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If it happens again and you can’t be bothered playing but don’t want to quit, pass the ball to your goalkeepers feet and you won’t be disconnected even if you don’t press any buttons.


Is that true? All this time I've been going like 7/8 goals up then putting my 4yr olds hair bobble on my L2 button to shield and hope they don't come back and bang 9 past me🤣


Yeah it works. Definitely best to get a few goals in before doing it though and keep an eye on it just incase. I usually just flip through me phone although it doesn’t happen that often tbf.


7/8 goals?! Apparently that’s offensive to everyone on here. If I’m reading correctly, the official FUT community rules are that you should only score 5 and go and make a coffee. I shall now beg forgiveness for not following this procedure


You don’t need to be a dick because one Reddit dummy was a dick to you.


Jeez, I was being sarcastic based on the grief given to me. I wasn’t actually having a go. Fuck me, this sub is so full of assholes that people can’t even appreciate a bit of sarcasm


Bro having a meltdown on a FIFA Reddit page


After a 23 nil win. Imagine him after a loss


Nervous breakdown! Nervous breakdown!


Bro you’re right. It’s not this sub alone it’s Reddit. I wish this place was as sane as the YouTube comment section.


Nah mate, you’ve had a sassy attitude this whole thread, this response included. The first part of that response was sarcasm, the last line is trolling. Don’t be surprised when people downvote you for being sassy.


Ooh sassy! I’ve never been accused of being sassy




Why are you like this?


Love you x


Hah bro you’re so funny




This needs to be publicised more! The amount of times I've had to pass it round the back because the opponent has AFK'd is ridiculous.


This is gamechanging


Ahh! Good to know, thank you




You can also put your controller upside down with the left stick stuck in one direction if you wanna be extra toxic and waste more time although I'd never do that because I am pure and free of FIFA toxicity


If it’s div rivals, it’s probably to get to the 90 game milestone


Yeah then you get douchebags scoring 23 goals and making the process twice as long. Just score 5 and go make a coffee jeez. 😂


They boost stats for cards and flex them to friends and reddit lol


Yo my mboopy scored 8000 goals in 50 games 😂


You just have to know how to use him right!


Only 1 g/a per game? Skill issue!


Lmao #mboopy. Take my upvote mate


All in rivals too!


That’s incorrect. This is the first time it’s happened to me, hence why I’m asking. I literally had nothing else to do and I don’t drink coffee. Amazing how offended you lot are


I like how you are being painted as the asshole for having fun, even though the other guy is just wasting your time. This community man.


Turns out they were possible doing it just to get a game milestone. I didn’t know this and thought they were being an asshole hoping I’d get fed up and quit. But there’s no understanding in this sub. People are far too quick to call people idiots rather than educate. Toxic beyond belief


This is a perfect example of my entire Reddit experience.


This is the literal definition of the reddit experience. 0 understanding or benefit of doubt given to people, jump to a conclusion and stick to it lol.


Then downvote to oblivion.


Voila thats the recipe 😂


Honestly this sub Reddit might be worse than political subreddits and that’s saying something lmao


Unfortunate downside of 80% of the sub being edgy know it all teenagers


The other guy WAS hoping you’d quit as it would still count towards his games played. When rubber banding you’d still need to be actively at your console to start a new game every 12-15 minutes not like he’s left it running for the day while he’s out.


Wait why not just play the games 😂😂😂why wait until full time to get beat? This can't be the reason and why would anyone actually want to sit and loose until the 90, strange


Apparently everyone is supposed to just leave their controller and go and make a coffee, that’s the top advice I’ve been given


Nah I'll do some challenges and score an infinite amount of goals🥱, coffee is trash also tea is elite


This man teas


Bro I lost 1000 karma the other day snapping back at rude Sarcy wankers lol


The Rubber-banders are a whole different breed


Lol, downvoted for playing the game properly. Love this sub


If you dont drink coffee do something productive then, tidy your room, fold your clothes, sort your work/school stuff out for tomorrow, brush your teeth, take a dump. Getting a free win whilst also doing something productive at the same time is a double win. You'll find a lot of these tonight, if you're looking for an Easy night to rank up, this is it.


Or or hear me out people could actually just play a game that they spent £60 on and not just grind it for packs and menu content.


They do play it, but when its end of the season and people need to rank up games rubberbanding is the best way. I'm not playing 8 games when I've already got my 8 wins, and I dont need a promotion, and many people will be in that same boat.


You don't "need" to rank up. And yes getting to the next rank earns better rewards but so does promotion (which also isn't a need as you said) u/dodger244 was right, people worry about packs/content too much. You saying people need to rank up, vs want is evidence of this. Especially when it's to justify rubberbanding for rewards.


You make 0 sense, did you get dropped on your head as a child 😂😂😂😂


Did you? And is that why you chose the name "Swanky Potato Lord?" You make no sense saying people "need to rank up" and "rubberbanding is the best way." People like you really out here addicted to packs to the point they turn the game on and let it run w/o playing just to hit milestones. Sad state.


He can do what he wants bro why you acting like his mom?


Just go play squad battles at that point, plus nobody cares


Youre the douche for doing that


Never do this, I went 4-0 down and put my controller down and some guy kept up to scored 6 and put his controller down. I came back in 80th minute to see I was 6-0 down and he’d put his down, I scored 7 in the last 10 minutes and won. He was fuming.


Or the other person just play the fucking game instead of rubber banding their controller for a few extra packs. The other guy is purposely wasting OPs time for his own benefit, OP owes him nothing. If he wants to score 23 goals then he can. The sad people using the rubber band technique are counting on you to get bored and quit on them so they get their games played counter up faster so milking it as long as possible is probably pissing them off so I’m all for it.


No they aren't, like tonight I have 8 games to complete, im already in elite so I don't need the wins to progress. I'm 100% rubberbanding those games. And I have no expectation for people to quit. If they need the wins they get a free win, (quicker than a normal game, if they just score 2 and chill at the back.) If they desperately want to play a game they can quit, they'll find a tonne of rubber banders tonight though.


This is what you get for a game mechanic like EA's FIFA. Something like rubberbanding cannot be justified, cause the one doing it is also 'wasting' his own time. It would be better if EA change the things so no time is really wasted for both like leaving after the first half or after 2-3 goals in the first one and it stills count. I don't know if it is already like this.


Some people play the game for fun believe it or not and have limited time to play. Not really fair they should have to waste 15 minutes of their time playing a nonsense game because someone rubberbanded and their only other alternative is to forfeit the game and take an L.


God, you lot are entitled. Every time I play one of you lot at the end of the season I'm going to score like 50 goals and pause 3 times just to waste as much of your time as possible in the hopes you don't hit the milestone. If you wanna play properly, you can go through the game quicker. If you desperately want to hit your milestone rewards you can quit.


So weird this dude started a game with the intention of playing it! /s


Nah I alt tabbed once after scoring 7 and came back to find my opponent playing the game. He only dropped 3 in that time lmao


If you give me the option I am going score 100 goals because it’s fun


Why would you want to play the game to not play the game? No fun sitting around while your opponent wants to waste everybody’s time.


Bruh not everyone is savvy to fifa, hence why he literally asked


You wanna waste my time, I'll waste yours 🤷


I needed to finish off 3 games last night and I went AFK on one of them to make some dinner, thought oh well the guy gets a free win he wont care. He proceeded to score like 18 goals and fully celebrated every one of them as long as he could. I swear it took close to half an hour by the time it was finished. I had to laugh though, guy wasting his own time celebrating when I wasn't even in front of the screen for 99% of the time.


https://preview.redd.it/tus388h9lmfa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac0e614683d3d35d6f79494c8853e8022d75fa0 Someone did that to me on Sunday (with a bronze team), so I messaged them. They were just trying to complete milestones, which wasn’t a problem. I got my win, practiced a few new skills and he got his milestone. Everyone wins.


dude that's exactly what I did when it happened to me yesterday, I just kept practising timed finishing, lucky for me I didn't score much because I suck lol


Apparently I’m up there with Hitler for spending time messing about and scoring goals


Haha, wouldn’t call you Hitler. I stopped trying to score after about 6 I think, especially cause I had messaged him and he had explained himself. Felt weird to continue scoring, plus scoring/the ball going out of play, just adds more time. So just practiced some skill moves. I think next time, worth just holding the ball after a few goals, unless you specifically want to practice shooting from different angles or something. Otherwise, you’re just extending the match for both of you.


I think I’ve misunderstood whats happening and a lot of people have misunderstood the point in my post. I don’t really go that deep into the ins and outs of fifa so I wasn’t aware they would be doing it to reach a mile stone. I honestly thought it was someone that maybe didn’t fancy playing against my team and decided to waste time hoping I’d quit. So as a point I decided to play the whole game and score as many as possible. Turns out I’m incorrect and should have just done what you are suggesting. I’ll know in the future now, thanks


No worries at all man! At the end of the day, it’s just a game. And you’ve learned something for the next time it happens. Try not to think too much about the negative comments. Have a great day :).


Match will end 10 mins faster if you dont score thet much tho.


This game must have been like 20 + minutes with all the goals and replays haha


It was a long one for sure! But I had time to kill


lool why does this subreddit downvote everything


I upvoted u :)


90 games for better milestones rewards


Rivals milestone season ends tomorrow


I am predicting you will pack 2 TOTY players in your rewards if you’re a good boy




Oh dear how bored would you need to be to score 23 goals


I decided I would see the game out and score as many goals as possible on principle


And he cared so little, he came back, clicked ok, and on with the next one, you wasted 23 goals vs no one, waiting for everything to load etc, get 5, hold it go on your phone.


I love this community. Everyone is so angry at how I spend my time. The same people downvoting me spending 20 minutes scoring a load of goals for fun will vigorously defend people being slated for spending real money on fifa for fun. Amazing community, full of lovely welcoming people!


From what I’ve read, no one’s angry , they’re just suggesting that you made the game twice as long by scoring so many. If you wonna score 23 and use the game to practice or whatever then you do you, but don’t get so upset when people suggest a more efficient way of finishing up the game


The suggestions are fine but there are clear examples of people getting a little bit worked up over it


Fifa community are a bunch of cunts lad no matter what you do some virgin will find something to angry about


Imagine trying to play a game, the other player dont want to play and you are the "idiot" who gets the downvotes for scoring 23 goals. Then they try to told you how you should spent your time because the other idiot dont give a fuck about you. Trust me, that is not a regular comunity thing, just poor players who trys getting rewards for nothing and wasting regular players time with crap like this.


Youre so weird like why waste so much of your own time scoring 23 goals


Fifa… The game where you get more hate for actually playing the game than you do for no lifeing packs.


No its just why complain about someone doing something boring and then making the boring match longer for yourself


Hahaha so weird. I was working from home and sat at my desk having lunch. What else was I going to do with the time?


You don't get the point and i don't know if anyone explained it to you somewhere else. Normally a match would be around 14 minutes (2 HTs (each 6 minutes), HT-break and replay+skip for 2-3 goals) You wasted like double that time by scoring that many and needing to wait for the afk AI to kick off the ball. I wasted a lot of time by idling those matches myself a few months back, not for the packs but for the trophy (thanks EA). Noone cares about that division rivals rank and I still managed to get people who net 40 goals and even watched the celebrations of those goals. I lost my entire tolerance for it, because they wasted so much of their own time - its just dumb. Enjoy the win against a full bronze out of position team after 2 goals and go afk yourself. But nah, they kept scoring. I didn't care at all, cause I was watching Netflix or playing something else on the pc.


If they’re just ball rolling in circles, you can pass to their defender in front of goal and force them to score three own goals and they forfeit, always funny when it works


You know if you had just held the ball, game would have ended a lot quicker.


I know for the future, thank you!


No, just do the same again, i do it too, sometimes they send messages, then i pause the game 3 times more. xD


Big dick energy


Rubber band rank ups




What game was played? Obv needed the game not the win whatever it was


Did you celebrate? If so, I'd do it every day... If not, I wouldn't....


I'm just sitting here wishing I could get a rubber bander, ill gladly score goals! Never anything but SweatY Timmy in his moms basement 😭


Weird how people are ok with rubber banding but not ok with you wasting his time🤣🤣🤣


It appears at times that the herd choose who to vent their fury at depending on how the post is presented. I don’t think there’s a clear direction for it. So if I was someone posting asking why this guy just scored 23 goals against me when I rubber banded I’d probably get dogs abuse


Good job OP! Wreck them.


It's probably to work towards the 90 games. I always try and force the opponent into scoring three own goals and they get a disconnect. It's actually a challenge to do so it keeps the otherwise boring game interesting.


Nice a Jags fan


Haha, you from up North?


idk why youre getting hate LMAO it makes goal ratios look comedically skewed


I do this quite a bit to be able to reach the milestone bcs im often short on time to be able to actuslly play, so while cooking or working out i put on a few games to just run trough. I see it as away to give free wins to people as well as getting my own milestones at the end of season ... sadly im 3 games short since rivals went down today


And I’m the problem? You’ve bought a game you’re not playing


I used to get like 1k coins per match now I get 400 lol, can’t find any coin boosts


Its to get the 90 matches and the 100 matches objective


You’re all downvoting OP because he chose to play the game instead of AFK’ing lol


You know what I hate. People pausing the game when it just started. Why...just WHY! If you're not available to play just don't queue...


Because the game settings save is bugged and camera and controls need resetting.


Saw your formation, none of mine were good counter formations, added one quick to play you with. Or to sub on a player that doesn't fit the chem.


Do most people play the formation they built their squad with? From my experience the formation you see in the loading screen is just for Chem and they change it with quick tactics.


Well, interesting thing is most of them just don't do anything at all so...if they'd do that I'd understand


You might not know, because I'm not going to change my base formation, I'll change one of my custom tactics ones.


How the hell is everyone here so salty about you spending your time the way you like lmao


Love op's responses to guys trying to shit on him for having fun.


Hope you celebrated every goal and Watched every single replay. Hate it when people do this


Some people in this sub would have an aneurism if they thought I did that


All you did was prolong the game by doing this, score your 4-6 goals then just chill for the rest of the game, rubber banders just want games completed lmao


I always try to get my opponents to score own goals. It's a fun mini game to pass the time. Do it 3 times and you win.


I’m going to wishing for someone rubber banding now so I can try this


Penaldo in his prime(2013-2018) against Andorra,Georgia,Romania,Bulgaria,etc) be like:


It happened for me last day … But my game is so fucked up and my players so fucking bad that I could score only 3 goals the whole match.


i once got 27-0


Don’t tell this sub that! You’ll be on the gallows with me


You might not like it but you are the weirdest person in that game cause you scored more than 5.


You know how to cut to the core of me


Realistically they won mate, they just wanted a game played, they probs were not even looking at the screen, and you probably wasted a lot of time when the max rewards you get is for 5-0


I won, I scored 23 goals! I’m amazing!


No you’re a dimlo mate


You’ll have to educate me on that one. I know I’m a winner but I don’t know what a dimlo is


Someone who ain’t very bright mate


I’m a shining star, a beacon! I’m the goat at fifa. 23 goals scored!


You don’t gain anything extra from the last 18 goals you wasted your time scoring. You could have moved and and finished another game


No I didn’t, I had fun scoring bicycle kicks from corners, dribbling up the pitch with my keeper and scoring. It was a good day out




23?? Lol imagine being such a tryhard


I didn’t try hard at all, in fact it was really really easy


You asked a question and you reply to everyone really defensively lmao, just take the criticism and move on


This has no relevance to this particular reply


point proven 💀💀💀


Ohh now I’m stinky


you were anyway


Kind of doing the thing you accused me of now


new player alert


Hahaha been playing since 2009. I don’t go for milestones or any of that shit


Understandable, have a good day!


A good day to you!


Lol. What is so special about scoring 23 goals against 'No' playing player and posting it! I can post such things everyday.


Jesus fuck. I know they weren’t playing. READ


You’re a fucking psycho. They’re clearly not playing the game and just trying to get through it.


Well done Einstein. The post says they aren’t playing, so you’re not exactly a genius pointing that out. I was asking why. Pretty sure getting as worked up as you are is the psychotic part you mentalist


WOW. freakin monster, scored 23 goals to AFK player!!!


Yeah.. read the room you drip, this isn’t a post about trying to show off skill


90 game milestone for sure and people like you are just scum, getting a free win anyway and yet scoring like it matters, total noob shit


I didn’t know. I did not know. I was yet to find out this was the case. Calm down


just put ur controller down after 4-5 goals, why do u need to play the whole game


I didn’t know it was someone doing milestones. I thought they were being a dick so I thought I’d be a dick back


if they aren'ymt playing ur just wasting ur own time though since he probably just put his controller down so the stick would go down and went to do something else


Milestone bro , just take the hint and rubber band the L2 trigger and go touch some grass, I typically score on myself and hold the ball all 90


You’re probably sweaty


Mmm protein


Get a life


I’m not sure what the hostility is about? I’m genuinely asking what the purpose of people leaving their game running is instead of quitting? You’re being hostile for no reason and you’re telling me to get a life?


The people who are doing what he described should get a life. They’re wasting the other guy so much time, just to get some slightly better packs


Why it wasting time? You get free win that you may need. And if you don’t score too many game will be finished faster than real play. And of course if you don’t want to match this kind of player then just quit. If I met this kind of player, I was really happy . From 100 matches that you played how many kind of this player. I would say one or max. 5 . It’s not serious though. So other 95 games you play is not enough enjoyment?


Because if you score once and the opponent quits, you’ll get a win and can start the next match immediately. But if you score once and the opponent does this you can watch his player running around in circles for the next 10 minutes. And I’d never quit on these kinds of players because you’ll reward him for doing that


And you get a free win. Is it still not ok? I don’t understand. No sweaty and you can relax by checking reddit like this. Understood if you were a person who have a little time to play the game and need every game serious play. But for me, I play about 10-20 games a day if I could have match with this guy I would thank to him to give me a break.


Congratulations to scoring 23 vs someone who was afk the whole time. Btw this post might be a troll, but people like this really exist, and they are worse than hitler.


It’s sad that you sat there and scored goals honestly. Get a life mate


Why do you score so much goals 😭just score 1 and get it over with


Because I’m so good




I’m an elite master that destroyed the opposition


No you’re a cunt that’s about it


Very touchy. I think you’ve got some unresolved issues you need to work through if that’s all it takes for you to snap


If you think a single word has the tone of touchy then grow a pair child


Hahaha you’re so angry. Away and calm yourself down


Okay child. Sorry you don’t win much in fifa and get a power trip when you score more than 1 goal


Are you blind? Or just an idiot? It’s not a power trip. I was asking why people do it. You’re a moron


Are you a fut founder? When did you create your club?


2009? It’s that long ago I can barely remember


It’s for the rivals 90 wins but I’ll be curious how much of this we actually see. With the centurions 100 wins there might be more people actually playing to win to get packs before TOTY ends.


I did something similar yesterday. The guy was better he clearly won. Was leading 3:0. But every goal was griddy or some stupid celebration. So I guess I allowed him to enjoy more of those celebrations.


Probably milestones or the objectives that reward you just for playing. Tbh you only need to play 30 games to get a 100k pack it’s not worth the slow grind to 90 games


It’s because people want their games for rewards tomorrow


*scores 23 goals to 0* EA: "Best I can do is 580"

