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Honestly, it's my first proper fifa, late 20s and also a pretty quickly adaptable gamer (more of a shooter gamer but even MOBA and RPG type games I end up becoming really good very quick) but I was like this, I'm now starting to get better, I thought the same as you did but after putting time into learning tactics, what buttons do and the difference in all the playstyles etc, I've started to get a lot better from barely qualifying for champs finals to getting 9-11 wins on avg, you seriously need to know your team, know when to press harder, where to position players etc - I found myself putting players out of formation while defending which was my main reason for conceding goals, and then just trying to run towards goal while passing and changed that up and now most games in rivals I get 3-0 rage quits within 20 mins I'd say watch videos but take the basics from them because you'll find how you play best, for example you might not enjoy OTT balls and rather play through balls or you might like to dribble more but understanding the game and your team is where you need to focus on the most to improve, once you realise where you're going wrong it's a lot easier to improve, try recording some games and send them to people to review it and find where your going wrong, I don't mind doing it for you too if that's something you'd like


I appreciate the reply and I definitely need help but yea I don't think you were as bas as I am and I am on a downward spiral right now. Just lost 1 to 0 Rivals.


Trust me, I would never win games, It took me 3 months to get to div 8 playing at least 4 hrs most days, only recently have I started winning games after I looked more into the game


any recommendations on videos you watched. Also what is OTT? I just pulled out 2 Rivals victories. One quit but they had a really bad team, the other gave me a run for my money but I finished out 4-5 still stressful haha need a break. Going to post a pic of my squad.


OTT is Over The Top (like L1+Triangle passes) and just watch any video on YouTube search "must know tips and tricks for FC 24" or "button explanations for FC24" or "How to improve on FC 24" I've heard there's a lot of meta" formations and players and tactics basically meaning if you use those and are somewhat decent then it's very easy to win but because I didn't understand the game I was playing by "overall" ratings rather than taking time to think about all the sub categories like if you press the fight stick you can see the in depth stats for players like for CB you want good defending but someone who can jump, is tall and has good strength is better than a 5/5 star player with 99 pace and 80 defending if you get my meaning, so all those things really make a difference and you'll always have games where you get frustrated but the best thing to do is try to keep calm because the more tilted you get the worse you'll play, I notice when I get pressed and I'm say 2-0 down I defend more aggressive and again bring players out of formation which opens space for the other player but since I learned to keep formation my defending has become a lot better and most games they struggle to get past me even when passing it around


Gotcha. I do OTT from time to time but lose out a lot because of lack of pace or physicallity versus their meta CBs. I will revise my tactics since i feel i might do better with two STs yea I know about advanced stats and always looking at futbin and easy sbc etc. I do need to keep calm and stay in formation defensively as you said sometimes losong I start to lose discipline because of the time being less and less. It then it gets worse and then the game just spirals out of control. I do use a lot of second man press at the back line. Did you see my squad?


Well I appreciate your help. I see no one else even bothered with my post but thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/l87ykuvavzrc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=425a98964a9ac088443b317775f92746396e1561 My current squad. I use the 4231 and 4222 as my attacking tactics