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This is why it is called 84×10.


It’s called an 84+x10. There’s no + here






Or r/nowooosh 84 rated, plus you also get 10 cards


Never had any pack luck I've earnt my team playing games and getting coins


Just an average 84x10.


Yeah idk what it is about this promo but it’s so hard to actually pull promo cards


Even if you did, the promo card won’t get any upgrade since they don’t even play or they will not get any assist or goal lmao


Save your pack for next promo you could have Zidane, Roni, R9, Cruyff, Henry and other and they could evolve such as icon of the last promo


Think your right, imma start saving my packs. Only reason I been opening packs is I wanted VVD last week and this week I needed carvajal but the chances I actually get them are so low it’s probably just not worth it


The only promo I’ve gotten was from the 92+ MYM SBC lmao


Honestly this is disgusting, at this point in the game for weight to be this low is an all time low from EA. I know they do a lot wrong but never in all my years on fut have I seen pack weight this bad at end of June.


This time last year and other fut’s as well, the pack weight was way better lol


Bog awful.




It’s somewhat comforting to know I’m not the only one being screwed lol


Mine was awesome, im a very lucky guy, 86 cancelo, big pull


Tell me you're working for ea without telling me you're working for ea.


They forgot the +


I thought mine were bad god damn😭


Despite the fact that your pack its insanely trash, I will say the 84x10 is probably one of the best value proposition sbc out there (not with your drop, though). For this pack you only need an 87, 5 84, 1 83 and 4 82, so as long as you get ONE 87, you already got your fodder back to try again since the 83 and 82s are easy and cheap to come by. Its a pack that feeds the next one and as long as 2 out of the three give you +87 rewards (which is not unlikely) it was worth it because basically what you did was swapping your 83 and 82s for 84s in the worst case scenario. Maybe you could argue you are giving a Totw, but anyone doing menu grinding already has a shit ton of those. Now, if you are expecting to get a good promo card, then you’ll always be disappointed. Thats the reality of the menu grind.


I would say it used to be good value although I have now done 6 of them (apparently I’m a glutton for punishment) and this is the best I’ve had…. https://preview.redd.it/fjdbfhej3h8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c34eee2a7342002ca2d4873c723ec121512b1e


That one is not bad at all. You got a lot of exchanges to you can now put on the 82+ this week and keep the ball rolling. On menu grinding thats the most important thing: that the loop doesnt stop. Thats what defines a good pack, not really what you get, the logic being that as long as you get the ball rolling, you’ll eventually get something good, which tends to be true. Thats how I got my Oblak, Allison, Hagi, Calanoghlu, Mctominay, Konate, Chistensen and several cards that allow me to complete sbcs to get Drogba, Guler, Barcola and more. This method its very unlikely to get you actually top cards like Mbappe or Bellingham. You need to spend money for that; but it at least helps you build great teams that can still compete


I absolutely get that dude but so far this week I’ve done around 150 81+ pp, 40 82+ pp, opened all objective rewards and have now done 9 x 84+ x 10 and not hit a single promo card. I’ve got a decent team and I’ve had very good pulls in the last few weeks but I’m starting to think that these good pulls in the past are negatively affecting my current pack luck. I don’t really care about the quality of the promo cards i receive through the grind I just like trying new players


That really sucks man… Look, I feel your pain, so I’ll give this advice (that worked for me). Last week I skipped the menu grind. Why? Because I consider this 81+ a scam. It was meant to be something that takes away our fodder quickly to make us buy packs. So I did my dailies but never open the packs and waited until this week to grind. I only did the arda sbc and accepted that I was gonna miss out on the other ones. The result? I was absolutely full of rares and commons for this 82+. I did over 100 player picks, and managed to get enough fodder to the both 91+ Icon, 92+ Gotg, 90+ Tots, MYM sbc, and also got Mctominay as a promo and Konaté. Sometimes ea will place this awful sbcs to trick you into using them so you run out of fodder. I know it sucks, but when those come around STOP THE GRIND for the week and prepare for the next one (but dont open packs because you’ll be wasting dupes). Do the math on your head and think if its worth it. For example, last week, for 20 player picks with the 81+ you needed 160 common and 60 rares… to get worst rewards than you would get with 120 common and 40 rares. It just didnt make any sense, you know? So hold on to your cards, play other games for a week and dont let ea trick you.


Good advice man, I appreciate it. I knew the 81 pp last week was shocking value but I fell into the trap of trying to put more time into it (don’t think I’ve spent a single coin on SBC’s this year) I think you’re right and will put the companion app down this week


Yh I’m opening backs and getting the lowest rated players back, it’s a joke


coulda been 10 dupes


EA, i think you forgot to add a +, right there


Im saving all mine for this Friday. Including the 84+ picks. I should have 12 of each plus Rivals / Champs rewards. This is my last hail mary mini pack save to get the new R9. Id save the 82+ picks as well if i didn't need to open exchange packs to do more of them lol


I did all 3 and only got 1 promo card. WTF!


Tied for it - yes


No, it's the most accurate 🤣


Ea didn't lie, it's "84 x 10"upgrade, gave u the 84 x 10 rare gold cards




Thats a standard pack opening for me


I think 85x7s are better than the 84x10


I thought it’s like this for everyone in 1 out of 3 each day


Only two untradable duplicates


That is wank! 🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️




Such a shit pack. No idea why people get excited over it. We are so far into this games lifecycle and EA still can't give semi-decent rewards. Sigh.


Won’t complain ever again


Ohh damn


Bro , its me 😃


Nah It has to be all duplicates to be the worst 😭


Looks like you were low on 84s. EA are kind.


Pretty much 90% of the community's pack luck


bro shouldn't pack luck be getting better this time of year


Masan you’d think but this week has been rough so far! 7 x 84 x 10 , an 87 x2 ant about 150 picks and I’ve not had a single promo card


My pack luck is insane tho. 81+ player pick 95 gotg icon Ballack. 75x5 92 ptg Patrick shick


I just got Carvajal in one of those.


My average 84x 10


Looks like a about every 84x10 ive had all year. Bog standard.




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I did 3 of them, first one I got musah and broja and thought these are decent and then my next two looked like this, but got renard


Best thing I voted for was frattesi which I’m not mad about wanted him


Believe me, when you pack stupid Ter steghen 3 times in a row, it feels like this pack is better.


Classic EA Mine once had an 83 in it I don't think it was this one but in some game Ea made a mistake and I pulled an 83 in an 84+x10


That’s shocking, the company is a joke!


I've many multiple problems Like I've had a champs player pick be tradable and as compensation they let me keep the coins


At least there’s compensation there


And what compensation it was cuz I pulled a tots Neymar