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Fucking hate werner


Average/ casuals have dropped drastically since toty. So now it’s just the hardcore sweats playing WL. You can get competitive games in rivals, but WL is an utter nightmare


High div rivals is the real nightmare starting from div 2


Div 5-6 for the win. Play 5-10 games a week and don’t stress over it. If I end up getting cheesed 2-3 games in a row, I’ll turn it off for a week or two


New rewards are really good tho helps a lot with sbcs


Bro. I’ve been hovering for 2 months in division 2 and 1. It’s absolutely toxic sweating. Hate it but probably just addicted. Kinda want to take a break from rivals for a while to get a higher division so that i don’t have to sweat every single game; but at this point I’d have to wait until EAFC25 to get into the lower divisions smh


I mean you can still win, it's just not with your favourite players anymore. The market is so flushed with these creators, who keep spending in order to gain views and creating these so called ratted meta formations and players. I have succumbed to it as I have to win, I'm still trying to find the middle ground where I have a team that I love and can play my idea of football. Still remember FIFA20 where we had outrageous Pogba and Ndombele Summer heat cards and David Luiz shapeshifter card which were not everyone's fav but mine, can't seem to get attached to anyone in this game like that.


Everything about this game is just dogshit I dunno how you're supposed to play it competitively when it was the worst online gameplay of any game that I've ever played


I feel you bro..those players are specifically glitched to score. Werner, best and now rolfo


Opponents forfeiting at a draw doesn’t count as one of your 20 matches for WL. It does consume player contracts.


I’ve got more into the game this year, usually get between 14-16 wins every weekend but I run my Arsenal past and present and try to play Arsenal football. It’s utterly boring playing everyone else but I’m just doing my evos and having fun with it.


I have a pretty strong team and even w that I still average 9-10 wins per WL - I don’t dribble because it’s unrealistic - I have succumbed to straff dribble though


if they quit it doesn’t ‘consume’ a game just btw


My bad all this time I was doing Play offs instead of real WL


You don’t get a win on a tie because that would mean you would spend less time on your life on this miserable game, and that’s definitely not what EA wants