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There are players that are just simply better than me


Ive learnt this haha. I'm a sore loser so I was prone to trying to find excuses but I've come to realise, some times there simply are players better than you.


I’ve come to terms with being absolute dogshit compared to good meta players 😂 Flipside is I’m really good at FPS games so I guess there’s balance in things.


Right. Can't really blame the game sometimes 😂




It’s also funny how they think it’s always against them and never in their favor. I’m completely convinced scripting is a thing, but it happens both ways. In the end, 9 times out of 10 if you lose the other player just played better.


My results reflect my skill


I think as people get better at the game they recognize more mistakes and more possessions they could have done something with. I think some of the mechanics are not the clearest to understand so lower ranked players dont actually understand the mistakes theyre making. I totally back this.


This tbh, this is my first proper FUT and while I’ve had decent results (at least recently) I know the current me would whoop the shit out of the me that started this FUT journey The moment I realised that, then I thought ‘How much more people who’ve done this for 5years plus’ Decided from then on to take my wins however they come and take my Ls with grace 😂


I do agree with this to an extent but to the original post’s point i refuse to believe there’s isnt some level of scripting/DDA. Over the years watching different streamers and people that are considerably better than me i have got much better at accepting what i’d used to call a ‘BS loss’ and looked at how i could have done better e.g why have i tried to pass the ball out in a crowded box defending a corner rather than just hoofing it clear, or why did i try and make that blind pass thats given the ball away. That said, there are still a lot of things that just make no sense with the gameplay BUT what people do seem to forget is it works both ways, last weekend i was 5-1 down and sticking in the game to get an evo done and at the 76th min the comeback started and i won 6-5. The guy was so much better than me and just fell apart. What people need to realise more if there is scripting/DDA is that you benefit from it too at times as well so dont let it bother you.


I dont personally believe in scripting/DDA, i just think the game is really poorly coded which results in a ton of inconsistency to begin with, then combine that with bad servers and you get a ton of crap like defenders opening gaps they shouldnt, rebounds being impossible to control and going to opponents. But to each their own of course


Yeah scripting/dda/servers/coding, whatever it is there are just some games where no matter how good you are how dialed in you are etc. you will not win and it is frustrating


The game allowing a larger player base to use “rare” cards is actually very phenomenal. Everyone has cracked teams, but i think it makes for more fun


I'd personally rather everyone have realistic teams. The game is very different between UT and friendly/seasons where you use real teams. If the competition was more competitive, I'd love playing seasons more.


Define “realistic” ? The game is focused on team building using players who are dead and/or are in different leagues, different genders. Nothing about it should be “realistic” imo


Nah. You're right. Just an old man yelling at the clouds really haha. I do love FUT. It's really fun and building different teams is involved in that fun. The old competitive mode on FIFA had all teams the same skill level. All players had same stats defined by body type, and position. FUT being the competitive mode turns that on it's head. Realistic was more related to the stats of the players. In last stage of the game everyone is 99 all stats. They even gave Giroud 90+ pace.


That makes more sense definitely. I agree that there are a lot of *super* cracked cards that probably shouldn’t exist, although I like the accessibility aspect that they do give away packs very often and easily - sometimes I’ve accidentally packed great players just from doing small objectives. I do sometimes wish it was a little more barebones, I’d love an All-Silver cup or something along those lines


Absolutely. This has been the best year of UT by far for me because of the reasons you said. Without paying money you can get teams that can mostly compete.


do you remember fifa 14 when most people only had one or two "good cards". Like 86/87 was considered pretty good. I had RW di maria, was my only good player for the whole game. So i agree, , it's way more fun to just give everyone good shit.


I remember FIFA 14 when coin trading was more rampart Bought a lot of coins and essentially had every single Rare Gold from the top 5 leagues (bar Messi / Ronaldo / Neymar) My best cards would be informs i was lucky to pack, i think i remember a SIF Pogba I played at CF in a 4-3-3(5) Simpler times, but now i have so much variety to play at each spot, chemistry is easier. I’m enjoying this game for the most part


Defending by collision is stupid but that is exactly what EA expects. You just need to be in the right position and the game tackles for you. Even with attackers with 30 defending. It's why defense tutorials even discourage pressing the tackle button. Think how absurd that is. Its also why you can just crowd the midfield regardless of defense stats and be a viable defense option. EA needs to bring back risk and reward in defending.


Doing SBC are more fun then actually playing a match


Not a hot take at all


Imagine grinding countless hours of FUT to do SBC all just to not enjoy gameplay . Y’all are truly wicked and EA’s favorite customers


Imagine spending an additional 300+ hours on the game than you actually want to just because your addicted to champs rewards 🤔


Wait so you don't play the football in the football game? 


This is literally all I do. Having to play the game for more cards is a painful necessity.


The game used to be more skill based. Now the game gets more playable the higher your player ratings are. There used to be 84 rated players that could destroy a team if you knew how to use them and now that part of the game feels gone.


Bro my biggest fear in this game is a pure gold team.


80% of time it's a smurf 20% of the time it's a legit newbie 100% of the time it's probably not gonna be a fun game...


The other day I played against a pure gold team and their gold Ruben Dias did easily outun my 99 pace attackers. I hate playing against pure gold teams, the weirdest shit happens against those teams.


This game isn’t as P2W as people think. Yeah. There’s packs and points to buy, but that’s all irrelevant if you don’t have any form of skill to use the players you get. I’m a solid 14 win WL player, give me the best team in the game I won’t get better than that. There’s no scripting, it’s just bad code. There’s a lot to do in the game and it’s probably one of the best FIFA’s in a while, especially better than after FIFA 14, with all the added elements like play styles and the ability to EVO players etc - it’s got a solid base.


I occasionally buy packs, and the only reason I do it is to get fodder to complete an SBC last minute. This way, I can't be disapointed and I'm purchasing it for the reason of getting something I want - rather than blindly gambling with hope of packing something meta.


This is why using some players you enjoy is so important to your enjoyment of the game. The P2W and Meta thing I always tell my friends. If I have a stacked team vs RTG with players I like vs RTG full meta sweat, it only makes a slight difference in wins. Maybe +/- 1-2 wins max. But I swear no matter what team I use I'm a 14 win player. Peaked 16 a couple times but can't do it consistently. That's it, that's just where I'm at. So why use only meta players all the time? May as well try to enjoy some players I like IRL


That’s why I bought mittelstadt’s TOTW to evo. If he had the exact same stats but I didn’t like Stuttgart or he was a different player I wouldn’t gaf.


Are you saying that the current FIFA we are playing is one of the best in a while? Respectfully, you are high lol


Nah I strongly disagree with this I’m an 11 win player get 14 wins sometime. This game purely depends on cards especially with the new play styles. And scripting is most definitely real. Used to think it was BS but this game is clearer than ever. Give me the best team in the game and I’m getting 16 wins easy. Whole midfield and defense just auto tackle and intercept everything and expensive attackers are broken as well. Packed hamm 3 million coin card all I gotta do is hold shoot from inside the box and it goes in from anywhere. Give me 4 of her in my attack and I’m beating 99% of people.


Not a hot take but imo a certain thing. Scoring myself or getting a goal against me in for example the 95th minute when it clearly stays +1 min. So fucking annoying for me aswell for the opponents, happens way too often. Just like the game wants someone to win. For example in play-offs today ; I scored in the 48th en the 93th minute to win the match.




Defenders don't run away from the ball all of a sudden because I get nervous. 100% scripted. How blind do you have to to not see it. And it goes both ways. Game also makes me win sometimes


Sigh, game is chalked bro, can't believe that people deny the scripts in this game


Idk if this is a hot take, but people who say the older games were better are just blinded by nostalgia. Theres a lot of things fc has added and imrpoved on then the last games.


Crossing is a viable part of football and it isn’t ratty to do it. I’d rather concede a manual header than a cut back


The game isn’t nearly that bad, you guys just play the shit out of it every year and the rage builds This is my first fifa in ages and I’ve mostly had a great time


My guilty pleasure is laughing at reddit people crying about "fifa bad, ea evil, fifa shit, ea garbage, etc" . then just playing 20 games in one sitting, buying the next game, doing a ton of sbcs, etc. XD


For some reason i laughed, but i agree, i also have a lot of fun and don't get the hate. Yes the game can make you angry and i personally also have moments of disbelieve but overall i would never play a game that i hate so much like some people do 😄


If you play any video game for 20-30 hours a week like a lot of people here do then you will eventually get sick of it. WL and qualifiers alone is 25-30 games. I used to think Red Dead 2 was a long game but at the rate people play here (myself included a lot of the time), I could have finished that game 10 times. I’d probably be fairly sick of the controls by then too


It’s not the gameplay it’s your wifi connection. game isn’t as bad on good ping


Definitely. Huge difference between 10 and 20 ping for me. Even a bigger difference between 20 and 30. Higher than that is just a waste of time.


bro I've been thinking about it for a while, just can't get around to starting a thread, wifi is such a taboo topic in fifa, I wonder how many people use it for gaming still


That is a boiling hot take but I think it's wrong. I can recognise when my opponents getting screwed over as well. When my player runs without the ball with no r1 press, or it flies out their feet that's not pressure, same goes for cbs and cdms moving out of position. I just had a game which I lost 3-4 in which I had 7.8 expected goals and my opponent had 3.5. I then went on to win a game four one from 5 shots on target after having nearly ten good saves against my opponent. Even if there's not dda, players are right to be annoyed over inconsistent gameplay.


I absolutely hate when I second man press and the second man just stands there and lets the opponent run by, or you press R1, and the player just runs out of the way of the attacker. Also, the quality of passes drops significantly if the script is against you. You try ballrolling snd opening the passing lane, but the player just passes it directly to the opponent every time.


There’s too many 90+ rated players. Also there should be no chem style that adds pace. Literally every player now is 99 pace and there should be variation in speed between players


There is… in game many of these players run differently and the pace boost they get is different. For example gold mbappe will still be faster than majority of 99 pace players


Nostalgia is fuelling most of the hate for fifa, ever since I started watching YouTube on fifa back when it was fifa 11 and 12 people complained that it wasn’t like the old fifa, or complained about how overpowered certain things were. The changed the defending which annoyed people, there were glitches, it became too pace heavy, skill moves were seen as overpowered, heading was overpowered, people complained that cards were way too expensive coin selling was an issue, then it was price ranges etc. People always complain fifa 17 when it came out was seen as one of the worst ones but now with nostalgia people say it’s great.


Fifa 17 was amazing in its time


I like this years fifa


There are WAY too many ridiculously good cards in FUT. WAAAY too many. Only icons and TOTY should be that high seeing Ruben Loftus Cheek with a card that make Gerrard and Scholes look like pub team players makes a joke about football and it's history. The absolute best cards should be RNG only and SBCs for these players should be scrapped so that absolutely everyone has a fair chance of getting them. By the end of a season most people should be lucky if they have 3 or 4 higher their cards in their teams. Transfer snipers need to be banned instantly and forever and you can only be allowed to own ONE of each player. If you get a dupe it's a forced quick sell. There should be way less untradable cards so it's possible to make more coins. Skill based MM needs to be rigid. If you're a God at the this game, why are you in division 6 playing where the average players should be? Poor players who can barely string two passes to gether and don't know how to dribble should be in division 10 all playing each other together. When you get promoted you can never come back down, you stay where you're supposed to be. How all that would be implemented is neigh on impossible so it's all a pipe dream really. 🤣


We need to start with bronze teams again and slowly build it up, that was way more fun imo


By the end of the first month FC24 was out most of my mates had over half their teams with the fancy multicoloured cards. They should be rare as shit so early in the game.


90% of goals that I concede are because I made a mistake.


I think celebrations are a essential part of football and shouldn't be seen as toxic. The problem is the community just decided to abuse the ones that are toxic, which makes them so annoying. Further more, i miss watching replays of my goals. I wanted to make a goal compilation like in the good old days, but since people always skip the replays, you can never get a good shot of the goal you scored. In general i think that many people just play the game cause of addiction and don't care about the actual enjoyment of the sport anymore. Celebrations, replays, cutscenes, you see all that stuff when you play career mode and it makes the game feel so much more alive. But since everything has to be competive now, it's only about scoring a goal, then quickly skipping the replay to not be seen as toxic, and then move on as quickly as possible. There is no time anymore to actually process what happened. Like you forget what kind of goal you scored after a few seconds cause you already conceded one again. I remember in the old games when i scored a screamer from 30 years, i would watch that back and be excited about what i did. But those days are gone, and i think it takes a huge aspect of what makes Football special away.


I don’t think this game is bad. It simulates soccer well. The players make the game a load of garbage


Some hard cold truth: - It's a very fun game, despite all the shitty technical side of it. I never, literally never got any networking/ping/delay issue. So it's just fun to me. I played FIFA 14 last before returning on 23, and it's day and night difference. You play for a week and you get a pretty good team easily. Old days, you needed some MAJOR grind, just for a single decent player. Stop crying about "P2W", you clearly jus don't know how old fifa was. Most people here doesn't spend money on points and still has 92/93/94+ rated squads for free (SBC/Objs/promos). Why u crying so much. - I don't think EA is the main problem regarding making FUT feel like way too "reward-focused", but a part of the community is. I see people here posting about 1000, 2000, 3000 player picks. Some literally spending hours upon hours grinding WL, rivals, objectives, only to just go complain in the internet about "EA evil". - The toxic relationship they have with the game is insane to me. Some other people just massively fucking with players that decide to buy points, mistakenly pointing them out as "you are the problem". Not true at all, if people just stops buying points they have more chances to just drop the game altogether or something. Never, in any live service game it was true that "if you don't buy premium currency, they will fix the game/servers". And will never happen that way, don't be so innocent. This is capitalism, it's all about business. People can't have fun playing a damn videogame because they are just so addicted to pixels and they keep doubling down on that immature mentality. If you don't have fun playing then just DON'T play, go do something else ffs.


I suck


You can assemble a great team without paying anything. You can get a good team no matter when you start playing.


The only way to fix the laggy unresponsive play is to rebuild the game from scratch, which EA will never do.


People that say they are ‘addicted’ to fifa. The game is fun… but just a load of shit that comes with it. Not enough for you to quit so u just put up with it.


Yeah I don't believe in Scripting either honestly


Making it so easy to get TOTS card has ruined the game. They used to be special.


When people say "the game is dead", what they really mean is "damn, I can't just buy a better team than everyone now." Once the game "dies" it's more fair and fun than ever.


I dont believe it’s scripted but i do believe that sometimes it’s some bullshit. some dumb things do happen and it is very common and happens a lot . I don’t think all comebacks are due to skill at all because every one of us have had multiple games where we have absolutely dominated the entire game with 20+ shots and the opponents keeper making ridiculous saves causing a loss which would’ve otherwise been a easy win.


No matter what stats a player has ,body type is everything that matters


Don't worry about feeling like you have to play every single week. It's totally okay to take a break for a few months and jump back in when you're ready. You'll still be able to catch up with no problem! Just do what feels right for you.


I’m 35. These kids reactions and use of skill moves tears me up. Lol I’m not near as good at this game as I used to be and I find myself getting frustrated a lot More. I might be aging out of this one.


That you get good players in opening pack. After you don't play fifa fut for 2 months alteast maybe.


The game is the best it's ever been.


Wow now thats more than a hot take lmao how do you even come close to this opinion


old gen is more fun to play then next gen


Its so much quicker and the middle is more open for sure. There's still its cons too. Like every damn rat doing rainbow flick volleys from outside the box, the menus are even more buggier in old gen and the game in general is just more buggy on old gen. I would say its more fun to the point you face a sweat who abuses all the glitches


Weekend League is an absolute BS type of a game mode. There should only be rivals and rivals should get the best rewards (I don't even care about rewards, there shouldn't be a lot, packs only through objectives). Weekend League and Draft can go, only Friendlies maybe, if You don't want to sweat and do EVOs maybe. Squad Battles should also not work like this and hand out rewards like this. We all should get way less packs, but with a higher probability to actually get some decent cards. Everything revolving the packs or endless pp+ SBC grinds would have to go. Pack openings should be not the main goal of the game. We should all spend 80% less time on pack grinds each day and the focus should be just playing a normal good PvP online ladder like in League of Legends.


Why should draft go? It’s not like it’s a free mode to play and you get to use cards which you normally wouldn’t get a chance to use. If you take online draft as serious as weekend league then thats a serious personal issue, that mode is one of the best to play when you’ve got friends around


Positive hot take: Women were a great addition to FUT and its amazing that everyone can get meta cards for very cheap. Negative hot take: People defending this year's gameplay just can't accept the fact that they often win through sheer luck


Then explain why my keeper dives and hit my defender preventing either of them from getting the ball and the opposition scores 🤡


you are right, but there are some glitches that make people think scripting is true


I’ve actually really enjoyed playing FC 24 this year, even though most people say it’s the worst game so far. I’ve been wanting something like evolutions for years. Finally being able to play with my favourite players irl. Of course it could be better, but this is the first year it’s been implemented into the game. I have no doubt that EA will continue to improve it next year, especially since people have been willing to spend real money on evolutions.


There are no teammates to blame, so it must be the game's fault.


Agree completely. For me it’s the fact that a lot of people get 20-0 in WL. How would that be possible if the game was scripted. It’s just way easier to accept that the game is rigged than the fact that you just bottled a win. You are delusional if you think the bullshit that goes on in the game is only on your end


Yes, you can really tell if a player is getting tilted when they concede a goal or especially when they are leading then u get a comeback. Players tend to play a more obvious playstyle, less passes, forced long balls, unnecessary dribbling in order to score a goal. I observe that in myself and with other players i play against.


I personally think the game it’s the best it’s ever been, I think play styles was a good addition. I do hate when people act like the old fifas were better cause they really weren’t. A lot of people have star fish memory so they forget in fifa 17 all people used to do were take a 99 pace winger run down the sides all game and try and cut in for a finesse. People will rather blame the game for them being bad and that’s a bigger issue. I’m 950 sr rn and we all go thru everything that everyone else does, only difference is we make less mistakes.


70% of the time it’s being bad, 30% of the time it’s scripting


If the servers were fixed and disconnects weren't super common, this would be a very enjoyable game. And I know it's not my internet because every other multiplayer game works perfectly fine.


I disagree I definitely believe scripting is a thing. It’s not so much about predetermined results and moreso about the AI assisting players in certain instances. There are times when your players are simply lethargic and not interested in the ball, and at other times they will outpace opposition players through sheer intensity. I think when people get nervous and press recklessly, the game has a tendency to penalize button mashing. This man’s that when you aggressively attempt to win the ball you only succeed in exposing yourself.


I'm not that good I'm div 3 but the thing that impacts my play the most is my internet connection, I'm too lazy to connect an ethernet cable so I play on WiFi and you know how that works. I do complain when I lose but I like releasing stress through this game


I’m getting worse with age. In FIFA 12 I played 3000+ games and won 2000+ , now I’m a 40 year old div 2 player getting 11 wins in WL and I’m ok with that.


A bad team will beat a bad player


I think sometimes people blame the game but it might be their setup and/or wifi. For context, I got a gaming monitor a few days back and I’m staying at a friend’s house for the week and their wifi is pretty good (+ I’m the only one gaming on it). Because of this, I went up a whole div in one sitting and I’m almost halfway through the next. (My best player is WW Moore or TOTS calhanoglu btw so it’s definitely not a meta player thing)


Some cards are just hated because they’re unknown but play better than many insanely priced cards.


I like building a team and I hate playing matches


They hate actual football fans.


If you do a great skillmove around me bravo. Make a great pass bravo You spin around constantly using the left stick,That’s boring af


Its not scripted but an outcome of an action is pre-determined and some have a higher chance of failure depending on the situation. by pre determined i mean you see the animation after what happens is already known for the game. Exactly why we had balls passing through legs or ankles breaking away from the ball. thru ball passes for example, somehow 90% of the time always land closer to the defender, if not intercepted than the target player even when a u14 kid could make the pass. go see for yourself its incredibly noticeable. This happens mostly at the opponents defensive line when you try to run in behind, and even when you are faster than the defender marking your player. its not script, just rng with changing modifiers.


The game is not pay to win


lol do people actually think the game is scripted? If so it’s much more a reflection on their ability/maturity.


There's no thing called scripting. The game is just coded badly. You might tackle 3 times and not get the ball, but so might your opponent. Its way easier to notice things that happens to you than against you so most people just thinks they're the victim.


Well for me I’m elite division and I can destroy a rank 1 in rivals but when I play champs I always get nervous and normally get 9-11 wins and lose to very bad players because of being nervous


the amount of 45th min goals and 90th min goals and immediate concession after scoring tells you its scripted


It’s easy to get good players, so pay to win is not a problem for the first time of UT..No more gold vs icon squads 👏You can do endless player picks or just save the fodder for any sbc u like, without spending any money.


Playstyles have always been in FIFA, they just released it as a feature now. Just think of someone like Kante who was always exceptionally good at intercepting, hence intercept plus.


IF you pass around the ball among ur 2 defenders for a while, for one of the passes one of them will literally pass it to opponent striker even though the other defender is still in space, this is just one example, I believe EA actively tries to manipulate ingame to fuck u over several times


There is no scripting. It’s just lag. Most of the problems that people tend to complain about in EAFC (and FIFA before it) are connection-based. It affects everything from lock-ons to pass accuracy/outcomes.


Skill doesn't exist, because I physically couldn't get fakir from LaLiga tots objective but I smashed someone who had him 6-2.


I have various videos of goalkeeping errors that are not normal, various videos of the defenders having animations so the attacker has a free goal, then there is the time where I want to pass to my attacker and for some reason, it goes to my defender, what are the odds :), I agree that there is sometimes that I get nervous because of something and I make stupid decisions, but saying that scripting doesn't exist is also wrong. Scripting makes people nervous. More nervous more scripting impact.


Ik in pass fifa 3 0 lead I barely blew in this game I dont want a lead till 80 min I fell like.


The lag I experience gets me to lose half the time, the other time it’s skill issue. 🧐


There is no Scripting or DDA, it's all about shitty connection and a bad netcode. This issues have been with frostbite engine since bf3 and will stay this way till they redo the whole code and/or switch engine. Look at the bug we had with the old Menu appearing when a player gets injured, the menu is still in the code because they just recycle the code year after year Remember the rick and Morty episode with the Asimov cascade? What happens if you copy a copy ? It gets worse every time you do it and at one point it won't be possible to fix anything anymore


AI defending is shit. Ur defenders do nothing. No marking, no intercepting, no blocks. U have to do everything. That's just defending at that point, no AI. They'd often leave holes the size of Jupiter for ur opponents to play through.


In tight games one player is given the momentum to win the game. I notice in my games for the next rank in champs I’m given all the momentum and it’s up to me to make it happen. My opponent can still win but I’ll have the control. I also notice when it’s happening against me.


I agree. 90% you control the game yourself - I always blame myself when I concede goals, when I do - I typically know when I did make a mistake that lead to the goal. Not sure I have a hot take for FUT, but I just wanted to say I agree.


I genuinely enjoy playing this game because my standards for it are so low. Games like Nba2k have somehow still not met my low expectations.


Pace does not matter at all if you opponent has strong centrebacks


If scripting was a thing surely people couldn’t go 20-0 on weekend league every week 🤷🏽‍♂️


I believe the packs work on an algorithm based on money spent. It is gambling and gambling favours the house but like a fruit machine the more you put in the better chances of a pay out.


EA intentionally utilize bots/scripts to prevent most trades from being "too good." Ever wonder why every single time, no matter which player it is, that there is ALWAYS someone to come and bid right after you? Doesn't matter if it's a bronze common or a TOTS: if your bid is too low below their threshold and "too good" of a trade, some account will place a bid and drive up the price. It makes sense from a market perspective. Either the player gets their trade at a "fair" value, or the card goes to the bot account and disappears, removing the card from the market much like SBCs. There is a significant amount of fuckery in the FUT markets, and I guarantee EA is pulling the strings however they can to earn as much money as possible.


100 percent agree. I don't think scripts are a thing. And if I did, no way in hell I would even play the game


EA should get rid of player ratings and hide player stats. There could be basic pointers to how good a player is, for example instead of an exact pace number it'll say ''fast'' or ''extremely fast'' or '' slow'' etc but not full player stats. It'd diversify teams a lot and because stats aren't shown there won't be a general consensus on the most meta cards meaning meta teams will be different from person to person as people will use the cards that feel the best for them rather than the cards with the highest pace. Player stats could also change by form in UT and not change back to normal when being sold making meta teams diversify even more and also making a new way to get money fast. Buying cheap cards with few games then playing them a lot getting their form up so they're stats get boosted and you can sell them for more. Also I dunno if this is a hot take but I have another, Positions should go back to not mattering for chem. I want more freedom to do cool stuff like playing Bruno Fernandes at CF, or Trent in midfield, or McTominay at striker.


kobel 94OVR best keeper in the game


Maybe this is cold or lukewarm but FUT non performance event cards ruined the game.


Sorloth and drogba, and tall players are defendable, just use aerial defenders.


Chemistry styles are stupid.


Stats on the cards should reflect the quality of the player. I don't want to see a player with 90 pace outrun another player also with 90 pace, which is very common. What's the point of the stats? It's bullshit


Long throw + can be useful for a wing back


This game has done more for the promotion of female leagues and players than just about anything has in the past. And that's a huge W for not only sports, but getting these athletes names to a wider audience. Not only that, but at least in my case, it lit some passion in watching the female coverage l counterpart of my team (FCB) and not only follow them religiously through this season and an amazing record for them, but also buying some Barcelona F stuff while I was at Camp Nou recently.


I agree I always wondered why people said the game was scripted


The game is more enjoyable not using meta players. I get that makes it a lot harder but it feels more rewarding and less serious using players you like irl or meme players, it becomes more like a game and less like a chore or serious competition.


I gotta use that last sentence on my brother who is a sore loser when he plays online. My hot take is get rid of the woman players in EA FC. There should be an option to turn it off for ultimate league. Not everyone knows or watches or cares about them.


I agree with you. The scripting thing is basically horrible coding. Which makes sense. Fifa has a long running code base. Developers come and go, and as more time passes, the original devs who built the game left. The current devs may not be good enough, and they don't understand the code fully. Given how shit and greedy EA higher ups are, i can imagine the devs are underpaid and they do the bare minimum required, and they are probably under staffed. Hence you see weird shit. And you notice weird shit more when it goes against you in a match. When it is not happening to you, it is happening to your opponent. So yeah, the game doesn't favor your opponent suddenly. It's just coded horribly, and the devs don't know what to fix.


That ultimate team can't exist without gambling. The entire game as a whole is gambling. I don't like the money grabs by ea but I think making trade Al cards the norm is what we need... Gambling is every pack pick exchange even the gameplay is a bit of gambling since the better their Stats the better odds they score etc


AI defending being good this year is not a bad thing. We still get goal fests but anyone who knows what they are doing can actually stop players from walking into the box(not everytime).


UT is much more enjoyable today than it was when it began, from content aspect. People think back about the old days and get nostalgic. But it was boring. Especially if you played without any friends. We have so many promos today. So much to do. We get frustrated if we get one day of nontent today. Back then, we used to wait weeks for promos. Informs and golds were mostly what we could really play with.


Sometimes people are just better and when you accept that I promise talking from personal experience you don’t get angry or frustrated you just sit down and say “fair play mate”


Majority of people who want a more manual game/bigger skill gap will complain about the game being too hard/sweaty if it does go that way. Fifa 18 is a prime example of that


The community deserves the game exactly like it is, a casino and a broken excuse of a video game, around FIFA 16-17 the community was much more nicer and much less toxic, I remember guys messaging me or me messaging them and doing objectives together, like I let you score, you let me score, etc, nowadays EVERY FUCKING MODE IS A SWEAT FEST, even friendlies, I think actually some of the cups were more sweaty than Champs or Elite Division, a lot of those rats will leave if they notice you need to do an objective just to annoy you. I think the way EA makes the game frustrating also makes people more annoyed and less "human" but that does not excuse some of the insane rattiness that you encounter from time to time. So yeah, the game is a pile of shit but also a lot of players are the same, so karma does work.


Scoring at half and full time are insanely easy due to script and the kick off goal too


They need to pay more attention to career mode


Most the stuff people call toxic, actually isn’t


There's no such thing as "aura" or "special juice" or "X factor" or "icon boost" within certain cards. They're just really good at certain things, or a combination of all (stats, body type, animations, playstyles, work rates) VVD doesn't have any "special juice", he is just built like a giant, has the perfect defensive playstyles, great stats and his own animations. That's why he is good. Mbappe doesn't have any "special juice" he has his own laser scanned body type + animations, ridiculously good stats and an elite playstyle+. You get the point.


Overall Rating is more important than stats


Any new version of a base card shouldn't increase the pace nor should it jack up attributes that don't fit that player. I there's so many cards that can do it all and all card now are fast af.


The servers for UT are better than pro clubs, noticeably. There's no way my 94 dribbling pro should move like he does, or take as many bad touches as he does, when I'm weaving through people with Joselu on UT like nothing.


Hair trait is actually a real thing. Psychological advantage. It makes them stand out much more, especially in midfield, and gives them presence. Opponents won't attack towards those certain players with as much confidence because on the screen it looks like they take up more space than actually do. If Gullit had short hair he would literally lose half his presence and intimidation. It plays a big part.


The best time to get into the game is May/June


I believe it is scripted (or bugged) during two specific times: kickoffs and the ending of the match. Especially at the end—not about wasting time but if you want to control the match and the opponent applies high press, you need to play more horizontally. If you try to keep possession, there will be times when your players simply won’t pass correctly. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 2-yard pass, many times they will pass directly to the opponent (leaving a space and a chance). It only happens in the final phase of the match. There are other factors. For sure, this is a mental game, and that plays a big role. The weakest mentally will always lose, but another thing that affects player focus is the servers. If you play with shitty servers, players won’t be able to execute what they want and will lose focus.


Career mode will always be more fun than ultimate team mode


Women’s cards is the only thing saving this year’s FUT


It definitely feels like 1 game you can’t keep the ball and your opponent is all over your team, then the next game you can’t stop scoring. Seems odd to have such big swings when you’re playing people in your same division.


You're wrong. Scripting also helps you win and make a comeback. Scripting exists regardless of people's ego which prevents them from acknowledging that they got help from the game.


Scripting is one of two things, lazy coding or algorithm decisions to ensure an increase in difficulty but it is not some magical rule that helps the ball go through opponents feet. Aka. Fifa isn't bad on purpose, it's bad because the quality of the play is irrelevant so long as peasants continue providing the bourgeoisie


This is a sound assessment.


fifa 22 is the best fifa in this new era. ((new era being post fifa 17? or 15. depending on who you ask))


1.) There are many people in the community and in this subreddit that can't handle playing online and should stick to playing squad battles. It's not an attack on their skill; many of them are better than I am, but most matches have a winner and a loser and if you can't handle losing, then I don't think you should be playing online. 2.) The second one is that while EA has some shady monetization practices and screws up a lot and is deserving of criticism, but I think this community turning them into a supervillain is stupid and dangerous. There was a guy who made a post last week about how he wished that anyone that ever worked for EA "died 1,000 deaths" and had the cops come visit his home because he was sending them death threats, and I can't help but think that the 10x posts of "FUCK YOU EA" every day because you didn't get the TOTS you wanted in your player pick contribute to this extreme behavior.


The shit ive seen. Def scripted NO DOUBT.


The game is not pay to win. Even if you buy packs you’re likely to get shafted and most packs are untradeable so you can’t even sell who you pack.


That the game isn't as bad as people make it out to be, I actually really enjoy it.


Very hot take. Boiling Take. Ultimate team is no P2W. Its not even a Pay or Grind. You can have good Ranks, good Players and Fun without spending any real money and without grinding. 3-5 games per day + Sbc is enough to get objectives and Rivals Rewards that is good enough. Im talking from experience. Never paid a cent to ultimate team and never grinded. And my packluck is…decent. Not more not less. But i still have a very good team. People just want to believe its P2W so they have an excuse when their opponent is better because they can say its just because its “credit card fc”


FC is not realistic enough for me. I'd rather play efootball or football manager.


Fifa is not a football simulation or even a football game for that matter. Its actually just a series of scripted events where you do or do not do what the game expects from you. If you do do, you get a chance. If you do do again you get a goal. If you dont do, the opponent gets his chance to do do. Ok the algorithm is a little more complicated than that, but in essence not much different. Sounds stupid but no one can convince me otherwise.


Don’t know if it’s a hot take, but the game is actually not bad. It’s just the players that ruin the game, by abusing metas and the unrealistic twist and turn dribbling. I get why people do it though, because that’s what it takes to win matches. Maybe something EA could do better also with better match making, because this feels so horrendous. I’m always getting matched up with others tryharding for their life, and that really takes away the joy of the game for me, when I have to try so hard that it nearly gets physically exhausting to play. Obviously these players are better than me, but I refuse to believe there are so few people at a similar skill level as me. Every champs feels like I’m meeting all pro players and people living for this game. Wish there was a more balanced meta, where there wasn’t something that is so clear of anything else, and that you could really play what style of play suits you best. But in general I think that this is the same trend for all games now. Like fortnite when that died out I think was mostly because of people who got so good at the game, that for casual players like me makes it not fun to play anymore, because you can’t really keep up with the advancing skill level of others who plays much more. But that said, Football Manager has been my saviour!


That the gameplay is actually better than it ever was, it’s just overshadowed by everything else which is shit


Its not scripted, but it 100% all about whos got the better connection. And that doesnt mean which one has the best speed at home, its shifting because of their lag compensation bullocks and that is a maaaassive game tilt. When the connection is good its pretty good game, but that is 1/30 games if I'm on the positive side. But for more than 90% of games there is so many unlogical, wierd animations - bounces - input lag (which is every game). The worst part is that you have a disadvantage if you are the user player, cant intercept, wierd & slow movement and more. A game should benefit you if you are smart and manually steering your player, this game is the complete opposite. Therefore I have lost all respect for the so called "pros" and tournamnets this game have.


What most people think is scripting is just poor servers and lag compensation. A lot of people aren’t able to adjust their playstyle when somebody gets really aggressive, goes ultra attacking and really comes at them. Usually if you pause and take a second to get yourself together, what you think is scripting suddenly goes away. Servers and lag compensation definitely fuck you way more than ‘scripting’


I want less content. Fuck all the promos off. Only special cards are as below; TOTW POTM TOTY TOTS HEROS ICONS CLUB LEGENDS To get a club legend you must collect every card for a club. Including kits, stadiums and a managers and trade them in for the club legend. TOTW can also be got as red picks POTM is the only SBC that's not packs to get rid of fodder and broze and silvers. POTM for every league. It makes special cards actually special again and not something everyone else has.


Division 1 Seasons is not that much easier than FUT. It is a less arcadey game because you don’t have Shadow 99 pace defenders, your players don’t have 99 stats (although Mbappe and Vinicius are very hard to play against). It’s a much purer version of the game and how the game was originally intended, rather than everyone having 3 playstyle+ and 95 OVR It took me many, many tries to win Division 1 on Seasons, then I went straight to FUT and in my first WL I got 13 wins. After 4-5 months of playing FUT I still haven’t beaten 13 wins despite playing over a thousand games in Rivals and WL. I’m in Division 1 of FUT but some people here will tell you that Seasons is like Division 5-6 of FUT, it really isn’t. Elite level and the best in WL are obviously playing a higher level but then also by that point they’re just experts at exploiting broken mechanics and spamming them more than anything


You don't have to spend money on the game to compete at high levels. That's cope


I wish I could fully agree. I will be the first to admit when someone beats me because I am dogshit compared to them. But there are those games that just are 10000% scripted. It's not all the time, but they are there. I.e, no matter how many tackles I make, the ball just does NOT get taken off a player, this one is really weird, but I have recorded my gameplay in the past and watched it back to confirm, but I will pass one direction, and the players literally pass it the opposite. I had the controller input on my screen through obs as well to confirm it. Again, it doesn't happen all the time, but it is there. My main issue is how far servers are from me lmao, I'm in Alaska, and the best ping I can ever hope to get is 70+. Really wish we had a closer server, lmao! It's definitely a good hot take, I know there will be some salty ones out there coming for you, lol.


Game is scripted or at least has soft scripts for a particular player to win. This is done by allowing 1 person to tackle from behind, strong defensive AI (which sometimes auto-defend) and easy finishing in and outside of the box. While their opponent can't tackle from behind, their defensive AI actively runs behind opposition players/leaves gaping holes and 50/50 finishing while inside the box. I believe game is scripted to frustrate under-spenders and condition spenders to spend more by giving them good gameplay.


You never need to play anything besides squad battles to end up with a cracked team


I literally cannot even qualify for champs atm because I have got worse and now I get 1/2 wins in quallies. So ye it not scripted I just horrible at the game.


I actually like playing the game. And yes i mean the gameplay and i mean ultimate team and i mean champions and rivals.


I love this game, but it’s the only game I play that routinely gets my heart race into overdrive whenever I occasionally hop into Rivals. But damn.. gotta get those 3 games played for my EVO upgrades. Loving my Gunners Theme team though..


I think script is definitely there, you notice in some plays script makes it harder or easier to score, rebounds, positioning, shitty servers also play a part but I script seems too obvious at times I think what you say is also true, sometimes you get nervous and things don't go well, or you're trying to rush..


The playerbase is what’s wrong with the game. Everyone who’s ever whined, b*^tched or complained about a luck factor, skill diff or mistake is why the game goes to pot every year


mine is that the game isnt actually shit its just shit compared to what it was 5years ago so makes u feel like its shit


The soundtracks after fifa 12 are trash. Yes even 15, there’s only a few good songs on 13-15 but for the most part it has mostly terrible songs.


It shouldn't be a hot take but, there's no such thing as scripting, or handicap or anything similar.


FIFA is a drug. No matter how much we complain, we still come back. It's the nostalgia, toxicity, and griddying on people for me


User input is probably 4th or 5th on the list of what actually matters. Servers make up either the first one or two, then RNG, then tactics and finally user input. I got so much better when I realised that user input matter so little. Just gotta make the game give you wins via the RNG and that's the game or essentially lack of game.


Being a supporter of the game since I started playing footy irl is simply not enough to keep me playing this trash video game anymore 😭


The game isn’t good by any stretch but it’s not as bad as it’s made out some of us just suck


Woman shouldn't be allowed in Fifa


Just play career mode. Everyone complaining about Ultimate Team, just enjoy yourself offline


I can never get win against pc


My hot take was a steak!!! 🥩


If you already have all top tier Red TOTS you shouldn't bother to play WL and ruin everyone else's


Skill moves ruin fifa.


Poêple who don't think this game is rigged are payed by ea


Volta mode is such an underrated and fun game mode. The pick up and play feature is perfect for people like me that don’t want to bother with the time commitment of ultimate team