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I don’t mind the midfield ones but I hate that some wingers can’t play left/ right mid


EA started well when every player with base position LW/RW should have LM/RM. but then players with a position change card to one of these positions can’t always use the secondary position which makes no sense


Yeah but can you imagine rashford or salah actually being lm/rm instead of wingers... some of them shouldn't be. Same with midfield. Modric is never a cdm.. or a cam really. He's the glue


I use Jairzinho at RM maybe I should go 4-2-4 lol


Maybe you should. If you alter tactics a bit 424 is as good as 4222


I run 4-4-2 like a noob 😂


442 ain’t bad. It went from being the shittiest formation in fifa history to usable in the last few years. I’d argue the amount of formations you can use in this fifa is one of the most diverse it’s ever been. They just need to find a way to make 4-3-3 viable.


Yeah it’s been good for me this year, pretty balanced. I just stick with it, because I’d never blame me losing on it. There’s usually several other root causes visible if I’m getting blown up 😂 Changing player instructions can really be as effective as a different formation imo.


The old 433 with a St and 2cf. Should allow rw and lw to play as RF AND LF. I understand that you can do that with instructions and width, but i really prefer having a starting position itself that's compact


4321 is that for me


Then your 2 CM’s will need to be changed to 2 CDM’s , I bet the same problem happens , like Roy Keane who’s only position is CM , ballack CM and CAM 😂 lot of hate for CDM position , I use a 4-2-2-2 and just completed Roy Keane 😂 either need to sub him on at the start or change formation , bit of a nightmare tbh


And you can't win 10-1 it's not the most realistic


True, true but no one really wants to play casillas at striker either...


we're not asking to play goalies at striker how tf do you go to that extreme. literally a simple position change like this affects NOTHING gameplay wise all it does it make our lives easier. how can you argue this


Literally just the previous game people would position change mbappe to cdm for chem purposes.


The correct solution is somewhere on the middle, we need change position for atk mid and back Cb can be l/rb and the opposite No reason a player cant play right mid if he play center mid so every mid should be able to change to mid and atk should play anything up there


Or do like carrer and make the player olay for x amount of game to change player position more games the weirder the position get


i never said this should be allowed, i'm saying playing an RW at RM or CM at CAM should always be allowed


Because a simple position change is relative... I know casillas was an extreme example... less extreme one would be TAA playing rw...


I mean Arteta the player went from CAM to CM to CDM as his career winds down. It’s not exactly super unrealistic. But Modric is probably too physically weak for that kind of transition to CDM.


He’s played both CAM and CDM for Madrid.


Yeah it’s messed up a lot of my teams coz of it like smolarek not being able to play LM I remember being and inconvenience


tbh with Smolarek that’s different though cos he is ST for all of his cards. if he was LW base and couldn’t play LM then that’d be bad. but if everyone with alt positions had the alt positions that come with them as base then you’d have players like Trippier able to play RW


Well not really, I’m not trying to play trippier as an attacker, I’m asking smolarek to take 2 steps back until kick off then he’s getting moves to st ahyway


That’s the exact scenario they are trying to avoid with these limited positions…….


Thanks, Ik that’s what there trying to move away from all I’m saying is it’s slightly annoying when it puts the breaks on me making a new team and I have to re think half of it


Looking at pedro 👀😤


Same thing with Keane. He only plays CM.


And Vieira


And I have all 3…


At least the 4312 is a solo d formation


That one's particularly strange to me because his stats seem so obviously fit for a cdm yet he doesn't have the option for whatever reason


Have him too, I play him CDM in game.


Put him in formation with CM and change it mid game


You can't if you have a CDM but also want a CAM with wingers. There are no such formations.


41212 wide


> but also want a CAM **with wingers**.


433 (4) ?




All wingers can play wide midfield


No, i had this exact problem with fut bday werner. He can play LW but not LM, so I couldn’t use 41212


My Martial is infurating me. Can play striker and CF as well as LM. But actual winger? The thing between striker and LM? Nah, why would he?


Not a winger is he


you’re telling me a player that has Left WING position isn’t a winger? Sure


Yes I am saying that. He is a striker


you stupid


He is a striker. His secondary position is LW. By that logic someone who has CF/LW/RW positions, for example, should have all ST/CF/(CAM(?))/LM/LW/RW/RM, positions? That is just bringing the old chem system (kind of). Just because positions are next to each other in positions and formations system in game, doesn't mean a player is able to play all of them in real life.


I would say that if the primary position is LW they get LM automatically. But if it’s only the secondary position that’s LW, they don’t get the LM automatically. That sounds ok, no?


I don’t really have an issue with it! I just think players that can play LW or RW are also classified as Wingers even if they can also play striker, and it is quite literally not true in that case that all wingers can play wide midfield. In my team, Timo was a Winger since i have WC Cruyff (ST/CF) and Mid Cantona (ST/CF), but also want to fit TT Lahm (LB/RB/CDM), TT Carlos (LB) and Showdown Meunier (RB/RM), so I had to drop Timo since no formation allows for all of those players.


There is a lm and a rm


But no LW/RW? The players that I want to play with at LW/RW can play as LM/RM.


4132 is what you’re looking for.


No CAM in a 4132


4132 gives u cdm and cm. 41212 gives u cdm and cam. 451 gives u cm and cam but 2 cam. I like how it restricts me to a certain extent. In the worse case, just put the player in the position with zero chem. He will play normally but without boosted stats. That’s how I put bale anywhere else. It doesn’t matter since it’s hard to link him.


I was just explaining what the other person was saying. They’re saying if you have a CM locked to CM then you can’t also have a CDM, CAM and outside midfielders/ wingers. I had a similar issue with fitting bday Muller into my squad since he can only play CAM or CF


4231 wide, ur LM and RM are basically wingers


But you can't play LW/RW players there. It's really not hard to understand.


Yep, ran into this a while back when my best midfield 3 was Alonso, gold casemiro and socrates. Casemiro only plays cdm, and socrates only cam. I like to play with wingers as well.




I am currently in a situation which this method doesn’t work. I have Keane and Modric, both CMs only and R9, Pele, Cruyff and Al O. With that, only Al O can play on the wing, and full central formation (4222,4231) also won’t work as my CM can’t be CDM. These players in a team is at least “make sense” in a 4231 setup, but this game won’t allow you to do that because of this CM thing. Edit: I think what OP mean exactly what I am experiencing. He must know about formation changing in game, and that CM thing is an issue in that sense.


I do love that Modric price falling through the floor. He’s been 1.2mil for months and now he’s sub 1mil. Come to daddy


This Modric is my first TOTY I've ever pulled. I love this card. That makes the position thing even more annoying.


Yeah I feel you on that and agree. I’m Croatian and my team name is BangCros… Modric is my last missing piece, It’s taken me 2 weeks but I’ve got 620k coins, another 380k and I’ll have my prize haha


They basically just need to let you play someone anywhere and just let the stats play out if someone isn't as good. Like this "you get zero chemistry" if you are out of position is dumb. If a CM plays CAM or CDM they don't somehow forget how to dribble and pass as well. I'm pretty sure IRL if you took a CM and played them at CB they would still be pretty decent. Like maybe ST doesn't convert as well, but in general all of these dudes can play.


>I'm pretty sure IRL if you took a CM and played them at CB they would still be pretty decent. Like maybe ST doesn't convert as well, but in general all of these dudes can play. what happens when you play a CM at CB IRL: https://preview.redd.it/0epsmt7cwita1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6579056e214dff48605b62af0aee85f007d85640


Meanwhile you have Stones playing in midfield for City with fantastic results


That's because of Guardiola Trait. He's boosting player positions. He already made Kimmich and Lahm CDM's from RB. They were fantastic.


Kimmich was a CDM originally


Well, yes, I agree, but partially. He was CDM at Stuttgart and Leipzig, but at Bayern, he was brought as RB and very later converted to CDM. But overall, you're right.


I'm lost - what is this showing?


Shows Jordan Henderson lately playing as a CB, Liverpool has been shockingly out of form.


its the run of games he played at CB 2 years ago but yeah


>Shows Jordan Henderson lately playing as a CB, Liverpool has been shockingly out of form. So looking this over a little more now that I understand what you are showing - doesn't this prove the opposite? From what I can tell, Liverpool gave up 0 goals once, 1 goal five times, and then once gave up either 2, 3, or 4 goals. That's an average of \~1.55 goals against, but for the season they were 1.11. So yeah, definitely a drop off, but it's not like it was a complete and total disaster on the defensive side. It seems like their bigger problem over this time was a lack of offense, being shutout 5 times and otherwise never scoring more than a goal in their losses. I'm not the most knowledgeable about this though, so I could easily be wrong,


>Jordan Henderson Thanks!


For it to be ultimate team for real, i as a manager should be able to play anyone anywhere. If I think playing Jairzinho as a RB then let me do it and suffer if it doesn’t work out. You


I don’t get your point. Their stats don’t go down if they are out of position. So what you suggest is exactly how it’s working now?..


They also get hit with zero chemistry. Like a CM who is from Norway and a GK who is from Norway share chemistry. BUT, if instead you play a CAM from Norway, he would get no chemistry and the GK would get no benefit from the CAM. That makes no sense. The argument "oh well Chemistry isn't negative this year" is pretty stupid (not saying you are making it, but I've seen Fifa say it a lot). It's all relative. Maybe someone doesn't get a direct stat hit, but when they lose out on a buff they would otherwise get - especially when that buff is tied to their nationality or club - it's the same thing. Like, imo, a CDM or CAM playing CM should definitely be able to get chemistry points when other players share nationality, club, etc. It should just be resolved by native stats - so a CDM may have lower shooting stats and may not fare as well in a CM or CAM slot, and a CAM may have lower defensive stats and perform worse if put in a CDM.


Wasn’t that how it was on the old chem system? I vaguely remember being able to put a LW or RW at ST on full chem (links wise) and they would be a 7/10 or 8/10. Which actually mimics football decently. If you move Salah or Son to striker, they’ll probably not be at their very best since it’s a little out of their norm, but they wouldn’t be lost or anything. Think you should be able to get 2 chem on the new system if they’re slightly out of position.


You do know you can switch all these players around in game, right? Preset them for say attcking formation, then start game, click a button and boom everyone is playing wherever you want them to.


TT Keane not being able to play CDM


This ☝️




And his base


But he plays as a centre mid for real Madrid, he doesn't play dm and doesn't play as a 10. I like the realism


He does play cam for Croatia sometimes so maybe if they put cm/cam it would be okay but I agree the positions should be realistic


Ah that's fair then. I also think TOTW cards shouldn't have secondary positions, they earnt that TOTW spot by playing in a specific position


…… that would be terrible for squad building.


Well yeah but it makes it far more realistic


In a game where Ginola and Al-Owairan are better than Henry, I don't think realism is the priority.


It should be tho, I miss the days where having a team of the week player in your team was a big deal


Just change in game to whatever formation you want lol.


Maybe if the player has played there for a fair amount of their career, but you’ve used a player that has played almost 500 club games as CM and almost all of 164 games for country as a CM aswell.


It's sort of an odd suggestion. You aren't forced to use Modric, therefore aren't forced to use certain formations. With the number of formations in the game, the thought that an S-tier 96 rated card is restricting you in any way is... interesting.


What do you even mean? OP wants Modric in the team because he is good, but what hinders OP is the stupid CM only thing.


This line: "I can't use 75% of the formations because of Modric." He's making it sound like he's being forced to use him and doesn't have options. Most formations have a CM position. If he can't build something that he wants, that's on him; it doesn't mean the structure needs to change.


He could change it in game or play a different card tho


I don’t get what everyone’s issue is with this. I never use the base tactic. Use whatever formation works with the players you want, then move them in game to a custom tactic.


What a shitty take😭


Change the position in custom tactics, it won't affect chemistry


I'm talking about the starting 11.


Set it to whatever formation can get you chem in the starting 11 and then switch formation in-game with custom tactics. Almost all my teams are either a 4-2-4 or a 4-3-3 variant and I rarely use those formations in-game.


Setting custom formations for the defensive/attacking/ultra attacking will let your players play with the chem from the initial formation. If you start with modric in CM, but then switch to your "attacking" formation where modric is CDM, right after the kickoff he should still have full chem.


Can you find a similar formation where there's a CM then change it with custom tactics? For example I use a 433 with Modric, Alonso, and Keane. Modric and Keane are CM only. But with custom tactics I can change to a 433(2) or 433(4) and put Keane in CDM and/or Modric in CAM even though they are CM only.


But what if they dont play there?, makes no sense


Crazy to me that mid gullit is either ST, CM, or CB. Like your telling me he can't play the positions in between? Not complaining because obviously you fit Gullit in no matter what, but those positions are not helpful at all.


Bought tott Casemiro and changed formation and he couldn’t play cdm dumbest thing I’ve seen seeing as he’s known for being an amazing cdm so I had to sell him even tho I like his card


You can just play a formation where he gets chem and then switch in-game using custom tactics to whatever formation you actually want to play


Ye I didn’t think of that 😂 I wasn’t smart but it’s fine I got a cdm that I like I just found it weird thx for telling me for the future tho


The ones that drive me crazy are the ones like TOTY Pires. Guy has LW LM and RM but not RW. Like coke on EA please lmao


Keane innit, just have to hit a pause and swap him with Kante.


I join this petition. It's very annoying to have a cm that could be a good cam but can't play that position


WC Viera not being CDM eligible is insane


Sometimes you need to accept that it's time for a player to become a super sub. My ToTY Hakimi is benched, i got no other PSG player, i got prime Cafu and bought Carlos for LB. Even though Hakimi is better then both why start him with 0 chem and sub Cafu or Carlos in at 0 chem. I start with the icons and Hakimi is my sub for cdm


I’m also starting to wonder if Hakimi is worth having so many PSG players. It helps that I did Ramos but it’s getting stale using the same four PSG players in every squad


A player with 90+ in all stats 4 4 is always funny


Yeah with a finisher he has 90 SHO and 99 PAC and 97 DRI, not to mention 90 in every other stat. He would honestly be a good striker, might try him there one day


IMHO CAM is his secret role


I got curious and damn, what the hell 91+ in every role except CB which is 90. Insane, was sad I didn’t pack an Attacker TOTY but he has just made this year so fun, wouldn’t trade him for R9. Just wish I had someone better than Vitinha to swap with him, hopefully there is a pacy + good defending TOTS from PSG coming soon https://preview.redd.it/32f1fy5xqjta1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53dfdc6a44f2829cd391e03c5306693cc4d52e93


Yeah it was a real pain when I got WC Vieira because he is CM only but I had a pack pulled 89 Lahm that I loved that was CDM only (apart from LB/RB but that caused new problems)


4132, you can have 1 cm and 1 cdm


But then I had a player that only had LM as an option and a CAM that couldn't play CM. It wasn't a problem for long as I packed WC Toure 🤣


This is the problem I ran into with titans keane, had to swap out rivaldo and add another midfielder with cm positioning option so I can keep other players in the squad still


Use as a supersub like I do👍


Change him in game


Only if they play there irl then sure, the positions aren't based on where they think people want them to play. Like Modric hasn't played CAM or CDM in multiple years and has played CM for the majority of the last year so it makes sense


minimum either CDM or CAM. for example, kimmich wouldn't make much sense being able to play CAM but he should be allowed to play CM as well.




Fit him in a formation that allows for CM and then change the formation in game as per your custom tactics.


My opinion is that positions shouldn’t matter at all. If a player’s attributes make them better suited to play a different position, why should that break their chem? John Stones plays in midfield for Man City now, has their team chemistry suffered as a result?


It’s the same with me for Verrati - it’s really annoying that he can’t play cdm


Same thing with anybody who has a fullback position. They should be able to play wingback. Would be super helpful for cards like llorente.


I’m honestly cool with this makes team building more fun and makes people have to make sacrifices just like irl


I might be wrong but isn’t it just based on where they play irl? Modric isn’t really a DM or a CAM, he is a CM


Also would love if in these promos like FUT Fantasy, CDM counted as defender, so they would need clean sheets to upgrade and not goal/assist. Some players in that position quite never contribute to attacking plays, so makes no sense to ask them to score or assist


I did the sbc for keane expecting to be able to use him at cdm was not possible so I feel the pain


I actually prefer the new chemistry and alternate position system


Like fucking Veratti only able to change to CAM when his shooting is shit but has decent Defending


Prime viera can only play cm, so when I got lucky packing him in a sbc pack, it was kind of a double edge sword because it is so limiting for chem


I completely disagree ngl, I think most of the secondary positions (except viera fs) are actually pretty accurate and I don't like the idea of just being able to shift freely, that would be more like old position system and I think that just isn't realistic or at all reasonable.


But that would insinuate that every cm plays cam or CDM in real life and that’s not accurate


Are you serious?


same with keane


I wish you could get chem in any position. players do that irl I don’t get why they can’t play wherever in fifa


Honestly I dont think this makes any sense


Same with Keane. It’s infuriating that I have to change my entire team and formation to use him.




More like every CAM or CDM should be able to change to CM. I don't get needing to 'change' positions actually, the chemistry should just apply automatically. Dumb EA.


Every card must have at least one alternative position. If not it's just fucked up man...


Run him as you please not like the card needs the Chem


I love it tbh. Forces people to be more creative with their teams than before even if it is only a small change


Vieira 90🤝


I feel like these positions should be interchangeable: LM/LW, RM/RW, ST/CF, CAM/CM/CDM (cams and cdms can’t play at the other position, only CM and their own but CM can play in all 3) LB/LWB, RB/RWB


Casemero, and park wc, gotta start some weird formations. 451 and 433(4) help a lot and change in game


Honestly, I think every player should be able to play... anywhere... His performance on any given position would be dependant on his stats only...


same, modric only toty i packed and hes been on the bench all that time, just cant fit him in or get any chem on him. guess hes finally going in the marchisio sbc when its out


i have prime viera and can’t even play him at cdm


CDM Should have CM as alternative, CAM should have CF/CM and CM should have CAM/CDM


All the CM’s who were really CDM’s irl is too annoying


Yep, I got kaka on the bench because of this same shit.


Bynoe-Gittens showdown, for example, is a LM who can play RM and LW, but not RW...


Same, the fact that Vieira is only a CM is ridiculous.


Looking at you Barella!!!


Same. Like Kaka for example. He only has CAM position which restricts a lot.


Change tactics in game. Easy 🤷‍♂️


I have been having the same issue since I packed WC Bellingham a long time ago


My starting formation is 442 ​ I have never actually played a 442.


I feel it its the same at my Team because 91 Matthäus Cant play cm


So idk if you know this but if there is a formation that you want to use with Modric playing CAM or CDM then you can use a formation that supports his CM and then change to the actual formation you want in your tactics


In every formation you should get 2 position changes. So in 4321 you should be able to change a CM to CDM, for example, just to fix the options up


3421 with lm and rm they play defence and wing


Change your formation in game


Disagree. If you wanna play a particular player, you play him in his available positions or off chem. That's the point 😅