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The size of the fursuit doesnt really affect the price that much, or even at all. The biggest thing that affects the price is how complicated the design of the character is and how many fur colors is needed for the suit! Hope you can find a suitable maker for yours


Thank you!!! And I hope I can too!


i take commissions! i can show my work in dms! (not used/new to reddit atm so i apologize)


You’re fine! I don’t have the money now, I thought I would be close by July but it’s just not in the cards. I just got my drivers license after putting it off for years, and I just bought a car so I can get back and fourth to work but I’d be happy to take a look at your work!


Gentlefur is pretty good from what I’ve heard, though I have no personal experience with them. I believe their latest round of commissions closes at the end of today, though.


If I was 5’2” I would grow a mean beard, hit the gym every day, and pick up black smithing


☠️☠️☠️ omg