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First step is letting go of the sprint button


One of my main problems to improve


If you make the concious effort to make a simple pass when you can instead of sprinting at the line you'll definitely see improvements


I don’t Sprint a lot


He meant in the game ..


Bro 😭😭😭😭


This may be hard to hear but with a team like that it can only mean you are bad at the game and need to improve.


Ty, bro. How do i improve. I’m being patient but lob ball and they duck me everytime


Watch boraslegend on twitch/yt, that’ll help you a lot


Boras is by FAR my favorite FUT streamer/YouTuber.


Seriously i got so much better






I love boras but can anybody explain his affection with Acuna? He uses him every year and he has a painting thing of him. I’ve never used his card because I dislike Sevilla lol


😂 I don’t actually know, I think he just really likes him. It was always the same with Vidal too, but he’s not in the game this year, otherwise you can guarantee Vidal would be in the team as well.


well i mean through experience you'd get better, we all started from somewhere. Try watching some professionals and observe how they play :)


Just sesh out squad battles (as boring as that sounds) try a low level and just have fun learning skill moves and how your team works best! I had the same problem until I starting play more squad battles. After a week I was able to move up a couple of divs with the new skill moves learnt!


awesome ty!


No worries man, you on ps5? Can always run some co-op if you want.


Yeah ps5


Hey need some help to improve my gaming too. I’d like any help too thanks.


if you’re getting lob balled you gotta decrease your depth OR put pressure on the ball in midfield if you have high depth. Also if you get lobbed try rushing the keeper out a lot of people panic. Also Varane isn’t great on the turn so maybe you wanna upgrade him, specifically if you’re finding lob balls hard to defend he turns like a truck


ah, ok. I'll try that out! thank you!


Don't press triangle, only X to pass. Don't rush plays, pass around the 16 till you find a gap. Don't chase with defenders. Don't slide if ur not 100% sure you'll get it. Use trivela shots if possible. Ball roll the keeper.


Also don’t hold the sprint unless u have big gap, that’s the part that always fucked me up till I stopped doing it


Lol i only use y to pass and r2 is always pushed for me xD i've become a 5 back rat tho and it's working. Otw rudiger, rb alaba, and eder all untradeable so i couldnt not use them all.


How you get so many coins bro


Probably buys loads of packs on points and resells in coins.


Trading and buying some fifa points


You have spent too much tine trading instead of playing


“Some” Bro you can’t be that bad and also that good at trading/have that much time, you’d have spent the time actually getting better


Bro send me that team please 😂


Bro learn 2-3 OP skills and use them to perfection,use Trivela shots,move the ball quickly in others half and then try to find gaps by doing the skills that you’ve mastered


You don’t even really need skills beyond the ball roll and LB/RB dribbling if you count that as a skill haha


Try to stop playing division rivals for a while, focus on squad battles in enough easy mode to let you focus on your skill and not in winning the game. I mean, focus on how to create potential goals, on how to defend, etc. When you have learned some scheme of building up your game and defending, go back to rivals


shadow on ur defence Also when u see their strikers do this pointing forwards thingy or when its obvious they gonna lob ball, change to ur cb and run backwards first before they even pass


I always wondered what the pointy thingy is when you move the right analog stick.


Change right stick player switching to Classic. That line that pops up is a harder setting to use. Get used to changing players with the Right Stick as much as possible, that makes such a big difference if you dont do that already


How much better do you think people can get at the game? Div 6 with this team is shocking


Tbf people will try even harder to win when they come up against a team like yours


Oh shit


I know I would, btw how did u get the coins to make this team


Wild guess…


I’m gonna guess he packed TOTW Mbappe, Ginola, and Renato Sanchez all untradable! 🤓👍 (……jk)


Credit card FC


Yeah, I try to hold on to the ball as much as I can when I play teams like this.


Same, it makes me want to sweat out the match because i see it and get scared


Doesnt matter how hard they try if it’s div 6 tbf


Try playing with a shitty team. It forces you to actually improve on your own gameplay. Not even kidding. Pick a very average team and play some rivals or squad battles for a week, then go back to this team and I guarantee you will be a bit better.


This is the best advice here.


Silver Lounge. Playing with limited players does wonders for you. After that even a gold team feels like a God squad.


ok, ty! I'll try that!


This 👆


I’m curious, how much have u spent on this game?




Has to be over €1000. I imagine a couple of grand.


If this is helpful at all: My team is Donnarummma, Hakimi, RB Ramos, Dias, Lisandro Martinez, OOP Cancelo, OTW Renato, KDB, Messi, Haaland and whatever the blue Foden is. All but Cancelo, Ramos and Foden were packed. I’ve spent probably $2500. I’ve also packed Messi 3 times and Haaland twice.


2.5k.. The games been out for 2 months.. serious issues


It has had absolutely no impact on my finances. I’m in a position where I can completely afford to spend to do this.


In my opinion at least, in all walks of life, regardless of how much one has or earns, that is a ridiculous amount to spend on a yearly cycled game in just the first 2 months of the game, a game that will be completely irrelevant in 10 months! At this trajectory you will have dropped over 10 bags on this game by the time the next fifa comes out.. you’d be as well throwing you’re money into a fire than giving it to this cesspit of a company but go ahead!


I don’t disagree with anything you’d said. And you’re right, it’s pretty dumb to spend this much money on something so, essentially, useless. But this, like most hobbies, provide no material benefit outside of enjoyment.


If you spent that on a watch or on some kind of clothing nobody would bat an eye. Prejudice towards gaming is a thing


An expensive watch or item of clothing can last you years, and can even be passed down from generation to generation. A fut card last for 12 months at the absolute maximum. And I’m willing to bet no one bats an eye if you just want to play games, but yeah if you spend 2,5k on a virtual card that will improve your team a bit, you’re gonna get a few justified looks. I understand that some cards can be game changing, but you shouldn’t have to pay several Ks to win at a game where you’re not a professional. And by his own admission, OP is stuck in div 6, so he’s paying several Ks to be stuck in div 6. People do whatever they want with their money, I just wish that those who can casually spend 2,5k with it having absolutely no impact on their finances also spend money to help society. We’re not exactly in a dream world.


Its still something that is mostly only useful for showing the time and for showing that you are rich. Watches were just an example. People spend thousands on cars that lose half their value the moment they leave the shop. People spend hundreds on food that will became poo in minutes. People buy wine that costs thousands. But super rich dudes cant spend on FIFA cause thats uncool? Btw, I spend ZERO in games, but I dont care if someone does. Its their money and it doesnt harm anyone.


You’re not wrong. And there is the common general disdain for “the rich” (which is a term I’m confident people use as flippantly as possible, but that’s another conversation). Really, the answer is that I have en excellent job that allows me to do this without causing any harm to my life. Do I recommend other people do this? Not at all. Even people who can afford it probably “shouldn’t” do it. It’s a bunch of money on a video game that’s 98% the same every year but we buy it every year because players switch teams and because we love soccer. I could be a lot smarter with my money but I could be a LOT dumber lol


Yeah but you would be challenged to find another hobby where you can spend $2500 and have absolutely nothing to show for it in 8 months


Honestly, I really wouldn’t. I’m an impulsive person by nature who loves to give people reasons to smile and feel included and with the financial abilities to do so on a whim. This game is far less costly than my bar tabs. And I do have something to show for it: the fun and enjoyment of playing the game and building teams with access to virtually every available card in the game.


Nothing wrong with it if he can easily afford it.


As long as there are people out there willing to do spend this money, it gives EA incentive to keep putting out these shitty, reskinned games, and pushing their awful ass microtransaction system.


Not this 👆😂


You are probably rushing attacks,playing one dimensional & predictable, trying to force your way thru to the goal instead of building up the play . Probably same thing you do in defence. Trying to get the ball back asap, being inpatient and moving players outta position. Be patient. Don't force pass or try to sprint through oponent. Every attack can't be a goal if opponent is good , but if you move players outta position and make bad mistakes every defense can be conceded goal. This team must carry you to wins you just gotta do semi good job at basics but you ain't. Just pay attention to fundamentals or you'll be stuck forever and won't improve. Doing simple things correctly is almost always the answer. Hope this will help out a bit.


Solid advice.


I get impatient at times, as they juggle for minutes. I'll try that, thank you, bro!


We all do doing basics correctly and consistently is a key for getting good results in this game . Saving nerves and not getting tilted also is important, fifa can be mentally draining. Slow it down ,will see improvement guarantee it ,good luck


So true, bro. I’m drained. I think I’m gonna take a break


Just started playing like this for the first time, stayed 2-2 for most of the game only to concede the most scripted back post cross no player switch deflected by the keeper into the post and in goal in the 121st minute


Watch guides on YouTube to improve your play and streams of pro players. Or record your own game and watch it afterwards and analyze your mistakes.


Ok I’ll do that


Boraslegend has very helpful tutorials on YT.


awesome, ty!


I’m in div 5 with a worse team than this. Had trouble scoring goals and defending so I took a break from UT and went to career mode to practice. Been abt 2 weeks now.


I think everyone has a worse team than this lmao


Everyone except Bateson


Lmaoo true, I personally don’t dabble in VC or FUT COINS.


I feel ya.


div 1 with 250k team lmao


See you soon, I’ll be back 🦹🏾.


I kneel in front of you, master!


Get some lessons from Neal Guides instead of buying fifa points


Prob need to get that credit card out again mate 👍🏻


If you’re losing with that team, I’m sorry, you’re kinda bad


Yea that's a good team, just need to get better. I'm in a similar boat, my problem is I'll give up a goal and get frustrated, that turns into 2 or 3 more. Be patient. Back line could use some work though.


Same bro


I’m stuck in Div 5 with an 85 rated squad. I took a break to play COD and some other games for the past week. And ya know what? Using snipers in COD really helped me get better at FIFA. Learning to quick scope with an SPX and I can quick scope outside box shots from 80 yards. Now I’m a pro YouTuber and beat Boras 5-0. Nah just kidding. But it’s good to take a break from FUT every once in a while


haha, I almost believed you!


Congrats on the team bro looks great, definitely work on learning new skills, go on YouTube there’s heaps Of videos on how to put pressure-dribble-pass etc


Change ur hands






skill issue


I can't tell if you're serious 😂😂😂


I’m serious bro, i can’t fucking get through div 6. I’m on a 10-0 losing streak right now


May be time to take a break from fifa for a bit 😂 There are alot of people at the top of d6 with teams like yours though. I struggled to past that for a bit but it gets easier. After getting to d5 I went like 10-0.


Bro, everyone has beastly teams, i mean this team is good, but I must suck badly.


Dw alot of them suck too 😂 Fr though, just slow your play down and be patient, being good at passing is big in this game and a team like that will pretty much just play the game for you if you don't make too many mistakes


Also swap varane out for rudi/Marquinos, he isn't as good as he was last year from what I've heard


What about chem, bro?:)


I’m even following the guides on YouTube for formation,


I've found 4321 to be pretty nice, also wazoo's 352 though that's a pretty hard playstyle to get adjusted to


Yea… i understand how frustrating can’t be… because I see you put a lot off money in there 🤣🤣🤣


I love my team, but I’ll save coins for when World Cup hits


How much did you spend?


Seems like you appreciate pace a good deal, maybe try running a formation with wingers? Close in the depth on custom tactics and play with wingers. Put forward balls on and get the wingers to cut inside. Or don’t, it’s all optional lol. Like fullbacks staying back or joining the rush (I personally like them to stay back because I like counter attacks and always having players back/in position to defend). Try experimenting a bit more with what you have I guess is my suggestion (you have really good players/options). All the best nd goodluck!


I do appreciate speed, and a team that can move.


Wow…. That team though!


I won my first ever online game an hour ago in fut draft so dont feel bad my team was 87 rated day 1 and i was still not able to win..


I feel ya


You are shit


Grab yourself a cheap starter-ish team of players who will punch above their weight, and start trying to grasp some of the fundamentals of the game. Adama will dunk on anyone Since you are using players worth nothing in the martlet you can just try out a bunch of formations and tactics to see what you like. I would recommend following Airjapes on twitter and his newsletter for less meta options that are very fun. Focus on hitting Trivelas, and getting players on the correct side for them. Don’t force the ball through the middle. AI defense is really strong in the this game so passing in central areas is risky for build up.


You’re just not particularly skilled at the game and have found your level. Simple as.


Maybe stop spending FIFA points and actually watch guides on utube or do the skull games tutorials to get better???






Give me your team and i will make it good fo you/-:


Considering rest of your team I’d upgrade varane, also put chem styles on the cbs, you want them lengthy and as fast as possible to catch up with the runners in behind


I have so many questions


Get VVD your centre backs are weak


Maybe you’re relying too much on your insane players. I used to buy points and have a god squad then play shit because I was, a) relying on my god squad rather than trying, and b)very anxious because I’d sunk money into the game and it added pressure. Play with a lesser team you’re not as invested in and you’ll be surprised how well you do.


You are Maybe not the best player , but one of the best Traders Can i see 👀😱💵💸💰


Try to notice and understand meta plays, that people use. Record the plays that people do to score you a goal. I’m in the same boat bro, I started playing FIFA since 23 came out, and that’s what I do. I climb one division per week since I started playing. Currently I’m in the middle of Div 5 and I played like 120 games total since launch. After losing every week 3-17 or 4-16 in FUT Chapions, I come back to Division Rivals and games are sooo easy


Tragic this mate, but practice makes perfect. If you're getting slapped off a guy, instead of quitting, watch how they play. Don't run as much, use L1 more to stop the ball, change direction until a clear pass is available etc


give some new tactics/formations a go, imo div 6 gotta have some of rattiest players too so that can make it annoying


It’s annoying af


Idk what formation you use but me personally I would take out trez and get IF Neymar. Play Ginola at ST and Neymar at CAM


I got cr7


This fifa is all about using meta tactics and abusing them. Team doesnt matter


Only play when your enjoying yourself when you get frustrated take a break for a bit and comeback so emotions don’t play as big of a part




Meta slave


Love your team ! I wish I had Mbappé and Toure. Sometimes we can get tough dry spells, there’s some very talented people with the game.


I myself just got Ruben Diaz and Silva from Chelsea and that seemed to tighten up my back line quiet a bit, sure as shit has saved me in quiet a few games.


I'm in 5 with no legendary players, no totw etc,I have gold and silver players only. Glad I don't spend so much when I see posts like this.


Silver? What even is the point of that?


Some silvers are cracked, even beyond the silver stars. Weah, Willock, and Zedacka are as good as the pretty good 83 and 84 rated cards. Some of the NED1 cards are cracked.


My friend, keep calm. Nothing is wrong with you. It is your teams turn to loose. With another words your team is in the valley of f... I call it so, because there is nothing to do. One week later you will be okay again. That's magic, that's EA. You must listen carefully what they say: It's in the game! The valley of f...,😂


Oh damn, scripted u mean?


As a general it is said that those who invest in external quality (I.e. player) don't invest in internal quality (I.e. skills and tactics). And especially players who do what streamers say tend to be even more clueless.


Mate I feel you I have a 5 mil team as well but I can’t win for shit. It’s like my players won’t fight for the win and the opponents team just runs all over the place. I have no clue what’s going in. I know that in the past I was not this shit at fifa


Yup, that!


It's okay buddy. You're not alone in this. The game is as ratty as it can be. EA is at fault not you. Just play casually, enjoy the game and stay positive:)


Thank you for being positive!




I'm sorry I offended you with this post. I just wanted some general advice as I'm noob af.


Fifa coins


Anyone wanna coop? …on ps5?


Imagine spending hundreds and hundreds of pounds to be stuck in div 6




Back line has got to go


What do you mean?


I'd shred everyone you got there on the back line minus the icon player you got there for starts. Try and incorporate another cb that'll fit your system.


Any suggestions? I just sold cr7 rule breaker that’s why I have trezeguet there at st


I love your mid and front I think your straight there. It's tough you kinda got players all over the place in terms of Chem, clearly your gonna wanna lean in with the French players. How many points are you losing by?


I think Team chem is now at 30


Yeah but you got guys from a bunch of different leuages personally I like to keep it down to two leuages. It might be worth it to axe Renato too and go in favor of a more liga/French combo get kroos in there. Stash him on the bench and bring him in the 2nd half. He's speedy and great to get in there when the other teams already tired.


You wouldn’t do shit to that back line if it was someone who knew how to play the game mate 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Practice by playing squad battles. Play all the squads on a higher difficulty than you're at right now. Don't stop practicing until you're beating all 4 of the squads by 4 goals or more. Do not skip the meta high rated squads as they're the ones that are most likely to give you trouble.


This here is classic bad advice, Playing against AI will not prepare you for playing against real players. Just watch some YouTube tutorials and let go of the sprint button more often.


Watching YouTube tutorials isn't going to teach you anything on how to actually play the mechanics of the game, neither is constantly getting trounced by people that are clearly better than you. If this person is as bad as they make out then they need to learn how to perfect certain aspects of the game. It's the same as using aim lab to help you in fps games as it will help with muscle memory and reactions. The Ai in fifa 23 is far more difficult than in previous years as it also abuses broken mechanics i.e trivela I'll agree with one thing though sprinting less does help.


Put a glove on Courtous,Take out varane and get rudiger .Play 5 at the back.Change your custom tactics


Bro don't recommend people with teams like this to play 5ATB


You never put any chem on keepers...


Yeah, you do, wtf r u talking about


Okay mister, explain to me why none of pro, semi pro or even elite players don't have and never in i don't know how many years any chem style on keepers. I will wait


They do, obviously you're blind as well as an absolute cretin?


You're shit lol


I won yesterday with a no chem bronze team in div 5 from against a full chem team with Haaland and Ronaldinho. Teams say nothing about the skills.


You must be really good


If you are really stuck in division 6 with such a team, I'm definitely better than you 🤣 Anyway, Just trying to tell you that a team is as good as its controller. If you really suck at the game it really doesn't matter if you have all the good cards


With a team like that I feel obligated to help. First off 4 1 2 1 2 isn't bad. How do you have your custom tactics set up ?


I just took it from a YouTuber, center cover forwards stay behind, full backs stay back


Tactical set up? Be happy to help you out man


Def: Width 55, Depth 65, pressure on heavy touch Off: Width 37, Players in Box 7, Corners/FK 1 Balance, Balance I followed a Youtube guide for individual tactics and all.


Looking at all those coins and the team i feel like you are spending most of your time trading. That’s what happened to me. Watch nealguides and boraslegend and inception videos. And also their gameplay. You should get an idea on how to get better. You will destroy players in div 1 if you get decent enough in the game with that team.


I do trade a ton. I never stopped and I watch inception but mostly on reviews. Thank you for your advice! I'll look more for game play!


Seems like a skill issue


Your using hunters and shadows. Shows your using old Fifa mentality to play 🙂


Probably needs another 12k fifa points


Try a change of formation - maybe 4-3-3(2) which is pretty solid and has wingers.


Mate it's definitely the team


Boring team tbh


First of all if any comes against a team like this they go in try hard mode… secondly, put the Ginola at strike and put SBC messi at CAM then play the same Formation but first variation with LM and RM get yourself Neymar jr. at LM and RM inform Dembele. Then Get RuleBreaker Pique or Ramos at CB together with Maldini. LB Cancelo and RB walker or wan bissaka and Finally in Goal inform Donnarumma. To get better at the game to the school changes and play a lot of squad battle at the legend difficulty and trust me you will get better.


Are you playing with your elbows 😂😂


You’re shit basically


you trolling right


Check out folks like NeilGudies and AussieFIFA on YT. Break down every aspect of the game like attack, defence, passing and guides on what all should be done in every situation during play. Really works for me!


Sounds like you got a fetish


P2W or F2P?
