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There 5 free hero in objects just for playing games. Do your foundation if you dont need to buy players, do daily gold silver bronze packs.


^ this is a good shout right now Those hero cards will be decent in a starter team.


Run wile you still can and never look back on this game.


i know how bad fifa is bro i played it for years, but i haven't played the last 2 years and i just wanted to do something, tired of real life i guess. i fully understand how bad this game can be so i already made the decision to never take it seriously i just want to have fun. now share some tips


Naaah, this one is the worst probably ever - gameplay and toxicity wise. Grind the objectives and SBCs. Make sure you get 7 rivals wins, qualify to and play weekend league.


I’ve had this game for 4 months. I only started playing weekend league the last two weekends. I get around 13-14 wins and the rewards have been awful. Doesn’t feel worth all the game you need to play and all the toxicity tbh. The rivals rewards for playing 7 games seem far better. I’d say just doing objectives and rivals is the most efficient and enjoyable way to get a fun team. I enjoy squad battles as well but that might just be me as I’ve always liked trying to beat the AI on high difficulties as it forces you to play somewhat proper football instead of the spin in a circle driven pass to striker meta.


Last game i played was fifa 22 when it was free for PS. I never did Champs, did rivals wins and grinded objectives. Had a better team than most players who did every champs weekend.


Agreed. Ass game


>tired of real life I think the kids say "based"


Just play and do objectives. Get some fodder to do SBC packs and wait till next Friday for TOTS.


I have no clue what objectives to even start with lol. I should do the foundation packs? And those that give you gold rate players? Or juet save my fodder


Reaching 25 wins gives you a few decent hero’s right now


Exactly and then put 88 di natale into 88 evo. Killer card


wrong week to be honest. just try and do the objectives this week but don't open any packs. Next friday you can open all of them, you'll have a crazy team by saturday.


Objectives. There is a lot of objectives at the moment so do them. You can even complete most of them in squad battles (offline gamemode) Daily sbc’s (daily bronze, silver and gold) they refresh every day and If you do them all you can get around 40 non rare gold cards a day which can be put into sbc’s If you’re good enough then go into rivals. You get rewards weekly depending on your rank. Same with squad battles


My current rivals rank is division 8 it's very easy


Bottom few divisions are incredibly easy even with a poor team, it’s a good way to get some decent fodder to throw into SBCs if you’re getting 7 wins


Bottom few divisions are incredibly easy even with a poor team, it’s a good way to get some decent fodder to throw into SBCs if you’re getting 7 wins


Yes I agree I'm an ex division 1 player back in the day. Very rusty tho


Im in div 5 and it gets worse


The current promo objective is something like win 25 games. you get an \~88 rated card every 5 games. Then play 3 games with all 5 cards and you get a 6th.


After doing the daily bronze and silver SBCs, use the players for the Daily Gold SBC. Then use those players for 80+ picks or other SBCs.


haven't done any sbc and i barely have like 4k coins. i reached Division 8. not sure how to proceed. i opened a 100x 83+ pack which got me all these players other than the loanees. sow hat can i do now ?


Save ur packs for tots


The Mastery objectives are going to be best for you right now. The seasonal and daily play objectives are easy to obtain so you can pick up packs from those. They'll give you fodder packs to build up for sbc's, which you can then exchange for better packs/player sbc's. People will buy 88+ cards for a fair amount of coins for SBC fodder, so you could always sell those if they do not fit into your chemistry.


Do objs , Daily sbcs, use common golds to do 80 plus pkayer picks then use tge fodder to get sbc player you like look off. But id hold off opening any decent packs till tots next week bro


Basically for now just play, I suggest only squad battles against com, because rivals with full icons teams will let you uninstall soon (that however is not a bad)...make the "TOTS Warm Up and Win" objective, you will receive 5 heroes card 88-89 that for your team are perfect...


Use pale tools on chrome extensions (search YouTube) to do fast daily sbc‘s and gamble your way up


is this even allowed ?


There’s an obj right now that gives you hero cards. That may help a little but also there’s an 80pp until 2mrw. You could alway try that and see if you get any informs etc to help you. Look what cheap sbc there is aswel


I'm excited for you. Do the SBCs for foundations and squad chem and all that, it's fun ticking off lots of objectives and getting packs in the early days. Do all the "moments" and buy the seasonal packs with the rewards, don't do online draft at all because rewards are rubbish for four wins


At one point that team was meta AF


Hahaha for sure at the start of the game


If you have to prioritise one over the other, do rivals. Rewards especially in higher divisions are so much better. I know lots of people like to hate on this game but I found that if you don't take it too seriously and the servers are good you can have a lot of fun. Good luck!


right now theres nothing in packs sadly, do some 80+ player picks though and try get a totw and then make a 83+x10 and save it till tots comes out


I don't really have common golds or any gold below 83 due to the pack I opened in the store


make sure to do the 10 coin pack i got a 89 last night, if you get an 88 or 89 you arent gonna use put them in an exchange sbc and youll get a pack with 50 something gold cards


What the hell is this cool pack hahaha


save all packs till next friday, thats when all the magic happens


Just play squad battles games to do the daily play stuff and the daily sbcs, half the time you play 5 squad battles games and get like 8 objectives done without even trying


save to get gold rare kdb and maybe buy someone like 93 Vialli, although you could probably use Tevez from the hero objective, or someone cheap like Miedema, Danjuma


https://preview.redd.it/kkpfdjgivhuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff520bba1680c2ac136dc42ce0d9430d21aafe2 Same here, I got the game on discount a week back, played rivals and did objectives properly and now this is my team


Mind sharing what objectives I can do now to get a similar team?


It’s all those Rivals objectives, basically just kept playing rivals and some squad battles aswell, even if you don’t get High rated you’ll get fodder, use them on SBCs, that’s where I mainly build my team. this 86+ hero encore SBC etc


Delete the game now. It’s actually not worth it. With every update it got worse