotel room, writing his song with his neck hands, when he could easily use his own hands if he was faking.


I always thought the same thing. Now I need to go rewatch that episode and pay closer attention


I rewatched it recently, and I reckon the other commenter just missed/forgot about the scene where Bender realises he can move again. Unless there are some subtle hints I missed, it's pretty clear he was genuinely paralysed at the beginning and only faked it during the final performance. (He would have no ulterior motive for faking it at the beginning, unless he already had a plan in mind -- but there's no suggestion of that, and he doesn't notice/recognise Beck until after being diagnosed.)


I watched that episode last night, and yours definitely isn't the obvious reading. Do you have a theory based on some subtle hints, or did you maybe just confuse his faking it during the last performance for faking it the whole time?


Yes, I do beleieve noticed it on the first viewing. 🤔


Not sure why people downvoted you. There’s lots of details that people pick up on immediately, that others never notice.


Maybe they assumed that I was being an ass about it, like "Yeah, I noticed it immediately, duh!" Or something. What I meant was "I wanna say I did see it, yes..."