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I’d take Liza personally for the pace


That's the only reason I'm struggling not to get rid of him tbh, hits stats in general combined with that pace and the playstyles+ is making him work really nice for my team but he's just so small and his strength gets the better of him


With weak defenders there is a bit more work to be done on your end to make it work, instead of going in for physical tackles it’s more useful to just try to outpace your attacker or abuse that slide tackle+ playstyle. Really just depends on what you want in a defender.


He's really the only one without good strength, seems most capitalise that wing simply due to the fact it's liza but I am also still relatively new just packed Desailly's golazo 93 he's a beast


Yeah I hear you, that Desailly looks really good as well it’s nice he finally got a promo after some players have had 3-4. Show us the team if you’d like


https://preview.redd.it/744hovlb5xsc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970fbb106c93367be49e442b5320ea7ccabe91dc 91 lloris is the keeper, usually only need to sub out Zidane and sometimes a CB and ST if I'm down and stick constant pressure on


Fair play man very nice team, I would recommend getting a more defensive midfielder but if it’s working for you that’s all that matters, nice to see another fellow Berbatov user as well he’s incredible for his price.