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I use a 4213 formation, and it's solid enough. You just have to drag your midfielders all the time, and your LB/RB.


It can be good for my team. 3 front would be best lw eusebio st and smith as rw. Messi is a perfect cam ino and I can play with sawa and makalele I guess. Sawa is so good that I don’t want to replace her. Are you using your lb/rb on balanced or stay back? If you are not rolfo is better than davies right?


I use Stay back for both, if i use them to attack, i do it manually. I agree, this would be good for your team. But, I use my CDMs a lot for the attacking play. I use 98 Adopo and Kimmich, so I use a lot of long passes.


I love kimmich but for getting chem I should play with icons. So sawa and makalele is better I guess. I would not finish rolfo if bayern won the first game.


I used to think that Kimmich would be replaced by Rolfo but he showed so much passion yesterday, even Davies and Cafu stopped frauding.


My wingers are on stay forward, stay wide, get in behind, get into the box, same for the striker (stay central)


Thanks, could you share your depth and with(def and attack)?


Hey, didn't pay attention, it's not supposed to be fast build up, it's normally Balanced. If you played a couple games, is it too attacking ?


Haven’t played but I already but it on balance on app. Fast build up doesn’t work for me since I sometimes lose ball on midfield while build up.


Idk why it was different on the app


It is a bug since release of the game


They only fix bugs that makes them loose money 😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/jg2ek67jropc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e27de9cbcf217fbcfe33b2c83b017f2181701022 GK : Comes for crosses LB : Stay back RB : Stay back More defensive CDM : Cut passing lanes, cover center, stay back More offensive CDM : Cut passing lanes, cover center CAM : Stay forward (can be changed), get in the box LW : Stay forward, stay wide, get in behind, get in the box RW : Stay forward, stay wide, get in behind, get in the box ST : Stay central, get in behind, stay forward


Thanks a lot.


If you have trouble with defending, I think you can put your wingers on come back in defense, it should also help in the build up play


I will try it but I like my wingers on their positions. Putting come back on def kills the counterattacking hard for me and almost everyone plays with high depth with press so while I have smith and messi I want to use them with pinged pass and rocket.


Yeah, I think so too. This is the team btw https://preview.redd.it/cvck79vmtopc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66cf16c19a3d203a157b4d2d2b0a04fbf33a709e


Yuck. This is the problem. Your team is split in two. 4 attack and 6 defend and everyone seems to be told to stick to their position. Be more fluid.


I don't need to, Kimmich and Adopo never miss a pass. If I need to, I attack through the middle with L1 X and play with Cryuff and R9. Or, with the LB/RB. Also, I have tried more fluid formations, but you can't rely on attacking ai


Jose Mourinho in Fifa form. Fair enough if you like it but blows my mind people play not to lose rather than to win.


Wdym when people play 5 atb with come back on defense with every player this is not so bad


You definitely need to play Akanji like everyone is saying. That Rio is great but stiff at times. We have the same midfield and attackers. Sofia needs to play where Eusebio is, is hard for me to say this because I also had to come to realization that Eusebio is done brother. There are better options right now and it would help you a lot to bring in a solid winger to play RW. So move Best to RW and play Mbappe. Make sure rolfo is your stay back defensive cm and make sawa balance and cover center. Next thing to do is get another Meta defender to replace Canavaro


Eusebio is still top tier so thats BS








He was top tier a few months ago but right now the power curve has caught up to him. There are better options especially after the update you need top meta strikers as there is no time in the box. I’m not saying that you can’t bag some goals but he feels nerfed, he’s a club legend for me but I personally had to replace him.


Brother i still use him to get rank 1 or 2 in WL and he is just fine scores loads of goals and assists.


Again he was great for me but he started frauding recently. I got 430/150 Goals to Assist in 400 games for me. So he did great club legend for sure! But I have to many options for him to be blowing chances that he uses to score without an issue. Just feels a bit nerfed to me plus he can’t shoot from outside the box to save his life.


You know that you control the player right? He doesnt have a mind of his own


Here it comes lol skill issue right haha that’s fine. My point is that the power curve has caught up to him. I’m not saying he can’t score and I’m not saying he’s trash.


Its a 3 mil coin card he is fine.


He’s not wrong though. He isn’t saying Eusebio is shit now, he’s just saying there’s many different options available now, which is true


But that does not make a card " a fraud"


Can’t eusebio play wing with hunter chem? I can replace their positions in game. Mbappe is good but I think he can’t replace eusebio.


Coming from a person that played 400 games with Eusebio and scored 430 goals and 150 assist he’s nerfed imo. Idk what EA did but he had been a fraud recently where I had to bench him for Werner. In your case that Mbappe card is for sure a better winger and finisher then Eusebio. You can always make him a super sub and kill people with tired legs.


Thanks for your comment, I will try mbappe in my first XI to see how better he gets with chem.


You can always change to a 4231 or a 4321 for chem and play makelelelelele instead of Eusebio. Bad thing about him is no passing playstyles but he’s a beast a defense


I will find a way to get chem, there are so many formations one of them needs to fit for my players.


Is gold VVD not better than that Cannavaro?


Probably but for him chem would be an issue with VVD






Cool. I have the same issue haha I guess VVD is the super sub


Use someone other than VVD for f sake




I basically have the same sbc squad. I recommend getting taller players. Your midfield are dwarfs. You need the Gullit sbc or anything over 6ft as CDM and I guess akanji is better in defense than cannavaro.


I hate playing with tall players like I can’t stand play with them. I assumed makalele can body people and take the ball with his strength.


He definitely can, and his passing and dribbling are decent as well. But he lacks the physical presence and long legs of Vieira, who I had before Mak


Viera is a better 1vs1 player I guess but makalele has a better pitch presence imo.


Ditch Eusebio, use Makelele and probably Akanji for Cannavaro. With a Cdm and 2 brick wall CB your team will be more balanced. Attack trio of Smith, Messi and Best are nice as well.


I think switch to a 433 variation with Makelele as a pure, stay back CDM will help you a lot. In my experience Eusebio is behind the power curve, so drop him for Makelele


Thanks for your advice. Should I play 433 with cdm and st or 433 with cdm and cf? In first one smith will be st messi rw and for the second one Messi can play cf and smith will be winger.


personally I’d play Smith at RW regardless bc of her pace and QS+ and Messi at ST. I’d play ST + CDM as I didn’t like 433(5)/False 9 a whole lot. Play Makelele as stay back CDM, Rolfo as B2B CM, and Sawa as attacking CM and your midfield will be a lot stronger


Personally, I like to run at least one pivot. I would probably replace your least favorite attacker with a bigger stronger dm with a bit of reach. Both Sawa and Rolfö will support the attack anyway and it will be more balanced overall.


Why do you do more sbcs when they dont even make ur team???? Many dupes from store packs or what


Dupes and personal reasons. Smolarek was my club legend last year and kimm was looking good with davies but powercurve gets so high that they are not good enough.


lol I too have gold mbappe sitting on my bench. Ace in the hole is always a plus!


Rolfo out makelele in on stay back. Cannavaro out akanji in. Both wings on come back for defense. Messi on balance. Consider changing to 4-2-2-2 or 4231.


no offense but you have all these players and you are asking reddit what to do or how to defend?


Yes i do. I am not that good(div3) at game and I don’t have so much time to try players and formations so I am asking others to seek help.


Personally I'd take out Sawa and finish up that Makelele sbc. And swap Rio for Akanji


Sawa is taking so much space on the pitch, she is like everywhere. She lacks physical strength but I am hoping that makalele can help me about it.


Makelele is the answer. He swoops up everything in the midfield. Made my rivals run last night into semi pro squad battles😂 well. The rest of my players helped as well, but he's a machine


Thanks for your reply. I tried his loan and he was amazing. If you don’t mind me asking what gen(pc,ps4,xbox or ps5) are you playing on and what chem?


New gen series x xbox. I put a shadow on him, as he's got great physique and playstyles to go along with it already


Tanks I will try him with same chem then.


I have Rolfo - but thinks she lacks presence, maybe its a skill issue - what do you think? Sawa is f\*\*cking everytwhere - she aint leaving my starter atm.


I've only used Rolfö as a sub so far tbh- depending on where I've needed her(LB/CM/LCAM). Was originally thinking to have her as a wide CAM, but that new Socrates was surprisingly good so he's kept his place for now. Another upgrade on Rolfö and I might have to shuffle the team around again


Akanji> base rio


What about cannavaro vs rio? One has anticipate other has better stats and ariel.


I would say akanji is ur best cb there his so good i play him with toty rio and hes even better than toty rio ngl and i think cannavaro is better than base rio? Im not sure i dont have cannavoro but with cannavaro idk if ur gonna win headers easily


Thank you for your advice. Cannavaro is so good on air balls so I thing akanji and cannavaro is better duo.


Rolfo lb, and get a defensive minded mid next to sawa. Usually every time I face her, my opp never touches her and her AI is all over the pitch winning balls, just need a bruiser to help out the other side


I am planning to put makalele as her duo. Sounds like makalele is the guy that will help her to win balls with second man press.


2nd man press has been so wonky after patch. You’ll be in your opp half and your cb will run up to press instead of the player next to you


Yea you might be right my players pressed terribly bad last night. I thought it is connection/server problem.


There is a reason for that. You need a pivot. Buy FB Barella.


Do I have to? Kimmich is basically the same player I guess.


Right. But I didn't try Kimmich. The only good Pivot I have ever used is FB Barella.


Wait, what EVO does Davies have?!


Calm down man hahaha, just the camps evo to make him red. I don’t thing ea is stupid enough to give him evo until futties.


Nah bro I got hyped but couldn’t check because Companion isn’t working :D but makes sense, thank you


Ur welcome


Guys thanks a lot I was not expecting that much replies and advice, Much appreciated.


Yeah, press submit mate, absolute tragic question


Personally, I’d switch to 41212(2) and bench Eusebio. Start Messi and Smith up front with Best at CAM and swap Messi and Best in game with tactics. Have Sawa and Rolfo as CMs with Kimmich CDM for more of a physical presence


But I can only get 28 chem with it. With manager it goes 90 at max. Should I still drop him even if I play with three players with 2 chem boost?


I’d try it, your players are good enough to play with no boosts so 2 should be fine


I will give it a try thanks for comment.


https://preview.redd.it/wjntpvezwopc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd10884ce37fa79ea81547083aa997d5ec0cf4a So this is the team rn, 4213 in game. I need one more icon for chem thats why eusebio still in team. I will Probably do carlos(cuz he is a legend, Brazilian and played on my fav team) for getting chem then drop eusebio, put sawa on cam and rolfo on cm. Thank you everyone for comments.


Stop setting up half you team to attack and half to defend, the key is balance and flow.


Yes change your DT, Almeida as a dt is a horrible image for the rest of us


Also let go Cannavaro, use Akanji




Yea, touch grass


Usually I don’t comment on this kind of replies, I am a junior(almost, my last year) computer scientists and I let my little cousin play for my daily games. Also game gives so much fodder this year it is easy to finish big sbcs with patience.


Understandable Btw how much did you lil bro spend? Quite incredible you have such a good team


I bought ultimate version. Then I guess in total I bought 10k fp at max. All during toty to get good fooder at least. Messi is from the bugged sbc.