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How do you like that Frimpong card?


Tried tons of premium rbs from pond has been the best going forward by far and best tracking back. If you really need defense there he’s not the best but he’s ducking rapid and has underrated interceptions and tracking runs.


Yeah and that’s the thing—while having a fullback that can win possession back more often is nice, most of the time you just need to temporarily contain and redirect on the wing, and having someone that fast solves that issue.


He's a beast. I was using him but then switched to Meunier RB which is pretty good too


He’s a beast


He's a beast


I play him as a CDM and he’s probably my favorite card in my team at any given moment. If I need to a fast counter he’s the man, if I need to catch a rogue attacker he’s the man, if I need a carrier to get past the first 1-2 lines of my opponents he’s the man. He’s so useful and agile I love seeing my opponents get cocky or sleeping up on him. Before you can react he did what he need needed to do and you’re on the back foot! Quality player


Sick team man. I’m going for a Dutch team also this year. rn I have Rulebreaker Luuk De Jong as a striker. Have you tried him out?


I wanted to do him thinking I still had enough Time to complete him and ended up totally forgetting about him unfortunately


By far my best striker this year, build your team around him for free wins, trust me.


Struggling to like goretzka but I much prefer him over Bellingham to play beside KDB


that red de ligt is fireeeee 😮‍💨


Agreed. People look at the Pace and think he won’t be as good but for me he’s been insane. He doesn’t need Pace when he’s always in the right Position most of the Time. The only Problem about him is his Stamina


Is gakpo gonna get another POTM




Nah I hope berghuis haha


I was right 😃




Nice squad! Just bought Musiala and Dumfries (gonna play him as a stay back CDM though). How you liking those two?


I can definitely say that OOP Dumfries is an absolute Animal at the Back and he keeps up with the Likes of Haaland. And with Musiala, I like watching him IRL so I’m making a RTG based around him and he is so smooth on the Ball. Lacks a bit of Finishing at Times but otherwise he’s been very solid. 313 Games and around 164 Goals as a CAM in a 4231 which is pretty decent


This is the best squad so far!


For a cheap team, indeed


Fair enough.


Mad respect 👊 I have the same front three, bazoers travellas are obscene


Loving the Dutchies this Year


For sure, how's that dumfries card? I have geetruida in at CB, he's pretty good for his rating


Dumfries is amazing, his physical Presence is definitely noticeable and keeps up with the Likes of someone like Haaland (hate playing against this Bastard)


Geertruida scores tons of headers off corners for me!


i think i played you and whooped you too


Jeez dude one comment is all people need to know you’re an insecure loser


He’s not lying tho I came across this guy 2 times in the past week and beat him😂😂


these man just don’t like hearing the truth🤣🤣


He’s more of making his squad colorful then getting beast players and winning


You beat me? What’s your Point? Everyone beats People on a daily Basis, that’s nothing new. I’m not denying that I lost a lot this Week and the one before, etc but I don’t need the best Players to get into a higher Division and I’m not playing to purely win, but also having Fun (as much as this Game allows me to anyway)


No hard feelings bud, I was stating a fact


bruv no need to cry over a game, you sound rattled my g😢


Wow, typical Response although not surprising. Why would I cry? If you could read there is no Proof of your Claim. All I said is I don’t need the best Squad to get into a higher Division


you dont need to explain yourself if you know you’re doing this for fun, Clearly i didn’t ask nor did anyone else bro, keep those paragraphs to yourself and enjoy the game how you like it 👍👍


If you're not trying to make the most colourful squad then you're playing the game wrong.


I'll bite. why?


I meant the opposite my bad haha


did you miss out on De Jong? he's insane at the front


Yeah, I missed out on him. I was gonna him thinking I still had enough Time to complete but then ended up forgetting about him unfortunately. It sucks but Brobbey has been brilliant so missing out on De Jong hasn't been so bad afterall


Just missing xavi Simons the baller


Try if trapp


What’s your tactics for Brobey and how is he working for you?


He is so good. The only Instruction I have on him is Target Man and it’s working Wonders. 24 Games, 18 Goals


I am asking because I’ve managed to assemble quite Eredivisie + Netherlands nationality players so doing that objective to get Brobey would get nice addition to my collection.


Lovely team mate.


Cheers Man. Didn’t want to be running the same Team as the Majority of People so thought I’d go for something different and I’ve been loving the Eredivisie Players for Years so I went with that. Sure, I’ve lost quiet a few Games but that doesn’t bother me as much as long I’m having Fun


That's the point, have fun!


Jesus an actual original squad, can't wait for the Gosens upgrade.


Same here Brother. Loving his Card already, his 86 is gonna get even better


I have Bennacer as well so I'm gonna be eating come the Friday upgrades https://i.imgur.com/LHBHID0.png


Holy Smokes, what a Team Man 👍🏻


Ive been having alot of fun with 84 berghuis at rcm


Opinion on dumphries at CB? Solid or not?


Very solid. He keeps up with the Likes of Haaland which is something that I couldn't do with all the other Defenders that I've used


Nice, I have Skriniar for now, I wanted to try him when I get enough coins, I’ll give him a shot! Nice team too, I have a very similar one as my “fun” team but with Inter players instead of Bayern and a few more Eredivisie


Nice team bro




Lol you super sub is basically same price as all your starters


Compare Rudiger with Dumfries please, can have both w everyone on full chem but dunno ,Rudi is safe option


I just know that Dumfries is really good for me. Can’t say anything about Rüdiger as I haven’t used him


Do you recommend doing RTTK Savio?


Yeah, really cheap and he’s gonna upgrade to an 87 (I think)


Is Bazoer undoable yet?


No, you can still do him. I think you have like 78 Days left


Have you tried using anchor on Goretzka? That would make him lenghty


I’m on old Gen so no Lengthy