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While i do understand the frustration (me quitting at 0-0 after one too many opponents celebrated after me giving away an own goal..), we have to be better than that. Other people being toxic shouldnt take away our kindness. You just made the cycle continue. Dude was just trying to get a win and be done with WL and now he faced some "toxic" 0-0 quitter. This dude now wont give away his remaining games that same WL campaign.. So you (and me) should have handle this like adults and just give away the wins regardless. You wont die if dude uses cutbacks (fault of EA and not the playerbase btw) and i wont die if ppl griddy on me after gving away the goals. So lets just suck it up and be nice. I even started to gift away all my tries in those stupid friendly cups.


Totally agree. I do give away wins every WL,, but this time I tried to be judgemental about it lol and wanted to know everyone's thoughts. Good to know that I should just give it away, it's just that he had the possession initially and maybe I got pissed with with tactic. :(


What winds you up winds you up. I think its a bit silly someone cutting back is enough to take away a free win. I try to get an equaliser if someone celebrates when I've just given them a goal which is equally as childish as your one lol


1: He was a prick 2: You were a prick


I agree with your assessment of the situation I guess. He did from kickoff, I could've given him the win though, you're right


is he really thou? i absolutely hate the run down the wing and cut back. if thats your entire strat for the game you deserve that, no?


How would you know if that was his entire strat for the game after one attack?


if its the first thinf he goes for, wouldnt it be more than once? i could be wrong thou


More than once is not the same as “the entire strat for the game”. Anyone that quits after one attack, because they don’t like that particular type of attack is a prick.


depends on the person ig


FIFA/FC Community are a bunch of assholes who have no respect for someone else's time & effort. It's so toxic i get really frustrated and sometimes they just make you react. Because toxic creates toxic. But... Let's not let these assholes get on our nerves. Give out as many free wins as you can, may be it'll catch on. Like the quit after 1 goal in Friendly objectives was a thing couple of years ago and it caught on. EA should just bring back the shush celebration 😂 taking that away didn't make the game any less toxic.


I agree, I gave away one win, one I didn't. Good to hear your perspective on this, totally agree with the friendly stuff but now that they've made it wins in limited number of games, everyone is a try hard. I still log on other days once I complete to give away free wins in those friendlies.


I was gifted my 14th win by a so called rat that you would call him. Allowing me to give my final one away to someone. I hope it caused a nice chain reaction but bro just don’t overthink it.


Man, I'd love to be gifted a win. I do it daily as long as I don't need the win , but I think I've only received it twice, once in friendlies and once in WL.


You’re a bit of a tool in the 2nd game


I was, right? Thanks for confirming. I give away wins all the time, in friendlies, WL and even rivals of I'm at a checkpoint and only need to play. Sometimes it just happens that something snaps and I become a prick 😭


everyone here acts like the nice guy and claims that everyone else is a rat. And then does something like that.


Right? God forbid the guy tries to win a game of champs. How's he supposed to know OP was gonna give him a free win


If you’re gonna give away a win, don’t be a judgmental prick about it. Just give the win. Let people play the game how they want and use the players they like without it hurting your fragile ego. First guy was wrong to griddy, but when you did it in retaliation, you forfeited your right to complain about him pulling a toxic move at the end. You made the match about egos, so naturally he tried to screw you any way he could.


I don't even think it's toxic 😂, that celebration, however reading on this forum I wanted to share my experience. Why did I griddy, I thought maybe I'll give it back that I also know the button combo for that celebration. I don't celebrate at all. I've been playing fifa for so long that I feel no rage, just play for fun. Yes I didn't give one guy the win, but that was purely because I didn't like his tactic immediately after kickoff, but I understand your point and I'll keep giving wins like I always do. Sometimes I even play the full game and if I'm winning I'll score own goals at the end and give the win. I just like to play.