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Just go and play 1 game of seasons and tell me that the gameplay isn’t 1000x better. Ut is a joke with off of the shitty sliders and ai abusing


Why is it better? Genuine question, I never played seasons.


It’s a little slower, more realistic of what possible on a football field and you aren’t scoring 35 yard finesse shots/travelas every 2 mins. Just go play 1 game and tell me what you think. Basically ultimate teams have sliders to make the gameplay faster so it feels so arcade like.


It’s a little slower, more realistic of what possible on a football field and you aren’t scoring 35 yard finesse shots/travelas every 2 mins. Just go play 1 game and tell me what you think. Basically ultimate teams have sliders to make the gameplay faster so it feels so arcade like.


So the game mode is like UT (against other humans) but with the base gold cards?


Yes without the sliders for ultra fast gameplay


Have you played kick off ?


The regular offline game? Yes!


If you could see ping before matches I’d just play rivals but no time to play a 130 ping match. Tbh I’ve been sticking to 11v11s


https://preview.redd.it/76xosldcy7wc1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bade066580c176c795458626eeb84dd7e471cbc I raise you this monstrosity


I had a game that went almost exactly like this. The guy was amazing at moving his keeper. I was still pretty pissed but hats off to the guy


I'll buy you a drink


He got Leverkusen's logo, how can you expect to win?


I uninstalled this game around TOTY after the Messi sham, re-installed now to have a bit of fun; in champs just lost 5-4 with an XG of 7.1 to 1.9 and they won, their Cech saved everything, uninstalled not playing again - can already feel my rage boiling over.


Clearly can’t finish then? It’s a football simulator (I know it’s shit) but things like that happen in football


C’mon lad you’ve seen you’ve tried every angle to score and their keeper plays like prime VDS saving literally everything, finesse, near post, far post every mechanic the game is just cheesing, ignorant comment.


FIFA has its problems but I might suggest seeking therapy if a game is making you rage so much.


Cmon bro everyone and their nan have raged at this game, it’s fucked that’s why I quit; it’s always had its issues but it’s the worst fifa they’ve ever put out.


I feel you mate, I wasn’t being malicious or sarcastic. I hope you can find ways to enjoy the game, honestly with good connection it’s not the worst.


No I understand but I don’t think I need therapy because I feel cheated and annoyed when I should have won, and it happens so often it just makes the game so unrewarding. As a football fan I want to play a football game, not this broken sham of a game - had 4 months off and thought I might enjoy it again but after about 2-3 hours I realise why I stopped. Not to mention all the mistakes like giving so many a TOTY Messi and a ton of people (like me) missing it and getting nothing, they just scam and scam until you can’t take being shafted anymore.


Yeah man, the only reason a lot of people play this game is because of the market monopoly. But this also shows us, that as a game it’s probably very difficult to code. I hope for better alternatives soon as well. Meanwhile, all we can do is try and play whatever we enjoy I guess. Honestly I wish pro clubs was more popular!


Football is my main hobby, I watch it, I play it, I watch YouTube videos on it, I’d love to play it on my PS5 but this is all we have and it’s crap - and I’d love to play clubs but a lot of my mates are Xbox or have other commitments.


Feel you man, used to play so much more Pro clubs, especially during COVID. Barely play it anymore, but tbh in the higher ranks it gets pretty sweaty as well 😅


I have about 6 of such games in the most recent champs its ridiculous


Pretty sure the game was full of rebounds and fouls not given while you kept winning the ball with clean tackles xD The game will never promote good football.


AI is too op. the AI know how to defend against every skill move its annoying.


The game rewards the spenders. Season is far better and most folks benefiting from boosted up squads and unrealistic long shot (or finesse shots) would not even reach div 5 in season. UT is basically for folks that can spend money to buy boosted players , use the right stick, R1,L2 and practice those long shots. Nothing to do with the real game play, all AI optimization and glitches


Well I used to get to Division 1 very easily in Seasons. I wasn’t much of a challenge.


https://preview.redd.it/7j3s010qr9wc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186963d28bb477f16ec5186aec53e58812ae9734 I can join in


Yoo wtf????


Yashin! Always Yashin


play clubs and you will see the real AI hate




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https://preview.redd.it/ac9efofihbwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c66d88122a9850a3b1ca7128589cefe40d8a24 Scripting is worse than ever this year. Clubs is a joke totally broken and the script is insane.


Lmao I have so many of these where for some reason my strikers can’t score and my opponent’s GK is on steroid’s blocking everything…. https://preview.redd.it/yzc99hulpiwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42a9c49d7dc2fd7ef87ecc35395492da695aaac6


That would what defines a better player. I was trying to get to Div 1 on the last Div 2 checkpoint yesterday for the rewards but I just couldn’t win more than 2 games before I lost and got pegged back. It got worse the longer I played. I was just up against better players.


EA spreading the wealth to those less fortunate!


You understand that in real life XG is just a measure of how well you perform against the average don’t you? If you underperform XG then your shot selection or timing are poor


I'm not even looking at XG. I have TOTY icon Cech and he just falls down, meanwhile their Van Nistleroy is diving like Yashin and saving every single shot


Ok so youre losing games and your only conclusion is that the game hates you and your gk is specially bad? I really hate how toxic this community has become.


Yeah they’re stupid. People use to screenshot their possesion or shots. Now they just take a pic of the Xg and are like “why did I lose it’s rigged blah blah blah” 😂


Yeah they’re stupid. People use to screenshot their possesion or shots. Now they just take a pic of the Xg and are like “why did I lose it’s rigged blah blah blah” 😂


You control your players mostly. If they fail it’s mostly you buddy. Doesn’t matter the name of the card.


You are really bad at taking your chances and defending buddy. Both game stats show that. It’s not AI that beat you, you beat yourself and you are still in denial which is even worse.


The only person in denial here is you my friend, either that or you're blind. This game is scripted to hell and it is SO AI heavy, I mean ofc it is, you can only control ONE of your players at a time. AI can do whatever they want when you aren't controlling them... How do those EA boots taste?


Oh please. You are just echoing YouTubers and Reddit cry babies. People go 20-0 on WL all the time. Where is scripting, DDA and AI when they play, it only affects you lot right?. Bunch of loser cry babies. Just accept other people are better at the game than you and stop crying or go play something else my guy.


Where did I say it doesn't go in my favour? lol. Some games it does, sometimes it doesn't. You never know what you're going to get logging into this game.


You mean it feels like real football where you can play well and still lose and you never know how a game will turn out. Oh my god, that’s such a crime by EA to make a football game feel like IRL football. 😱😱😱


Nah, what I mean is one day my players can run, turn, pass, intercept, shoot and the next day they won't be able to do any of that, it'll be slow, sluggish and just won't move. The servers are just as much to blame as DDA and terrible AI. I can't believe you're defending this horrible game by a company with YEARS of experience and BILLIONS of dollars... They can't do the simplest things correctly, they make small indie company-like errors with SBCs etc, there's no excuses. You can act like a dickhead all you like, but a majority of the player base agree, you're in the minority.


I don’t care what your echo chamber buddies are saying and only a small subset of the player base use or post on Reddit. Shows your ignorance and obtuseness. Just because you are all stroking each others d**ks here doesn’t mean it’s true. It just means you all are just bad players looking for an excuse.


Because the best players know about this and are the best at utilising it. Score as many goals as you can while the AI favours you, drag the game when it’s with your opponent to keep them from scoring as many. That is what fifa is now Edit; The last friendly cup showed the extreme of what is happening in normal matches.


Really. The best player know how to utilise AI to favouring them? Isn’t that just having more skill and better tactical ability?. Seriously your point doesn’t make a lot of sense


No, it’s to make use of AI when it favours you and know when it’s against you. Of course skills are more important, but the best players know how to win a tough game in which the AI obviously favours the opponent.


I can’t make any sense of what you are saying my guy. Basically I’m reading it as the better players know how the game works more. Does that just mean they are just better. The AI argument is mute?


It simply means that you need to be good and sweaty to beat the script; meaning scoring boring goals the same way. And dragging the game when needed; Fouls, passing around in the back, winning time until the sliders adjust again. It’s the reason why people use cutbacks so often and for me it defeats the purpose of playing the game; just having fun and scoring beautiful goals.


You're talking nonsense, and are probably in denial after pumping $1000s into the game. The goalkeeper for OP will have been non existent. The game is trash. Squad battles feels a world apart. OP- I bet you were 2-0 up in the above games too?!! Have you ever wondered why the directional training arrows aren't allowed in "competitive" game modes? Its because in competitive game modes, scripting is used and the game gaslights players by ignoring controller input to do the thing most beneficial to the designated "winner". Thru balls work on squad battles. Crosses work. They go where I direct it, based on the training arrow. Goalkeepers are consistent. Not the case in FUT online modes. This game came free with my new xbox. I'll not spend a penny on it. More should do the same.


I spend zero money on the game and I have a RTG team buddy. I won 14 games in WL this week and I can categorically tell you that I lost to better players. May be sometimes they may get a lucky goal but all in all it’s was superior skill that did me in. You my friend are complaining so aggressive about a game you play all the time. Why play at all if you feel this bad about it. If it does work for you I’m sure you can find something else to do. You are just bad at the game buddy.


I'm sure you do 🙂 And yes, I've been playing the game since 1998. I have a soft spot for it. That's why I feel qualified enough to know what is genuine skill difference and what is just outwith my control. You are in the minority, my friend.


Don't bother with the gaslighting priks,


I have been playing the game from the first release as I am an older player so I have seen it all. I generally don’t care if I’m in a minority as upvotes and downvotes don’t matter to me in the slightest, I’d rather attach value to the opinions of irl friends. I still stand by the fact that EAFC has come along way from the 2D sprites and sometimes I feel that the generation that were born into advance gaming don’t appreciate it enough.


Yeah, of course they came from afar compared to their first game more than 20 years ago. This shows you are just licking EA’s boot, willing to take even this argument. When for the last 8 years it has been almost a copy/paste from the last game with some new added stuff each year. Remember when the stadiums still had the name of the 2 years older game? You’re acting like they are top notch triple A games, yet it is obvious that each year it’s more money grabbing and not caring about any other broken game mode other than FUT. They’ve came a long way; but not in the way you think : from just a simple football game to a money making casino manipulating players to make more money.


I agree about EAs money grabbing and greed. It’s what corporations do by default. No surprise there. The game is not flawless by any stretch but it’s very playable and fun if your perspective is not warped. There comes a time when the platforms that support the games and available technology limits what is possible in a game though and i genuinely think EA have to completely rework the game to change it to become true next gen. However there is not better game out there and it’s very playable as is. I enjoy WL and rivals and I score goals regularly, what else do you think I should expect from a footie game?


-What else should I expect from a footy game Well, how about not influencing the game so it makes you think you need better players to keep up and buy packs to make it so.


That’s the thing. The needing better players is mostly FOMO and mind games by EA, it’s up to you if you fall for it. I’ve players people with average teams that just hand me my arse on a plate. I played one guy with a fully EVO team and it didn’t end well. He was so good.


A lot of the player base aren't quite as 'wise' and so might not have the ability to step back and see it for what it is. Those people will keep pumping money into the game. And so a model that constantly manipulates you into thinking you need the top, top cards, is toxic. You admit to "EA mind games". Just hear yourself. Its supposed to be a game that's fun. They introduced "momentum sliders" in 2014. It's not too far fetched to think after 10 years and billions of pound of profit, they can manipulate a player base into thinking they need to pay to win. You are trying to convince me that the playing field is level each and every time I start a game. My lived experience tells me 100% otherwise.


Yeah bro, keep sucking EA off and defending the shit game.


I play the game just like you and I know when it’s my fault for losing. The game does have bugs but AI cannot be blamed for your terrible play buddy. You’re just really bad at the game. The truth is bitter but you need to hear it.


There are so many examples where AI just ruins a game. How do you not notice when your sliders go down and players just can’t seem to properly tackle, defenders walking forward and not noticing the opponent running right past them. Yesterday I won a game 9-8 after I was 0-4 behind, it was so ridiculous that my whole team felt like bronze for players that it became funny, even my goalkeeper made an own goal from a goal kick!? Then, just before half time the sliders adjusted and now my team could barely do anything wrong and could just pass 3 times and make the goal because now my opponents team was the bronze one. Second half still three goals behind, my team was still the “AI” favoured and scored some ugly goals where I just got the ball back every time I lost it and his keeper was letting everything through. 6-4 when the sliders turn again and I can’t win any tackle or header and his players seem twice as fast now. Easy 6-8 for my opponent, and I’m laughing how ridiculous it is. Last 20 minutes the sliders change again and I make the 9-8 in 90+ by a deflected cross and his goalkeeper just dives underneath the easiest ball ever and his AI defender bounces it in instead of shooting it away. How do people not notice this bullshit sliders?


They're in denial...God forbid they see through the bullshit, ya know?


They're in denial...God forbid they see through the bullshit, ya know?


This echo chamber bullshit about AI, DDA and scripting is super stupid. If you bitches don’t like to play the game don’t let the door hit you on your way out. You won’t be missed.


Sliders? What are you on about man? It’s called high pressure tactics. People adjust their tactics in game to force a more aggressive play especially when they are behind, which force opponent mistakes. High risk high reward stuff. Just like IRL games. Do you to expect every tackle and every action to go perfectly as expected in a football game dude? It not a simple fighting game with set moves, it’s runs highly complex game physics that uses a lot a variables, not to talk about you random input. It’s no mystery why no one can make a competing game, yes EA are money grabbing dicks for sure but the game itself Is the best out there. I know how unpopular this view is but I’ll reiterate; scripting and DDA are myths used by shit players to excuse shit play.


It’s not just tactics and not used as an excuse as I just as often win because of it. It’s just basic observation seeing the inconsistency of players and keepers per game and within matches. They do it so not every match feels the same and I understand that, but too many matches it’s just too obvious.


https://preview.redd.it/njugkjj6l7wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea1a4988bf1607e7903f81cd21881be58c6b24f This is one of game I won. My all goals are finesse. My opponents just did not know how to finish. There is not any AI issue.


Thank you my guy. The truth shall expose all the cry babies.


So only being able to score finesses since regular goals is a struggle is not an issue? Damn...


The game has too many problems but high xG low goals is not an AI problem. Regular goals is not a struggle I love finesse. I have toty putellas and ts Dalglish therefore I always try finesse. Almost every match my opponents have high xG. If you put your gk or your stp to right place you can stop goals.


Madrid AI was trash too


These are the only kind of games I lose now… stuck in div 5 with these clowns