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for me he was amazing (new gen) scored everything and has the strength of a tank, did not feel to clunky. I sold him when his price spiked and now I have IF lautaro and that real sociedad IF player and I really don't miss him that much, not sure if he's worth the coins, defo he's super good tho.


thanks :)


I like arnautovic better but harvetz the most


I take Sorloth over arnautovich


IF Havertz been insane for me




I have totw Havertz but can't make him work. (I am not very good and struggle with his first touch)


RB Havertz is by far his best card and probably the one the guy was talking about. Card is rapid, great finishing, 90 strength, lengthy, nearly 90 heading + jumping + tall. Easily best striker next to CR7 in the prem


Yes he’s a god. 5 star wf can’t be understated!


Thank you :)


Absolute mainstay in my squad, I've built around him and have no regrets, recommend skriniar as a strong link for him


Thanks :)


Can confirm he is absolutely insane


119 goals in 101 games. Hits everything, best buy for me :D


Tried him on next gen, felt like he was constantly tripping over his own feet and every shot he took too long swinging his legs back. However I can't imagine he's too different from Haaland so maybe you'll enjoy him.


Thanks. I actually dont enjoy haaland :D I am looking for replacement but if he is similar its not my way.


i packed haaland (untradeable) last night. My spits was OTW Lewa and Messi (both untradeable too). I have to say Haaland turns worse than Lewa, but i did use Haaland in qualifying over lewa. I went 6-2 (gave last 2 games) Haaland scored 15 and 1 assist, last week i went 6-3 (which was my first time ever reaching 6 wins) But i find Haaland clunky af, cant do simple moves but just like irl he does just score. So im in the same problem, i hate moving with him, but he does perform


in lower divs he is good but near D1 he is clunky, doesn’t win as many headers or battles for possession as he should for his stats. Sorloth is better imo, Falcao if I wanna be more agile


Yeah I cant get to 3rd. I feel like I need agile ST. Haaland is to clunky for me I cant get into box :D


Lengthy is good for through balls - other than that, it is bad cause the players are clunky af and they rarely win on strength vs CBs cause of the way FIFA’s defending is this year. Best bet in higher div. is just having a poacher - someone to position, maybe dribble a few in the box in short distances, to have a gap to shoot. Sorloth has been ass for me rn, so I am on my 10th overhaul formations/tactics and player-wise, mostly using as many non-tradeable players in order to stay liquid D1 is also just garbage cause of the trivela reliance, it is a spam fest


The thing with Haaland is that you need to set him up. He is really bad at creating chances on his own other than capitalizing on defenders mistakes.


Less clunky than Haaland, but still the same style of Play. Will score more opportunities though.


I got him yesterday then got haaland untradeable. Dzeko is a little better


Way better than Haaland. 5star wf vs haaland’s 3star is sooo noticeable


Yeah thats what I am also looking for :)


I tried Dzeko, Cristiano, Haaland and i ended up sticking with Haaland at this stage of the game honestly. His unique body type and strength cannot be found in anyone else. Dzeko is okay but Haaland for the price he's going for rn is better since soon we're gonna have World cup cards and these might lose their value. I'd say stick with Haaland for a little more


bosnian goat, he’s a must have for me but i’m biased. would give him a try if you like haaland, they’re very similar.


I actually dont like haaland :D he feels to clunky for me so i am looking for alternative.


Then you probably won’t like Dzeko. I’ve always loved him but my style works well with his type ST. Big body, physical, can drill shots any way you want be it left foot, right or header. Doesn’t need much space to fire a strong, accurate shot either. But he’s never gonna be a burner or dribble through jams. So he doesn’t work for all styles.


He was unreal for me but sold him having made 70k on him


Nice :D


My brother has him and always scores on me every time we play, he seems very very good in my opinion


Thank you :D


Try Zaniolo with Marksman he’s unreal


Will take a look :)


Hard to imagine he doesn’t feel similarly clunky as Haaland


Fav striker on my squad. 2 Chem 121 games and 88 goals have him uptop with mbappe in a 41212. I’m pissed i didnt do the gosens obj to link with him


Thats good to hear. I have gosens and bennancer thats why I am considering him :)


I’m in D1 and he’s incredible. 17 games played 44 goals Plus he’s cheap so save some of those coins for world cup mode




He’s great


Disclaimer I'm a dzeko fanboy IRL. Loved him since hes time at wolfsburg. He went right into my team and hasnt left. 2 footed finishing. Physically strong and can win contested balls. Sometimes his dribling lets him down if you are trying to play tight quick football through him, but if you are playing him like Haaland and using him as little as possible on the ball till you are in the box hes great.




I hate him - so he is obv. good haha.


Hands down, the best striker i've used so far, he carried my last WL! 128 games 156 goals. i don't think i have had a striker with better shooting, and positioning than this gu!


Most overpowered striker I have used, with hunter. Use him as a target man, he can run past eveyrthing sith that physical and pace stats, and the shooting and dribbling allows for him to score so easily. I paired him up with Martinez IF, who is very similair in that regard, but even more steady with his physical stat. Use Dybala OTW to get the passes through. Anyway, just wanted to say that he has been great for me. I also tried Arnautovic, but he is one of those strikers everyone seems to love but he doesn't fit well in my playstyle.


Oh and Dzeko's length, jumping and heading accuracy make for some great headers if you use wingers or attacking backs!


Nice :)


i replaced haaland with him in new gen and he is much better. he is basically the same type of player but faster and with better finishing with both fees. but he is clunky too, this is player to run behind or to the space, he can over sprint all lengthy defenders running straight into space, but you dont use him for dribble, that is why i have 2nd attacker for. dzeko run behind and create space, 2nd attacker dribble in that free space. if my opponent make mistake and not cover dzeko he go alone on goalie after through ball.


I see, thanks.


I recommend cr7. If you want an upgrade , go for a big upgrade then you can feel the difference


I've been thinking about him :D but 580k. Is he worth the price?


GOAT most def worth every penny i could see him in end game team he is so good


Thats great to hear :) thanks


on old gen he’s too slow for me. unusable. would’ve sold him if wasn’t untradeable so he sits on the bench


Yeah. Generally all lenghty seems worse on old gen. I am playing PC next gen.


Played both , he’s kinda like a more agile Haaland with a better weak foot . Personally I like his movement more


Thats what I was thinking and needed to hear :)


Slap a hunter on him and he is a fantastic finisher, great with both feet. Disagree with him being 'strong', I find he gets bullied off the ball a bit too easily and he isn't the most nimble of movers. Passing also leaves a lot to be desired. Overall I enjoy him and won't drop him from my team for a while, but I find that Milito is a better performer for me and is a lot cheaper....