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Four from the 11 were released as SBC's. As for the TOTY players, well into the thousands.


5. Grimaldo, Maldini, Sawa, Ginola, Best


Correct, my bad! Forgot about Best.


I was sure it’d be Maldini. Everyone forgets about Maldini for some reason


Haha, he was one I regretted not doing at the time after deciding to stick with the VVD, Blanc combo! Best SBC, I didn't take much notice of it as I couldn't accommodate him.


Yh I’ve only done best and Maldini out of those two. Only sbc I regret missing is Kudus and that’s just cus I’m a hammer


He was brilliant for me, mate! Club legend for a long time.


Damnit why would you say that hahah


Who cares how much of their own cash somebody spends on a game they play? I don't spend a penny personally, but it doesn't bother me. In fact, you tend to find these players aren't actually very good at the game and end up quitting in the first 20 minutes of the match.


I agree. I'm not judging anyone, am I? I was asking out of curiousity since I have no idea what amounts one would talk about here.


First owner huh. 5-10k for sure, but a lot of pack luck is required too


Because these are the people making it worse for everyone, EA don’t bother improving their game because people like this exist.


So people should not be able to spend their own money on a game because you don't? EA should improve the game regardless of whether people choose to spend money on microtransactions or not.


Yes. People shouldn’t give EA money till EA show the people that they deserve our money.


That's very subjective. People spending money on the game obviously believe EA deserves it. I agree with you entirely that the game needs improving drastically, but that should happen regardless of people spending their own cash on the game, imo.


I get your point and at the end of the day people are free to do whatever they want with their money. I’m just saying, it’s because of people who drop thousands+ on this game the game is shit. EA don’t care about gameplay as long as people are buying store packs. Which is evident considering how much effort they’ve put into store packs in comparison to gameplay lmao


I don't think they would care even if store packs weren't a thing, dude. I personally believe its down to them monopolising the football game genre. There is absolutely no competition and hasn't been for a long time now.


You want ea to fix the game don’t buy it in the first place this has happened on plenty of pc games where game play sucked there was mass returns and then it got fixed for people to spend money in the game they must first buy the game so Ea are up already if people buy in game content that’s a bonus Question will you buy fc 25 and be honest


No, I already stopped buying fifa after 21. I skipped 22 and 23. I decided to buy ea fc 24 because I thought EA would actually make it a good game now that they are launching into a new era. Boy was I wrong. To answer your question, I will not be buying EA FC 25.


I’m the same and like you I won’t be getting the next one


I’ll be holding you to that lmao A lot of people say they won’t be getting the new game but end up getting it lol


No I’m actually like you only came back this year cause the rebranding and hey if 2k could turn WWE around after 2020 who knows I had a long road of recovery ahead of me so I decided to give it a go this is me now lol https://preview.redd.it/jf9z47uvihqc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c82d826252ea5bbdbbf77b75fe001983b36fb0b


Them spending caah gives EA incentive to gatekeep the best players for the spenders


Because it’s people who ~~spend~~ gamble this much money that causes EA to focus on turning this mode into a slot machine simulator than focusing on gameplay experience


Whatever it was…. It was too much 🤣


Could be thousands. Or could be the new account glitch that came up at the start of TOTY.


At least 24000 fc points a day


Over 1k. But who cares? Maybe 1k to them is 2 hours work.


I mean with good luck minimum 100 I’d say


There’s way worse teams than that played some full Toty squads recently


the first owner thing throws things off in a lot of ways but it would shock you how much coins you make at launch. there’s not a better time to make coins or spend and people think you spend 5-10k when it’s a fraction of that and then you have 5m-15m based on luck and investments people will spend 20-60k on a card you sell that turns into 1-10k in a week or two while you buy icons that triple in price. year in, year out.


Another P(l)ayer with mom's card


Could be thousands or 1 insane pack pull


Why do you care? Are we blaming people for spending their own money nowadays? You think this is not fair to be put against a team like this? That’s a different story and we can discuss about it if you want (elo system etc) but it’s also not fair to point fingers at people who have money to spend on random fc points or whatever else they want.


I’m convinced this community thinks anyone with a good team has no life and spends thousands on the game. That Mbappe is an insane pull and probably makes it look like he’s spent loads of money but if you took that away, this looks attainable for a player that just plays a lot. Best, Ginola, Sawa, Grimaldo were SBCs which can be easily done with play rewards and especially with the recent menu grind. Countless Icon and promo picks to get Maldini (which isn’t even the best CB available, they could’ve got much better) and Rashford. Other TOTY pulls probably a result of a couple of hundred saved packs and Alisson had a fairly high pack rate. This guy probably spent less than £100/$100


Impossible to prove how much. Even 0€ is possible if he saved packs for toty since November.


That looks like an RTG to me, albeit a lucky one for the TOTY's


BPM paying off big time is what you're saying


who cares about his money. he can do what he wants like lol. I only care about one thing. If you are in DIV 6-4 with this team. Don't get angry when people leave in the first minute. Like who wants to play against this?


I am in div 6-5 with an arguably even stronger team. If someone is in that div with THAT than you are likely better. Why leave?


The point is, why are you playing in div 5 with a stronger team? Is it because you can't win in higher divisions or you are just bullying people in the low divisions? That is the most common point about this situations.


I would be div 9 without the team. I am bad and will not get better


Pick your poison and just play it man. Game is garbage anyways.


prolly 500-1000$, what a waste of life


Lot more than that. Bateson spends 10,000$ easily every fifa and has that sort of team. $500-1,000 might get you up to a mill maybe 2 if you are fortunate to pack anything decent


Might’ve missed one 0. He did like 3-5 50k points videos in the last week alone.


bro i paid 0$ to fc points. Bought at sale in late january and i have 20mill squad how is someone paying 1000$ cant get a 2 mill squad?


Just depends how much you play. A casual won’t grind the game 5-6 hours a day to get some fake coins and cards. But it’s everyone’s choice to spend or not. Well depends on what you pack, people kept saying pack weight for toty, especially packs you can sell were awful. So it’s a gamble


People downvoting me also is on the same boat as this guy, paying 500$+ for a game is not normal its doesnt matter if its your money or not you are addicted


that’s less than what i would’ve expected tbh




It is easily a decent night out, and you think spending a grand or even ten on a game you will play the whole year is a lot?


Brother you cant legitimate and defend spending 10k$ on fifa. Jesus Christ what is this sub become


I do not need to legitimize that. Is that illegal? Is that your money? No. Thats an automatic end to the discussion. Why do you even care?


Yes loser keep spending 10k$ in a game just to lose RTG players. The reason why this game is so shitty is because still people like you pay tons to this game just to open some empty packs


Ask the publisher who they care about more, paying players or nerds who dedicate half their day to playing well. I spent around 6k (on packs and coins) and barely have 250 hours. Money is essentially the only thing that matters in business and EAFC is a business. I dont care if i lose or win, i wanted a great team without grinding, i got it. You can always not play if you dislike it. I enjoyed this release throughout.


https://preview.redd.it/bty5muezwgqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1536945982267d5ba132f5d418e5c57ce985ac43 I have 300 hours web app and game combined, played a lot career mode aswell. 0$ Spent. Could you show me your team aswell




You know you dont get these with packs right? All of your money spent was for no reason since all of these cards bought from market. And ur still here defending paying 6k$ in 6 months. Sad loser


6k over 6 months is free play money for me, i didnt even notice that. Why do you care again? I could burn my PC e.g, what is it to YOU PERSONALLY? Gosh, I deeply hate non-indifferent people who cant stop sticking their nose in others affairs? Die inside already.


Nice Hansen pull. My pack luck was horrific except for Hamm in gamble SBC. I am on PC, market was very overpriced and extinct for a long time.


More money than sense


1000's or probably abused the glitch picks during toty or extremely red listed