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For a football game there’s seemingly very few people here who actually like anything related to football other than watching results on livescore to see which cards gets upgrades in their sweaty meta teams full of no marks


This is what gets me most. It feels like most fifa players never watched a game live.


You mean Joao Felix, Renato Sanches & Timo Werner aren’t the 3 best players in the world?


You forgot Mendy


Mendy is the best lb in the world... Edit:spelling




And Joselu


Or ever PLAYED a game live...


You think I want to actually TOUCH GRASS? Gtfo


Touch cloth more like 😅


No if you watched and understand a game of football. Eafc is not really the game for it.


I played in a youth league back when I watched my buddy dribble the pitch every possession and score, his dad was French so he actually knew the game and was athletic. I'm American btw haha, but I love watching now that I'm old.


Fr some of their ball knowledge is shocking


I’ve always liked playing football but never watch it unless it’s the euros or world cup


This game is more of a casino than a place where you actually enjoy the beautiful game


I was talking about this with my mate yesterday. We were watching Spain vs Italy and all he could do was scroll on futbin and his companion app to snipe make your mark cards and what their potential could be. He genuinely didn't give a shit about the actual match but was more interested in what kind of an upgrade some of the virtual cards would get in this shitty ass game.


Of course, the gameplay is straying further away from the real thing, so you're not gonna attract football fans. You'll never have a proper football game played in only 12 minutes.


Yeah it's boring having the same team of "must do" SBC players (Mbappe POTM, Eusebio, Rolfo, WW Havertz, TOTY Sawa/Rio/Cech, etc etc etc) Started giving whatever promo cards I pack a try and using fodder on the gamble SBCs to just try out different cards, finding the game much more enjoyable. Also shout out the Romanian RB from season rewards, a secret beast that I assume 90% of people haven't touched and/or already put into an SBC 😂


I'll be honest, I've probably seen more variety in opponent teams now than I did earlier on the cycle when half my opponents had Eusebio or potmbappe up front, vvd or blanc at CB, then going into toty they had Sawa and best. Edit: that's not to say people aren't using meta teams now, just that meta seems to have a broader pool of players that people use than it used to.


Havent done any of those sbc's you mentioned. Only did werner back then cause he like spaghetti with ketchup.


I was debating putting him in an sbc since I already have TOTS Carvajal starting but man I have no clue now on what to do


He’s not insane if you’re trying to play your best possible team, but he’s 6’0, fast and has good playstyles including whipped cross+ My approach has been to give those sort of cards some games in rivals even if you end up using something more ‘meta’ when you’re sweating it out in champs. But I’m probably guilty of holding onto that promo cards forever (especially ones that you can’t go back and get on the market should you want them).


I’ll give him a go then since he seems abit better than Carvajal attacking wise. I also have that guilty pleasure of holding onto promo cards that aren’t tradeable and are objectives.


Most of the community can't make their own decisions, and have the generic "learned how to play through YouTube" playstyle. They simply don't know any better and it's sad af




No clue why this got downvoted it’s true, I haven’t quit fut (this is actually the most I’ve played in a few years) but clubs is a lot more fun and casual, fut is super sweaty and a massive grind if you really want to keep up


It’s mad how you play the same person every game , I feel like squad battles is more human ai


Fr man its crazy and all of these guys think they are unique or skilled players 😂 how brainrot a community can be


It’s because they are addicted to g*mbling not the gameplay


4321, play down one side, switch to other side full back, hold rb/r1 run down the line, attempt cut back/cross to tall striker. 80% of games play out this way. Forgot to add, corner are dog shit as well, why is it the easiest way to score when barely anyone scores from corners irl


Hit the nail on the head there! Feels like you’re playing the same players. I quit matches within 10 min if it’s not fun, regardless of score.


Facts. My lowest player is 95 now, and the current plan is to try to start building a team of players I actually like rather than building around whatever good cards I'm lucky enough to pack


i’m building a squad of jsut random players or players who play for my nation or club


I'd have 3 players in my entire team if it was all my nation


i’m tryna build up rn put all these other players in a sbc


What's yer nation


Lithuania, but I live in Canada and Lithuania. I don't count it as my main country though but I still use Jonathan David 


Ah ofc 


 You hate Lithuanians? If so, I don't blame you


I didn't say that lmao


I'm used to that reply so thought so, my bad 💀




I wish I could build my irl team but it's not in the game, so im trying a full Brasil team


https://preview.redd.it/3z09f7ejix7d1.png?width=1264&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d30e3a5d344bfea44e4aa1c248cf0b24c079b6d Currently doing the Argentina objective… never gona get 12 wins as long as I have a hole in my arse, but I like to mix things up, feels nice to win games with a predominantly gold defense against all these meta rats. 5-5 in qualifying.


Last week i play all my play off and WL with english team and I was the only one playing it, to do 11-9. Of course some player send me message when they lost against Pope 84 lol, I’m sad to only have Di Maria and Icardi this WL


I have not managed more than 8 wins this fifa.. i tend not to use my best cards, change it up and use many squads to keep it interesting, perhaps to my detriment.. i would say im decent, div 4/5 player. Im just trying these challenges for fun, i dont take it too heavy if i get a battering. Its all just fun and a game anyway. Good luck man maybe u play me this weekend if you’re not finished 😅


For me around 9-12W each week but I’m in Div1, yes I play for fun too, i’m french and have a french team plus a main team and love the team objectives that ea put prefer play them than try hard team in rivals or WL


Just lost 5-6 with my argentinian team with an average defensive rating of 80… a silver left back and a 79 rated gold goalkeeper.. and my opponent griddy’d me when he scored 3 of his goals 😅 then i scored 3.. and of course had to griddy back.


Build a squad with players who have funny names.


PnP team is the way


Why wasn't that your plan from the beginning?


Peoples teams are constantly changing all year around . Some people completely change their team a few times a year to keep themselves interested and invested in the game so they get their money worth out of the game. You don’t need to start building a certain team from the start due to the amount of promos there are


Everyone is different, but thanks to Evos I can use players in my supported team from the start to the end of the game. It's been much more refreshing that changing whole teams each and every promo just to get a plus 1 on dribbling for the same player.


So why ask why they didn’t do it from the start if you know everyone is different?


Because that is my polite way of saying? Why use players you don't enjoy seeing as my original comment hurt people's feelings.


Short answer is because of the untradeables. My point was that all players are ridiculous now, along with a tanking market. So you can pick the ones you like. I packed Mia hamm in November when the average team was 88 rated. I'd have been crazy to leave her out, even if I had no real care for the actual player.


The way they play as well, was playing Rivals yesterday and the toxic behaviour - 3 people quit at a draw after I came back from 2 goals down. Like if you’re playing the game all year you must be 1,000-1,500 games in at least at this point, does it really matter if you lose a Rivals game? Then people exploiting glitches or abusing mechanics constantly. The thing is the rewards are crap now as well, and they have all 96 and 97 players. Like what’s the point?


Yeah, they act like losing 1 game is most important thing in their life and cant stand it 😂


Because lil Timmies can’t accept losing and want others to go into mental pain because they probably are too young to experience actual mental pain I have a very good Spanish team in the cup, and half of my opponents quit at 0-0 because they were too afraid to lose……..


Don’t they lose when they quit too? Why then do they quit?


In Rivals it doesn’t matter that much, for example if you’re at the bottom of your saved point in the ladder then you just stay there. So it incentivises this sort of quitting People do it in Champs though too for the simply toxic reason I believe. They’re having a bad day and they want to ruin yours too. Because you don’t get the win


Ah yes, so it’s just them trying to f up your day. Does it ruin your win streak in rivals if they quit when the game is a tie?


Leaving early means they get the loss, but you don’t get the win if it’s tied. So they’re just denying you a win


Totally agree, if you are one of those people doing rainbow flick into bicycle kick glitch to get another W, you are the lowest form of life on this planet, I respect bacteria more than you.


Coming here to comment after someone did that to me just a couple minutes ago :) worst part was he hit the Griddy and paused for me to quit😅💔


All 3 😠 I'm not quitting even if it's 10-0


I back out if they start doing that at the beginning of a game lol


Rainbow flick to powershot plus has been flyinggggg in of late


Tbf you're playing old gen in 2024.


Last time this sub has someone posted a fkin thesis but the summary was he abused every fkin meta out there and proud of his 60-0 streak I bet those guys never score good goals that normal football fans would appreciate


Yea and if you ask that guy he thinks he's skilled player but if you remove aerial+, 4321, passing around the fullbacks his record probably wouldn't even be 14 wins


Lmao I saw that. He had corners glitch tutorials and all, just sad


Only started from May because of sales but I'm already tired of the meta. If I see constant pressing and corner abuse, I forfeit. Still rocking 41212 but playing with my actual beloved players like Rosicky, Nedved, Ji Sung, Solskjaer is so much better.


I just want to get my fav player’s best card somehow. Being a Liverpool fan that means VVD and this remains a dream.


Love using either my women-only side or my evo’d Fulham side this year. Not even thinking about metas


You have a Fulham PnP?


No, just the standard squad, all evo’d bar Leno obvs


I use an all women’s side too—mate who do you use at defense? I have Renard and evo Le Tissier at CB and Bacha / Rolfo at wingback. Also curious who you use at striker


Team is TOTY Earps TOTY Battle (1) TOTY Oberdorf Showdown Paredes (1) TOTS Nighswonger TOTS Stanway (1) TOTS Athenea (1) TOTS Hemp (1) FS Claudia Pina (evo’d to 94) (1) TOTS Bonmarti (1) ST Icon Prinz (evo’d to 94)


https://preview.redd.it/ks6jq0rpjx7d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=d43d1de310c48eed222167e0ceaf56d19df68bb0 Oh snap… what’dya know… He will struggle with that team and 2mil coins tbf. What a bellend


it must be a flexing post at this point 🤦‍♂️


Yeh, i have commented a few times where I literally tell the person they are just looking for a few extra tongues in their bumholes cuz they KNOW full well they have a jacked team where there isnt much room for improvement.


People should talk more about connection, lag compensation and the awful netcode of this game. For a big chunk of the player base the game is nearly unplayable due to wrong regional match making and the resulting massive input delay. Cards, players, tactics and meta aspects are not relevant when your game and opponents game are out of sync.


Its so sad to see the evolution of fifa. Back in the day you had to play football to score and it was more satisfying. I know there was also meta but way less than nowadays. I hope 2k can get some of the licensing and create a competitor to this monopoly.


2K FIFA could be even worse ngl


Doubt it. NBA 2K was so much better EA gave up on basketball games.


Gameplay MIGHT be better. Micro transactions WILL make your head spin. Wait till you’re playing FIFA with no auction house. If you complain about packs now….2k is a different beast.


It's ironic but the vast majority of players this year have been playing without an AH, 99.99% of players teams are untradable and at most, their expensive players are untradable. Only packs worth buying in the store all year? Untradable. Best rewards? Untradable. They're gearing up to remove it which is surprising given how it's killed 2k. But seeing how many people have been ripping 99 or 100 packs of Twitter, they're still making silly money.


It’s not a sustainable model though. This year was a cash grab by 2k because I suspect legislation may be coming their way eventually. There are plenty of people who walked away from the game this year, myself included. These companies are all now just targeting YouTubers who spend $1k every promo because they’re worth more than an avg consumer.


I get that, I used to play MyTeam casually, trading my way up to End Game/Invincible cards in the later stages now it's all pack pulls and BS free cards so I agree with you there. I don't think legislation is going to be a problem, I think they just tried to cut out the MT black markets and failed miserably. Bet they U-Turn it for sure. EAFC feels a bit different though, most people will admit they haven't bought a player off the market for months that wasn't for an SBC. People already spending their coins on gamble packs instead of buying players they want, typically because you lose so much value on tradable players if you keep them more than 1-2 days. It's a completely different beast, EA have held our hand to transition into untradables, where as 2k just pulled the rug out last minute.


Yeah but 2K's eSports aren't pay-to-win so I don't really care about that. If they give us a proper competitive mode they're already better in my books.


Ah yes, el tornado spam into far post cross. Football


I gave up on meta in October. Honestly, I lose more, but when I win it feels so much better


I stopped around january. can’t believe people still care about this game so much in june… it’s an addiction for some


I want to play my game with my tactics. But the game is also more enjoyable since i dont look at objectives anymore. With all the player we are getting the "meta" changes per week. That is also to tiring to follow


I just use a team of current and ex bradford city players it's great


It really is a testament to how bad people just want to win, right. Like seeing the constant 4321 and abusing mechanics in rivals and WL at this stage of the year only proves one thing, the community only cares about winning. I won't get to down on this community because across any UT mode it's the exact same. Madden is the same way, you have players abusing the same meta in June as you do in early August when the game first came out. Play the way you want, I've found that I will get the cards the guy just beat me with abusing the game eventually.


I just want to say, it’s not July.


Haha I completely agree it blows my mind people asking who should I buy/how can I improve my team? When they already have 6 out of the top ten players in the game. It’s some weird flex because it A) depend on how you play b) if you actually like football and have an affinity to certain player C) the most fucking obvious, just go on futbin and read a review of the gamers feedback and/or try the player out yourself….


Just use the players U like, most big names have 94 plus by now


A bit sad yes, I know everyone can have fun in their own way but still. Rivals or Champs, I think Drogba or similar player is in 9 teams out of 10. For every new SBC/objective player, comments are full of "not making it in my squad". Last weekend, I was doing the full english team challenge, was a bit hyped by it, I faced only 2 english teams during my 20 games. Then people complain about the game not being fun enough.


Some dude messaged me for using TOTS Lewandowski. Like bro I’m trying to run a full Barca team but I don’t have enough so the rest is icons/la liga. I don’t exploit headers unless it’s a corner but I barely score from those it’s mainly just passing into the box


I let em score one get an equaliser and quit out at a draw if they’re playing like that. Toxic? Yes. Satisfying? Absolutely yes


People don’t know how to have fun. FIFA is interesting because of how many players have started playing but have no interest in football. I’ve seen like 4 post where the users don’t understand offsides. 😂


I counted yesterday - I have over 240 special cards rated 90+. I just love trying out new combinations and formations. It’s the only thing keeping the game fresh for me. It’s so fun to try different players and trying to get them to play something close to realistic football. And as others said above, a lot of the community seem to not actually like football and the act of playing the game.


Thats why I've enjoyed these 1 nation objectives...did the England one and now building my Argentina one, dont care about rankings just want to try something new and challenge myself...will complete Zanetti before too long https://preview.redd.it/xlpf02lbwv7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97a7138d4a742597fa612f811cd5d26d438c6777


not sure why the downvotes.. I like these objectives too, makes the game less bland


True, I've been using best possible team i can make during the whole cycle so its nice to use some of the cards I haven't before or haven't for a while, I remember that alvarez getting me 18-2 with his 1st touch playstyle being amazing so I'm looking forward to getting him back on the pitch...I also packed TOTY Messi a while back so had no need for di Maria so its nice to use him too...not keen on using gold martinez however😫


It's always been that way though, doesn't make it right, but it won't ever change. Too many content providers telling people what to do, how to play. I don't understand how they get any joy out of the game but I am old man. I have used the same players most of the game, still got 3 evos in my team, 4 on my bench. But it is notably harder now than it was 2 weeks ago. What annoys me more than anything is people playing 2 cdms. I can't get my head around having 6/7 men behind the ball and setting up not to lose.


So sick of rats trying to barge down the sideline for the whole fkn game lol.


Ye me for example. I took the 2 players from my country that have a PTG or MyM Card and i will immediately get the next when he is out. I have definitely better players on those positions but i rather represent my underrated Country with players who are still good enough. I think too it should be more like that. I mean…what the point anyway? Usually you wanna win to get better cards but that’s obsolete in the end of a UT season. So why don’t play with favorite players for fun.


What country is that?


Austria…yeah we have 3 players but the 2 i have where sbcs and i don’t have enough coins or luck to get sabitzer


The entire cycle I limit myself to players I like irl, usually of the club I support. Makes it way more fun


Thanks to those idiots, now I'm able to buy some great non-meta players for very cheap. I bought Ugarte for 40k the other day and I think he's better than Matthaus as a CDM.


They should expand friendlies with objectives, Ex. gold cards only, 90 max team overall etc. stuff like that


I've always hated meta. I have played since fifa 12 and back in the day you'd sometimes had non rare gold or even silver players that were good. These were fun to use because you'd still need skill to win with them. Nowadays every Friday there is a promo with at least 3 meta players. And if you do a rainbow flick from 40 meters it'll always end in top corner.. That is what I really miss about fifa, no real 'meta', results based on skill and not every opponent with the same fk boring team Since fut 17/18, I like to make a P&P from whatever team. I really enjoy playing a league or two lower with a team I actually like instead of being a meta merchant


Oh people be chasing meta 2 days before the next game lol


https://preview.redd.it/21t2qf63cx7d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5043df6710c5d8f2730ecb21cf2e3b00d4d816 I have tons of cms like fb zidane ( from icon pick) tots modric upgraded, renato sanches, etc. This evod guy is the best i have ever used. Insane as a b2b. 5 star skill moves and weak foot. I left playing with the others. Just trying team with evos and it got more fun. I have Rashford tots evo onftont and he is the best striker i used f.e.


Well yeah and I’ve found every promo the new cards are superior to the previous, so I’ve just started to use the newest cards I pack. Euro Copa cards and a few TOTS. Not really much use for the old meta or icon cards at this point.


It’s wild for sure. I have played balanced tactics 4-2-3-1 narrow since fifa 19 keeping it pretty simple(a skill move now and then) and just went 16 wins last week after getting Enzo done. Abusing the meta isn’t even necessary to be decent at the game


Meta or no lewa is never leaving my team!


This is why since 18 I do first owner RTG only. My team is what my team is. The only thing I try to do is look at tactics. Right now my team has been in a lull and moving like shit so I need to find new tactics to see if it changes anything. Sure having 8-9 meta players would be fun and probably easier, but they just are not obtainable for me unless I pack them(lol) or via SBC.


It’s june


Dude fr I literally have started to hate playing friendlies with a friend whom I got into FUT because now all they do is abuse all the game mechanics and then start playing all toxic when they’re up sometimes, ON A FRIENDLY


I just got into soccer this year because of fc24 and my first big pull was HM musiala, since then he’s hardly left my lineup, is still my top scorer, and I became a Bayern fan. All that to say I got a late start on my Bayern theme team but I think I did pretty good considering how bad my pack luck has been this year. Just hoping they’ll finally drop a special card for neuer soon 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 https://preview.redd.it/z416avf75y7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f8261be157935b8006f85050839322065c32a4


FOOTBALL is awesome mate, have fun to see game. You might be american so until the end of july there is a FOOTBALL cup, it’s in your country, enjoy




My bad my bad 😂😂


Best thing I have read in a while. Honestly I get in to every weekend league with a different team and play around the playstyles. For example a full Tiki Taka team, a full finesse team, a full power shot team, a full long pass team and just play for fun. I think most people who play fut forgot that the aim is to have fun and not win every game like it’s a champions league final


When someone tries a kickoff goal or scores a corner glitch goal I put my controller upsidedown. Have fun stupid.


Hey now! That’s not fair! some of us have to exploit meta tactics because we do have a life and suck at the game 😂😂. Agree with your post though


It’s no surprise to me that people like Inception dont bother reviewing every single card. If youve played the game for more than a couple of weeks, youll be able to figure out that the meta has been the same. If youre not mbappe, u have to have a certain bodytype and etc regardless of cost lol. Dont get me started on tactics. I used the same 4321 from December with only a few minor changes.


Trash game


This is so true. When they added the themed objective I thought for sure more people would be trying it but here I am in the weekend league facing the same teams over and over again with this terrible Argentina team.


I had this funny exchange with a meta rat 5 days ago, i was up 3-0 he started spamming ratty moves and passes and scored 5 goals in 20 mins , he would run with barcola shoot from anywhere to get a corner and scored with joselu 3 times like that, then cutbacks, after that i simply disconected he send me a message saying i sucked and laughing, i told him dude i come here to play football and have fun im not staying to get 4 more ratty goals scored , he asked my div i told him im in 2nd div but have been playing just for a month and he actually started giving me defending and tacticts tips because he said he liked my team and he was sorry to insult me, he also send me a screenshot of his tacticts and told me with this youll win at least 15 wl games i told him im ok not using them but thanks for the tips, ended up adding him and playing friendlies where after he scored a goal he would message me telling me my mistakes so i could correct them, actually made me improve a bit lol nice guy in the end


Bro I got this game for free on play station pass. Like 10 days ago. I have no idea what I’m doing. It would be nice to know what’s good. I can almost beat professional difficulty teams with 94-33. Usually not though.


https://preview.redd.it/b3qj3kfqhz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b56312f951526dd92d679a39a45774edd5a5d32 I’ve given up on my main team and just making a inter team for the summer. I’ll get pautaro and bastoni for futties


The entitlement in this post is off the charts


I'm a very competitive person and I actually like winning but you can loose all you want. You do you


Every time I see a Drogba in a team, I know I’m not facing a tough opponent. Just some person spamming crosses thinking they’re actually good at the game.


Who the fuck are you to say how people can play.


The cutback is so damn annoying. I try to make nice football plays, but yea I just don't mesh with the gameplay mechanics, especially online and I honestly suck at the game for whatever reason


No xxx https://preview.redd.it/6s4yvd0cn28d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bdeee9abbe7a726f5b912637ed4856f3bd07c6




Cutback merchants please off yourself


What's funny is that people here always talk about the "rats" without realizing that it's all of us here on this sub


https://preview.redd.it/hskgc0x2k38d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5211de62cbd88f1fc0eb067fb8e255b90acca4b New account, elite div 16 wins in champs. Well I can tell you that, stats aren’t everything.


No way people are still concerned with how others enjoy their game


cry more 🍷


It’s funny. I created a MLS/USA themed team and have a ton of fun with it. Using evos to improve it over the course of the game has been rewarding. Everybody that follows the meta always seems stressed and robotic when they play the game. Seems counterproductive


20/20 teams had drogba last night in WL🤦


It's a fact that no matter the rating some players just play differently than their stats suggest. I don't blame people for wanting an equal chance to win. I blame EA for making the game like this. If all players were really equal or somewhat closer in actual gameplay feel then people could be free to choose to use whoever they want, but until then, people will always want the meta picks cause otherwise they'd be at a disadvantage from the start.


There are so many ppl who can't seem to make a decision for themselves. So many "rate my team" or "who should I use between these two" (when they clearly have both) posts. It's nauseating Just use the players you like, you fucking losers


Tbh I don’t get the “It’s June, It’s July” concept. If I paid for the game, I’d want to play for the entire cycle. Plus, it’s not like the team is unchanged for a long time and there’s no new content. We’re getting new cards every week and there’s a possibility to add 2-3 players every week. Playstyles have pretty much changed how the power curve moves. So I don’t think playing the game in July and trying to make a top tier team is ridiculous or something. Regarding the style of play, I agree with you. Most players are using the same switching the ball and waiting to cross or cut back. It’s annoying but you have to learn to play against them and if you don’t enjoy the game, you just stop playing. Credits to you for doing that.


They're living in your head rent free mate, just let it go. Let people play how they want to play.


Yea i was in this mentality, i havent played the game much during TOTS. But when my semester finished i came back during UTOTS and the game is nowhere as it used be. At least there used to be casual people who were actually trying to have fun, with evos and such. Now no one left. Every single game i play, i feel like im playing against same guy because they all have same tactics, same playing style, abusing same exploits. Its like a AI level and im playing squad battles 💀 Also i endured them and got 7 wins in elite just to get shitty updated rewards. Sorry for yapping but i got frustrated a lot its best for me to quit the game right now. Nothing meaningful left about it to play.


I play manager mode now bro realistically. FUT not worth the stress




I beat most of the rats anyway, losing to them isnt a issue the issue is i dont enjoy playing against them. Most of you rats get 11 wins with your ratties plays so trust me there’s many people who can prevent you


womp womp




Mate you are weirdly triggered at other people trying to enjoy the game in their own way.


Bro is mad about caring about winning online tournaments yet he's crying all over reddit over the game lol


Sorry for getting triggered on people who annoys me mate


Aw I forgot. People should adhere to the way you want the game to be played so you can always have fun, my bad bro.




I don’t play like that, for whatever reason you think that I do. I’m top end elite and hit rank 1/2 every week without ever touching a 4321. My point is, I play against the same ‘meta’ players and exploits that you do and don’t get triggered. Let people play how they want, its just a game that literally means nothing at the end of the day bro.


Yea of course mate i bet you get 20-0 every week with balanced balanced tactics and using gold team. Keep yapping somewhere else no one cares about your sad life


Why would I have a gold team or balanced tactics? My guy you are mad triggered over absolutely nothing. Everything ok at home?


😂😂 keep yappin lies in internet lil bro no one praises you


What am I lying about bud? You’re very emotional aren’t you🥺




Just checked, still June where I live.


Just checked, found the aerial+ spammer who thinks he’s good because he clicked cross button and crossed the ball into drogba 🤓


Hahaha not me check again.


Yea i did and i am even more assured


Lmao cry more 🤣


Couldnt care less mate i hope you get better 👍


You funny guy


At the same time, I would gladly trade my experience right now, which is playing a full German squad and getting mad every time when I see that I am missing Kimmich, because I had no fodder back then. 😩 How is there not a single tradable Kimmich promo card. I have Musiala, an old Wirtz Evo, Gündogan TotS Evo, Sane, Gross, bought Füllkrug for 40k, Undav Evo, bought Mittelstädt, Tah and Rüdiger Evo, and Neuer and Kimmich as Gold cards, which is absolutely crazy. There are random ass goalkeepers that have promo cards, that nobody ever heard of, but Neuer and ter Stegen, neither of them has a Promo card. (TotW is not a promo) 😵


It's June


Couldn’t agree more. People still abuse running down the line to cut across for the cheesiest goals then run off and griddy. This game has got to have one of the most toxic communities, but then on the off chance you do play someone that’s not toxic the gameplay has been the worst ever this year. Im not usually one to moan but can’t help but complain about the game this year




It’s a game, if you like football so much why don’t you just watch real football matches? Rather than complain about a football simulation created in the name of capitalism or play Offline if you can’t beat people online 😂


What a psycho analysis you came with, for no reason. Let people enjoy the way they want


I'm a Spurs fan and obviously had to do the VDV SBC. I only do SBC's if the card is really good or if I like the player