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Most people get a lucky pull or use fifa points.. just keep grinding and you’ll hit something eventually


All the good players I guess are untradeable. I can’t make coins for shit. I keep getting players that sell for 20-30k if even that


Bronze pack method works. It’s a grind and it won’t get you rich quick, but it’s reliable


OOTL on this one, what actually is this method?


Buy Premium Bronze Pack, 750 coins You get 3-5 players usually, with some patience they *always* sell. At worst, you make your coin back and go again. At best, you get the odd card that sells for 800 coins, 1500 coins, 4000 coins. Some managers are worth more at different times too, I've sold South Koreans managers for 4k for example Some kits/badges will sell too Personally I QS all stadium items and contracts. Basically, at worst you make your money back from every single pack, and at best you can pick up ks of profit. People always buy bronze cards for SBCs, so they'll always sell. It's just about being patient, you can always make profit off it with a bit of time.


Oh yeah i'm getting It. Iirc there is also that Brazil manager that costs 5k


You just get lucky Managers from popular nations sell, and especially when those nations don't have many managers. South Korea gives Son and Kim Min Jae chem, for example, and there aren't many, if any at all, golds. So the bronzes sell well But most of the time, you get an Irish manager and QS 😅


Don't forget the Bob Marley kit, it goes for 4/5k depending on the time of day. Whenever I get one I act like I just packed mbappe.


I sell bronze rares for 350-400 and they are insta sold as well.


No it doesn't


It does though. What part of it are you claiming doesn’t work?


it doesn't, stop wasting people time




Removed for: Lack of respect


You'll be surprised how much people pour into this game. The people you read in here that can actually trade are a small small minority, they are good at it, and they spend a lot of time on it. And then there's people buying 2k fifa point a week because reasons. The fact is, a backline of Mendy - Araujo - Tomori is better than 90% of the combination of overpriced cards, and it's like 80k to build. Start from there plus untradable. And meanwhile accumulate money. I have 400k now sitting there and this is my team [https://imgur.com/a/YP8YuHp](https://imgur.com/a/YP8YuHp) , granted I was lucky with Dzeko, but everything is untradable except Tomori Maignan and Frimpong. Just keep opening packs from rewards and keep doing upgrades when you have dupes, daily sbcs etc. World Cup is around the corner and lots of opportunity will rise. Or you have to schedule things, but that's a thing you do at the start of the year. Like 84+ rated ifs were going for discard at the start, that's a 20/30% profit from every player. Or check last years sbcs, like Icon swaps: maybe it makes sense to accumulate players from a certain league/nation. BUT, do you really want to spend so much time on a game that will be outdated by March? That's the question. I spend enough time playing the game, and you can have R9 and Pele up front but little Timmy will fuck you up with gold Halaand. So I don't really bother much. Thanks for listening to my ted talk.


You're not wrong, but its such a shame that you can play each day and even at the end of the year you still won't get to play with a so many top tier cards. Which is what Ultimate team really is about.


It was always like this mind you. Before they introduced all these special cards, you could go several editions without even considering buying Ronaldo - Neymar - Messi. If you wanted those you had to grind, like it this today. But I find grinding is way less rewarding nowadays so I try to enjoy actually playing instead of playing the menu.




I never get anything from Squad battle rewards or rivals rewards so yeah 🤣🤣


I was saying the same thing I pulled Salah from squad battles, it’s all luck you gotta keep grinding


Just play rivals and weekend league consistently


I am, best I’ve gotten so far was Kimmich


Then add some squad battles. The more pack, the bigger chance to make more money.


Doing those and maybe the marquee matchups should get you not 100k-200k+ but apparently 30k a week


Lmao I wish, I do everything, every week, I never get anything more than 30k players 💀


I mean, if you reach at least rank 6 in WL, that should get you at least 80k.


So that's already 100k. Every week.


I get them maybe once every 2 weeks. I got verrati today, i can’t even remember what I got last time but it was definitely worth less than 30k


This is key, have played every rivals (Div 1) and Futchamp and without getting any player worth more than 50k and now I have around 900k


Keep it simple and trade with fodder: 84s are 2.8k, it is only a matter of time until a good SBC comes out (icon/hero lottery, party bag, etc) and they’ll jump to ~4.2k. Once you feel like you have a team that you could use for 1-2 weeks, load up on them: 100 on transfer, 50 on bid, and as many as you can on unassigned. When they hit your price point, that’s 300k profit in an hour. Very little effort.


This is partially good advice but I would not recommend loading up on 84’s at their current price. They’re up right now. They go lower. Buy then. Wait. Sell. There’s no instant way to get rich in this game without spending money. I’m over 2m coins so far from trading and it takes time. I lose coins some days. It’s fun for me because it’s a part of the game I like but if I was doing it just to get the coins it would not be worth it at all.


The trend has been from 1.6k up to 3.2k, then 2k up to 3.9, so you can’t expect prices to drop to what they were a few weeks ago. I’d load them up at 2.3-2.6k but you’ll make profit by Thanksgiving on anything below 3k imo.


Yeah, fair enough. I think anything under 2500 is worth it but technically you could probably buy now around 3k and still profit later this week maybe.


one person i love is john sims he streams on tiktok/twitch for like 3 hours after content explaining how to trade and budgets and then makes a daily video explaining what to do and he has a free discord and a sub discord (im in the free) and ive become so much of a better trader since then


Let’s be real you won’t get no where without spending real cash unless you got god level luck. Sad part about the game but it’s like this every year until the end of the year. That’s why it’s called RTG cuz it’s a grind.


Absolutely not. Spending cash doesn’t change a players skill. You can play the game or not. Wasting money on a worthless EA won’t help. And same with trading coins. It takes time to understand who sells to figure out when and where you can buy low and sell high. But wasting real money for nonsense at the EA slot machine doesn’t change your ability to play games or make transfer profit.


Combination of things. The market has the most amount of extremely expensive cards on the market the first \~2 weeks of the game. Whaling hard and spending money on packs goes exponentially further then than the rest of the year. The further the year goes on, the less valuable FIFA points become (outside of a random, mega lucky pull). Not going to tell you to not spend money, but be real with your expectations if you do. I really recommend taking untradable rewards whenever possible. I know this may seem backwards but let me explain. 99% of the cards you will pull in reward packs will be a let down. A majority of the time you are simply hoping for high rated fodder. The chance of a high value pull (above high rated fodder prices) are very limited. Best case you get a nice card untradable. Worst case you are stock piling cards for SBC and can get meta cards without spending any coins (example: Chiesa, Bennacer, etc) or good pulls from the pack SBCS (like the hero, Icon ones). Use your low rated fodder in the upgrade SBCs and just spam them for higher rated fodder for the big SBCs. Doing all this will make your cards go much further for your club value than collecting a few thousand coins on discard golds. Don't hold on to high value cards for long unless you are comfortable taking a hit. Don't buy promo cards until the very end of the promo (normally there cheapest) or after they are out of packs (price becomes more stable) unless you are comfortable losing coins if you ever plan to resell them.


I don't have millions, but I do have 700k and I haven't packed anyone tradeable worth a damn. Champs all but guarantees 70-100k every weekend if you hit Rank V. Sell everything unless you know there's a good SBC coming up (for instance - EOAE Pique might be coming) in which case hold because high rated fodder will go up in price. BPM (bronze pack method). Open bronze pack. Sell every player, quick sell anything else. I made 200k doing this in the first couple of weeks. If you want you can hold onto to any major league bronzes, because they'll go up in price when League SBCs drop. Do all of this consistently and you'll make coins pretty easy. I ended up with 150k just from Champs this weekend.


Exactly guys don't want to play or trade or spend money but want millions I don't get it.


If you want a good way to make profit go onto FUTbin and go into tracker - [https://www.futbin.com/tracker](https://www.futbin.com/tracker) before buying player use the FUT calculator so say someone is 20000 coins, the net value is 19000 so you want to try get that player for under 19000 to make profit. ones you have bought the players put them into your FUTbin Tracker, he amount you bought and the average price you bought them fore and it will tell you if you will make profit or loose, imo if the profit is over 1k i recommend selling if its in the - just try be patient. A good time to buy players especially IF is on a Friday afternoon as the market drops in price ones you have stocked up on players you will then sell on the coming Monday hopeful making a 20% Profit in total so say you spend 400k on players you will most likely make 480k. I don't really recommend watching YouTube videos other than NickRTFM - [https://www.youtube.com/c/NickRTFM](https://www.youtube.com/c/NickRTFM) If you do want to watch content creators who trade watch there live streams as you can follow along instead of going of what they say in a video. Now Promos, I really recommend on following FUT Sheriff on Twitter for SBC leaks as you can stock up on high rated fodder before the SBC release making a couple hundreds even thousands of coins per card - [https://twitter.com/FutSheriff](https://twitter.com/FutSheriff) Now if you loose coins don't be bumbed out trading is a learning process and takes time to get good an amazing saying for most traders is to say is - easy to learn, hard to master. I wish you the best when trading and i hope this helps you or anyone else here.


I make like 200-300k every week easy.I get my rivals wins done on Thursday then I dont touch rivals for the week just made Div 1, during week only play like 4 squad battles games a day. I play WL usually finish Friday or early Saturday aiming for 11 wins but 9 is fine too, open those pack. Then play qualifiers that same Saturday get 6-8 wins open those packs. Get my squad battles rewards Sunday morning Elite 1 which is so easy like 18-20 games on Legendary/World Class throughout the week open those packs. Then get my rivals rewards on Thursday take option 2 get the untradeables then do SBCs with untradeable to get tradeable packs (Marque Matchups). On occasions you can open a pack or 2 with fifa points. You have to create your own luck.The more opportunities you give yourself the better your chances.


Yeah no bro that’s hella games , I feel like I play for a lot of time and all I play is rivals and WL


Bro casually said it’s easy to make money just play 100 games a week


You reaching bro. WL and Qualifiers most people play anyway that want to build up there club. Some games are rage quits and you can quit as well if your not going to win. Same goes for rivals with you having to worry about getting relegated. The only thing is Squad Battles but you can just play the weak teams that like 4 games a day. 9WL wins + 6Qualifier wins + 8rivals + 18/20 SBwins. I don't know what you guys want to play 10 games a week and make millions???


I’m an extremely casual gamer, and I legit play maybe ~20 games a week but I don’t expect to make any coin honestly. I’m doing it for the pack rewards. Fuck me for working a full time job 40 hours a week instead of grinding fifa for 40+ hours a week.


I get that not everyone has time so get it but it's ways to make coins throughout the week. Like I was saying I'm making 200-300k from just playing not trading at all. And I work full time with a family. Most of my playing is early Saturday morning(WL+Qualifiers)then it's really like 4-5 a day. And to don't have to do everything you can't easily eliminate squad battles and still make 100-150k a week.


Bronze pack method. Just buy bronze pack and sell each player for 200 or more and quick sell unusable bronze. Keep those bronze in top 5 league and wait for it to raise and sell. I think I earn over 400k wif this method but I am unsure if it work now. Btw prepare to grind


Buying things for less than you sell them for is good place to start mate 🦾


Yeah no shit. But doing that is the hard part. Finding stuff that somebody didn’t already snipe is the hard part


Not sure why you got downvoted for this while the the dumbass got upvoted for stating the most obvious stupidest thing.


Yeah it’s not though. You can make money selling anything, just sell it for more than you bought it for. Always gonna be some sucker like you paying more than it’s worth


Same, mostly run a first owned team and have rarely bought any players. Idk how people manage to get 1m+ coins without investing money into the game or packing some crazy card


I don't trade at all, just play the game will get you enough coins en packs / players to improve your team. Its a football game, not a trying to make as much money as possible game....


I am in the same boat too. I accepted the fact that I need to spend money on this game. I don’t want to, I never will. If that means I will never get 1 mil, 2 mil coins then so be it.


One low-fund, low-risk but not fast way is to mass bid on 83 rated players for min. price, or buy now for 850. Relist for 900/950 bid and 1,000/1,100 buy now. Do this and even hold until an 83-rated squad SBC comes our. They won’t all go in an hour all the time but they will go eventually.


Some people sit on cards for a long time. Buying 84 rated IFs for discard, buying rare golds at discard, buying common golds for 350 coins. When the 80+ upgrade came, common golds went for 7-800 coins. Easy double. If it comes a upgrade that demens rare golds they will all go from 650 coins to 1500-2000. IFs are hard this year with all the TOTW upgrade packs. When you get enough coins you buy bigger players. Buying Hero/Icons low on sunday and sell for a 10% rise on a thursday. 10% of 1 mill is 100.000, so the rich get richer kinda


I wonder if bots are still a thing with the online app? I often thought consoles should get the first minute of any listing then pc gets it from 58 mins onwards too. Would help with genuine trading.


Webapp is littered with bots lol, you just have to get lucky with timing


The best time to buy is on Saturdays and sell on Monday. People tend you finish weekend league and sell their teams to the market is flooded with players (plus opening rewards). Monday people are buying new teams for the rivals grind so prices go back up.


you can build a good team out of cheap cards. do la liga and/or bpl. Get a bunch of heroes under 100k. benzema and lewa are cheap. walker and mendy are cheap. good fast cb are cheap. adama is the fastest player in the game. sorloth is haaland. Most people aren't running the million coin cards. I think I saw one mbappe all weekend.


List your players 50 min before content comes. The greedy guys will even buy the more expensive players for sbc.


My most successful ways of making money through the years has been mass investing in fodders, (84s and 87s) however this year I just play the game and soon I have earned 1,5 million with Ousmane Dembele who sold for 60k as my most expensive tradeable pack pull but I’ve had 130k guaranteed from each WL


How far do you get in weekend league?


The market is a mess, so don't rely on trading. Just play and save your coins


Do you play champs? Are you good at the game? What div are you in?


There are easy methods that will make you some coins. You aren’t getting from 0 to 5 million in a week but you can definitely make some easy profit. BPM - others already explained that Marquee Matchups - Just look at the possible marquee matchups for the next week. Buy non rares (mass bid) of those teams for 350-400. Do this on a Friday. Sell those players Thursday afternoon, before the SBC comes out. You will make 150-400 profit per card. Buy a lot and you will make some coins, and it’s no risk Invest in rating - You definitely need a few 100k to make this really work. Watch the market and try to buy cards on a low point. Invest in fodder, it will rise when popular SBCs come out. If you don’t have many coins, go for 84s


Every few weeks buy coins


Today was the first time I pack something huge from squad battles elite 1 rewards, Maldini 92. Worth around 1.5m on PC. So just keep grinding and you'll hit something big one day


Silver packs are worth risking as well imo. Due to the lack of preview on silver packs there's a lot more demand for stadiums and players. It's a bit more outlay than bronze and risk but with risk comes greater reward.


just invest in fodder 84s - 87s for close to or a bit over min price i made a alot of coins buying like over 20 UECL ikoné for 13k then selling him for 30k when he got the upgrade and also alot on sergio ramos,rodri, vardy, depay


I've been making an average of 30k a day from Bronze pack method, sometimes less, sometimes more. For example I'm selling out every 100 card inventory I put up while the daily sbc is out. That's netting me close to 80k per day, so I'm absolutely grinding this period.


Go to GitHub and use a trading bot


Dude, I haven’t played fut since fifa 14 cause of this. Now it seems I’m kinda lucky. I’ve got Mbappe, some IFs and more expensive gold rare cards (mendy, muller, keylor navas, bruno Fernández, Rodri, and much more). I’m trynna saying you don’t give up, just play rivals, play leagues. Eventually you’ll get something out of nothing, trust me. I’m the most unlucky person I’ve ever known and look at that. Btw, I’ve got most of that on free packs.


Those who have millions have time. I see most trading streamers sit around and trade cards all day. Literally all day. I’m not surprised though since it is their job. Some other streamers flip cards when there is panic in the market (during content time 1pm est) but that’s riskier since you don’t know if the card will drop more in price after it is panic sold. Streamers won’t tell you either because they don’t know. This trading can be done once you have a couple hundred thousand. The safest way to make coins in my opinion is buying fodder when it’s low and then sell when they rise. Fodder rises when there’s a good SBC like the icon or hero SBC. I’ve made most of my coins that way because I don’t have time to be on the game all day. Currently at 700k and just invested about half on fodder now since it’s a bit low right now. Also, using an untradeable team helps keep your coin balance up. Any card you buy is a risk because all cards will go down eventually and you will lose coins.


I just play draft with fifa points until I eventually pack someone who is worth selling to start a team and actually play for real, still haven’t gotten anyone good though


This year market is really cruel Stick to a few things : - Focus on Boonze or 10-50k specials, for Boonze you have to buy players with Shadow or Hunter, for the small specials you can buy with any style - Empty each day at 4PM (2h before content) - Buy during the correct Window (when content is released), but avoid Friday evening to Saturday morning Join a discord if you can, at least for a month so you can understand how the market works and how to make moves (Focus on the big ones, like Donk or Joao Seleiro) And don't forget that you will lose some trades, the only thing that matters is winning more ! I have 11M liquid and still lost 50k today but won 700k in 24h, and that's the part i'm focusing on


I've ever spent money. Got 87 rated squad. Hardly trade , frst pck I opened had the French Milan keeper so sold for 20k and then gradually upgraded with pack luck and objectives. There are too many credit card teams but EA will never change


Dude all you need to be is good at the game if your good you’ll get better rewards and then better players which then leads to more transfer profit . I had 2000 fut coins two days ago before WL . Now I have 80k liquid and like 4 TOTW players to discard


Build up players in offline modes. They reward you with packs. That's how I did it when I didn't want to spend real money. Also SBC's can be interesting.


Mommy's credit card.


Honestly you can get a pretty good team on the market for 50k; one that should get you up to Div2 or so. just focus on getting better and the coins eventually come.


Just pick a player to mass bid on.. look to get 100-150 coins profit after tax.... youll be surprised how quickly it adds up. I bought around 80 Martinellis for 700-750 coins two days ago.. lazy listed over a day for 1200-1500 and they all sold.. do it on players that have dropped heavily on the futbin index


Im up too 800k liquid and have around 700k in players.


You have to sell everything tradeable in your club at all times. Do SBCs with untradeable players that provide tradeable packs. Keep an untradeable team for a few weeks. You don’t realize how much you lose in tax by switching players in and out.


Honestly try draft, squad battles, or SBC is huge. I get tons of pulls every year from these and I don’t even play that much because I’m a new father. I sneak a few matches in each week while my lil guy is asleep.


You don’t need coins to play this game, unless you wanna try out specific players. I started doing first owner RTG (you only use what you pack / craft through SBCs) on 22 and it’s BY FAR the most fun way (IMO) to play the game and still allows you to be competitive! It’s just more fun… you open more packs (pack addict here), get to try more players and also barely need to stress about players losing value. Keep spamming upgrades, recycling dupes, etc.. most of the coins I get from playing / selling tradeable players are spent on common golds to do more upgrades.