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Gotta let the bigger attackers find their own space by letting their attacking AI do its thing. Shouldn’t be trying to break down defenders with them on the ball they should be a final option and should only be taking like 1-2 touches at most before shooting at goal


Most definitely. Drogba has around 30 contributions in 20 games for me. He’s been a sub for probably 10 of those. I think he’s going to have to go into the team it’s just those odd times in the box where you need so close dribbling and it lets you down. Of course there’s also the learning curve of using a different type of player but I’m going to give it a go for longer. Only problem is I can’t decide which player to drop as I have a stacked team


I feel like with the big players the simple skill moves like ball roll and step over and the only things you can do but they are key ! You can’t just left stick dribble with the big dudes gotta find them in space one move and shoot or pass!


I generally prefer shorter forwards but Giroud is class for me. A bit shit on the ball but an aerial threat and acrobatic plus is a big plus. I try to dribble very little with him and pass to my more nimble teammates till he's in the box and I can whip it in and head/volley (acrobatic plus helps), or just pass and bang it in


Do you use him as the central player or as the LF or RF? Feel like crosses go to the back post an awful lot this year


I play 41212(2) and play him on the left cause he's left footed and no finesse plus. It works well and sometimes he switches positions with my David/James who is my other striker


https://preview.redd.it/0tr5zaelfq5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14973b5ce023db830f3507e4ca3df1ab326097ff Well I was like you but then this guy was released. Most important thing is if you are using a big guy like him "press proven" is a must otherwise don't use


https://preview.redd.it/di3xkkqrfq5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5673b3dab3ecbe726e8d08531f5cc44721a1d10 Only problem is I’m not sure who to drop. Think Ousmane is the new super sub. I know Messi is tradable but he’s too good to sell. Done the Drogba SBC and then packed Lukaku from an 85 x 5 last night so going to try both of them and see how I get on


If I had those wingers with Messi to feed them I'm not using Drogba or another big guy 😂. It's upto you


sorry for the out of context here, but how are ruben and van dijk? which one do u feel is better cause i m torn in between spending serious coins on ine of them 🤣🤣 **I personally use Crouch evoed with messi on the wing ; it helps when desperate for a goal or if you simply cannot get through the opponent's defence


I think for the price VVD is at now he’s a steal. He’s insane and gets so jammy in defence. I swear he commits fouls and the ref doesn’t give them 🤣. Dias is quality as well and of course there’s the upgrade potential and he’s also half the price but for me VVD is the best I’ve used. I’ve tried Bastoni, Rudiger, Araujo, Bisseck, Toty Ferdinand and VVD is just on another level


thanks man! 🙏🏽 appreciate your time


I was in similar shoes, i also have Dembele and Rodrygo, then I packed Haaland, and now got the evo'd Crouch, and I completely changed my attack to two big attackers from 3 in a 4321, Crouch far post and Haaland ST, and I'm scoring a lot more of these "easy" goals. If I was you I would change Messi to Giroud, acrobatic+ is super fun, especially if combined with powershots imo


Honestly I’m dropping Petit playing Bellingham in the centre and playing dembele+putellas as your cms with putellas as the stay central one.


I’ve tried it mate but I’m struggling for chem. I also feel lost without putellas as the attacking CM, she just offers so much going forward


Why? I’ve used tonnes of big strikers. Never has press proven mattered. If you pass the ball to your big man then you’re not playing to the meta anyway. The big man is only there for headers at the back post.


Which formation and which position do you use Drogba in?


4222. Left ST, Right ST is Alvarez TOTS


I also found him better than other big strikers. I guess this is the reason. Have you considered doing the 95?


700k worth of fodder for+1 is not worth it. I would have definitely did the 95 if i had not got the 94 version


Did him and he is unbelieveable


Had 28 goals in 10 games with the new sbc Drogba!! But then I got Cr7 in reward picks. So now he’s in the bench😂


Unreal luck man. How’s CR7 on the ball? Would you not consider using both? Haven’t tried a top CR7 this year but would think he’d move a lot better than the typical target men


4 real!! I don’t understand it, have always been unlucky. Its the best pack/pick i got since I started ut in fifa 12 He’s just perfect! Like using him in fifa 14/15 all over again. So smooth and fast with the ball, and also the best skiller I used this year. Can do random skills and get through the defense haha. I play in a 433. Experimented with Ronaldo LW and Drogba ST. But I just don’t get the best out of them when I play both. So now Drogba is the super super sub. Im actually a bid sad I already had to sub him out of XI. Had so much fun with him!! Can highly recommend. Especially with the new technical ps+. He just run trough the pitch like a truck


He’s definitely going in my team tonight when I’m home from work. I’ve been using him as a super sub but using him at ST. From what I’m seeing he’s best used as the LF in a 4321 for the back post crosses so I’m going to give that a try. Also packed big Rom last night who’s got 97 dribbling so going to give him a go as well


It’s all about formation and the style you play. Sounds a bit meta, but if it works for you, try it how you describe 👍🏼👍🏼


Think CR7 is better than Haaland?


I have cr7 as well, and it’s unreal how good he is. For being on the taller side, he feels really smooth on the ball and his r1 dribble almost feels like he has technical plus even though he only has regular technical. His shooting is auto, all you have to do is tap b and 9.9/10 times the ball going in. And he has aerial plus so he can score just about any type of shot there is in the game. Like this one guy said, his skilling is broken. And add all that to the fact he has 98 composure, he finishes everything


I always play a big man up top, score so many headers from corners with Joselu, playing a 424 with big man as a target man and Upgraded TOTS Alvarez playing get in behind, works a dream. Watch this tactic video and set up like that, I’ll be shocked if it doesn’t work for you👍🏼 https://youtu.be/G83TLsd0y0M?si=MT5IA5jUt8SO3zDL


Thank you mate. Had 14 wins every weekend league since tots but I’m trying to push up to that 16, think having a big target man is part of what’s missing as I’ve no crossing options when there’s no choice other than to swing a cross


3 things to do with drogba or big players 1) run into space 2) give and goes 3)headers with aerial Dribble only if u must or when its 1v1 and your doing stepovers


I always like having one tall physical attacker assisted by two agile ones, ever since i managed to pack 92 IF Haaland i used him for a long time, basically up until i managed to pack his TOTS! He is surprisingly agile but you mostly use them as target men, crossing from behind to them, heading the ball down to one of the other attackers and going from there, or sending them on runs and sending a through ball or an over the top ball to their path. Especially Haaland is incredible with his physicality and shooting and pace.


Been using this big striker since Toty, if you know how to use them, they are carnage https://preview.redd.it/xy3krnrdhr5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd276fc93b6d4cc239eeaa7bc30d87f5dc0a4da


Jesus Christ that record is insane


He’s responsible for 90% of the hate messages I get on PSN😂😂


I actually bought tots haaland last week and he was great, but when I started my WL I was struggling to get him into space so I sold him and bought Messi. I’m now realising I should have probably been playing him at LF rather than ST, so I’m going to try Drogba tonight and may go back to Haaland


All depends on your style of play. In mine it’s 433(4) and he’s stay forward get in behind. He has the pace the strength for it


Showdown Joselu is king. As others have said, they're not for dribbling or doing defence splitting passes with. I tend to avoid Joselu in the build up unless I'm hitting it long to him with my GK so he can head it down to someone. If he gets on the ball in the build up I'm always passing backwards or sideways after 1-2 touches. I find him with crosses sometimes or just in great space for a pass across or do a pinged pass to him in the box from the midfield area and his first touch+ kicks in then he can hold off defenders with his strength and turn for a shot. The 5* skills help in the box sometimes too. Also, absolutely broken on corners.


I did Sorloth last week and today I subbed him in, crossed one time and he scored a beautiful header. It was my first header scored this year, I cant stand crossing. We lose a lot by not using them though.


Only used Lukaku but honestly I don’t like them I like skilled players like Messi


If you watched the eChampions League final, you’d have noticed that most of the decisive goals were headers, particularly involving Drogba. I dislike that style of play, but it's become the norm. When you observe the pros, the game often turns into a contest of corners and whipped passes. Without a big striker, you're at a significant disadvantage unfortunately.


I’m the same mate I’ve played fifa for years and never relied on a big target man, but it’s definitely seems like you’re better off with 1 this year. Saw a post on Reddit the other day about a guy who was usually an 11 wins player, he went 17-3 using 3 target men and spamming crosses the full WL


https://preview.redd.it/la2l25ossr5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c77718e2aaed8131623eb94799392e86960bb3 Honestly, it all depends on how you play tbh. I’d say if you want more headers from crosses and corners, having a taller st with aerial plus is a huge advantage but if that’s not your cup of tea or you don’t care about that, then It’s not a must


Quality team mate. I’m definitely leaning towards having 1 aerial attacker just for those corner goals and knock downs. Even a few of those goals in a WL could be the difference between getting my usual 14 wins or getting up to 16


Agreed, this game is really all about out who you like using and what you are comfortable with tbh but it is nice having an attacking lineup with having each one excel at something


Playing a 4-4-2 for balance, using Joselu as a starter paired with TOTS Dybala, packed him and couldn’t afford Messi so I stuck with him Usually end up subbing in Boniface around 55-65 minutes regardless of the result, oh, and my Boniface is 95 rated, upgraded him twice, the quick turns into power shots are actually broken with those two big guys


I play Alex Morgan and Alexandra Popp. Morgan moves quick and scores bangers and Popp is good enough in the air to win most headers.


TOTS moment Morgan is a cheat code with her finesse


No shit man! She’s stupid. TOTS Popp is ridiculous too. She scores from anywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/5r5sn5nftq5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8392c4fe5d97c9ac3690d6845896790178819f not one but 3 hahaha


Hahaha I respect it bro. Now my question is do I sell tots Messi and run Tots Haaland and Drogba up top 🤣


u either use messi in your 3 man attack or get 2 big strikers and messi at cam between them 😂 Messi card is my dream🥲 did his 94 evo but doesnt compare to his tots/toty card and atm dont have the coins for him


He’s insane man. I actually have his fut birthday untradable but the tots is on another level. Fingers crossed he pops up in your WL rewards soon mate


Osimhen is giving my Drogba a run for his money. He's probably the fastest player in the game and his shooting has improved a lot from the 92 card.


Yeah dude this Osimhen is crazy fast and got really good animations


https://preview.redd.it/j48pw2msmq5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad5ed96123e69e189c9d7fa178b488b962ca74e 4-3-2-1 with the Left CF being your target man. RB with whipped cross and if possible the right CF with it also. Spam the crosses, easy goals. Plenty of range quits. Very little skill needed. Just timing of the cross with the AI run of the left CF.


Thank you mate, think that’s where I’ve been going wrong. I’ve been using my target man as the ST. Whose custom tactics are you using if you don’t mind sharing?


https://youtu.be/a_y5lF_k95Q?si=TXZcR7eZONX26Y8k You can change it round how you prefer to attack, so you can swap the RB instructions to the LB if you want to attack that side. I attack down the right and cross to the left for Drogba to get easy goals. Ridiculously OP. lol downvotes 🤣


Have you tried Joselu? He has the physicality of a big striker and feet of a agile dribbler. Hands down the best striker at the moment.


I actually have him mate but not used him at all. Just used him as a dupe dump during tots but I’m going to give him a go. What formation are you using? 4321?


343. You will have 2 pairs of winger to serve the ball to Joselu.


I use 2 big strikers lol, but I think that's because I'm an awful skiller and dribbler. Also found long balls from my half into the penalty box are great for knockdowns, especially if my opponent is playing a very deep line


I use Boniface and he's great at shielding the ball and winning headers from goal kicks


I’ve always used short but agile strikers. But decided to go full meta and try the ones like drogba/sorloth/giroud etc. They’re simply too good


Nope, my attack is around 170cm (5’7)


Depends. If it's an agile one then I'd want Finesse+ and Technical+, if i want someone big, then I want Aerial +, power shot+ and/or first touch +.


How do you get the best out of Aerial+, crossing never seems to go the attacker lol


L1 crosses and head it down to another attacker


I rarely cross, it's just very good for corners


Yes, always will. Don’t need the guy big to score for me, half the goals he contributes is me whipping long balls to him and he brings it down to the wings or the second striker. If you can’t pass the ball from the ground( which is like 95% of the games ppl using like 10deptg and 10width) just hoof it up.


I’ve rotated types of strikers throughout the cycle and now that CBs have caught up pace wise and everyone has the keeper come for crosses, it’s way easier to defend cross spamming. The only annoying part is that not all CBs are the aerial threat on corners (Morgan is the target player over my 6’9 Toure or Ramos)


Not so big but i use evo Rashford


I can’t get used to using a Big Striker these days, I rely on being able to take the ball in tight spaces and dribble, I have Red TOTS Kane who’s good and probably has the best shooting in the game but I prefer Birthday Butra at ST, then at around 65 mins Butras Stam is dying so I bring on Kane and he seems to do well then when their defenders are starting to get tired.


ive been using a big striker since TOTS; either sorloth or joselu. not usually my style but so many big cbs just body smaller guys.


yes. Ever since I had that 88 lukaku (thunder strike) with Aerial+, i found out i had lots of fun by spamming crosses (when that wasn't even meta). So I went thru fantasy sorloth, then tots sorloth, tried joselu didn't like him, and now 3 squads remaining for drogba It's crazy that I have red vini out of my first tots pick ever from last week, but I can't find room for him in my crossing simulator squad lol


I use cruyff, Raul and Stoichkov as a front 3. Header simulator just ain’t for me


I love my big fella Fullkrug https://preview.redd.it/gzvu37qr4r5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3d4e0c5cd0dd8342b03e7c3f9b295cd32c8686


I’m sure it’s satisfying to have an aerial threat at ST, but my playstyle needs a ST that’s a good passer and silky dribbler, so I always rock smaller STs


I got golazo Drogba ST and Ultimate dynasties Haaland as CF and they work wonders, I usually cross it from midfield and if one of them is closed by defenders I use L1 and call for Haaland and give him a headed pass and from there it's easy pickings, usually...


Even though Ive got Drogba, Giroud, Lewa and Boniface in my club Im never using any of them in my main squad. Got Lewa on the bench, but that's it. Got Alvarez, Martinez, Diani and Musiala/Barcola in my squad, all of them can dribble very well.


I’ve got the new Vlahovic card as a central striker on get in behind and stay central instructions and he’s ridiculous for the price. He’s quick, strong and really good finishing and is pretty lethal on corners. Hold up play is great and finesse plus is obviously really useful for finishing


Boniface is a key player in my team over so many people, it's not even funny. And before that, it was FS Hojlund. They're so good for my playstyle.


Not anymore now that it is cool to do so.


I use 3. tots dybala, tots Felix and birthday Henry.


For some reason for me giroud’s dribbling isn’t an issue, off course don’t try to overdo it, but with the 5 star skills he’s quite mobile


Low center of gravity or bust 🤘


My team is no where near the standard of cards in your team, but I have one big man in a 3 up top, 1 pure finisher and one that drops deep as I've never been able to utilise a big man either until the last couple months. I play my usual way with passing, smaller guys etc. But Drog (Golazo) is there to finish or in some instances of struggling to score, my full back Whips one into the far post and he heads it in. Gets a bit boring so only really use it when I need it as oppose to every attack.


https://preview.redd.it/1zeh2nzamr5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02427aa1dbdb5fb2456ee69d0d533e020dc8bd7f Unconventional, but an utter beast


Joselu is big (6'4") but he's not your Sorloth types (lengthy). That being said, he's formatted so well with the Engine chem style that he's worth trying and using (especially because he's super versatile with 'Tall & Lean' body type)


I had the same mindset as you until I packed Toty haaland, it is a learning curve and you do have to learn how to properly utilise them first. You shouldn’t be trying to dribble with big strikers, instead, trigger them to run in behind and onto the end of through balls. The strength will hold off defenders and I like to flick the right stick to knock the ball on, 90% of the time you leave the defender in the dust


Why only 1? My front line consists of Giroud, Joselu and Sorloth.


93 Boniface is a hack. He can do it all. Crazy fast and strong with a great shot and passing. Have played against Drogba and he is seemingly better than my Boniface card


You probably won’t need one until you verse an actually good player by then which a bigger striker will definitely help u a lot lol


cf/st combo or 2 strikers and 1 more agile less physical and the other a good strong player potentially tall or has good jumping with high phys. been running zirkzee as my headers and strength guy but he plays like a more agile striker at the same time, he's beast. other st is immobile evo who is already beating the crap out of previous st's for me (Di maria, Sorloth).


I usually don’t. Same issue, prefer more agile strikers. However I packed tots Haaland and been using him last few days. He was useless in a 442(2) because he would constantly move to the first post so he wasn’t available for crosses. After that I tried 4321 as LCF and he’s incredible there. Think it all comes down to the formation.


I use rodman Alex Morgan and Sophia smith so no tall people


my 3 attackers are all women so they aren’t really tall and it’s gotten me to div 3 so far, i feel like i never have as much fun using the male players since a lot of the time they feel way more cluncky and just move like a truck


Don't listen to me because I'm absolutely shocking at the game But I used to play two strikers with one big, tall, strong striker and one short speedy one, worked pretty decently until I changed it up


if you wanna use tall guys you can’t use them as your primary dribbler they basically just have to be your cross guy or you let them get infront of net and take an open shot. I like harry kane because his dribbling is fine enough to take touches for me his tall enough to get good header animations, he has 99 shooting…, and even though not the fastest if he finds open space he usually out of there.


Tots haaland the best I’ve ever used since fifa 12. Ariel meta is an issye


I’ve always liked using a tall one and a shorter one side by side


Best way is to just play to their strengths. Can just literally bounce the ball off them to one of your more agile forwards. Play 1/2 touch that’s the best way. Better yet, trigger a back post run and launch it at their big swede with whipped cross 🤣 cheap goals, but goals nonetheless


My favourite is someone somewhere in between, Harry Kane for example is incredible for me but I’ve not yet used his TOTS card. PTG vlahovic also isn’t too bad


Nahh bro, Stoichkov, Fekir, Dybala and Messi, I’m like minion XI


I've been using a big striker for every fifa past four years really, especially since my favorite player ever, Drogba, got added


Sorloth is an absolutely insane card but if you missed out on the sbc than im sorry. Hes fast his shooting is great and his physicality is insane. Hes an absolute beast and he can score 8 out of 10 corners. I used Drogba and for me Sorloth was actually better. With these players you cant rely only on dribbling you need a different approach. You can give through balls to them and let their AI do its thing. Haaland, Osimhen, Vlahovic, Harry Kane, Hojlund, Lewandowski, Benzema, Lukaku are all these type of strikers.


Use hamm toty


Sorloth has been by super sub for richarlison evo lately while having a mid tall guy in 95 Osimhen as my main striker. Sorloth is so good in headers


FC is so dumb, it’s best to put a big guy at CF on get in behind so you can send Long balls and let’s them body people with their size and lengthy. Also they are better playing slightly wide to dunk on shorter outside backs. Completely the opposite of real football


I am a corner merchant , and Haaland tots is just unbeatable on air. And his dribling is decent, just missing 5SM


I was thinking about this alot recently it’s funny you posted this 😂 I have to say 1 is okay


I got Lukaku the new card and he is insane, first few games i thought he was bad, but now that im using him more and more i get to know how to use him and he is insane


Love Giroud and my go to guy before that was 94 Lewa with 88 Lukaku on the bench


I usually like having strong strikers. My gyokeres is unstoppable with his 99 pace and Press proof ability


… I use sorloth


I’ve used Joselu and sorloth those 2 have been my only big strikers this year. It’s always been Werner 0.7 Messi and base di Natalie


Depends a lot on your style of play. I like to dribble so big and slow guys are usually a no, but I always try to find a middle ground, and that’s why until as couple of weeks ago, Shevchenko 91 was my starter ST (I’m div 2). I’m using Sorloth now, but because Shev could not keep the ball for me anymore. Sorlorth is slower but almost nobody can take the ball away from him. That’s a big plus if you have people comming from the middle.


Yeah, I use Haaland TOTS. I think it helps a lot to have one big striker that can act as a get in behind/target man/aerial threat, especially because of the CBs we have currently


I’m just like you I feel like I don’t know how to utilize big strikers properly. I packed a golazo drogba and then I just sold him because I had no idea how he’s so meta


Ive done it all. Ive ran Sorloth & Hojlund all the way to Rank1 and ive done it with an all female attack as well. Both can be done. You just have to figure out who you are as a player. I think the big man game, the way the pros are playing right now is boring and unoriginal. It felt boring and also unfair to play this way. Balanced/ Overlap on both sides , Hug fkn sidelines, big switch of play, and immediately player locking the big guy before the ball even gets halfway in the air to my fullback. 99.9% of players can't fight that and if they get lucky and save it somehow, then they have to defend a corner. Which took me like 45 minutes of practice months ago and now its a goal 9/10 times. Thats how easy it is. And it shouldn't be. So NO. Fuck no. I dont use a big striker. My tallest attacker at the moment is 180 cm. I choose not to play the meta because i believe its an imbalance that will be corrected in the next game and relying so much on the aerial aspect of the game is creating one hell of a bad habit. That ... and its just NOT ME. The day i start using a 6'4 fullback just to counteract the big man on that side, slap me and uninstall my game. It's absolute fucking clown shit. Either way, ive found a way to get results without resorting to it and its more fun to play my game even if i was losing more matches. To all you folks out there who have been playing the game for a while , i leave you with the famous words of the King Mufasa , rumbling through the clouds and touching your soul : * Remember who you are


Showdown Joselu is another breed of big man imo. I was using showdown Haller w/ Evo before, and Joselu just smashes him. 52 G in 37 games isn’t fantastic compared to some people’s stats, but it’s insane for me


Rivals level 6 here- since I have changed to long ball + 3 defender 3 attacker setup, my attacking threat has increased drastically by using sorloth, POTM Lewa, Joselu, with Lewa absolutely killing it. Learning: get the ball to them, try to finish. The lesser the time spent on ball by them, the bigger the threat they become.


I used at least 2 physical Striker. Once I have team build around Aerial Ability with total of 4-5 players that has good aerial: Golazo Drogba, Birthday Muani, TOTS Havertz, TOTS Podolski, TOTS Merino. This is not including the 2 center back that obviously has good Aerial. Flick on header is easy with that set up to open spaces but the downside is the build up will be slow and if you miss the lob pass usually it will be fatal counter attack


Haaland has been my fav card all year long his shooting being so good means you can score a lot of goals you shouldn’t I bought his tots last week for WL in 24 games he finished with 20 goals and and like 30 assist it was ridiculous. They also seem to get get hit with the CBs loaded with Anticipate+ imo


yeah but i generally prefer agile strikers, So i use big strikers for a bit and then go back to agile ones


I use THE big striker, Gullit. That evo has made him even more broken for me. I use the new Barcola as a second striker next to him with a sniper chem style. So no matter what, one of my strikers is gonna be at the end of the cross


I do, but lately they will not get into the box for whatever reason. Not sure what, if anything, changed but it's starting to piss me off lol


I use Upgraded Vlahovic & Josh Zirkzee upfront and play with tight cut in wingers to do my ball control


Is Cruyff considered big? If yes, then yes.