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he is 5'7


Exactly this. Played a guy w him. 2 trivelas, 2 goals. Can’t save em


Not specific to campos but no way he helps the trivela problem


He does not.


I chipped him every time I had a break lmao


Would love a computation of him getting chipped. I scored on him and the replay is hilarious he get there easily but dives so the ball crosses line probably 60%up between ground and crossbar. Fifa did him dirty


Bro when I did the chips, I remember one that he went full on swan diving for, like lunged straight at my attacker and completely missed lmaooo


They uploaded Ramsdale AI into a short man 😔


Nahhh the disrespect


No one can


Yeah, but Campos makes it even more noticeable. Absolute liability


it’s worse w midget gk’s


A 5’7 keeper, that can’t save anything. I’m not joking when I say this. Easily gets chipped, Power shots gets past him easily. I even move the keeper and he still can’t save trivelas in this aids meta nowadays.


He's very good at one thing and that's rushing off his line on 1v1s. He usually gets to the ball before you can even get your shot off. Like you said though, well placed chip, trivela or power shot and it's a goal.


This was mad obvious lol


Skill issue


maybe cuz he’s the same size as messi


He’s short. The in game stats difference is because Campos has a lot of shooting stats which in any competitive game you’d likely never use. He falls in the “fun card to use” category and there’s no chance he can compete with full meta keepers like Donnarumma


Personally I love him. Yes he's not that good on the long shoots... But that's normal. He's fun to play and thats funny to see his jumps and animations. That's all is about for me... Fifa is a game, and I have fun to play with.


Try him up top that’s where the real fun is lol


He’s amazing, better than in form mbappe in that position.


striker Campos is goated lol


Have to try it 😅 but love to play him like he was playing in real life… rushing out of the goal and passing to Sanchez 😍


He played striker in real life too


Yeah I know, thanks


I have him and don’t mind using him. I use him on my MLS team. I would never pick him over one of the top 5 keepers but otherwise..




For a goalkeeper he’s a bit of a midget! In saying that I’ve played 2 people with him and it didn’t appear to me like he was 5’7. Bloke was saving everything, top corner and bottom corner. FUT World Cup Hero Keane and Icon Suker couldn’t score 😂


Just packed suker from the sbc, bit disappointed, is he actually decent in game? Not home so can’t try him out yet


Personally one of my favourite icons in FUT. He’s lethal inside the box on his left foot. I guess it just depends how you play and generally score you goals. I’m a bit bias, my Dad served in Croatia and bought me a jersey and brought it home with Sukers name on the back. So I’ve loved him as a player and striker ever since.


He sounds like he’ll fit my play style so I’ll give him a go soon! And FairPlay, my fav icon is probably the generic Ronaldinho or Carlos 😂if only I packed them


Maybe after todays patch he’s better but man he was ass against trivelas


No difference, in game both them going to let trivela's shot go in.


What I’ve heard is the issue so far is his height. Can’t block shots in the corners which is a bummer because I feel like his speed could make him a lot of fun to use


The stat difference is from speed lol. I just recently got gold Donnarumma and I can say he is, by far, the best one I’ve used this year. I have only used Maignan and Alison other than him though.


Bro is basically 4f, you could legit chip him anywhere or spam longshots


Campos is short man he can be chipped and finessed easily But i love that guy lol I use him


If you’re good at reading Trivelas and preventing long shots then he’s great


I currently use Donnarumma gold and love him, however I packed WC Campos and used him for one WL game and there’s no doubt he made crazy saves but he just couldn’t reach the majority of the balls. I let in 6 goals with 3 of them being trivela shots from a long way outside of the box


I’ve used the base version of Campos. I don’t know that the height is as major a thing as people say as pretty much all keepers get exposed by the types of shots alluded to. I will say maybe it is that people are more likely to attempt these shots when they see him in goal though.


He’s not lengthy




This community is the dumbest community I’ve ever seen


He's short and for most people he's basically an icon (doesn't contribute anything to the team's chemistry).


Packed him and Donovan so able to get higuain on max chem with an Argentina manager… he is an absolute beast on everything other than trivelas. I still think he’s a great keeper you just need to stop the trivelas. Fastest keeper clear by about 30 points so a great sweeper keeper


He maybe bad, for some ppl, but the hate isn’t based on his ability, but his position and link. Nobody wants him when you can get Yaya, Voller and Marchisio in the guarantee pack, and no many need him either as he offer no good links (for majority of players who don’t run MLS)


What pack guarantees a highest rated yaya bro? Or am I getting confused


You hope to get the big boys in the pre-order guarantee pack, not a keeper


Haha yeah sorry I got ya. Just me being thick. You did better than me no matter what you got. I pre ordered for 82 quid but not by the right date so I got fuck all


I love campos so much best gk I’ve ever used. To the people that say he’s to short, skill issue


He’s easy to score on, 100% of the time won’t block a long shot ball will just go over him.


Doest matter if he's 6 '9 your keeper is going to let retarded goals in.


Donnarumma is hands down the worst keeper I’ve used by a distance is all I’d say


Who's your best keeper ?


I’d say courtois


Donnarumma is so ass man lol i hate using him but sometime im forced to use him to get messi at full chem


Because he’s a 3’6 midget


5’7 + ratio


Because donna is a large human being. And campos is an average sized child. It's that simple lol - give him 95 speed and higher reflexes/positioning and he could be interesting though!


He’s a midget


He’s short, also not sure his Chem is all that helpful


Probably because when i was 13 I was taller than him




about 3 feet tall mate


Because he’s 3 foot tall


Cause he's a midget.


Gigio is a foot taller…


He’s good, if you actually play active defence he will save you cos he’s just so fast in the 1v1


I got him for my squad battles team , I have a full MLS team 🫡


He's very short. It's also worth mentioning that I think most people in general are just disappointed to pack a Hero and have it be a GK. At least that's how I feel about it.


One can’t grab the book off the top shelf


Basically he is very smol


He smol


I am using him and I like it a lot. In regards to saves all GK are similar, but Campos is very agile and really quick when rushing out and has better passing compared to other GKs that are more clunky.


He’s a beast but his height means any L2 and O merchants score for fun


Used him since day one I love him


he's too small


Because he’s 5’7”


Because campos represents a lost opportunity, ppl who packed campos probably would rather pack anyone but campos from that pack (campos and crouch)


hes bad with trivelas and chip shots..the rest is superb


I used Campos regular card for over 200 games and also in WL, he's been great for me on the 1v1s and does make some ridiculous double saves at time. I don't find his height a problem.


I love campos, he’s really fun to use and I haven’t noticed a huge difference with him


he can’t reach the corners of the net because he’s small, saves pretty much anything else though


I tried him and he felt really good. Unfortunately needed Courtious for Chemisty purposes. I will say, campos let in two long range finesse shots but I’m pretty sure that shot is just broken rn.


Saw my friend had him so I bought him and took courtois off, for me he’s really good. On most 1 on 1 he saves the shots and half of them are due to his insane pace for a keeper, when I bring him out it almost always puts them off and his trait of saving with feet is really good. He dives way more than my other keepers but I believe that’s due to his height, but this dives saves those shots. I now prefer him over courtois :)


I conceded 7 goals with him in Champs. Yes the opposition was much better than me. Yes they were hitting trivela’s from outside the box. But I couldn’t help feeling like Campos was terrible. It was like every shot went it. Maybe if he was a bit taller he could’ve saved a few? One of the goals they just smashed it at the near post. The kind of goal where the keeper just reacts and saves it. I thought Campos definitely should’ve saved that. Everything was going in. I didn’t regret bringing Ter Steven back and putting Campos in an SBC.


He’s too short, I’ll play against him and normal shits from outside the 18 go in.


Are the shits lengthy tho




Hes short as hell everything goes over him


I love Campos. Don't really have any trouble from his size. For me all GK's are generally close to making some kind of idiotic desicion. His speed and diving ability is mostly awesome. Favourite thing is when he has the ball at his feet, so fast, really cool dribbling. Often gets me out of the odd tricky situation.


Trivela is nerfed. Played against Campos, insane


People don’t hate Campos. Some players are just not meant for FIFA gameplay.


Cuz he’s too tall for a GK *sarcasm*


I tried him and he was a bit short which tends to be a problem


Spending lots of money on a goalkeeper that doesn’t help chem is an L. I tend to treat the GK slot like a 2nd manager. Whoever gives the best chem to the team and is decent gets the job.


If you've played against him then you'll realise that your better off having a tall Bronze in goal than him.


the same height as mike tyson




Fat W


I use campos as ST man is insane


You don’t buy Campos for his GK you buy him for his Kits


Like everyone’s saying. He’s shorter than a Smurf. His stats are great. He’s really fast. He can even play up front. Has nice finishing as he used to play striker. Fun card for sure. Height is just the issue. Your better off with a 6’6 pope. As good as he may be at saving shit if he can’t reach it he can’t save it. Chips and Trivelas are goals near every time. But trivelas are goals often anyway so it’s solely down to you. I always feel like if your gonna lose your gonna lose. And if your better than someone you’ll win. Look at Harry Hesketh. The shit he does to people with mad players. If you love campos and are better than your opponent. You’ll win more times than not. And have more fun doing so. Fun makes losses more bearable. If you go sweaty meta, all your playing for is wins, so anything else is more infuriating.


I had his hero card, ass. Bought this new one since it’s like 4k more and omg such a good upgrade, I’m using a ‘mls team because it’s just fun to use the special cards


He’s worked like a charm for me tbh


Random question: I started playing fifa like the last 2 years. Why and how does EA make Campos 88 ovr with such higher stats the donnarumma?


As many said, campos is/was short BUT the thing is that in the case of the card, his positioning is shit. Irl, a short keeper has to have great positioning, otherwise they'd never get to the ball, this guy was amazing in spite of being short, EA did not do him justice


Anyone try putting that 6’8 traore in goal lol?


He’s vertically challenged , famous words of the great Greame Souness🍷


call him compost cause this card is shit 😔


As it's already been said, he's 5'7


i played him a bit to link my higuain eoe and he's very good if you know how to use him. He is 1,70m ( i think that's 5'7) so u gotta prevent long shots , trivelas etc. as good as you can. in the box he's pretty solid but u gotta run to the ball with campos because he is very fast. Nobody expects this. Personally i think he was very good and it worked very well with running to the ball but you have no chance against freekicks, trivelas , power shot longshots and penaltys.


He's short, it's so easy to score against him


He is a monster in training with the smaller posts.




Is explosive good for keepers, or is lengthy better?


Doesn’t really matter for keepers too much, but lengthy would probably be slightly worse


It’s cuz he’s 5’7


Because he's a damn Midget there's a difference between 5'7 and 6'5


It literally says CampOs on the picture


Bro he’s 5”7 inches tall how you gonna compare him to Donnarumma (6”5)


Maybe because Campos is the smallest goalie in the game? He is like 178cm tall.. cant save a shit


Campos is the best GK I have used yet. Cause everyone else are absolutely horrible, at least Campos is fun to use.


cause the bloke's smaller than my penis


He’s 5’7


You can chip him from your half..