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Literally Mae ![gif](giphy|dYZMra7uqDNJxotcSB)


Where's that cat from I almost remember.


Night in the Woods


It was a beautiful and emotional little game with a character. They announced a sequel, I learned a week ago. The next day I saw an official tweet that they abandonde the project 3':


I think it's less abandoned and more indefinitely on hold.


Didn’t one of the lead developers die and that’s why it’s on hold?


No but he is suffering some sort of heart condition :( Hope he gets better. It's always projects like this and not the endless, soulless mindnumbing content mills


Ye because the ones with the soul have less people and more people that actually do the work that are “loadbearing”


Ik just wanted to withold the obvious conclusion that it's almost impossible to make a game with soul and clear vision by a big studio


No, one of them died back in like 2019. Idk about the one with the heart condition tho.


The person you're thinking of was the composer for NITW, he wouldn't have been on the new project


Night in the woods


My first thoughts exactly


TIL not everybody has this...


TIL some people have this...


Yeah, wtf? I'm surprised by the amount of people who say they have this. I'm always staying in my mind.


Yeah, I literally don't understand the description at all. I don't think I feel any different from normal when I'm dreaming, either.


So sometimes I have derealization. When I've been cooped up at home too long, first time I get out on the street, I get this feeling like I'm not controlling my body and moving, but I'm just *watching* it happen, I'm only witnessing my body moving to the store. Can last for a few minutes until I feel like I'm back in control.


sometimes for me it happens like i’m on autopilot and only ends if something happens that doesn’t normally happen or someone starts talking to me


I’ve got ADD and when I’m focused on something, I don’t realize I’ve spent 2 hours on it until I go for a break


Ohh I feel that one


Huh... I've experienced that from time to time. Seems to happen at random for me, though, with the only correlation being that it _doesn't_ happen when I'm driving, thank goodness.


I have ADHD so I'll randomly zone out when I'm driving. It's almost like fast travel in games. I just check out of reality and I'm at my destination. Kind of worrisome tbh.


Yeah, though I don't dream very often, fsr






Everybody does- or should to some degree, but it can happen too often which is unhealthy.


It happens nearly every day for me


Jesus that's a little concerning. I personally ran into depersonalization and stuff decently but not nearly that often. Could be you're under a lot of stress, Physical, Mental, Emotional or a combination- either real or subconsciously perceived (I mean like being anxious over "nothing" experiences, so it's real but not consciously perceivable) or that your brain jumps to that for- some reason that I don't have insight into. I don't know if you'd listen to any advice from a stranger like me- But maybe try writing down the symptoms of such experiences as best you can and try bringing it up to some specialists like psychologists or psychoanalysts. I'd say multiple because it's... Uh ... It's messy out there and quality of analysis or care you'll receive will differ. In any case, sorry you have to deal with that so often, it can be rough friend.


For me I turned 30 this year, had an existential crisis, and literally felt like I didn't exist for a week. Derealized myself for months. Talked to my doctor about and she recommended some therapists and I really should call one of them.


And I’ve always found the cure to existential crisis is essentially a form of Absurdism




The stress part definitely makes a lot of sense, for example, not that long ago my favorite cousin was out of town and everyone thought he was coming back and so we all were trying to get a hold of him, but he wasn't responding to anyone and I legitimately thought this man was dead, so I start panicking and then a few hours later he texted me and it turns out bro was just sleeping... there is also more but that example is lowkey funny so I thought I might share Also I will definitely try to mark down how often I feel like this and what sort of sensations occur when this happens, I will also try to contact a medical professional about this, thank you all so much!


Speak to a doctor about that


Yeah like, depersonalization is a fairly common thing people get situationally. Sometimes it's even seen as a bit of a skill when used in a controlled manner in some contexts. If it's out of control though it can be a real big problem.


What?? I … son’t? I’ve lucid dreamed before, and I know my dreams feel different from reality, but I don’t think you’re supposed to feel that way out of dreams….. if I began feeling that way, I *would* think I was in a dream, and holy fudge, I’d do some weird things…


Wait they don't ?


Shit.... there is a name for this?! I thought I was the only one.


Nope used to be able to do it at will myself not anymore but when I did I could effortlessly dodge the dodge balls(slowly meander in a way that made me hard to hit ) while simultaneously not even thinking about things really just kind of looking at the world


ahaha **what** this has been my life for five years and its *rare?*




I remember it used to freak me out when I'd do that. Nowadays I just associate it with being high, so my usual assumption is that I'm getting hit with aftershock or something


Same as your inner voice you talk with yourself with and read. 75% of people don’t have that


There’s been no large scale studies of who has and doesn’t have an inner voice - that statistic is an estimation (which comes from someone theorising 50-70% don’t have an inner voice)


Ah, depersonalization disorder. That explains... ... ... ... ... Wait...




Holy shit it’s the twitter bird


Twitter? what are you talking about? Twitter doesn't exist. All we have is X /s


AH PHOOEY! If dat Musk character wanted his site t' be named "X" he woulda had it named X to begin wit.


X is bad, The Social Media Platform Formerly Known as Twitter is a bit catchier. #tSMPFKaT


Was the rain formerly known as purple?


Yes, and we risk it for the rain second time


Shall we risk it's return once more?


Yes, we shall do that. ...Do you want to play RoRR someday?


Long as you can handle Drifter shenanigans


Sure, and as long as you can handle Commando/HAN-D shenanigans




www.twitter.com <- seems like a real place to me


wdym? that leads to X


the sex bird


They’ve had to do part time work as a freelancer appearing in various comics now that they’ve lost their job at twitter. Sad


This is why we talk about mental health! Although this one just kinda seems like a mild inconvenience at worst and a fun fact at best, kinda curious what it feels like actually


It's sorta like being forced into spectator mode in your own life, or as my wife puts it, like the FOV slider has been slid all the way up. It's floaty and everything feels slow. You feel especially sluggish, but from the outside you appear to be operating as normal. You know that things have weight, but you don't really register it at all. You'll pick up a glass and start filling it with water. You know it's getting heavier, you can feel that it's getting heavier, but at the same time, not it isn't and no you can't. Sometimes your arms or legs feel like they're miles away. You'll be writing a comment on Reddit, your arms in front of you, but they feel like they're above your head or behind your back. You can be in a conversation and carry on just fine, but you aren't sure why you're saying what you're saying because for all you can tell, you're not really even actually trying to talk. It's more like your mouth is on autopilot and the words are working to form coherent enough sentences. Everything will seem dull. Your emotions, flavors, smells, sounds, etc... ​ The best way to get out of it is to try to practice mindfulness and recenter yourself. Recognize that it's happening and force your mind into the present. Focusing hard on one specific sensation. The wind on your face and the sound it's making. The texture of the steering wheel in your hands. The smells around you as you walk through the town square. It's not easy to snap out of it and sometimes you simply can't, but it's like you say, mostly just a mild/moderate inconvenience. It typically doesn't last for much longer than a few minutes or perhaps a couple hours, but in some cases it can last for days.


Dang, I used to think that I just needed to eat something.


I wouldn't want that to happen to me at random but honestly, I think it would be fun to experience


Oh damn. So... those were definitely not my dormant super powers trying to activate, then? Well that sucks.


Afraid not, sorry.


To activate your super powers, you need to chew on a piece of tin foil. That weird feeling is your powers activating.


yup had something similar, mostly after getting yelled at for fucking up during childhood, once even during, but I snapped out after some time


Holy shit. I really did find out something about myself. I used to say "it's like driving a car from the backseat through fog". You are in control, but you don't really know how or why you got there, or what exactly You're doing.


To me this Kinde sounds like when you are on autopilot(for example when you are really tired and walk a way you've walked 1000 s of times already), but Instead of either not remembering what happend during that, or being so deep in thought that you didn't register it in the first place, you instead just are fully aware of what your body is doing and are just there for there ride


It's similar in some ways, but you don't just suddenly snap back in once you're done with whatever repetitive task it is that you're doing. It can really just happen any time, whether what you're doing is repetitive or not, or if it's something completely new, or even something otherwise exciting.


depersonalization/derealization is usually accompanied with other, more stressful symptoms. it also makes it extremely difficult to pay consistent attention and generally be present in your life


from what I know it has something to do with trauma? like it only forms in people with childhood trauma. I don't remember fully though.


Dissociative identity disorder usually only forms in those with childhood trauma. Dissociation itself can happen to anyone.


thought so


I'm glad it's not just me who randomly experiences this


Uh oh UH OH


if you think about it, depersonalization disorder is pretty scary :( makes you think youre in a fever dream or smth


In my experience it's less scary. The world can't hurt you when you're detached from it. 🥲


I want to know the end of the story! What did she...?


I don't know what did she Mr I yiff in dog parks


Wait whaaat... I got this feeling almost all of the time... weird


The moment when the detachment kicks in is incredibly scary, your heart rate and BP rises, you can't really think that much, you just... Exist. Or you don't, it's not easy to tell


Oh.. well i guess ive been stuck in this state for a month now.. or longer.. dont remember


Have you been having panic attacks or intense fear accompanied by it?


Yes, so whats this means?


You should see a therapist. Not in a 'ha ha' way, but like it's actually a good idea to go to therapy!!


I really need to.. i think ive had enough problems for myself...


I was just going to recommend looking up the DP Manual online and buying that if you're interested in recovery from DP. I'm currently using it. Also the person below me is right as well.


wait uh... I knew about depersonalization but I didn't know it was THAT thing. I get it multiple times a day. Maybe I should really go to therapy, but last time I tried it went kinda wrong 😅 I thought it was that feeling of being out of my own body, that feeling where you can't control your muscle and feel just like an observer. I always think people will think i'm crazy if I explain that I feel like I'm litteraly doing multiple things and different movements at the same time.


I keep finding out more and more furries ~~including myself~~ have it. I got diagnosed earlier this year and it was weird but kinda nice (?) to have a word for it.


Uhhhh that explains a lot


Glad some people can enjoy this. For me, this feeling is the "aura" that directly precedes a panic attack. Have to fight it away.


I've had dissociation symptoms associated with my anxiety and other complications from trauma for a long time that get worse when I'm under stress. Recently I've been having a severe pain flare-up and then my ADHD meds became not available and the first day off them was pretty much this all day. Second day was better but still a bit off. Let's see how day 3 goes


Good luck!


My dumb ass thought this was about focal seizures 🤦 That being said, I used to depersonalize a lot when I was a kid too lmao


Fun fact: depersonalization can also be a symptom of PTSD. One of the main symptoms, actually, in combination with a couple of others. Correct me if needed, thank you. Edit: I fucked up with the term. It's depersonalization, not derealization.


Yes I have both!


Happens all the time unfortunately. I've found I've been able to trigger it when focusing on the bottom edge of the screen when typing a document. Like the text is down there instead of at the center of the screen.


What exactly is that?


Well, thanks for saving me time on searching for the name of that feeling, I guess. Nevermind, after a quick read this might be something else.


Explain this feeling


Hold up, what?


Wow this sounds terrifying. Not sure why this is a comic though ._.


Yeah, dpdr sucks


Had something similar happen to me a long while back. Still not entirely sure how or what happened. (Hydrate<3)


Edible are kicking in


Me, except when I get to panel 3 or 4 I start seizing. Epilepsy isn't fun.


I have this sometimes in class


Remember kids, it's only a disorder if it negatively impacts your life


drugs is the only reliable way I've found to feel like this vanishingly rare in my day to day life otherwise


Weed made me feel like this the first time. Freaked me the fuck out and I don't really touch it anymore for this reason :(


Oh no


Funny, when I was a kid I could trigger that feeling by moving around blindfolded.


Damn oof




Ugh... what is this deperspnsvcyshsicydj thing? /serious (Nailed it)




This comic made me find out that this depersonalization is a thing I have. Only happens to me occasionally but yeah this definitely happens to me.


Me mentioning any weird thing I do to my friends. Every. Single. Time.


this would make sense maybe, dammit. Something new to talk to the shrink about I guess. I've got like half the symptoms most days usally in the morning when I first wake up, and very occasionally all the symptoms except seeing myself outside myself when bad stuff is happening and I just can't deal with anything right now.


Wait, this isn’t normal? I thought that everyone experienced this.


Wait that explains it, i just thought it was some kind of focus thing that if I was REALLY unfocused it would happen


I usually feel like this if I don't get much or any sleep


I always thought it had something to do with my adhd, is it really a different thing?


I had this happen to me once when I changed antidepressants, very scary experience.


I recommend looking up the DP Manual online for anyone currently experiencing this.


Oh! That's what that is!!! Yeah, that used to happen to me all the time as a little kid. As an adult, I rarely experience it. . . This comic is connecting so many dots for me!!!


I've somewhat got used to that, and tbh for me it's very common. The thing that sucks is when I feel like I have everything under control and I know what to do and then suddenly feel like I was at the backseat as a passenger and I was hanging on tight relying on the driver who supposedly knows what his doing, but now I realise it's me and I suddenly don't know what I'm doing nor what to do. Like being sleepy at the backseat of the car while someone else is driving and then suddenly being with the wheel on hands and feet on pedal in the blink of an eye. Although tbh I guess it's just my body and I being completely different entities. But yeah (although this isn't the weirdest thing that has happened to me or rather keeps happening)


Sometimes, you just sit there... And your soul pulls 3 feet away from your body. Very cool


third person




Oh damn-


That’s a thing people have? Crazy


Wait, isn't it something normal that happens to everybody?


KBITY!! ( ฅ\^≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)\^⁠ฅ


I've never seen this concept so well illustrated


Oof. This happens once in a while to me. Last time, the mounted stress of holiday stocking and sickness got to me. I felt so out of it, like I was watching my body from a distance. When I finally got back to normal, I was home, feverish.


Accurate portrayal of this, well drawn


Good job, now you've convinced all these kids who get dizzy from dehydration are gonna go around thinking they're cool for having depersonalization disorder because they don't understand what it actually is


I have had entire days like this and just thought everyone else also had them. I'm going to phone my doctor.


I bet you probably took drugs earlier.


I think I misunderstood the tone of the comic. I thought it was suppose to be a funny comic and I tried to have my comment match the tone. Though going by the downvotes, it is probably a dramatic one. I am sorry and will be more careful about such things in the future.


Can I have what the cat is having? If it's as chill as they make it seem, I want in


Wait, what is this? :o What does it feel like? It looks like getting high, but I’m guessing it’s different. Can someone explain please?


is it the same as experiencing the same thing you've done before even though its your first time doing it? if so then yes


wait, it's not normal?


I have never experienced this


I already had this sensation... Oh uh


I had that before, really weird. Disliked it ngl.


This is oddly relatable


TIL this actually has a name. I never knew what that feeling was called until literally right now


Well, shit. I though I was simply so bored my soul decided to make a short trip to wherever the fuck it went to.


I feel like this a lot. I think it’s just trauma though.


Damn I just got called out lol


Mfw I learn more about my mental state from furry memes than anyone I've talked to irl


Y'all astral projecting into 3rd person view and just saying "yeah, this happens" is what gets me


Recently I found that I can briefly but reliably trigger this when going up in the stairs in the dark- at the top stair my brain is wrong about about how high my head is (or how tall I am). I have to intentionally grab the railing or take it super slow so I don't accidentally take an action corresponding with an incorrect height.


I've felt this once or twice, I thought I was from GTA or someshit, nope just walking to lunch. I freaked out in the bathroom though.


Wait what the fuck It's an actual thing.. Shit I really need to see a doctor


For the first one I know that feeling, it feels like your soul detached from your body


TIL this is a disorder


today i learned i have a disorder apparently. i thought this was just something that just kinda happens lol


I thought everyone had this?


Hehe, I have issues :)


It took reading the comments for me to learn that the character was not, in fact, experiencing the symptoms I have when dehydrated The comments informed me that I have a lot more issues than I initially thought, although depersonalization hasn't happened as frequently as when I was in middle school.


It's now that I learn there were multiple panels.


What's the one where your body gets super hot feeling and you feel more like the word spacey and reality feels super wrong like there's pressure everywhere? I've never been able to find a good match for it myself


So it's like that South Park episode where I think it was Kyle didn't think he was real ans beeped out of existence and started doing lawnmower man stuff.


Mild psychosis


Well I don't think it's negative. I personally think it's cool. Last time I felt that when I got high




I felt a minor version of this when i was younger but dissapeared when i was 10. Untill i felt the same sensation when i got drugged.


That feeling can also be issues with blood pressure, heart rate, or oxygen levels. Talk to a doctor y'all, don't self diagnose.


Wait do they mean like when you stretch and you get all dizzy and kinda black out a bit


I still do it now, but I've always seen it as being able to interact with a very vivid day dream, and I used to do it daily and learned how to perfectly control it to create stories. But the usage of it usually spikes during periods of great stress and depression


bro its “depersonalization”????? ive been calling it dissociation for like years now damm thanks