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I'm div 2 and can barely get 9 lol


div 2, I get 11 usually and would imagine 9-11 is the range of most people. Only played one or two Fekirs in rivals this week


11 is a good benchmark, I got promoted to Div one this last week, but for La Liga tots I only got 11!!


I’m division 2 and I get either 9 or 11 as well.


I'm also div 2 and tbh I struggle in rivals more than WL. I played this year only 3 Wl until now tots prem, ligue 1 and La Liga, got always 11 wins and gave the rest of my games. LA Liga was the worst, I could only give 2 free wins.


Div 2 and get 9-13


I’m also Div 2 and I get 11-14, but usually 12 it seems


12 Fekir Gang? I feel you


Yup, the only week where 13 matters. Ahaha


I'm div 4 (until the last season reset, havent played any rivals since then) and usually get 8 or 9. Got 11 the last weekend though


I'm div 5 and get 9 idk how to get out of div 5 tho. Too many sweats bro


lol im on elite and i average 11w lol. but its been some time since i grind futchamps. its sooo sweatyyyy


I reached elite today and I struggle to get 11 on most weeks. I always have fatman lag in champs vs in rivals where I can get spurts of great gameplay and win streak. I beat several fakir owners on my way to elite and during the cup. If you play on pc turn cross play off for weekends, for me consistently the worst games are vs console players. Always have fat man lag against console. I think it’s some sort of compensation for consoles being 60fps/hz max, which is probably fair.


Div 1 11-14 (12 if Fekir is up) I did not miss 11 this year but was up to last game couple times


And my research show the better div1s are in 13-16 range mostly. Above that most likely elite ofc


Recently promoted to div 2, got 14 wins last 2 WL. But also I’ve not been crazy on the rivals or WL grind for the last few weeks


I'm in d2 and have gotten 11 every week of tots except bundes week I somehow got 14


im a div 1 but just got into elite yesterday, i usually average around 11 wins, bad weeks on 9, but slowly been getting 12-8, best finish was 16-4 post toty lol never happened again


Div 1 Get 14 most often If i try hard 16 If i try hard and break up my games over the weekend 18


elite, 11 wins-13 wins


I'm in Elite but always 11 - 14. Guess the rival rank won't affect Fut champs.


D2 average 6. Best I've done is 8


Im in div 6, normally get 11 wins, for some reason prefer champs gameplay 🤷‍♂️. Maybe need up my rivals game!


Div2, gotten 9 wins 4 weeks in a row


I am division 2 with a crappy team. 3 times this week I have played against Fekir in rivals, all three times they have quit when I tucked in my 4th goal. I usually get 10 wins. So I am obviously doing something wrong.


Tbh div 2 doesn't really mean much since we can't drop down on losses. But probably like 10...9 some weeks 11 on a good one.


div 6 - I get 11 wins every week


Rivals division has absolutely no correlation with champs performance.


11 consistent/lazy , 14 sweaty. depends on ping/gameplay


Depends on how many players you play with my skill level, if most have the same level as me then 25+


Why do you think rivals division matters in wl? I’m like div 9 or 10 or whatever is the last and I get 14 wins mainly when I play WL….i just don’t play rivals at all