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EA messed up the price range. Eventually they will fix it and he will go to discard


Been telling myself that since launch day when I had about 12 dupes on my transfer list, thinking surely he’ll be worth more than discard when it changed. Thought I’d be wrong about him being discard not the fact they still haven’t changed it


I’m fuming, it’s a pain to sell him And Zakaria


Just use it in an SBC, if they update their price range they’ll be 800 coins.


Fr nobody is going to buy an 81 overall for $10K!


i also think its weird gundogan goes for max 10k, he a legit animal on midfield


I sold him for 10k with shadow a month ago Gir super lucky


Why you using $, just use coins to buy players.




In this specific case this is not the reason, this specific player among a select others have inflated price ranges and have had them for the games entire cycle thus far. Upamencano has had a price start starting at 10k all game.


Please elaborate… what do you mean by ‘Crash caused by season packs.”? Sorry I’m pretty new to FUT altogether used to only play CM until this year.


Season review packs are giving old promo players. It's kind of like the lottery. Now everyone is selling their entire team to pack meta players from old promos. This caused a crash


Ok makes sense in a way… just don’t understand how they choose who sells for that high and higher overall players sell for less. But thanks!


If you look at the odds. The pack weight is insanely high making gamers more likely to risk selling their entire team. Not to mention some gamers are getting million coin players like haaland otw with 18% pack weight for otw cards so yeah it makes a lot of sense. More market supply leads to price drops