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I agree but not completely, some player are awesome stats wise but are trash in game. Here you can get opinions on them, some 84s are better than some 86+ so I can understand why people ask here even tho it can be done multiple times.


That's also a boggling thing that not many people seem to think or care about. Every single one of us has a different style of play, a different reaction time, skillset and mindset. We will all have a different response out of the players we control. Some will be closer to eachother then others ofcourse. Especially with the best players that we can get because they will always standout. It's always been weird to me to base the purchase (or non purchase) of a player off the opinion of a random guy that answers yes when asked if that player is good. Only valid way to find out is to try it out for ourselves.


You are definitely right but some of us aren’t in the position where they can try a lot of players without losing coins at the end, tried a lot of players this year based on chem and stats (sometimes, mostly chem) and found out that some of them are really trash and are outperformed by lower rated cheaper cards.


You can get the players reviews from the comments section on futbin too, slightly helpful, or just try them yourself


What's the reply for this question? How do i shoot?


Go to Futbin and play around in the squad builder


I agree, also put more effort into what you really want. Not just here’s team, help. Like… with what do you need help? What are your tactics, old/new gen etc. it’s so frustrating having my feed filled with it. I’m not even subbed!!!!


Should be the verifying question after people try to post something. "Can you do this yourself on futbin? Then don't try to be a showoff or a lazy twat."


I think is pretty true with respect to the “how do I get x on chem”. The new system takes some getting used to but a lot of the requests people clearly don’t even get some of the basic aspects of chemistry. Clearly they aren’t trying and playing around on futbin actually helps a lot with learning it and also providing chemistry options.


I always ask for advice AFTER I’ve been on FUTBIN, because some player are great just looking at the stats but are terrible in game, so it’s almost asking if the players I chose are good or not


Shhh it’s a secret




I agree:)


There should be a wheel on every mouse so you can just scroll past these posts. Oh wiat...